
1. 术语

  1. SRS:软件需求规格说明书(Software Requirement Specification)
  2. RUP:统一软件开发过程(Rational Unified Process)。统一软件过程是一个面向对象且基于网络的程序开发方法论。
  3. XP:极限编程(Extreme Programming,XP)
  4. WBS:任务分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure)
  5. CCB:变更控制委员会(Change control board)
  6. SA:结构化分析方法(Structured Analysis,SA)
  7. FP:功能点(Function Point)
  8. LOC:源代码长度测量(Loc of Code)

2. 专业英语

汉译英术语 * 10
短文填词 * 2
英译汉段落 * 5

  1. talk over商议,讨论
  2. a rough proyress plan粗略的进度计划
  3. emerge with出现
  4. at the same time同时
  5. within budget预算内
  6. phrase短语
  7. thesis论文


  1. 国际信息处理学会联合会IFIPS,International Federation of Information Processing Societies
  2. 美国电气和电子工程师协会IEEE,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  3. 重要人物,大人物VIP,Very Important Person
  4. 软件需求规格说明SRS,Software Requirements Specification
  5. 国际电信联盟ITU,International Telecommunication Union
  6. 全球(卫星)定位系统GPS,Global Positioning System
  7. 美国计算机协会ACM,Association for Computing Machinery
  8. 磅lb,libra(e)(=pound(s))
  9. in terms of 根据
  10. in charge of 负责,领导
  11. take charge of担任,监管
  12. the phases of…的阶段…
  13. in general一般来说
  14. talk over商议,讨论
  15. a rough proyress plan粗略的进度计划
  16. emerge with出现
  17. at the same time同时
  18. within budget预算内
  19. phrase短语
  20. thesis论文
  21. daily business日常业务
  22. business model商业模式
  23. in that case 那样的话
  24. make an appointment with 预约
  25. hotel business酒店业务
  26. work in pairs 两人一组工作
  27. 软件工程software engineering
  28. in the journal在日记中
  29. 北大西洋公约组织NATO,North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  30. design phase设计阶段
  31. 软件危机software crisis
  32. result from 由…引起
  33. 集成电路integrated circuits
  34. National infrastructures and utilities国家基础设施和公用事业
  35. engineering discipline工程学科
  36. physical laws物理定律
  37. manufacturing processes制造工艺
  38. difficult to maintain and performed poorly.维护困难,性能差
  39. the convergence of computers and communication systems计算机和通信系统的融合
  40. software specification, design and implementation软件规范、设计和实现方法
  41. modern telecommunications现代电信
  42. cloud computing云计算
  43. grid computing网格计算
  44. on demand 一经要求。点播
  45. public cloud 共有云
  46. private cloud 私有云
  47. storage space available on demand,按需提供的存储空间
  48. high-end hardware高端硬件


  1. capturing the requirements需求获取
  2. check in登记,报到
  3. deal with处理
  4. up to (时间上)一直到
  5. high season 旺季
  6. low season淡季
  7. modeling-oriented面向建模的
  8. function-oriented面向功能的
  9. object-oriented面向对象的
  10. design constraint设计约束
  11. use case用例
  12. prototyping approach原型方法
  13. performance of the system系统的性能
  14. functional specifications 功能规范
  15. mobile web移动互联网
  16. feature phone功能手机
  17. native applications本地应用程序
  18. a cellular telephone service provider移动电话服务提供商
  19. a broadband modem宽带调制解调器
  20. on the go正在进行中,忙碌中
  21. platform fragmentation平台的碎片
  22. form factor(电子产品等的)物理尺寸和形状,规格
  23. hand off手递手传
  24. base station基站


  1. requirements acquirement需求获取
  2. as soon as possible尽快
  3. central中心的,重要的,核心的
  4. control progress控制进度
  5. depict,analyze and model the requirements描述、分析和建模需求
  6. architectural design体系结构设计,概要设计
  7. detailed design详细设计
  8. follow with relatively little difficulty相对来说难度不大
  9. debugging调试
  10. account for(在数量、比例)占
  11. software development effort软件开发工作
  12. Gantt Chart甘特图
  13. detecting failure检测故障
  14. planning for testing测试计划
  15. unit testing单元测试
  16. validation test验证测试
  17. development platform开发平台
  18. management responsibilities管理职责
  19. document management文档管理
  20. change management变更管理
  21. Software Quality Assurance(SQA)软件质量保证
  22. refer to查阅,提到
  23. accordant with一致的,符合
  24. obviate[ˈɒbvieɪt] v.消除;排除;打消
  25. carry out开展
  26. road map线路图,(一步一步的)详尽计划
  27. in moderation适中地
  28. W5HH:why,what,when,who,where,how,how much
  29. Extreme Programming极限编程
  30. be unlikely to不太可能
  31. software development process软件开发过程
  32. software development project软件开发项目
  33. top-down approach自顶向下方法
  34. bottom-up approach自底向上方法
  35. configuration items配置项
  36. with respect to就…而论,关于
  37. take action 采取行动,着手
  38. lay out规划(路线),布置,安排
  39. V&V verification and validation验证和确认
  40. process planning过程规划
  41. effort requirements工作量要求
  42. detailed schedule详细的进度计划
  43. 数据库管理系统DBMS,DataBase Management System
  44. 数据仓库DW,data warehouse
  45. 结构化的事务数据structured transaction data
  46. 关系数据库管理系统relational database management systems
  47. 网络流量Web traffic
  48. 状态信息status messages
  49. in the form of以…的形式
  50. 非结构化或半结构化的unstructured or semi-structured
  51. find patterns of fraud and churn发现欺诈和客户流失的模式
  52. Make sense理解,有意义,是明智的
  53. 分布式并行处理distributed parallel processing
  54. 软件发行版software distributions
  55. 技术说明technical description
  56. 任务分解结构work breakdown structure
  57. 项目生命周期project life cycle
  58. 可交付成果deliverables
  59. the parallel nature of …的并行性
  60. 资源配置图resource allocation chart
  61. staffing levels人员配置水平
  62. 专用设备special-purpose equipment
  63. 执行时间、响应时间execution time, response time

3. 句子翻译


  1. The basic reason for the difficulty in specifying software requirements comes from the fact that there are three interested parties — the client, the end users, and the software developer. 难以指定软件需求的基本原因来自于这样一个事实:有三个相关方—客户机、最终用户和软件开发人员
  2. possess characteristics like completeness, consistency, unambiguous, verifiable, modifiable, etc.具有完整性、一致性、明确性、可验证性、可修改性等特征。
  3. the functionality of the system is specified through use cases系统的功能是通过用例来指定的
  4. with the current growth rates, Web access by people the go 一 via laptops and smart mobile devices is likely to exceed Web access from desktop computers within the next five years・ 以目前的增长速度,人们上网的机会越来越少一 在未来五年内,通过笔记本电脑和智能移动设备上网的人数可能会超过台式电脑上网的人数
  5. Web designers may work separately on such pages, or pages may be automatically converted as in Mobile Wikipedia・网页设计者可以单独处理这些网页,或者像移动维基百科那样自动转换网页・
  6. The mobile Web refers to access to the World Wide Web, i.c. the use of browser-based Internet services, from a handheld mobile device, such as a smartphone or a feature pliortg, connected to a mobile network or other wireless network.移动网络是指从连接到移动网络或其他无线网络的手持移动设备(如智能手机或功能板)访问万维网,即使用基于浏览器的互联网服务。
  7. Persistent storage and access to sophisticated user interface graphics functions may further reduce the need for the development of platform-specific native applications・持久存储和对复杂用户界面图形功能的访问可能进一步减少开发特定于平台的本机应用程序的需要・
  8. Interoperability issues stem from the platform fragmentation of mobile devices, mobile operating systems, and browsers・ 互操作性问题源于移动设备、移动操作系统和浏览器的平台碎片化
  9. Usability problems are centered around the small physical size of the mobile phone form facto” (limits on display resolution and user input/operating).可用性问题主要集中在移动电话的较小物理尺寸(对显示分辨率和用户输入/操作的限制)
  10. It is wireless access that can hand off to another radio tower while it is moving across the service area・ 这是一种无线接入方式,当它在服务区内移动时,可以切换到另一个无线电发射塔
  11. Wi-Fi and other better methods are commonly available for users not on the move・ Wi-Fi和其他更好的方法通常适用于不在移动中的用户
  12. Cellular base stallare more expensive to provide than a wireless base station that connects directly to an Intemet service provider, rather than through the telephone system・提供蜂窝基站比直接连接到互联网服务提供商而不是通过电话系统的无线基站更昂贵
  13. A mobile broadband modem “tethers” the smartphone to one or more computers or other end user devices to provide access to the Internet via the protocols that those cellular telephone service providers may offer.移动宽带调制解调器将智能手机“拴”到一台或多台计算机或其他终端用户设备,以通过这些蜂窝电话服务提供商可能提供的协议提供对互联网的访问。
  14. A mobile phone connects to data or voice services without going through the cellular base station is not on mobile Internet. 移动电话连接到数据或语音服务而不经过蜂窝基站不在移动互联网上。
  15. A laptop with a broadband modem and a cellular service provider subscription that is traveling on a bus through the city is on mobile Internet.一台带有宽带调制解调器和蜂窝服务提供商订阅的笔记本电脑正在城市的公交车上运行,它是在移动互联网上运行的。


  1. the laws which software evolves according to have changed absolutely during its development。软件发展过程中所遵循的规律发生了根本性的变化
  2. Industrial manufacturing and distribution is completely computerized, as is the financial system. 工业制造和分销完全计算机化,金融系统也是如此
  3. Their power made hitherto unrealizable computer applications a feasible proposition. 他们的力量使迄今无法实现的计算机应用成为一个可行的命题
  4. Software development was in crisis软件开发陷入了危机
  5. New technologies resulting from the con vergence of computers and communication systems and complex graphical user interfaces place new demands on software engineers计算机和通信系统的融合以及复杂的图形用户界面带来的新技术对软件工程师提出了新的要求
  6. The wide diversity of different types of systems and organizations that use these systems means that we need a diversity of approaches to software development.使用这些系统的不同类型的系统和组织的广泛多样性意味着我们需要不同的软件开发方法
  7. fundamental notions of process and system organization underlie all of these techniques, and these are the essenee of software engineering过程和系统组织的基本概念是所有这些技术的基础,这些都是软件工程的基础
  8. It is the idea that consumers use their computers or handheld devices to access applications, storage, and other computing resources supplied by Intemet-based servers, rather than from their local devices・这是一个消费者使用他们的计算机或手持设备来访问应用程序、存储和其他由基于互联网的服务器提供的计算资源的想法,而不是从他们的本地设备
  9. difficult to measure the progress and prosess of creating。很难衡量创作的进度和过程
  10. it is visual and effective tool for a project plan它是项目计划直观且有效的工具
  11. test plans and procedures must be systematically and continuously developed,and possibly refined,as development proceeds。测试计划和程序必须系统地、持续地开发,并可能随着开发的进行而改进
  12. install the software which the customer requires with a uniform version as developing tools。以统一版本作为开发工具安装客户需要的软件
  13. planning every activities in the project as detailed as possible for their foreseeable ability。尽可能详细地规划项目中的每项活动,以确保其可预见的能力
  14. carrying out as early as possible regardless of planning。不分规划尽早实施
  15. adjust different levels of details for activities。调整活动的不同细节级别
  16. after the requirements and architecture for the project are available在获取项目的需求和架构之后
  17. process planning,effort estimation,scheduling and staffing planning,quality planning,configuration items planning,project monitoring planning,and risk management。过程规划、工作量估算、时间安排和人员配置规划、质量规划、配置项规划、项目监控规划和风险管理
  18. an overall schedule is determined using a model,and then adjusted to meet the project needs and constraints。使用模型确定总体进度,然后进行调整以满足项目需求和约束
  19. The detailed schedule is one in which the tasks are broken into smaller,schedulable tasks,and then assigned to specific team members,while preserving the overall schedule and effort estimates详细进度是指,在保持总体进度和工作量估算的条件下,将任务分解为更小、可安排的任务,然后将其分派给特定的团队成员
  20. The project quality plan identifies all the V&V activities that have to be performed at different stages in the development,and how they are to be performed。项目质量计划确定了在开发的不同阶段必须执行的所有验证和确认活动,以及如何执行这些活动
  21. the configuration management plan identifies the configuration items which will be controlled,and specifics the procedures to accomplish this and how access is to be controlled。配置管理策划(plan)确定了将要控制的配置项,并详细说明了实现这一点的程序以及如何控制访问
  22. To meet project goals even under the presence of risks requires proper risk management。即使在存在风险的情况下也要实现项目目标,这就需要进行适当的风险管理
  23. With proper monitoring in place, these situations can be identified and plans changed accordingly.通过适当的监控,可以识别这些情况并相应地更改计划
  24. risk mitigation plans are made and performed to minimize the effect of the highest priority risks.制定和执行风险缓解计划,以尽量减少最高优先风险的影响。
  25. For a plan to be successfully implemented it is essential that the project be monitored carefully.为了使计划得以成功实施,必须对项目进行仔细的监督。
  26. Activity level monitoring, status reports, and milestone analysis活动级别监控、状态报告和里程碑分析
  27. For analysis and reports, the actual effort, schedule, defects, and size should be measured. 对于分析和报告,应测量实际工作量、进度、缺陷和大小。
  28. Big data and the tools needed to deal with it really started with Google and other search engines. 大数据和处理大数据所需的工具实际上是从谷歌和其他搜索引擎开始的。
  29. Making sense out of it quickly in order to gain a market advantage is critical.为了获得市场优势,迅速从中获得意义是至关重要的。
  30. with the potential to provide new insights into customer behavior, weather patterns, financial market activity, or other phenomena. 有可能对客户行为、天气模式、金融市场活动或其他现象提供新的见解。
  31. organizations need new technologies and tools capable of managing and analyzing non traditional data along with their traditional enterprise data.组织需要能够管理和分析非传统数据及其传统企业数据的新技术和工具。
  32. enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across inexpensive computers. 支持跨廉价计算机对大量数据进行分布式并行处理。
  33. to process data for pharmaceutical companies conducting genomic research. 为进行基因组研究的制药公司处理数据。
  34. Writing a technical description forces us to answer questions and address issues as we anticipate how development will proceed. 写一个技术描述迫使我们回答问题和解决问题,因为我们预计如何发展将继续进行。
  35. Any special restrictions on cabling, execution time, response time, security, or other aspects of functionality or performance are documented in the plan.对布线、执行时间、响应时间、安全性或功能或性能的其他方面的任何特殊限制都记录在计划中。
  36. We have a much better understanding of the activities involved in software development. 我们对软件开发所涉及的活动有了更好的理解。
  37. The biggest advantages of cloud computing include the ability to access data from anywhere the user has access to an active Internet connection and, since data is stored online instead of on the device being used, the data is sate if the device is lost, stolen, or damaged. 云计算的最大优势包括能够从用户可以访问的任何地方访问数据,并且由于数据是在线存储的,而不是存储在正在使用的设备上,因此如果设备丢失、被盗或损坏,数据是安全的。
  38. There are also security concerns about how safe the stored online data is from unauthorized access and data loss. 此外,还存在安全问题,即存储的在线数据是否安全,以防未经授权的访问和数据丢失。
  39. It provides the flexibility to increase or decrease computing requirements as needed・可伸缩性:它提供了根据需要增加或减少计算需求的灵活性・




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