

import numpy as np
import time

def convex1(x):
    return np.sum(np.exp(x) - x)

def grad_convex1(x):
    return np.exp(x) - 1

def armijo_line_search(f, grad_f, x, d, sigma=0.02, beta=0.5):
    alpha = 1.0
    while f(x + alpha * d) > f(x) + sigma * alpha * np.dot(grad_f(x), d):
        alpha *= beta
    return alpha

def conjugate_gradient_method(f, grad_f, x0, method='PRP', tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000):
    通用共轭梯度法实现,支持不同的β计算方法(PRP, FR, PRP+, CD, DY)
    x = x0.copy()
    g = grad_f(x)
    d = -g
    n = len(x)
    iters = 0
    f_vals = [f(x)]
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        alpha = armijo_line_search(f, grad_f, x, d)
        x_new = x + alpha * d
        g_new = grad_f(x_new)
        if method == 'FR':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(g, g)
        elif method == 'PRP':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new - g) / np.dot(g, g)
        elif method == 'PRP+':
            beta_prp = np.dot(g_new, g_new - g) / np.dot(g, g)
            beta = max(0, beta_prp)
        elif method == 'CD':
            beta = -np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(d, g_new)
        elif method == 'DY':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(d, g_new - g)
        d = -g_new + beta * d
        x = x_new
        g = g_new
        iters += 1
        if np.linalg.norm(g) < tol or iters >= max_iter:
    return x, f_vals, iters

# 初始条件
n = 1000
x0 = np.array([(i+1)/n for i in range(n)])

# 共轭梯度方法列表
methods = ['PRP', 'FR', 'PRP+', 'CD', 'DY']
results = {}

for method in methods:
    start_time = time.time()
    x_final, f_vals, iters = conjugate_gradient_method(convex1, grad_convex1, x0, method=method)
    end_time = time.time()
    results[method] = {
        'iterations': iters,
        'runtime': end_time - start_time,
        'final_value': f_vals[-1]

# 输出结果
for method, result in results.items():
    print(f"Method: {method}, Iterations: {result['iterations']}, Runtime: {result['runtime']:.4f} seconds, Final value: {result['final_value']:.4f}")
Method: PRP, Iterations: 10, Runtime: 0.0120 seconds, Final value: 1000.0000
Method: FR, Iterations: 13, Runtime: 0.0030 seconds, Final value: 1000.0000
Method: PRP+, Iterations: 6, Runtime: 0.0070 seconds, Final value: 1000.0000
Method: CD, Iterations: 45, Runtime: 0.0200 seconds, Final value: 1000.0000
Method: DY, Iterations: 24, Runtime: 0.0050 seconds, Final value: 1000.0000


import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import time

# 定义目标函数
def convex1(x):
    return np.sum(np.exp(x) - x)

# 定义梯度
def grad_convex1(x):
    return np.exp(x) - 1

# 定义初始点
n = 1000
x0 = np.array([(i+1)/n for i in range(n)])

# 共轭梯度方法的比较
methods = ['CG']  # SciPy 中的共轭梯度方法标记为 'CG'
results = {}

# 进行优化并测量时间
for method in methods:
    start_time = time.time()
    res = minimize(convex1, x0, method=method, jac=grad_convex1, options={'disp': True})
    end_time = time.time()
    results[method] = {
        'iterations': res.nit,
        'runtime': end_time - start_time,
        'success': res.success,
        'final_value': res.fun

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 1000.000000
         Iterations: 6
         Function evaluations: 13
         Gradient evaluations: 13

{'CG': {'iterations': 6,
  'runtime': 0.0037050247192382812,
  'success': True,
  'final_value': 1000.0}}


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the convex1 function for two dimensions
def convex1_2d(x):
    return np.exp(x[0]) + np.exp(x[1]) - x[0] - x[1]

# Define the gradient for two dimensions
def grad_convex1_2d(x):
    return np.array([np.exp(x[0]) - 1, np.exp(x[1]) - 1])

# Implement the Armijo line search for two dimensions
def armijo_line_search_2d(f, grad_f, x, d, sigma=0.02, beta=0.5):
    alpha = 1.0
    while f(x + alpha * d) > f(x) + sigma * alpha * np.dot(grad_f(x), d):
        alpha *= beta
    return alpha

# Conjugate gradient method for two dimensions and visualization
def conjugate_gradient_2d(f, grad_f, x0, tol=1e-6, max_iter=100):
    x = x0.copy()
    g = grad_f(x)
    d = -g
    x_path = [x.copy()]
    for i in range(max_iter):
        alpha = armijo_line_search_2d(f, grad_f, x, d)
        x += alpha * d
        g_new = grad_f(x)
        beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new - g) / np.dot(g, g)
        d = -g_new + beta * d
        g = g_new
        if np.linalg.norm(g) < tol:
    return x, x_path

# Initialize and run the conjugate gradient method
x0_2d = np.array([1.0, 1.0])  # Initial point for 2D
x_final_2d, x_path_2d = conjugate_gradient_2d(convex1_2d, grad_convex1_2d, x0_2d)

# Generate grid for contour plot
x_range = np.linspace(-2, 2, 400)
y_range = np.linspace(-2, 2, 400)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
Z = convex1_2d([X, Y])

# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
cp = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=100, cmap='viridis')
x_path_2d = np.array(x_path_2d)
plt.plot(x_path_2d[:, 0], x_path_2d[:, 1], 'ro-', linewidth=2, markersize=5)

# Annotate each point with the iteration number
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(x_path_2d):
    plt.text(x, y, str(i), color="white", fontsize=8)

plt.title('Contour Plot of convex1 Function and Optimization Path (PRP)')

# Using the previously defined functions and procedures, let's re-run the optimization and print the details
x_final_2d, x_path_2d = conjugate_gradient_2d(convex1_2d, grad_convex1_2d, x0_2d)

# Printing the number of iterations and the final result
iteration_count = len(x_path_2d) - 1  # Subtracting the initial point
final_position = x_path_2d[-1]
final_value = convex1_2d(final_position)

iteration_count, final_position, final_value


(11, array([-4.57555886e-08, -4.57555886e-08]), 2.000000000000002)
# Reusing the previously defined functions, with minor modifications for higher-dimensional case
def convex1_highdim(x):
    """High-dimensional Convex1 objective function"""
    return np.sum(np.exp(x) - x)

def grad_convex1_highdim(x):
    """Gradient of the Convex1 function for high-dimensional case"""
    return np.exp(x) - 1

def armijo_line_search_highdim(f, grad_f, x, d, sigma=0.02, beta=0.5):
    Armijo line search algorithm to determine step size in high-dimensional space.
    alpha = 1.0
    while f(x + alpha * d) > f(x) + sigma * alpha * np.dot(grad_f(x), d):
        alpha *= beta
    return alpha

def conjugate_gradient_highdim(f, grad_f, x0, method='PRP', tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000):
    Conjugate gradient method for high-dimensional optimization, supporting different beta calculation methods
    using the Armijo line search for step size determination.
    x = x0.copy()
    g = grad_f(x)
    d = -g
    n = len(x)
    f_vals = [f(x)]
    for iters in range(max_iter):
        alpha = armijo_line_search_highdim(f, grad_f, x, d)
        x_new = x + alpha * d
        g_new = grad_f(x_new)
        # Beta calculation methods
        if method == 'FR':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(g, g)
        elif method == 'PRP':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new - g) / np.dot(g, g)
        elif method == 'PRP+':
            beta_prp = np.dot(g_new, g_new - g) / np.dot(g, g)
            beta = max(0, beta_prp)
        elif method == 'CD':
            beta = -np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(d, g_new)
        elif method == 'DY':
            beta = np.dot(g_new, g_new) / np.dot(d, g_new - g)
        d = -g_new + beta * d
        x = x_new
        g = g_new
        if np.linalg.norm(g) < tol:
    return x, f_vals, iters + 1  # Adding 1 to account for the initial iteration

# Initialize conditions for high-dimensional case (n = 1000)
n = 1000
x0_highdim = np.array([(i + 1) / n for i in range(n)])

# List of methods to test
methods = ['PRP', 'FR', 'PRP+', 'CD', 'DY']
results_highdim = {}

# Perform optimization using different conjugate gradient methods
for method in methods:
    x_final_highdim, f_vals_highdim, iters_highdim = conjugate_gradient_highdim(
        convex1_highdim, grad_convex1_highdim, x0_highdim, method=method)
    results_highdim[method] = {
        'iterations': iters_highdim,
        'final_value': f_vals_highdim[-1],
        'f_vals': f_vals_highdim

# Visualization: plotting the function values against iterations for each method
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for method, result in results_highdim.items():
    plt.plot(result['f_vals'], label=f"{method} ({result['iterations']} iterations)")

plt.ylabel('Function Value (log scale)')
plt.title('Conjugate Gradient Method Performance for Convex1 Function')

# Return a summary of results to display
summary = {method: {'iterations': result['iterations'], 'final_value': result['final_value']} for method, result in results_highdim.items()}


{'PRP': {'iterations': 10, 'final_value': 1000.0},
 'FR': {'iterations': 13, 'final_value': 1000.0},
 'PRP+': {'iterations': 6, 'final_value': 1000.0},
 'CD': {'iterations': 45, 'final_value': 1000.0000000000002},
 'DY': {'iterations': 24, 'final_value': 1000.0}}
# Let's measure and print the runtime for each conjugate gradient method in the high-dimensional case
import time

runtime_results = {}

for method in methods:
    start_time = time.time()
    _, _, _ = conjugate_gradient_highdim(convex1_highdim, grad_convex1_highdim, x0_highdim, method=method)
    end_time = time.time()
    runtime_results[method] = end_time - start_time


{'PRP': 0.004979848861694336,
 'FR': 0.0010178089141845703,
 'PRP+': 0.0020499229431152344,
 'CD': 0.0063097476959228516,
 'DY': 0.0020499229431152344}
# Let's visualize the runtime of each method in a bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.bar(runtime_results.keys(), runtime_results.values(), color='dodgerblue')

# Adding the actual runtime above the bars
for method, runtime in runtime_results.items():
    plt.text(method, runtime, f"{runtime:.4f}", ha='center', va='bottom')

plt.title('Runtime of Conjugate Gradient Methods (n=1000)')
plt.ylabel('Runtime in seconds')


# Function to run optimization for different scales and return results
def run_optimization_scales(scales, methods):
    scale_results = {}
    for n in scales:
        x0_scale = np.array([(i + 1) / n for i in range(n)])
        method_results = {}
        for method in methods:
            start_time = time.time()
            x_final, f_vals, iters = conjugate_gradient_highdim(
                convex1_highdim, grad_convex1_highdim, x0_scale, method=method)
            end_time = time.time()
            method_results[method] = {
                'iterations': iters,
                'runtime': end_time - start_time,
                'final_value': f_vals[-1]
        scale_results[n] = method_results
    return scale_results

# Problem scales to test
scales = [100, 1000, 10000, 100000]

# Running the optimization for different problem scales
results_scales = run_optimization_scales(scales, methods)

# Visualization: creating subplots for runtimes and iteration counts for each scale
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(14, 12))

# Runtime plot
axes[0].set_title('Runtime Comparison')
axes[0].set_xlabel('Problem Scale (n)')
axes[0].set_ylabel('Runtime in seconds (log scale)')

# Iteration plot
axes[1].set_title('Iteration Count Comparison')
axes[1].set_xlabel('Problem Scale (n)')
axes[1].set_ylabel('Iteration Count')

# Plotting the data
for method in methods:
    runtimes = [results_scales[n][method]['runtime'] for n in scales]
    iterations = [results_scales[n][method]['iterations'] for n in scales]
    axes[0].plot(scales, runtimes, 'o-', label=method)
    axes[1].plot(scales, iterations, 's-', label=method)


# Return a summary of results to display
summary_scales = {n: {method: {'iterations': result['iterations'], 'runtime': result['runtime']} 
                      for method, result in scale_results.items()} 
                  for n, scale_results in results_scales.items()}


{100: {'PRP': {'iterations': 10, 'runtime': 0.0030014514923095703},
  'FR': {'iterations': 12, 'runtime': 0.0010068416595458984},
  'PRP+': {'iterations': 6, 'runtime': 0.0010068416595458984},
  'CD': {'iterations': 41, 'runtime': 0.003999948501586914},
  'DY': {'iterations': 22, 'runtime': 0.0010001659393310547}},
 1000: {'PRP': {'iterations': 10, 'runtime': 0.00402069091796875},
  'FR': {'iterations': 13, 'runtime': 0.0010066032409667969},
  'PRP+': {'iterations': 6, 'runtime': 0.0019996166229248047},
  'CD': {'iterations': 45, 'runtime': 0.01191568374633789},
  'DY': {'iterations': 24, 'runtime': 0.008279085159301758}},
 10000: {'PRP': {'iterations': 10, 'runtime': 0.0578000545501709},
  'FR': {'iterations': 13, 'runtime': 0.02043914794921875},
  'PRP+': {'iterations': 6, 'runtime': 0.04025983810424805},
  'CD': {'iterations': 49, 'runtime': 0.09395337104797363},
  'DY': {'iterations': 25, 'runtime': 0.041649580001831055}},
 100000: {'PRP': {'iterations': 10, 'runtime': 0.5221173763275146},
  'FR': {'iterations': 14, 'runtime': 0.2383120059967041},
  'PRP+': {'iterations': 6, 'runtime': 0.4488406181335449},
  'CD': {'iterations': 1000, 'runtime': 14.281717538833618},
  'DY': {'iterations': 27, 'runtime': 0.39960527420043945}}}




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