

TIKHONOV 正则化模型用于图片去噪

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse import diags, eye, kron
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from skimage import io, util, metrics, color

# 加载图像
image_path = "C:\\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\_20240517100615.jpg" # 替换为您的图像路径
image = util.img_as_float(io.imread(image_path))
image_gray = color.rgb2gray(image)
# 添加噪声
noise_level = 0.1
noisy_image = util.random_noise(image_gray, mode='gaussian', var=noise_level ** 2)

# Tikhonov正则化去噪函数
def tikhonov_denoising(image, alpha):
    m, n = image.shape
    dx = diags([1, -1], [0, 1], shape=(n, n))
    dy = diags([1, -1], [0, 1], shape=(m, m))
    D = kron(dx.T.dot(dx), eye(m)) + kron(eye(n), dy.T.dot(dy))
    f = image.flatten()
    ATA = D + alpha * eye(m * n)
    ATb = D.dot(f)
    solution = spsolve(ATA, ATb)
    return solution.reshape(m, n)

# 设置不同的正则化参数
lambda_values = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1,0.5,1]
# 计算每个正则化参数下的去噪效果
psnr_values = []
denoised_images = []
for alpha in lambda_values:
    denoised_image = tikhonov_denoising(noisy_image, alpha)
    psnr = metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(image_gray, denoised_image)

# 显示原始图像和去噪后的图像
fig, axes = plt.subplots( 1 , 1+len(lambda_values), figsize=(10, 5))
axes[0].imshow(image_gray, cmap='gray')
axes[0].set_title('Original Image')

for i, (alpha, denoised_image, psnr) in enumerate(zip(lambda_values, denoised_images, psnr_values)):
    axes[i + 1].imshow(denoised_image, cmap='gray')
    axes[i + 1].set_title(f'λ: {alpha}\np: {psnr:.2f} dB')
    axes[i + 1].axis('off')

利用 L-BFGS 方法求解逻辑回归问题

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_curve, auc
def sigmoid(z):#求参
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def cost_function(theta, X, y):
    m = len(y)
    h = sigmoid(np.dot(X, theta))
    epsilon = 1e-5
    cost = -(1/m) * (np.dot(y, np.log(h + epsilon)) + np.dot((1 - y), np.log(1 - h + epsilon)))
    return cost
def gradient_function(theta, X, y):
    m = len(y)
    h = sigmoid(np.dot(X, theta))
    gradient = (1/m) * np.dot(X.T, (h - y))
    return gradient

X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_classes=2, random_state=1)
X = np.hstack((np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X))
# 划分训练集和测试集
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
initial_theta = np.zeros(X_train.shape[1])

# 使用L-BFGS进行优化
result = minimize(fun=cost_function, x0=initial_theta, args=(X_train, y_train), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=gradient_function)
optimized_theta = result.x

# 训练集和测试集的预测
y_train_pred = sigmoid(np.dot(X_train, optimized_theta)) >= 0.5
y_test_pred = sigmoid(np.dot(X_test, optimized_theta)) >= 0.5
train_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_train, y_train_pred)
test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred)

print(f'Train Accuracy: {train_accuracy * 100:.2f}%')
print(f'Test Accuracy: {test_accuracy * 100:.2f}%')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
training_costs = []

for i in range(1, 1001):
    res = minimize(fun=cost_function, x0=initial_theta, args=(X_train[:i], y_train[:i]), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=gradient_function)
    training_costs.append(cost_function(res.x, X_train[:i], y_train[:i]))

ax[0].plot(range(1, 1001), training_costs)
ax[0].set_title('Learning Curve')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Number of training examples')

# ROC曲线
y_test_proba = sigmoid(np.dot(X_test, optimized_theta))
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_test_proba)
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)

ax[1].plot(fpr, tpr, color='darkorange', lw=2, label=f'ROC curve (area = {roc_auc:.2f})')

ax[1].set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
ax[1].set_ylim([0.0, 1.05])
ax[1].set_xlabel('False Positive Rate')
ax[1].set_ylabel('True Positive Rate')
ax[1].legend(loc="lower right")



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 标准化数据
def normalize(A):
    return (A - np.mean(A, axis=0)) / np.std(A, axis=0)
def objective_function(A, x, b, mu):
    return np.linalg.norm(x, 1) + (mu / 2) * np.linalg.norm(A @ x - b)**2
def gradient(A, x, b, mu):
    return np.sign(x) + mu * A.T @ (A @ x - b)
# 梯度下降法
def basis_pursuit(A, b, mu, learning_rate=0.001, iterations=5000):
    x = np.zeros(A.shape[1])
    for i in range(iterations):
        grad = gradient(A, x, b, mu)
        x = x - learning_rate * grad
        x = np.clip(x, -1e10, 1e10)
    return x

A = np.random.randn(100, 200)
A = normalize(A)
x_true = np.zeros(200)
indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(200), 20, replace=False)
x_true[indices] = np.random.randn(20)
b = A @ x_true

# 使用罚函数法求解基追踪问题
mu = 1.0  # 惩罚参数
x_estimated = basis_pursuit(A, b, mu, learning_rate=0.001, iterations=5000)

# 绘制结果
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.stem(x_true, use_line_collection=True)
plt.title('Sparse Coefficients')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.stem(x_estimated, use_line_collection=True)
plt.title('Estimated Sparse Coefficients')
# 检查绘图的内容
plt.tight_layout()  # 确保子图不会重叠


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 标准化数据
def normalize(A):
    return (A - np.mean(A, axis=0)) / np.std(A, axis=0)

# 增广拉格朗日函数
def augmented_lagrangian(A, x, b, lambda_, mu):
    return np.linalg.norm(x, 1) + lambda_.T @ (A @ x - b) + (mu / 2) * np.linalg.norm(A @ x - b)**2

# 梯度函数
def gradient(A, x, b, lambda_, mu):
    return np.sign(x) + A.T @ lambda_ + mu * A.T @ (A @ x - b)

# 增广拉格朗日函数法
def basis_pursuit_alm(A, b, mu, learning_rate=0.001, iterations=5000):
    m, n = A.shape
    x = np.zeros(n)
    lambda_ = np.zeros(m)
    for i in range(iterations):
        grad = gradient(A, x, b, lambda_, mu)
        x = x - learning_rate * grad
        x = np.clip(x, -1e10, 1e10)
        lambda_ = lambda_ + mu * (A @ x - b)  # 更新拉格朗日乘子
    return x

# 生成观测矩阵和稀疏系数矩阵
A = np.random.randn(100, 200)
A = normalize(A)
x_true = np.zeros(200)
indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(200), 10, replace=False)
x_true[indices] = np.random.randn(10)
b = A @ x_true

# 使用增广拉格朗日函数法求解基追踪问题
mu = 1.0  # 惩罚参数
x_estimated = basis_pursuit_alm(A, b, mu, learning_rate=0.001, iterations=5000)

# 绘制结果
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.stem(x_true, use_line_collection=True)
plt.title('True Sparse Coefficients')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.stem(x_estimated, use_line_collection=True)
plt.title('Estimated Sparse Coefficients using ALM')

# 检查绘图的内容
plt.tight_layout()  # 确保子图不会重叠


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

n_samples, n_features = 100, 20
X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)
true_beta = np.zeros(n_features)
true_beta[:5] = np.random.randn(5)
y = X @ true_beta + 0.01 * np.random.randn(n_samples)

def lasso_loss(beta, X, y, lam):
    residual = X @ beta - y
    return 0.5 / X.shape[0] * np.sum(residual**2) + lam * np.sum(np.abs(beta))
def lasso_gradient(beta, X, y, lam):
    residual = X @ beta - y
    grad = 1.0 / X.shape[0] * (X.T @ residual) + lam * np.sign(beta)
    return grad

def proximal_gradient_descent(X, y, lam, lr=0.01, num_iters=1000):
    beta = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
    for i in range(num_iters):
        grad = lasso_gradient(beta, X, y, lam)
        beta = beta - lr * grad
        beta = np.sign(beta) * np.maximum(0, np.abs(beta) - lr * lam)
    return beta

def nesterov_accelerated_gradient(X, y, lam, lr=0.01, num_iters=1000):
    beta = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
    beta_prev = beta.copy()
    for i in range(num_iters):
        grad = lasso_gradient(beta + (i / (i + 3)) * (beta - beta_prev), X, y, lam)
        beta_new = beta - lr * grad
        beta_new = np.sign(beta_new) * np.maximum(0, np.abs(beta_new) - lr * lam)
        beta_prev = beta
        beta = beta_new
    return beta

# 训练LASSO模型
lam = 0.4
beta_pg = proximal_gradient_descent(X, y, lam)
beta_nag = nesterov_accelerated_gradient(X, y, lam)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(true_beta, 'o-', label='True Beta')
plt.plot(beta_pg, 's-', label='Proximal Gradient')
plt.plot(beta_nag, 'd-', label='Nesterov Accelerated Gradient')
plt.xlabel('Coefficient Index')
plt.ylabel('Coefficient Value')
plt.title('Comparison of LASSO Solutions')

# 打印结果分析
print("True Beta:\n", true_beta)
print("Proximal Gradient Beta:\n", beta_pg)
print("Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Beta:\n", beta_nag)


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 生成模拟数据
n_samples, n_features = 100, 20
X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)
true_beta = np.zeros(n_features)
true_beta[:5] = np.random.randn(5)
y = X @ true_beta + 0.01 * np.random.randn(n_samples)
# 定义LASSO问题的损失函数
def lasso_loss(beta, X, y, lam):
    residual = X @ beta - y
    return 0.5 / X.shape[0] * np.sum(residual ** 2) + lam * np.sum(np.abs(beta))
# 定义梯度函数
def lasso_gradient(beta, X, y, lam):
    residual = X @ beta - y
    grad = 1.0 / X.shape[0] * (X.T @ residual) + lam * np.sign(beta)
    return grad

# 近似点算法
def proximal_point_algorithm(X, y, lam, lr=0.01, num_iters=1000, tol=1e-6, method='coordinate_descent'):
    beta = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
    for i in range(num_iters):
        beta_old = beta.copy()
        if method == 'coordinate_descent':
            for j in range(len(beta)):
                grad = lasso_gradient(beta, X, y, lam)
                beta[j] -= lr * grad[j]
                beta[j] = np.sign(beta[j]) * max(0, np.abs(beta[j]) - lr * lam)
        elif method == 'random_gradient':
            j = np.random.randint(len(beta))
            grad = lasso_gradient(beta, X, y, lam)
            beta[j] -= lr * grad[j]
            beta[j] = np.sign(beta[j]) * max(0, np.abs(beta[j]) - lr * lam)
            raise ValueError("Unknown method: {}".format(method))
        # 检查停止条件
        if np.linalg.norm(beta - beta_old) < tol:
            print("Convergence reached at iteration {}".format(i))
    return beta

# 训练LASSO模型
lam = 0.1
beta_cd = proximal_point_algorithm(X, y, lam, method='coordinate_descent')
beta_rg = proximal_point_algorithm(X, y, lam, method='random_gradient')

# 可视化结果
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(true_beta, 'o-', label='True Beta')
plt.plot(beta_cd, 's-', label='Coordinate Descent')
plt.plot(beta_rg, 'd-', label='Random Gradient')
plt.xlabel('Coefficient Index')
plt.ylabel('Coefficient Value')
plt.title('Comparison of LASSO Solutions')

# 打印结果分析
print("True Beta:\n", true_beta)
print("Coordinate Descent Beta:\n", beta_cd)
print("Random Gradient Beta:\n", beta_rg)




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