
《Java就业培训教程》 作者:张孝祥 书中源码
class Compare
  public static void main(String[] args)
   String str1 = new String("abc");
   String str2 = new String("abc");
   String str3 = str1;

class Compare
  public static void main(String[] args)
   String str1 = new String("abc");
   String str2 = new String("abc");
   String str3 = str1;
    System.out.println("str1 equal str2");
    System.out.println("str1 not equal str2"); 
    System.out.println("str1 equal str3");
    System.out.println("str1 not equal str3"); 

class Person
 private int age;
 public void setAge(int i)
  if(i<0 || i>130)
  age = i;
 public int getAge()
  return age;
public class TestPerson
 public static void main(String args[])
  Person p1 = new Person();

class Person
    public Person()
  System.out.println("the constructor 1 is calling!");
 private int age = 10;
 public void shout()
  System.out.println("age is "+age);
class TestPerson
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Person p1=new Person();
  Person p2=new Person();
  Person p3=new Person();

class Person
 private String name="unknown";
 private int age = -1;
 public Person()
  System.out.println("constructor1 is calling");
    public Person(String n)
        name = n;
        System.out.println("constructor2 is calling");
  System.out.println("name is "+name);
 public Person(String n,int a)
        name = n;
        age = a;
        System.out.println("constructor3 is calling");
  System.out.println("name and age is "+name+";"+age);
        public void shout()
      System.out.println("listen to me!!");
class TestPerson
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Person p1=new Person();
  Person p2=new Person("Jack");
  Person p3=new Person("Tom",18);
class Person
    private Person()
  System.out.println("the constructor 1 is calling!");
class TestPerson
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Person p1=new Person();
class A
 String name;
 public A(String x)
  name = x; 
 public void func1()
  System.out.println("func1 of " + name +" is calling");
 public void func2()
  A a2 = new A("a2");
class TestA
 public static void main(String [] args)
  A a1 = new A("a1");
class A
 String name;
 public A(String x)
  name = x;
 public void func1()
  System.out.println("func1 of " + name +" is calling");
 public void func2()
  A a2 = new A("a2");
class Container
 Component comp;
 public void addComponent()
  comp = new Component(this);//将this作为对象引用传递
class Component
 Container myContainer;
 public Component(Container c)
  myContainer = c;
public class Person
 String name;
 int age;
 public Person(String name)
   this.name = name;
 public Person(String name,int age)
  this.age = age;
class Person
 public void finalize()
  System.out.println("the object is going!");
 public static void main(String [] args)
  new Person();
  new Person();
  new Person();
  System.out.println("the program is ending!");
class PassValue
 public static void main(String [] args)
  int x = 5;
 public static void change(int x)
  x = 3;
class  PassRef
 int x ;
 public static void main(String [] args)
  PassRef obj = new PassRef();
  obj.x = 5;
 public static void change(PassRef obj)

class Chinese
 static String country="中国";
 String name;
 int age;
 void singOurCountry()
  System.out.println("啊!,亲爱的" + country);
class TestChinese
 public Static void main(String [] args)
  System.out.println("Chinese  country is " + Chinese.country);
  Chinese ch1 = new Chinese();
  System.out.println("Chines country is " + ch1.country);
class StaticCode
 static String country;
  country = "china";
  System.out.println("StaticCode is loading");
class TestStaticCode
  System.out.println("TestStaticCode is loading");
 public static void main(String [] args)
  System.out.println("begin executing main method");
  new StaticCode();
  new StaticCode();
class Outer
 int outer_i = 100;
 void test()
  Inner in = new Inner();
 class Inner
  void display()
  System.out.println("display: outer_i = " + outer_i);
class InnerClassDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Outer outer = new Outer();





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