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< link  url ="http://www.chinajavaworld.net"  user ="fjjyfjjy"  name ="ChinaJavaWorld" />
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< link  url ="http://www.code-labs.com/manuals"  name ="代码实验室" />
< link  url ="http://www.javajia.com"  name ="Java家" />
< link  url ="http://www.huihoo.com"  name ="灰狐动力" />
< link  url ="http://www.cn-java.com"  name ="Java技术网" />
< link  url ="http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/"  name ="java programming resources" />
< link  url ="http://www.apusic.com"  name ="Apusic" />
< link  url ="http://www.oreilly.com.tw/sleepless/index.htm"  name ="Sleepless in Java" />
< link  url ="http://www.51cmm.com"  name ="软件工程专家网" />
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< link  name ="Sun"  type ="1"  url ="0" >
< link  url ="http://www.jcp.org"  name ="JCP" > Java Community Process 负责制定Java规范 </ link >
< link  url ="http://java.sun.com"  user ="fjjyfjjy"  name ="JavaSoft" > <![CDATA[ Java官方站点 ]]> </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.sun.com.cn"  user ="jyzhao"  name ="Sun China" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://java.sun.com/dtd"  name ="J2EE DTDs" > Java DTD </ link >
< link  url ="http://java.sun.com/products"  name ="Products" > Java技术列表,包括J2SE,J2ME,J2EE,XML,Other等五个类别 </ link >
< link  url ="http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/restricted/patterns/J2EEPatternsAtAGlance.html"  name ="Sun Java Center-J2EE Patterns" ></ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.ibm.com/software"  name ="IBM software" > 软件:WebSphere,DB2,Lotus,Tivoli </ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.ibm.com.cn"  user ="jyzhao"  name ="IBM China" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/index.shtml"  name ="开发者园地" > 产品和组件,Java,XML,Linux,安全等 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.ibm.com/products/cn/"  name ="产品与服务" > 所有软件和硬件 </ link >
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< link  name ="Apache"  type ="1"  url ="http://www.apache.org" >
< link  url ="http://httpd.apache.org"  name ="HTTP Server" >
                    HTTP服务器。http.conf / Directive / Module / MPM / SSL / SSI / Perl / PHP / ASP
</ link >
< link  url ="http://perl.apache.org"  name ="Perl" > mod_perl,用于支持Perl的Apache模块 </ link >
< link  url ="http://ant.apache.org/"  name ="Ant" >
                    java-based build tool,使用xml配置.包括所有jdk中工具(javac,rmic,nativetoascii,etc.)和打包(jar,war,ear)和文件目录移动等命令
</ link >
< link  name ="Jakarta"  type ="1"  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org" >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/index.html"  name ="Tomcat" > Web Server </ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/index.html"  name ="Struts" > Framework of MVC </ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/index.html"  name ="Taglibs" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/index.html"  name ="log4j" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/index.html"  name ="Cactus" >
                        test framework for server-side java code (Servlet,EJB,Taglib,Filter,...).扩展了JUnit
</ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/regexp/index.html"  name ="Regexp" > 正则表达式.jdk1.4也提供了对正则表达式的支持,参考包java.util.regex </ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html"  name ="Commons" > 一些可重用的Java组件 </ link >
< link  url ="http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/site/index.html"  name ="Jetspeed" > 基于Java和XML的Portal实现 </ link >
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< link  url ="http://xml.apache.org"  name ="XML"  type ="1" >
< link  url ="http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html"  name ="Xerces Java 2" > XML parser </ link >
< link  url ="http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/index.html"  name ="Xalan Java 2" > XSL stylesheet processor </ link >
< link  url ="http://xml.apache.org/soap/index.html"  name ="SOAP" > implementation of SOAP in W3C </ link >
< link  url ="http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/index.html"  name ="Cocoon" > XML publishing framework </ link >
</ link >
</ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.zecos.com"  name ="zecos" > 提供Apache客户端GUI配置工具ApacheConf </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.javascript.com"  name ="JavaScript" > 提供大量JavaScript源码 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.perl.com"  name ="Perl.com" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://activestate.com"  name ="ActiveState" > 提供perl解释器 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.mysql.com"  name ="MySQL" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.openssl.org"  name ="openssl" > 一个实现SSL和TLS的开源站点 </ link >
</ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.theserverside.com/home/index.jsp"  user ="fansy/223614"  name ="TheServerSide" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://jsptags.com"  name ="jsptags" > 提供一些Taglib </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.flashline.com"  name ="Flashline" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.techmetrix.com"  name ="TechMetrix" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.onjava.com"  name ="onjava" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.junit.org"  name ="JUnit" > 单元测试工具 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.jboss.org"  name ="JBoss" > OpenSource的J2EE服务器 </ link >
< link  url ="http://jetty.mortbay.org/jetty/index.html"  name ="Jetty" > OpenSource的Web服务器 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html"  name ="RFC" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.corba.org"  name ="corba" ></ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.xml.com"  name ="XML.com" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.jdom.org"  name ="JDom" > 实现XML Parser </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.saxproject.org"  name ="SAX项目网站" > 由XML-DEV邮件列表开发维护。事件驱动(元素开始与结束) </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.w3.org"  name ="W3C" > 负责制定WWW推荐标准,包括HTML,XML,Web Services等 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.w3schools.com"  name ="W3Schools" > w3c中知识的学习站点,包括HTML,CSS,XML,DOM,SOAP,JavaScript等 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.zvon.org/index.php?nav_id=tutorials"  name ="XML Tutorials" > 包括CSS,DTD,XML,XSL,SPath,XLink等 </ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.develop.com/soap"  name ="soap" ></ link >
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< link  name ="Eclipse"  type ="1"  url ="http://www.eclipse.org" >
< link  url ="http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net"  name ="eclipse-plugins" > 收集了很多eclipse的plugin </ link >
< link  url ="http://vssplugin.sourceforge.net"  name ="vssplugin" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://www.eclipse-workbench.com"  name ="eclipse-workbench" ></ link >
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< link  url ="http://www.rfc.net"  name ="RFC.net" ></ link >
</ link >
< link  name ="WorkFlow"  type ="1"  url ="0" >
< link  url ="http://www.wfmc.org"  name ="wfmc" > 工作流管理联盟。负责制定工作流的规范 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.easyworkflow.org"  name ="easyworkflow" ></ link >
</ link >         
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< link  name ="CVS"  type ="1"  url ="0" >
< link  url ="http://www.cvshome.org"  name ="CVS" > CVS Home </ link >
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</ link >
< link  name ="CVSNT"  type ="1"  url ="0" >
< link  url ="http://www.devguy.com/fp/cfgmgmt/cvs/cvs_admin_nt.htm"  name ="CVS Installation on Windows" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://w1.858.telia.com/~u85831169/InstallCVSNT.html"  name ="CVSNT Installation Tips" ></ link >
< link  url ="http://javacvs.netbeans.org"  name ="Module Home Page" > 提供Java API for CVS </ link >
</ link >
< link  url ="http://www.wincvs.org"  name ="WinCVS" > Win客户端 </ link >
</ link >
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< link  url ="http://suned.sun.com/US/certification/java/java_progj2se.html"  name ="certification" > Sun认证介绍主页 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.certmanager.net/sun"  user ="i00061034"  name ="My Certification" > Sun认证个人资料库 </ link >
< link  url ="http://www.javaranch.com"  user ="fansy/223614"  name ="JavaRanch" > 综合论坛 </ link >
< link  url ="http://groups.yahoo.com"  user ="rain7778/223614"  name ="yahoo group" > Yahoo讨论组,包括SCEA </ link >
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        <link url="http://www.ibm.com.cn" name="ibm"/>
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        <link url="http://www.motorola.com.cn" name="motorola"/>
        <link url="http://www.nokia.com.cn" name="nokia"/>
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        <link url="http://www.21cnhr.com" name="21世纪人才网"/>
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