

CLFS就是交叉编译的LFS——LFS又是什么?一个指导 你一步一步,完全从源代码级编译出整个按照你定制要求的Linux系统的项目。

令人不解的,有许多现成的Linux distro让我们下载了,为什么还要从零构建一个Linux?这常常引起人们的争论。事实上,构建CLFS还是有它的益处的 :

1、CLFS可以教会人们如何构造一个交叉编译器,比如你可以在x86的机器上构建出一套sparc工具链,然后利用这套工具链有可以从源代码级 生成一个Linux系统;


3、CLFS可以告诉人们Linux系统内部是如何工作的,它 的每一次滴答运行,它们是如何相互依赖的,从而就知道如何定制适合你的口味的系统!

4、CLFS可以生成 一个紧凑的系统,而在一般distro发行版本中有很多程序你可能从来不会用到,白白浪费磁盘空间;




What is Cross linux From Scratch?

Cross linux From Scratch (CLFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized linux system entirely from source.

Why would I want a CLFS system?

Many wonder why they should go through the hassle of building a linux system from scratch when they could just download an existing linux distribution. However, there are several benefits of building CLFS. Consider the following:

CLFS teaches people how to build a cross compiler

Building CLFS teaches you how to make a cross-compiler and the necessary tools, to build a basic system on a different architecture. For example you would be able to build a Sparc toolchain on an x86 machine, and utilize that toolchain to build a linux system from source code.

CLFS teaches people how to utilize a multilib system

CLFS takes advantage of the target system's capability, by utilizing a multilib capable build system.

CLFS teaches people how a linux system works internally

Building CLFS teaches you about all that makes linux tick, how things work together and depend on each other. And most importantly, how to customize it to your own tastes and needs.

Building CLFS produces a very compact linux system

When you install a regular distribution, you often end up installing a lot of programs that you would probably never use. They're just sitting there taking up (precious) disk space.

CLFS can be built from most Unix Style Operating Systems

You can build CLFS even if you don't have linux running. Our build instructions have been tested to build from Solaris and the BSDs.

CLFS is extremely flexible

Building CLFS could be compared to a finished house. CLFS will give you the skeleton of a house, but it's up to you to install plumbing, electrical outlets, kitchen, bath, wallpaper, etc. You have the ability to turn it into whatever type of system you need it to be, customized completely for you.

CLFS offers you added security

You will compile the entire system from source, thus allowing you to audit everything, if you wish to do so, and apply all the security patches you want or need to apply. You don't have to wait for someone else to provide a new binary package that (hopefully) fixes a security hole. Often, you never truly know whether a security hole is fixed or not unless you do it yourself.

What can I do with my CLFS system?

A by-the-book CLFS system is fairly minimal, but is designed to provide a strong base on which you can add any packages you want. See the BLFS project for a selection of commonly used packages.

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CIFS(Common Internet File System) 协议 CIFS 是一个新提出的协议,它使程序可以访问远程Internet计算机上的文件并要求此计算机的服务。CIFS 使用客户/服务器模式。客户程序请求远在服务器上的服务器程序为它提供服务。服务器获得请求并返回响应。CIFS是公共的或开放的SMB协议版本,并由Microsoft使用。SMB协议现在是局域网上用于服务器文件访问和打印的协议。象SMB协议一样,CIFS在高层运行,而不象TCP/IP协议那样运行在底层。CIFS可以看做是应用程序协议如文件传输协议和超文本传输协议的一个实现。 SMB协议是基于TCP-NETBIOS下的,一般端口使用为139,445。 服务器信息块(SMB)协议是一种IBM协议,用于在计算机间共享文件、打印机、串口等。SMB 协议可以用在因特网的TCP/IP协议之上,也可以用在其它网络协议如IPX和NetBEUI 之上。   SMB 一种客户机/服务器、请求/响应协议。通过 SMB 协议,客户端应用程序可以在各种网络环境下读、写服务器上的文件,以及对服务器程序提出服务请求。此外通过 SMB 协议,应用程序可以访问远程服务器端的文件、以及打印机、邮件槽(mailslot)、命名管道(named pipe)等资源。   在 TCP/IP 环境下,客户机通过 NetBIOS over TCP/IP(或 NetBEUI/TCP 或 SPX/IPX)连接服务器。一旦连接成功,客户机可发送 SMB 命令到服务器上,从而客户机能够访问共享目录、打开文件、读写文件,以及一切在文件系统上能做的所有事情。   从 Windows 95 开始,Microsoft Windows 操作系统(operating system)都包括了客户机和服务器 SMB 协议支持。Microsoft 为 Internet 提供了 SMB 的开源版本,即通用 Internet 文件系统 (CIFS)。与现有 Internet 应用程序如文件传输协议(FTP)相比, CIFS 灵活性更大。对于 UNIX 系统,可使用一种称为 Samba 的共享软件。


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