

0000 - 买个域名

0001 - 安装Apache服务器并且学会各种复杂的配置方式, 比如同时为多个域名服务

0010 - 安装Wordpress, 设计你自己的博客. 用它来记录你的点点滴滴. 要知道, 高质量的博客能够培养你辩证思考的能力, 这种能力对于梦想成为计算机高手的人来说是非常重要的

0011 - 将你的网站运行在家里或者托管到代理公司

0100 - 学会写一个基于LAMP的web应用, 如果你能写两个, 那就更好了. 另外, 这里的P既可以是PHP, 也可以是Python

0101 - 拥有你自己的云服务器, 无论它是真实的还是虚拟的

0110 - 安装VMWare或者其他的虚拟机程序, 以便你能在你的电脑上运行其他的操作系统

0111 - 配置你家里的DSL路由器, 这样你就可以将你的网站或者你电脑里的其他东西分享给你的朋友了

1000 - 学会使用网络嗅探器, 它能帮助你弄明白你最爱玩的网游是如何从你的电脑上获取请求的

1001 - 为开源项目供你你的绵薄之力

1010 - 写一个应用, 实现至少一个流行的网络接口, 比如Fcacebook Connect或者Google的一个接口

1011 - 将Google的AdSense(广告联盟)放到你的网站上, 并通过吸引流量来赚钱

1100 - 从头编译一个复杂的开源项目, 比如OpenSim或Matterhorn

1101 - 阅读大量的文学作品, 并将你的注意力放到作者是如何讲故事和如何用词上. 将来你编写的程序也应该像这些文学作品一样结构清晰, 用词精巧.

1110 - 参与一个软件的开发. 虽然对于0.01%的课程设计和99.99%的项目开发来说, 需求常常在软件开发的过程中发生改变, 即使是这样, 我们也应该选择后者. 因为, 当我们的千辛万苦完成软件的开发之后, 我们的耐心和接受批评的能力都会有大幅度的提升.

1111 - 采用映射规约(MapReduce)的方式编写一个程序, 将它运行在Google的app-engine或是Amazon的EC2上


from: http://tagide.com/blog/2011/06/things-ics-students-should-do-before-graduating/

0000 – Buy your own domain name.

0001 – Install an Apache web server and configure it in a non-trivial way, e.g. to serve multiple domains.

0010 – Install WordPress and have your own blog. Write blog posts 
regularly. Write well. Good writing is a critical skill to master in 
this profession.

0011 – Run your own web site at home or in a hosting company.

0100 – Write at least one complete LAMP web app, preferably two — one where P=PHP, the other where P=Python.

0101 – Have your own [physical or virtual] server on the cloud.

0110 – Install VMWare or equivalent in order to boot up your laptop with more than one OS.

0111 – Configure your home DSL router so that you serve a web site or
other kind of server from your home machine / laptop to your friends.

1000 -Use a packet sniffer to learn about the network requests your computer does to your favorite game server.

1001 – Make contributions to an open source project.

1010 – Write an app that uses at least one of the popular Web APIs, like Facebook Connect or one of Google’s.

1011 – Use Google AdSense on your web site, and make money just by virtue of attracting traffic.

1100 – Compile a complicated open source project from scratch, like OpenSim or Matterhorn. (Thanks, Sean!)

1101 – Read works of literature and, besides enjoying the ride, pay 
close attention to how the author tells the story and makes use of 
words. Your programs should be as carefully written as those works of 
art! (Thanks, Beki!)

1110 – Get yourself involved in a software project where requirements
are bound to change halfway through — that’s about 0.01% of homework 
projects and about 99.99% of real world projects, so find one of the 
latter kind. Finish the project with patience and the ability to take 
criticism in a constructive way. (Thanks, Lorraine!)

1111 – Write an application using map-reduce. Run it on Google app-engine or amazon EC2. (Thanks, Ian!)





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