深入解析windows操作系统 - 缓存

Cache Manager

The cache manager is a set of kernel-mode functions and system threads that cooperate with the memory manager to provide data caching for all Windows file system drivers (both local and net-work). In this chapter, we’ll explain how the cache manager, including its key internal data structures and functions, works; how it is sized at system initialization time; how it interacts with other elements of the operating system; and how you can observe its activity through performance counters. We'll also describe the five flags on the Windows CreateFile function that affect file caching.


  1. 缓存管理是如何进行工作的,包括他的主要内部数据结构和函数;

  1. 在启动的时候如何确定他的大小;

  1. 如何和操作系统的其他部分进行交互;

  1. 如何通过性能计数器观察他的活动;

  1. 我们也会介绍五个标志在windows的CreateFile函数中使用,是如何影响缓存的。

Key Features of the Cache Manager

The cache manager has several key features:

■ Supports all file system types (both local and network), thus removing the need for each file

system to implement its own cache management code

■ Uses the memory manager to control which parts of which files are in physical memory (trad-

ing off demands for physical memory between user processes and the operating system)

■ Caches data on a virtual block basis (offsets within a file)—in contrast to many caching

systems, which cache on a logical block basis (offsets within a disk volume)—allowing for intel-

ligent read-ahead and high-speed access to the cache without involving file system drivers

(This method of caching, called fast I/O, is described later in this chapter.)

■ Supports “hints” passed by applications at file open time (such as random versus sequential

access, temporary file creation, and so on)

■ Supports recoverable file systems (for example, those that use transaction logging) to recover

data after a system failure Although we’ll talk more throughout this chapter about how these features are used in the cache manager, in this section we’ll introduce you to the concepts behind these features.


  • 支持所有的文件系统(包含本地和网络),因此不需要每个文件系统编写自己的缓冲管理代码

  • 使用内存管理来控制哪个文件的哪个部分在物理内存中,让内存管理器来平衡进程和系统对物理内存的需求

  • 以虚拟块【文件块】为基础(文件内的偏移量)缓存数据,与许多以逻辑块【硬盘卷块】为基础进行缓存(磁盘卷内的偏移)的缓存系统不同,允许在不涉及文件系统驱动程序的情况下对缓存进行智能预读和高速访问(这种缓存方法称为快速I/O,将在本章稍后介绍)什么事快速IO?

  • 支持应用程序在文件打开时传递的“提示”(例如随机与顺序访问、临时文件创建等)【通过函数的标志传递的】

  • 支持可恢复文件系统(例如,使用事务日志记录的文件系统)恢复


Single, Centralized System Cache

Some operating systems rely on each individual file system to cache data, a practice that results either in duplicated caching and memory management code in the operating system or in limitations on the kinds of data that can be cached. In contrast, Windows offers a centralized caching facility that caches all externally stored data, whether on local hard disks, floppy disks, network file servers, or CD-ROMs.Any data can be cached, whether it’s user data streams (the contents of a file and the ongoing read and write activity to that file) or file system metadata (such as directory and file headers). As you’ll discover in this chapter, the method Windows uses to access the cache depends on the type of data being cached.




The Memory Manager

One unusual aspect of the cache manager is that it never knows how much cached data is actually in physical memory. This statement might sound strange because the purpose of a cache is to keep a subset of frequently accessed data in physical memory as a way to improve I/O performance. The reason the cache manager doesn’t know how much data is in physical memory is that it accesses data by mapping views of files into system virtual address spaces, using standard section objects (file mapping objects in Windows API terminology). (Section objects are the basic primitive of the memory manager and are explained in detail in Chapter 10, “Memory Management.”) As addresses in these mapped views are accessed, the memory manager pages in blocks that aren’t in physical memory. And when memory demands dictate, the memory manager unmaps these pages out of the cache and, if the data has changed, pages the data back to the files .

缓存管理器一个不同寻常的方面是他永远不知道多少缓存数据实际在物理内存上。这个表示可能听起来很奇怪,因为缓存的目的就是为了提高IO的性能而将一部分经常备份昂为的数据放在物理内存中。缓存管理器不知道有多少数据在物理内存中是因为他通过将文件映射到系统的虚拟地址空间来访问数据,映射文件的时候使用的是标准的section object.当访问这些映射视图中的地址时,如果在物理内存中直接访问,如果不在物理内存中,内存管理器会将这些块进行分页。 当内存有需求指示时,内存管理器将这些页面从缓存中取消映射,如果数据已更改,则将数据分页回文件



By caching on the basis of a virtual address space using mapped files, the cache manager avoids

generating read or write I/O request packets (IRPs) to access the data for files it’s caching. Instead, it simply copies data to or from the virtual addresses where the portion of the cached file is mapped and relies on the memory manager to fault in (or out) the data into (or out of) memory as needed.This process allows the memory manager to make global trade-offs on how much memory to give to the system cache versus how much to give to user processes. (The cache manager also initiates I/O,such as lazy writing, which is described later in this chapter; however, it calls the memory manager to write the pages.) Also, as you’ll learn in the next section, this design makes it possible for processes that open cached files to see the same data as do processes that are mapping the same files into their user address spaces.

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