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原创 unknown symbol class_create

This is really a joke.  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=97742 Solution is: MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");

2009-08-31 14:15:00 2938 1

原创 Char Device Driver Example for Kernel 2.6

现在还有疑问,1.怎么知道注册了device后,在/dev目录下显示的是哪个文件名?在class_device_create中生成该文件。 仍有待研究。  注册字符设备的过程1. alloc_chrdev_region 动态分配设备号2. cdev_init  初始化cdev,将fops注册3. cdev_add  将这个字符设备注册到kernel这样c

2009-08-31 13:39:00 1482

原创 Major and Minor Numbers 及 注册和撤销

Char devices are accessedthrough names in the filesystem. Those names arecalled special files or device files or simply nodes of thefilesystem tree; they are conventionally l

2009-08-31 11:30:00 1525

转载 Objective-C

Objective-C语言是一种面向对象的一种动态编程语言,基于ANSI C,其面向对象的语法和思想主要来源于Small-talk。GCC便直接支持Objective-C。该语言在Mac上有着广泛应用。有兴趣的朋友可以参考下面的链接:  一个不错的Tutorial:http://www.otierney.net/objective-c.html一本Online Book,比较全

2009-08-29 18:52:00 586

原创 三种 bottom half的实现方式 softirqs, tasklets, work queue 及之间的比较

The following mechanisms are available in the kernel to defer work to a bottom half: softirqs, tasklets, and work queues.  Softirqs are the basic bottom half mechanism and have strong lock

2009-08-29 15:40:00 2153

原创 Tasklet Example

 5  tasklet的简单用法    下面是tasklet的一个简单应用, 以模块的形成加载。#include linux/module.h>#include

2009-08-24 17:14:00 2283

转载 驱动程序使用tasklet机制


2009-08-24 16:59:00 1589

原创 编译kernel时,将编译的具体内容显示出来的方法

在编译kernel 或者 kernel module的时候,默认的输出到stdout的形式是一段简短的提示 如:      CC [M]   xxx.o    LD  [M]   xxx.o等 但这样看不到具体由哪些东西编译在一起的。   其实这个可以再 scripts/Kbuild.include 文件中修改,能让输出显示更多的信息。 虽然格式丑了点

2009-08-21 16:27:00 1695

原创 Process Context and Interrupt Context

The kernel accomplishes useful work using a combination of process contexts and interrupt contexts.  Kernel code that services system calls issued by user applications runs on behalf of th

2009-08-21 11:09:00 1736

原创 2.5.59+ kernel makefile documentation

http://lwn.net/Articles/21835/?format=printable  Linux Kernel MakefilesThis document describes the Linux kernel Makefiles.=== Table of Contents === 1 Overview === 2 W

2009-08-21 11:04:00 1145

原创 自动变量 目标文件 的后缀变换

在kenerl的makefile中 有这么一句话  Makefile.build  line 233 @{echo $(@: .o=.ko)}; echo $@;   这句话的意思是 将 目标文件 的后缀变换成 .ko   我做了一个实验  $cat makefile CC = gcca.out : main.c        @se

2009-08-21 10:05:00 836

原创 How the Kernel compile .c files for Kernel Module

在scripts目录下有 Makefile.build文件 中间有 %.o: %.c FORCE 这个规则是 用来编译 .c文件的 主要是这句 $(call if_changed_rule, cc_o_c) if_changed_rule在 Kbuild.include中# Usage: $(call if_changed

2009-08-20 16:32:00 1196

原创 Bash 中将 stderr 和 stdout 重定向到一个file

例如有一个bash的文件  $cat shell.sh #!/bin/bashecho "gggg"rm kkdhktecho "end" $ ./shell.sh > time 2>&1$cat time ggggrm: cannot remove `kkdhkt: No such file or directoryend 这

2009-08-20 13:56:00 2791

原创 Wlan Web

DD-WRT is a linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systemhttp://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv3/dd-wrt/about.html

2009-08-20 09:54:00 1096

原创 Name Convension -- Grub脚本中使用的命名规则

(fd0)First of all, GRUB requires that the device name be enclosed with ‘(’ and ‘)’. The‘fd’ part means that it is a floppy disk. The number ‘0’ is the drive number, which iscounted from zero. This exp

2009-08-19 14:47:00 963

原创 How to apply the Kernel patch & How to generate a Kernel patch

How to apply the kernel patch Code View:bash> cd /usr/srcbash> wget www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/X.Y/X.Y.Z/X.Y.Zmm2/X.Y.Z-mm2.bz2Apply the patch:bash> cd /us

2009-08-18 21:30:00 1224

原创 c中调用c++函数

http://www.research.att.com/~bs/bs_faq2.html#callCpp 将 C++ 函数声明为``extern "C"(在你的 C++ 代码里做这个声明),然后调用它(在你的 C 或者 C++ 代码里调用)。例如:// C++ code:extern "C" void f(int); void f(int i){     //

2009-08-18 16:07:00 713

原创 802.11n 的新增的特性

quote fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11n IEEE 802.11n builds on previous 802.11 standards by  1. adding multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and 2. 40 MHz operation to the phys

2009-08-17 13:31:00 725

原创 Protocol Handlers

函数 netif_receive_skb 收到了二层的frame后, 根据 skb->protocol 域 来判断是什么样的三层packet.  ETH_P_IP   调用  ip_rcvETH_P_ARP 调用 arp_rcv等

2009-08-12 09:52:00 629

原创 Packet transmission between driver and kernel

 Just got an idea that dev_queue_xmit will call the net_device->hard_start_xmit    defined in the driver to send out the packet.

2009-08-12 09:50:00 776

原创 Packet reception between driver and kernel

1. in function net_device->open, request_irq is used to allocate    an interrupt line and register the interrupt handler   2. netif_rx or netif_rx_schedule is called in the interrupt handler    whic

2009-08-12 09:44:00 686

原创 Hash Table used for net_device chain

struct hlist_head {        struct hlist_node *first;};struct hlist_node {        struct hlist_node *next, **pprev;};一个是以名字为索引的哈希表,一个是以index为索引的哈希表 #define NETDEV_HASHBITS 8static struct hlis

2009-08-09 19:42:00 1056

原创 MIB browser

SNMP Infra Tool2.0  and  MIB Browser 

2009-08-07 09:30:00 999

原创 Kernel Terminology

   SMP            symmetric multiprocessing 多处理器

2009-08-04 14:02:00 622

原创 Cross compile the kernel module

实验了一下如何cross compile一把 kernel module。 挺简单的。 只要改动Makefile就可以了。  # If KERNELRELEASE is defined, weve been invoked from the# kernel build system and can use its language.CROSS_COMPILE = /opt/t

2009-08-03 14:28:00 1759

intel ia32 programming guide

intel ia32 programming guide. for the reference for others.



debug.hacks 深入调试的技术和工具


slide on dma

描述了硬件层面dma controller的位置。 以及dma与系统其他部件交互的详细过程。


DOS6.0 image

This is the floppy boot disk of MSDOS6.0



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