
Implementing a Domino R5 Infrastructure(521)


Part A

1.      Whatinformation is stored in Notes Ids

A.       Licenseinformation

B.       DomainName

C.   Internet password

D.      MailServer Name


2.             Server group is used to

A.      Denya group of users access to server or database

B.       Sendmail to a distribution list

C.       Providea group of users access to a database

D.       ControlServer Replication


3.             Which of the following function can NOTbe accomplished using messaging administration tools

A.    View mail routing topology maps

B.    Track messages and generate reports on messages sent by users

C.    Monitor mail routing and issue commands tocontrol mail routing

D.  Check mail importance


4.             Which of the following has no ID

A.    User

B.    Organization

C.    Domain

D.    Organization Unit


5.             What is the difference of first serverand additional server

A.    The first server control additional server

B.    The function of the first server andadditional server is the same

C.    The first serverinitialize a new Domino Domain

D.    The first server control a Domino Domain


6.             Which of the following components isoptional in Domino Domain

A.    Domain

B.    Organization

C.    Organization Unit

D.    Country


7.      Whichof the following information can not be defined in the setup profile

A.        RemoteServer’s Phone number

B.         Defaultpassthru server

C.         Mail Server Name

D.        InternetBrowser


8.             Edit Recovery Information can

A.    Recovery user ID file

B.    Recovery User public key

C.    Recovery User name

D.    Backup User ID filesduring user registration


9.             Administration preference can used to

A.    Search servers in Domino Domain

B.    Select Domino Domain toadminister

C.    Assign administrator access rights

D.    Create Domino Domain


10.         Notes Database ACL can not use to

A.    Assign access rights to users

B.    Assign the rights ofroles

C.    Define maximum right of Web user

D.    Define administrator server


11.         If you give designer rights to a user andenable all privileges

A.    The user has the same rights as administrator

B.    When the user access thedatabase design elements, he/she has the same rights just like administrator

C.    He can modify all of the databaseinformation

D.    He can delete the database


12.         If we add a user to a database ACL

A.    The user has more rights to the database than that user not listin ACL

B.    The user has less rights to the databasethan that user not list in ACL

C.    The user has more or lessrights to access the database

D.    All of above is incorrect


13.         The user roles

A.    Can be created by administrator and assign right in ACL

B.    Can be assign to user or group and defineright in ACL

C.    The right of roles can beassigned in database design elements

D.    Is the same in any database


14.         What is NOT recorded in Note LOG database

A.    Mail routing events

B.    Replication events

C.    Database Usage

D.    Database change


15.         Transaction is used to

A.    Record user's activities

B.    Record database change

C.    Ensure database integrated

D.    Trace user's mail


16.         How to force server AAAA to replicatedatabase xxx.nsf with server BBBB



C.    REPLICATE BBBB xxx.nsf

D.    REPLICATE xxx.nsf BBBB


17.         Which of the following facility does notaffect replication

A.    Server access list

B.    Database Title

C.    Connection schedule

D.    Replication type


18.         Which of the following replication typeis NEVER used

A.    PUSH only

B.    PULL only




19.         The maximum hops of passthru is

A.    2

B.    4

C.    8

D.    10


20.          The advantage of passthru is

A.    The passthru server can work as gateway and allow user to accessother server using other protocols

B.    Can make Notes client access server withbetter performance

C.    Reduce the expense

D.    Make Domino Server easy to be administer


21.         Dannel want to setup SERVER1 as passthruserver and allow users to access their mail server SERVER2, After setupSERVER1's server document and Notes client, He found that the user's accessrequest was rejected, What is the most possible cause

A.    SERVER2 is not online

B.    User has no available USER ID

C.    SERVER2 should be reboot

D.    SERVER2's server documentis not correct


22.         Which of the following statement aboutDomino Catalog is TRUE

A.    Domino Catalog is a compact version of a Domino Directory

B.    Domino Catalog Contains more informationthan Domino Directories

C.    Domino Catalog can storedin workstation and update automatically

D.    The size of Domino Catalog is large thanDomino Directories


23.         On Domino Server, which use of SMTP isbased on which advantage

A.    SMTP support more flexible format of mail

B.    SMTP is supported byinternet

C.    SMTP is more effective than NRPC

D.    SMTP support large-size mail


24.         In which case the mail routing occursautomatically

A.    In Same DNN

B.    In Same Domain

C.    In Same group

D.    In Same organization


25.          Which of the following statement aboutmail router is TRUE

A.    Can get mails from its and send to other

B.    Can get mails from otherserver's and put to its

C.    Several router can be run on one server

D.    Can send mail without Domino Directory


26.         Dead mail caused by

A.    Wrong reception address

B.    Wrong sender address

C.    Wrong router setting

D.    Wrong connection document

E.    No of above


27.         If there is several on a server

A.    Must run several router

B.    Can increase security

C.    Can increase deliveryspeed

D.    May reduce the performance mail router


28.         What can not the mail trace tool do

A.    Test mail route

B.    Force mail to be route

C.    Report route information

D.    Troubleshooting mail problem


29.         Which of the following statement aboutSession ID is NOT TRUE

A.    Session ID is unique to every user

B.    Created by server when the userauthenticated

C.    Invalidated when the user closes the browser

D.    Is available only to browser user


30.  Whichof internet protocol is NOT supported by Domino Server

A.    HTTP

B.    FTP

C.       POP3

D.      SMTP


31.  Whichof the following components is optional stored in Notes ID

A.    License information

B.    Private key

C.       Username and password

D.       Recoveryinformation


32.         Which of the following statements aboutDomino Directory database is true

A.    Domino Directory database is necessary forDomino Domain but not for every Domino Server

B.    Every Domino Server need a Domino Directorydatabase

C.    Only the users that is recorded in Domino Directory databaseDomino Server can send mail to

D.    Every user's ID stored in Domino Directory


33.         The notes desktop license allow user to (selectthress)

A.    Send mail

B.    Open database

C.    Design view

D.    Administer server


34.         Which kind of ID can work as certifier

A.    Notes User ID

B.    Organization ID

C.    Organization Unit ID

D.    All of above


35.         David want to delete first server What hemust do to ensure the Domino domain can work properly

A.    Backup the Certifier IDfile and other ID file on the server

B.    Re-install the Domino Domain and setup a new first server

C.    Reinstall a additional server and setup it as a first server

D.    Do nothing


36.         The component which can not resident inOrganization is

A.    Server

B.    Person

C.    Organization

D.    Organization Unit


37.         Which of the following statement aboutuser and group is TRUE

A.    Group can include only users or servers

B.    Group can nest

C.    When you use a group to assign access right, you will neverchange group member.

D.    Groups in user private address book can use as mail reception


38.         Administrator how to specify DominoDomain he want to administer

A.    Administration preference

B.    User preference

C.    Administration database

D.    Administration server document


39.          The authentication is

A.    Server check user's name and password

B.    Server check Domino Directory for user'sregistration information

C.    Server check the rights of user

D.    Server using it's ID to certify the user ID


40.         Which of the following function can notbe performed on Web admin

A.    Load or stop server task

B.    Instruct server task to perform a function

C.    Create a database

D.    Fix a database


41.         What is not in Note LOG database

A.    Mail routing events

B.    Replication events

C.    Database Usage

D.    Database change user made


42.         If the transaction logging is enabled,While a user open a database and modifying a document, the server corrupted,once server restarted what will happen

A.    The change has recorded in database

B.    Change would be write to database

C.    User can not access the database

D.    Database corrupted


43.         How to force server AAAA to replicate alldatabasewith server BBBB






44.         When you setup Server to serverreplication, you found that some database change can not be relicated ,Which ofthe following facility should check

A.    Database ACL

B.    Server configuration document

C.    Connection document

D.    Database design


45.         The passthru server can be used to

A.    Server to server replicating

B.    Users access server

C.    User sending mail

D.    Mail routing


46.          Dannel want to setup SERVER1 as passthruserver and allow users to access their mail server SERVER2, which of thefollowing document must be modified(Select Two)

A.    SERVER2's configurationdocument

B.    SERVER1 to SERVER2 connection document

C.    SERVER1's configuration document

D.    Domain document


47.         Which of the following statement aboutDomino Directory

A.    Without Domino DirectoryDomino server can not startup properly

B.    Domino Directory is consist of Several Domino Catalog

C.    Every Domino Directory on every server must be the same

D.    User must check Domino Directory for sending mail


48.         Which of the following Protocols isDomino Web security

A.    SMTP

B.    NRPC

C.    SSL

D.    X.400


49.         On Domino Server, which use of NRPC isbased on which advantage

A.    NRPC support moreflexible format of mail

B.    NRPC is supported by internet

C.    NRPC is more effective than SMTP

D.    NRPC support large-size mail


50.         In the same DNN

A.    Mail routing occursautomatically

B.    Without connection document between servers

C.    Can contain several Domains

D.    Share a common WAN protocols


51.         In which case the mail routing occursautomatically

A.    On Same Server

B.    In Same Domain

C.    In Same group

D.    In Same organization


52.         Which of the following statement aboutmail router is TRUE

A.       Set“SERVERTASK=” in notes.ini to automatically load mail router

B.       Servercan not startup without mail router running

C.       Severalrouter can be run on one server

D.      Canwork without Domino Directory


53.         How should you deal with dead mail

A.     Release ordelete dead mail and notify user

B.     Re-sendit

C.     Changereception and re-send it

D.    Donothing


54.         Mail trace can be used in

A.    Multiple domain

B.    Server console

C.    Web Admin

D.    Notes client


55.         Dead mail caused by

A.    Mail receptions

B.    Mail size

C.    Server configuration

D.    Mail database incorrupt


56.         Which function is NOT supported by DominoServer SMTP

A.    Get mail from other POP3Server for users

B.    Set notes user's mail to other SMTP server

C.    Allow users without Notes ID to send their mails from otherInternet Mail client

D.    Allow or deny specific Notes addresses to send mail to theInternet


57.         Session ID is

A.    Created when user access Domino Server formNotes client

B.    Created when user access Domino Server formWeb Browser

C.    Created when user access Domino Server from any type client

D.    Designed for connection performance


58.  Whichof internet protocol is NOT supported by Domino Server

A.      HTTP

B.       UDP

C.       POP3



59.         Which of the type information is NOTstored in Domino Directory database

A.    How user can connect toserver

B.    How tasks should run on the server

C.    Which of other companies can access the server

D.    How to configure the Domino server environment


60.  Serverrestriction field contains a group name, if we add a user to the group therestriction will

A.    Take effects immediately

B.    Take effects after server is restarted

C.    Take effects after add the user to restriction field

D.    None of above


61.         The statement about administrationpreference is TRUE

A.    We can set administrator of domain inadministration preference

B.    We can create Domino Domain in administration preference

C.    The type and order of file informationdisplayed

D.    Search domain servers in administration preference


62.         CCCC company plan to setup several Dominoservers on a physical machine, Which server license they should select

A.    Any server license

B.    Domino Mail server

C.    Application server

D.    Enterprise server


63.         Which ID files is stored in DominoDirectory database, after setting up first server

A.    Names.nsf

B.    Cert.ID

C.    Server.ID

D.    User.ID


64.         CCCC company plan to user Domino Clustersto improve system performance, Which server license they should select

A.    Any server license

B.    Domino Mail server

C.    Application server

D.    Enterprise server


65.         Which ID files is NOT stored in filessystem, after setting up first server

A.    Names.nsf

B.    Cert.ID

C.    Server.ID

D.    User.ID


66.         Which of the following information thesetup profile can define(Select three)

A.    How to Connect to remoteservers

B.    How to access a mail file and send mail

C.    How to access Domino Directory

D.    How to connect to the Internet


67.         When you Edit Recovery Information, whatinformation you must input

A.    Certifier ID file

B.    Administrators

C.    User ID files

D.    The directory in which Recovery Information is stored


68.         The max layers of nested OrganizationUnits

A.    1

B.    2

C.    3

D.    4


69.         Setup profile in domino R5

A.    A tool to register users

B.    A tool to administrator any user

C.    Is Used only when user is created

D.    Can automatically update workstation setting


70.         Notes Database ACL can not use to

A.    Assign access rights to users

B.    Assign the administrator of  a docment

C.    Define maximum right of Web user

D.    Define administrator server


71.         In database ACL, which of the followingrights is belong to Manager

A.    Delete document

B.    Modify document

C.    Run agent

D.    Delete database


72.         If a user is not added to database ACL,What is the rights of the user to accessthe database

A.    No rights

B.    Reader

C.    The rights of default user

D.    The right of run agent


73.         The user roles in Domino Directory canused to control persons who can

A.    Create database

B.    modify user document

C.    Shut down server

D.    Manger server


74.         When the authentication will occur?

A.    When Notes client connects to LAN

B.    When Notes client try to access a database

C.    When Notes client try to send a mail

D.    When Notes client connect to a server


75.         Which of the following function can notbe performed on server console

A.    Load or stop server task

B.    Instruct server task to perform a function

C.    Create a database

D.    Fix a database


76.         Which of the following Web feature is NOTsupported by Domino Server

A.    HTML

B.    Domino Database

C.    CGI

D.    PERL


77.         When you want you IIS server and DominoServer works together, you can

A.    Make IIS works as Domino Server Extension

B.    Make Domino Server works as IIS Extension

C.    Not make them works properly

D.    Use CGI to link them together


78.         Which SMTP restrictions can NOT be apply

A.    Allow or deny receivingmaximum message from specific external Internet domains

B.    Allow or deny relaying of messages from specific externalInternet hosts to external Internet domains

C.    Allow or deny specific Notes addresses to send mail to theInternet

D.    Allow or deny messages addressed to specific Internet addressesto be sent out to


79.         What can the message tracking do

A.    Track message in one domain

B.    Just can be used by Notes client

C.    Provide reports of where a particular mailmessage was

D.    Can be enable in server document


80.         Enable Several for

A.    Increasing mail routingspeed

B.    Increasing the number of mails can be sent

C.    Increase security

D.    Send mail to several domain


81.         SMTP function is supported by which ofDomino Server license

A.    Application server

B.    Enterprise server

C.    Mail server

D.    All of above


82.         If SSDD company want their Dominocommunicate with internet

A.    They must enable SMTP on every Domino Server

B.    They can use just ONE Domino Server enabled SMTP

C.    They can use just ONE Domino Server enabledSMTP for each Domain

D.    They must install other SMTP software


83.         In the same DNN

A.    Share a common LANprotocols

B.    Without connection document between servers

C.    Can contain several Domains

D.    Share a common WAN protocols


84.         Which of mail flow restrict can NOT beapply in server restrict

A.    Maximum size of message

B.    Allow mail only from specific organizations and organizationunits

C.    Deny mail from specific organizations andorganization units

D.    Send mail as low priority if message size meets the size setting


85.         Paul is add to a group the group nameappears in the access server field of a server document.  Which one of the following describes whenthis access parameter will take place

A.    When refresh key is pressed

B.    Only after server is reboot

C.    When the server refreshes its cache

D.    Only after the UPDALL server task runs


86.         Which of the following protocols is NOTsupported by Domino

A.    SMTP

B.    NRPC

C.    XPC

D.    X.400


87.         Which of the following statements aboutpassthru server is TRUE

A.    The passthru server can work as gateway andallow user to access other file server using other protocols

B.    Can make Notes client access server with better performance

C.    Just be used by Notes users

D.    Optimal the topology of Domino Domain


88.          Which of mail flow restrict can NOT beapply in server restrict

A.    Maximum size of messagefrom internet

B.    Allow mail only from specific organizations and organizationunits

C.    Allow or deny mail from specific IP address

D.    Send mail as low priority if message size meets the size setting



































































































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