
Using the Remote File Viewer(远程文件阅读器)

1. Select Target | Remote Tools | File Viewer from the Visual Studio menu. The Select a Windows CE Device dialog will appear.

2. Expand the Windows CE Default Platform node and select Default Device. Click OK. Visual Studio will begin transferring the required files to the Device Emulator.

3. Select Don’t display this dialog again in the Find Executable dialog box, and select Cancel. The Remote File Viewer tool should connect.

4. Expand the Default Device node in the left hand pane and select the Windows directory. The right hand pane shows a list of the files in the Windows directory on the target device.

5. Select View | Details from the Remote File Viewer menu to see the details of each file in the folder.

6. Select WindowsCE.jpg in the right hand pane. We will copy this file from the Device Emulator to the PC.

7. Select File | Import File from the Remote File Viewer menu.

8. Save the file to your development workstation desktop.

9. Select the Desktop folder in the right hand pane of the Remote File Viewer. Select File | Export File from the Remote File Viewer menu.

10. In the Export File dialog select the WindowsCE.jpg file from the development work station desktop and click Open. The file will be transferred from the development work station to the Device Emulator.

11. Close the Remote File Viewer application.

Launch the Remote System Information tool(远程系统信息工具)

1. Select Target | Remote Tools | System Information from the Visual Studio menu.

2. Select OK to accept the Default Device configuration. There will be a delay while the System information tool is transferred to the device and gathers information, then the Windows CE Remote System Information tool will appear.

3. Expand the System Information node and select System Summary. Details of the OS version, current time and time zone settings, and locale are presented on the right-hand pane.

4. Select Components | Memory in the left hand pane. The total and available memory, the fraction of program memory in use (Memory load), the amount of memory allocated to the object store, and other system memory statistics are reported.

5. Expand Components | Devices in the left hand pane. Observe the list of devices detected. You can click on individual devices to see information available about each device.

6. Browse the other information available from the tool.

7. Close the Windows CE Remote System Information tool.

Launch the Remote Performance Monitor(远程性能监视器)

1. Select Target | Remote Tools | Performance Monitor from the Visual Studio menu.

2. Click OK to use the Default Device connection. The Windows CE Remote Performance Monitor tool will load and show the Chart view.

3. Select Edit | Add to chart from the Remote Performance Monitor tool to bring up the Add to Chart dialog.

4. Select CE Process Statistics from the Object drop down box.

5. Select % Processor Time from the Counter drop down box.

6. Select _Total from the Instance drop down box.

7. Click on Add.

8. Select CE Memory Statistics from the Object drop down box.

9. Select Memory Load from the Counter drop down box.

10. Click Add and then click Done.

11. On the Windows CE desktop, move the mouse rapidly and note the increase in % Processor Time.

12. Select View | Alert from the Remote Performance Monitor menu.

13. Select Edit | Add to Alert.

14. Select CE Process Statistics from the Object drop down box.

15. Select % Processor Time from the Counter list.

16. Select _Total from the Instance list.

17. Select the Over radio button in the Alert if group and enter the number 20.

18. Click on Add and then Done.

19. Open My Device on the Device Emulator desktop to generate processor activity. The configured alert should fire.

20. Close the Remote Performance Monitor tool.





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