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RoguelikeGenerator Pro v3.0.0

RoguelikeGenerator Pro - Procedural Level Generator v3.0.0 Roguelike Generator Pro is a feature-rich, highly customizable level and dungeon generator that allows you to procedurally create 3D/2D/2.5D levels using GamObjects, Tilemaps or your custom solutions


Rewired v1.1.47.0

重新佈線是一個先進的輸入系統,完全重新定義您如何使用輸入,為您的遊戲中最重要的組件之一提供前所未有的控制級別。 搜索結果 網站 | 文檔 | 論壇主題 | 免費試用 搜索結果 原生輸入 重新連線不像其他軟件包那樣是另一個Unity輸入包裝。 Rewired支持Unity支持的多種平台,並支持在Windows,OSX,Linux,Windows 10 Universal,WebGL,Xbox One,Xbox Series S/X, PS4,PS5,Switch和Stadia上的擴展原生支持。重新佈線利用本機庫直接訪問輸入設備,可以更好地控制輸入。這使得一些非常強大的功能成為可能,例如對遊戲桿的全面熱插拔支持,每個控制器支持20多個按鈕,支持遊戲板震動等等。 Rewired是唯一可用於Unity的輸入系統,並且支持所有這些平台,並提供這些高級功能。對於其他平台,Rewired使用Unity的輸入系統,因此您仍然可以訪問其提供的所有其他功能。 搜索結果 的播放器為中心的結果 Rewired具有以玩家為中心的輸入系統,使其成為多玩家遊戲的理想解決方案。控制器智能地自動分配給連接/斷開連接的玩


Pro Camera 2D v2.9.6

Pro Camera 2D - The definitive 2D & 2.5D camera plugin for Unity Pro Camera 2D is a modular camera plugin that gives you to have the best camera solution for any 2D or 2.5D game. Built from the ground-up for flexibility, performance and battle-tested in many games!


Fantasy Heroes Character Editor v7.7

SPECIAL PROMO - request new equipment in your REVIEW and we'll add it! Run our WebGL demo in your browser now! With Fantasy Heroes: Character Editor you'll be able to create amazing human characters for your mobile games. Create role playing games, arcades, platformers, quests and even strategies! This package contains full sprite collection, character editor, basic animations, inventory system with icons. Our built-in editor will help you to customize your characters and play animations. You


Dialogue System for Unity v2.2.44.1

对话系统用于 Disco Elysium、Crossing Souls、Jenny Lelue、Last Epoch、The Last Door 等多款游戏,功能强大,备受青睐,可在游戏中轻松添加互动式对话和任务。它是一个完善且稳健的解决方案,包括一个可视的、基于节点的编辑器、对话 UI、剧情画面、任务日志、保存/加载等。核心是一款精简、高效的谈话系统。庞大的含有可选的插件的系列让你可以快速、轻松地将对话加入项目中并与其它资源集成。无需脚本。包含完善 C# 源。


BG Database v1.8.8

BG Database is a data manager for in-game data. Excel-like GUI. Sync with Excel/Google Sheets. Save/Load support. Unity assets fields. Code generation. Visual scripting tools integration.


Transitions Plus v4.0

Transitions Plus is a versatile and effective way to perform smooth camera transitions in your project.


ShaderlabVSCode v1.5.2

ShaderlabVSCode 是为 Unity Shaderlab 编程而生的一个 Visual Studio Code 插件。


Pool Boss v1.2.3

Part of the Core GameKit system. Upgrade pricing available on Core GameKit for Pool Boss users! Pool Boss is a pooling solution for Unity that makes it dead simple to avoid the costly Instantiate and Destroy calls that cause performance problems. All types of prefab are supported - even particle systems. You can use Addressables as well!


EnhancedScroller v2.37.0

想用快速和便于移动设备的方法来展示大量数据吗? EnhancedScroller 将你的数据虚拟化,只显示出所需元素。将数以千计的行数带到几个 UI 元素中来显示,加速处理并节省内存。对象不会被破坏,因此你的平台不需对垃圾进行收集。最好的是,它能在 Unity 内置 UI 系统组件上使用。 列表是数据驱动和动态创建的,因此在设计时不必设置它们。滚动器不需意识到数据或或视图展示,只需专注于管理你的列表来实现真正的 MVC 体验。可选的循环允许你显示无限的数据列表。每个单元都能拥有自己的尺寸或都使用一个尺寸。可选的对齐功能让你将单元锁定到特定位置。补间功能简化了跳跃和对齐的过渡,带来平滑的用户体验。


Damage Numbers Pro v4.30

Spawn awesome number and text popups with 2-3 lines of code.


Best HTTP2 v2.8.5

Best HTTP is an asset designed to simplify complex, resource hungry requests. It boosts project efficiency, guarantees secure communication, and seamlessly integrates with Unity's ecosystem.


All In 1 Sprite Shader v3.6

All In 1 Sprite Shader 是一种多合一的解决方案,以最简单和最快速的方式,为你的项目添加流行的酷炫精灵图和 UI 特效。


NodeCanvas v3.2.2 (Mar 6 2022)

The Complete Visual Behaviour Authoring solution for Unity, empowering you to create advanced AI Behaviours and Logic, including three separate, fully featured, yet seamlessly interchangeable modules for you to choose and easily add in your game: Behaviour Trees. State Machines. Dialogue Trees. NodeCanvas is a production ready framework used by many awesome games including The Long Dark, Hand of Fate 2, Hurtworld, Len's Island, Ghost of a Tale, P.A.M.E.L.A, The Wild at Heart, Kim, Kingdo


Animancer Pro 6.0.unitypackage



Trails FX v1.6.1.unitypackage

Trails FX renders smooth trails behind moving objects and characters. It uses GPU instancing and use correct transparency order, creating mesmerizing, long and performant trails.


Shapes v3.2.1.unitypackage

Shapes is a real-time vector graphics library with high-quality line drawing and infinite resolution shapes, rendered with advanced anti-aliasing techniques


All In 1 Sprite Shader v3.3.unitypackage

✨All In 1 Sprite Shader✨ is an all in one solution to add cool popular sprite and UI combinable effects to your project in the easiest and fastest way possible.


EnhancedScroller v2.29.1.unitypackage

EnhancedScroller virtualizes your data, showing only the elements it needs to. Take thousands of rows and display them in a handful of UI elements, speeding up processing and saving memory. There is no object destruction, so your platform won't have to run garbage collection. Best of all, it works on top of Unity's own built-in UI system components.


Master Audio AAA Sound v2020.3.7.unitypackage

Master Audio gives you tremendous ease of use, speed, power and flexibility far beyond any contender. Why use another underpowered solution and waste your time writing code? We've coded every scenario from easy to complex so you don't have to! We even have our own flexible "no coding" event-based script to hook sound up if you don't have Playmaker.


Skills for Game Creator v1.0.9.unitypackage

Skills for Game Creator gives you the ability to add a skill system to your game.


Amplify Shader Editor v1.8.9.000.unitypackage

Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) is a node-based shader creation tool inspired by industry leading software. An open and tightly integrated solution, it provides a familiar and consistent development environment that seamlessly blends with Unity’s UI conventions and Shader use. Affordable quality and flexibility with the responsive customer support you can expect from Amplify Creations.


A Pathfinding Project Pro 4.2.15.rar

A* Pathfinding Project 是一个功能强大并且易于使用的 Unity 寻路系统。通过快速的路径寻找,您的 AI 将立即在复杂的迷宫中找到玩家。 非常适合 TD、FPS、RTS 游戏。


UGUI Super ScrollView 2.4.1.unitypackage

UGUI Super ScrollView gives easily-customizable ScrollView, based on UGUI ScrollRect. It is a set of C# scripts to help you create ScrollView that you need. It's very powerful and highly optimized for performance.


Toon Skyboxes 1.0.unitypackage

Toon Skyboxes perfect for any stylized background.Fill up the backdrop and add mood to your game with collection of 10 Skyboxes. YOU GET: -4 Day Skyboxes -2 evening Skyboxes -4 Night Skyboxes We will be adding more to this collection with time.


Super Tilemap Editor 1.7.0.unitypackage

Super Tilemap Editor is a powerful and easy to use tile editor with everything you need to create any game based on tiles. Use it not only to create tilemaps but also as a powerful level editor placing prefabs as if they were tiles. *** Features *** • Easy and fun to use • Full Editor integration


Soft Mask 1.5.unitypackage

Soft Mask 是一个可遮罩子元素的 UI 组件。它的工作原理几乎与标准 Unity 的 UI 遮罩一样,但支持渐变和半透明。 • 易于使用:只需将其拖放到游戏对象上,方法与 Unity 的标准遮罩相同。 • 支持图像、RawImage、精灵、纹理和 RenderTexture。 · 适用于 TextMesh Pro。 • 支持反向遮罩。 • 可以在着色器中轻松获得支持。 • 完全实时:在运行时创建、销毁、启用、禁用、移动、旋转和重新排序遮罩和 UI 元素。 • 可将输入处理限制为仅被遮挡 UI 的可见部分。 • 可调整的遮罩采样:使用黑白图像、具有透明度的图像或手动设置每个颜色通道的权重


SimpleSQL 2.11.1.unitypackage

SimpleSQL helps you integrate database storage into your game or project. Create level map links, store player stats, keep inventory specs, and much more! Please note that SimpleSQL is a local database solution and cannot connect to server databases


NGUI 2020.1.5.unitypackage

NGUI 是一款非常强大的 UI 系统和事件通知框架。 功能 - 编辑器集成,所见即所得 - 本地化、数据绑定、委托、事件 - 支持所有平台 - 制作进行 1 次绘制调用的 UI - 随附完整的 C# 源代码 - 已广泛优化 - 专门团队支持


Magical Pro Edition 1.2.unitypackage

Get 2 pack by Save 17% of full price with 60+ spell prefab in 10 elements styled such as Ice shard, Meteor , Fireball , Earth fissure , Water missile , Lighting Strike , Arcane missile and many more, ready to apply in any game. If you are looking for a cool Spell effects for your RPG game this pack


Atmospheric Height Fog 1.8.1.unitypackage

由于多个深度渲染问题,雾将无法在URP 7.2.0或更高版本Android设备上使用(Unity的漏洞)!为使本工具正常运行,需要开启深度纹理和以下URP功能之一:不透明纹理、HDR、MSAA、后期处理或渲染范围设为大于或小于1。URP 7.4.1是开发的最佳推荐! 总览 简单美丽的高度雾,支持方向光和动画噪声。高度雾会呈现出一种体积式特效,同时仅使用较低的计算能力!所有着色器均用Amplify Shader Editor开发,你可按需求轻松修改。 兼容性 ●标准渲染管线 ●通用渲染管线 7.1.8+ ● Amplify Shader Editor


Amplify Shader Editor

Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) 是受行业领先软件启发的基于节点着色器创建工具。它是一个开放且紧密集成的解决方案,提供了熟悉和连贯的开发环境,使 Unity 的 UI 约定和着色器的使用无缝地融合一起。Amplify Creations 提供你预期之中的物美价廉和响应迅速的客户支持。 直观、注重用户体验的工作空间,同时又有熟悉感、整洁和灵活。它能停放,也能当第二个显示器使用,准备好满足你的布局要求。 极简工具栏和菜单已经过优化来将工作空间区域最大化,不再有扰人的节点和菜单。创建节点或新的着色器就如在项目资源管理器窗口中创建新的 Unity 材质一样直观。 开放客户的


Amplify Impostors

一键 Impostor 制作器! 使用下一代 Billboard Impostors,轻松优化您的项目。 Impostors是什么? Impostors 是面对镜头的四边形, 或简单多边形形状,通过为原始对象渲染假 3D 图像来取代复杂几何体。 灵活 Impostor 可移动、旋转、缩放、接收和转换阴影,与其它对象或 Impostor 交织,并且可以在 LODGroup 或任何第三方 LOD 系统上使用。 现代 我们的工具充分利用基于 GPU 的实例化功能,提供球形和八面体 Impostor 技巧,后者可在不同视图间进行智能转换。


All In 1 Sprite Shader 1.95.unitypackage

All In 1 Sprite Shader 是一种多合一的解决方案,以最简单和最快速的方式,为你的项目添加流行的酷炫精灵图和 UI 特效。 其包含 40 多种可组合的特效。拥有无尽可能! 功能: - 只需点击一下即可堆叠和组合特效 - 易于使用 - 2 次点击设置 - 适用于移动端(在低端设备上经过压力测试) - 也适用于 UI 图片 - 超快的迭代时间 - 实时预览 - 优化的着色器 - 自动绘制调用批处理 - 与 URP 和 HDRP 兼容 - 支持精灵图集 - 兼容 Unity 的 2D 骨骼动画和 Anima - 支持精灵遮罩 - 随附视频教程


Data Bind for Unity 1.17.unitypackage

Key features: - Exchange your complete UI without touching any logic. You want to try the new Unity UI instead of your current NGUI-based UI? No problem. - No additional UI code necessary to visualize your data. - Easily extendable for other UI, e.g. custom ones. - Easily extendable for custom UI wi


Odin Inspector and Serializer 3.0.2.unitypackage

Odin 将催化你的 Unity 工作流程,使它轻易地为你和整个团队构建功能强大并适用于高级用户的编辑器。


Obfuscator Pro 3.9.10.unitypackage

Obfuscator Pro is developed to increase software and game security especially for games build with Unity3d. It feature is to obfuscate built dotNet assemblies, like assembly-csharp and assembly-unityscript for Windows/Mac/Linux Standalone Games and embedded Systems like Android and IPhone. Other pl


Master Audio AAA Sound - 2020.3.5.unitypackage

Master Audio 为你带来超卓的易用性、速度、功能性和灵活性,实力远超任何竞争对手。为什么要使用其他性能不足的解决方案,浪费自己写代码的时间?无论是简单还是复杂的场景,我们都准备好了代码,让你高枕无忧!如果你没有 Playmaker,我们甚至还有“零代码”基于事件的脚本来处理声音。


Easy Mobile Pro 2.8.0.unitypackage

Easy Mobile 专业版​​​ 是一个多合一插件,它大大地简化了各种手游常见功能的运行,例如广告、应用内购买服务、游戏服务、通知、共享等。我们的构思就是创建出一套整合进所有 Unity 手游的标准包,把所有的繁琐事务处理掉,以便你能集中于开发游戏中最重要的东西: 创造乐趣!


Lean Touch v2.2.0.unitypackage

Lean Touch+ is an extension to the popular Lean Touch, adding a massive amount of new components and demo scenes. These allow you to quickly add touch controls to your game ― no code required! Simply pick the components you want, customize the settings, and enjoy consistent controls across Android,



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