Informatica Interview Questions

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Q1>How do u change parameter when u move it from development to production.
Ans :: We can manually move the parameter file and save in prod server. (Posted :: Vijay )

Q2>How do u retain variable value when u move it from development to production.
Ans :: while moving the variables to prod make sure that you assign the default value while creating the variables in dev environment.when the code was moved it will check the repository and see if there is any value for that variable if there is no value then it takes the default value. (Posted :: Vijay )

Q3>How do u reset sequence generator value u move it from development to production
Ans :: Keep the sequence value as 1 in dev and move the code to prod. (Posted :: Vijay )

Q4>How to delete duplicate values from UNIX.
Ans :: UNIQ <filename>

Q5>How to find no.of rows commited to the target, when a session fails.
Ans :: Log file

Q6>How to remove the duplicate records from flat file (other than using sorter trans. and mapping variables)
Ans :: (i)Dynamic Lookup (ii) sorter and aggregator

Q7>How to generate sequence of values in which target has more than 2 billion records. (with sequence generator we can generate up to 2 billion values only)
Ans :: Create a Stored Procedure in database level and call it using stored procedure transformation.

Q8>I have to generate a target field in Informatica which doesn exist in the source table. It is the batch number. There are 1000 rows altogether. The first 100 rows should have the same batch number 100 and the next 100 would have the batch numbe 101 and so on. How can we do using informatica?
Ans :: develop a mapping flow

Source > sorter > sequencegenerator (generate numbers)> expression (batchnumber , decode function) > target

Expression :: decode(nexval<=100, nextval ,
Nextval>100 and Nextval<=200,Nextval+1,
Nextval>200 and nextval<=300,nextval+2 ,

Nextval>900 and nextval<=1000,nextval+10,0 )

9>Lets take that we have a Flat File in the Source System and It was in the correct path then when we ran the workflow and we got the error as "File Not Found", what might be the reson?
Ans :: Not entered “source file name” properly at the session level

Q10>How to load 3 unstructured flat files into single target file?
Ans :: Indirect file option (configure at session level)

Q11>There are 4 columns in the table

target Definition ::
Store_id, Item, Qty, Price
101, battery, 3, 2.99
101, battery, 1 , 3.19
101, battery, 2, 2.59

Source Definition::
101, battery, 3, 2.99
101, battery, 1 , 3.19
101, battery, 2, 2.59
101, battery, 2,17.34

How can we do this using Aggregator?

Ans :: Source > aggregator (group by on store_id , item , qty ) > target

Tip :: aggregator will sort the data in descending order if u dnt use sorted input.

Q12> in the source qualifer if the default query is not generated... what is the reason...? how to slove it?
Ans :: (i)if source is flat file you cannot use this feature in source qualifier

(ii)In case if u are using the relational file as source and if u forget make the connection to the next transformation from source qulaifier .u cannot gerate SQL query






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