Deep Learning for Beginners

Deep Learning for Beginners

Notes for "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville.

Machine Learning

  • Machine learning is a branch of statistics that uses samples to approximate functions.
    • We have a true underlying function or distribution that generates data, but we don't know what it is.
    • We can sample this function, and these samples form our training data.
  • Example image captioning:
    • Function: f(image)description
  • .
  • Samples: data(image,description)
  • .
  • Note: since there are many valid descriptions, the description is a distribution in text space: descriptionText
      • .
    • The goal of machine is to find models that:
      • Have enough representation power to closely approximate the true function.
      • Have an efficient algorithm that uses training data to find good approximations of the function.
      • And the approximation must generalize to return good outputs for unseen inputs.
    • Possible applications of machine learning:
      • Convert inputs into another form - learn "information", extract it and express it. eg: image classification, image captioning.
      • Predict the missing or future values of a sequence - learn "causality", and predict it.
      • Synthesise similar outputs - learn "structure", and generate it.

    Generalization and Overfitting.

    • Overfitting is when you find a good model of the training data, but this model doesn't generalize.
      • For example: a student who has memorized the answers to training tests will score well on a training test, but might scores badly on the final test.
    • There are several tradeoffs:
      • Model representation capacity: a weak model cannot model the function but a powerful model is more prone to overfitting.
      • Training iterations: training too little doesn't give enough time to fit the function, training too much gives more time to overfit.
      • You need to find a middle ground between a weak model and an overfitted model.
    • The standard technique is to do cross validation:
      • Set aside "test data" which is never trained upon.
      • After all training is complete, we run the model on the final test data.
      • You cannot tweak the model after the final test (of course you can gather more data).
      • If training the model happens in stages, you need to withhold test data for each stage.
    • Deep learning is one branch of machine learning techniques. It is a powerful model that has also been successful at generalizing.

    Feedforward Networks

    Feedforward networks represents y=f(x)

    with a function family:

    • θ
    are the model parameters. This could be thousands or millions of parameters θ1θT
  • .
  • f is a family of functions. f(x;θ) is a single function of x . u
  • is the output of the model.
  • You can imagine if you chose a sufficiently general family of functions, chances are, one of them will resemble f
  • .
  • For example: let the parameters represent a matrix and a vector: f(x⃗ ;θ)()=[θ0θ2θ1θ3]x⃗ +[θ4θ5]

    Designing the Output Layer.

    The most common output layer is:


    • The parameters in θ
    are used as M and b
  • .
  • The linear part Mx+b
  • ensures that your output depends on all inputs.
  • The nonlinear part g(x) allows you to fit the distributon of y
  • .
  • For example for input of photos, the output distribution could be:
    • Linear: yR
  • . eg cuteness of the photo
  • Sigmoid: y[0,1]
  • . eg probability its a cat
  • Softmax: yRC and y=1 . eg. probability its one of C
    • breeds of cats
  • To ensure g(x)

    fits the distribution, you can use:

    • Linear: g(x)=x
  • .
  • Sigmoid: g(x)=11+ex

  • .

  • Softmax: g(x)c=exciexi
    • .
  • Softmax is actually under-constrained, and often x0
  • is set to 1. In this case sigmoid is just softmax in 2 variables.
  • There is theory behind why these g
    • 's are good choices, but there are many different choices.

    Finding θ

    Find θ

    by solving the following optimization problem for J

    the cost function:


    • Deep learning is successful because there is a good family of algorithms to calculate min
  • .
  • That algorithms are all variations of gradient descent:
    theta = initial_random_values()
    loop {
      xs = fetch_inputs()
      ys = fetch_outputs()
      us = model(theta)(xs)
      cost = J(ys, us)
      if cost < threshold: exit;
      theta = theta - gradient(cost)
  • Intuitively, at every θ
  • you chose the direction that reduces the cost the most.
  • This requires you to compute the gradient dcostdθt
  • .
  • You don't want the gradient to be near 0 because you learn too slowly or near inf
    • because it is not stable.
    • This is a greedy algorithm, and thus might converge but into a local minimum.

    Choosing the Cost Function

    • This cost function could be anything:
      • Sum of absolute errors: J=|yu|
  • .
  • Sum of square errors: J=(yu)2
    • .
    • As long as the minimum occurs when the distributions are the same, in theory it would work.
  • One good idea is that u represents the parameters of the distribution of y .
    • Rationale: often natural processes are fuzzy, and any input might have a range of outputs.
    • This approach also gives a smooth measure of how accurate we are.
    • The maximum likelihood principle says that: θML=argmaxθp(y;u)
  • Thus we want to minimize: J=p(y;u)
  • For i samples: J=ip(yi;u)
  • Taking log both sides: J=ilogp(yi;u)
    • .
    • This is called cross-entropy.
  • Applying the idea for: yGaussian(center=u) :
    • p(y;u)=e(yu)2.
  • J=loge(yu)2=(yu)2
      • This motivates sum of squares as a good choice.


    • Regularization techniques are methods that attempt to reduce generalization error.
      • It is not meant to improve the training error.
    • Prefer smaller θ
    • By adding some function of θ
    into J
  • we can encourage small parameters.
  • L2 : J=J+|θ|2
  • L1 : J=J+|θ|
  • L0
  • is not smooth.
  • Note for θMx+b usually only M
    • is added.
  • Data augmentation:
    • Having more examples reduces overfitting.
    • Also consider generating valid new data from existing data.
    • Rotation, stretch existing images to make new images.
    • Injecting small noise into x
      • , into layers, into parameters.
    • Multi-Task learning:
      • Share a layer between several different tasks.
      • The layer is forced to choose useful features that is relevant to a general set of tasks.
    • Early stopping:
      • Keep a test data set, called the validation set, that is never trained on
      • Stop training when the cost on the validation set stops decreasing.
      • You need an extra test set to truly judge the the final.
    • Parameter sharing:
      • If you know invariants about your data, encode that into your parameter choice.
      • For example: images are translationally invariant, so each small patch should have the same parameters.
    • Dropout:
      • Randomly turn off some neurons in the layer.
      • Neurons learn to not take input data for granted.
    • Adversarial:
      • Try to make the points near training points constant, by generating adversarial data near these points.

    Deep Feedforward Networks

    Deep feedforward networks instead use:


    • This model has N
    • f1fN1
  • : hidden layers.
  • fN
    • : output layer.
  • A deep model sounds like a bad idea because it needs more parameters.
  • In practise, it actually needs fewer parameters, and the models perform better (why?).
  • One possible reason is that each layer learns higher and higher level features of the data.
  • Residual models: fn(x)=fn(x)+xn1
    • .
      • Data can come from the past, we add on some more details to it.

    Designing Hidden Layers.

    The most common hidden layer is:


    • The hidden layers have the same structure as the output layer.
    • However the g(x)
  • which work well for the output layer don't work well for the hidden layers.
  • The simplest and most successful g is the rectified linear unit (ReLU): g(x)=max(0,x)
  • .
    • Compared to sigmoid, the gradients of ReLU does not approach zero when x is very big.
  • Other common non-linear functions include:
  • Modulated ReLU: g(x)=max(0,x)+αmin(0,x)
  • .
    • Where alpha is -1, very small, or a model parameter itself.
    • The intuition is that this function has a slope for x < 0.
    • In practise there is no absolute winner between this and ReLU.
  • Maxout: g(x)i=maxjG(i)xj
    • G
    partitions the range [1..I] into subsets [1..m],[m+1..2m],[Im..I]
  • .
  • For comparison ReLU is RnRn , and maxout is RnRnm
  • .
  • It is the max of each bundle of m inputs, think of it as m
    • piecewise linear sections.
  • Linear: g(x)=x
    • After multiplying with the next layer up, it is equivalent to: fn(x)=g(NMx+b)
  • It's useful because you can use use narrow N and M
      • , which has less parameters.

    Optimizaton Methods

    • The methods we use is based on stochastic gradient descent:
      • Choose a subset of the training data (a minibatch), and calculate the gradient from that.
      • Benefit: does not depend on training set size, but on minibatch size.
    • There are many ways to do gradient descent (using: gradient g
    , learning rate ϵ , gradient update Δ )
    • Gradient descent - use gradient: Δ=ϵg
  • .
  • Momentum - use exponential decayed gradient: Δ=ϵetgt
  • .
  • Adaptive learning rate where ϵ=ϵt :
    • AdaGrad - slow learning on gradient magnitude: ϵt=ϵδ+g2t
  • .
  • RMSProp - slow learning on exponentially decayed gradient magnitude: ϵt=ϵδ+etg2t
      • .
      • Adam - complicated.
  • Newton's method: it's hard to apply due to technical reasons.
  • Batch normalization is a layer with the transform: y=mxμσ+b
    • m
    and b are learnable, while μ and σ
      • are average and standard deviation.
      • This means that the layers can be fully independent (assume the distribution of the previous layer).
    • Curriculum learning: provide easier things to learn first then mix harder things in.

    Simplifying the Network

    • At this point, we have enough basis to design and optimize deep networks.
    • However, these models are very general and large.
      • If your network has N
    layers each with S inputs/outputs, the parameter space is |θ|=O(NS2)
      • .
      • This has two downsides: overfitting, and longer training time.
    • There are many methods to reduce parameter space:
      • Find symmetries in the problem and choose layers that are invariant about the symmetry.
      • Create layers with lower output dimensionality, the network must summarize information into a more compact representation.

    Convolution Networks

    A convolutional network simplifies some layers by using convolution instead of matrix multiply (denoted with a star):


    • It is used for data that is spatially distributed, and works for 1d, 2d and 3d data.
      • 1d: (θx)i=aθaxi+a
  • 2d: (θx)ij=abθabxab+ij
  • It's slightly from the mathematical definition, but has the same idea: the output at each point is a weighted sum of nearby points.
  • Benefits:
    • Captures the notion of locality, if θ
    is zero, except in a window w wide near i=0
  • .
  • Captures the notion of translation invariance, as the same θ
  • are used for each point.
  • Reduces the number of model parameters from O(S2) , to O(w2)
    • .
  • If there are n layers of convolution, one base value will be able to influence the outputs in a wn
    • radius.
    • Practical considerations:
      • Pad the edges with 0, and how far to pad.
      • Tiled convolutions (you rotate between different convolutions).


    A common layer used in unison with convnets is max pooling:


    • It is the same structure as maxout, and equivalent in 1d.
    • For higher dimensions G
    • partitions the input space into tiles.
    • This reduces the size of the input data, and can be considered as collapsing a local region of the inputs into a summary.
    • It is also invariant to small translations.

    Recurrent Networks

    Recurrent networks use previous outputs as inputs, forming a recurrence:


    • The state s
    contains a summary of the past, while x
  • is the inputs that arrive at each step.
  • It is a simpler model than a fully dynamic: s(t)=d(t)(x(t),...x(1);θ)
    • All the θ
  • 's are shared across time - the recurrent network assumes time invariance.
  • A RNN can learn for any input length, while a fully dynamic model needs a different g
    • for each input length.
  • Output: the model may return y(t) at each time step:
    • No output during steps, only the final state matters. Eg: sentiment analysis.
    • y(t)=s(t)
    , the model has no internal state and thus less powerful. But it is easier to train, since the training data y is just s
  • .
  • y(t)=o(s(t))
  • , use an output layer to transform (and hide) the internal state. But training is more indirect and harder.
  • As always we prefer to think of y
    • as the parameters to a distribution.
  • The output chosen may be fed back to f as extra inputs. If not fed in, the y
  • are conditionally independent of each other.
    • When generating a sentence, we need conditional dependence between words, eg: A-A and B-B might be valid, but A-B might be invalid.
  • Completion:
    • Finish when input ends. This works for x(t)y(t)
  • .
  • Extra output y(t)end
  • with the probability the output has completed.
  • Extra output y(t)length
    • with the length of output remaining/total.
  • Optimization is done using the same gradient descent class of methods.
    • Gradients are calculated by expanding the recurrence to a flat formula, called back-propagation through time (BPTT).
  • One difficult aspect of BPTT is the gradient Δ=st :
    • Δ>0
  • : the state explodes, and provide unstable gradient. The solution is to clip the gradient updates to a reasonable size during descent.
  • Δ0
  • : this allows the state to persist for a long time, howevr the gradient descent method needs a gradient to work.
  • Δ<0
    • : the RNN is in a constant state of information loss.
  • There are variants of RNN that impose a simple prior to help preserve state s(t)s(t1) :
    • s(t)=fts(t1)+f(...)
    : we get a direct first derivative x
  • It lets us pass along a gradient from previous steps, even when f
    • itself has zero gradient.
  • Long short-term memory (LSTM) model input, output and forgetting: s(t)=fts(t1)+itf(s(t1),x(t);θ)
    • The ouput is: y(t)=ots(t)
  • It uses probabilities (known as gates): ot output, ft forgetting, it
  • input.
  • The gates are usually a sigmoid layer: ot=g(Mx+b)=11+eMx+b
  • .
  • Long term information is preserved, because generating new data g and using it i
    • are decoupled.
    • Gradients are preserved more as there is a direct connection between the past and future.
  • Gated recurrent unit (GRU) are a simpler model: s(t)=(1ut)s(t1)+utf(rts(t1),x(t);θ)
    • The gates: ut
    update, rt
    • reset.
    • There is no clear winner.
  • For dropout, prefer d(f(s,x;θ)) not storing information, over d(s)
    • losing information.
    • Memory Networks and attention mechanisms.

    Useful Data Sets

    • There are broad categories of input data, the applications are limitless.
    • Images vector [01]WH
  • : image to label, image to description.
  • Audio vector for each time slice: speech to text.
  • Text embed each word into vector [01]N
    • : translation.
    • Knowledge Graphs: question answering.


    An autoencoder has two functions, which encode f

    and decode g from input space to representation space. The objective is:

    • L
  • is the loss function, and is low when images are similar.
  • The idea is that the representation space learns important features.
  • To prevent overfitting we have some additional regularization tools:
    • Sparse autoencoders minimize: J=J+S(f(x))
  • . This is a regularizer on representation space.
  • Denoising autoencoders minimize: J=L(x,g(f(n(x)))) , where n
  • adds noise. This forces the network to differentiate noise from signal.
  • Contractive autoencoders minimize: J=J+fx
  • . This forces the encoder to be smooth: similar inputs get similar outputs.
  • Predictive autoencoders: J=L(x,g(h))+L(h,f(x)) . Instead of optimizing g and h
    • simultaneously, optimize them alternately.
  • Another solution is to train a discriminator network D
    • which outputs a scalar representing the probability the input is generated.

    Representation Learning

    The idea is that instead of optimizing u=f(x;θ)

    , we optimize:

    • ri
    and ro are the input and output representations, but the idea can apply to CNN, RNN and other models.
    • For example the encoder half of an autoencoder can be used to represent the input ri
      • .
    • The hope is that there are other representations that make the task easier.
    • These representations can be trained on large amounts of data and understand the base data.
    • For example: words is a very sparse input vector (all zeros, with one active).
      • There are semantic representations of words that is easier to work with.

    Practical Advice

    • Have a good measure of your success.
    • Build a working model as soon as possible.
    • Instrument and iterate from data.

    Appendix: Probability

    • Probability is a useful tool because it allows us to model:
      • Randomness: truely random system (quantum etc).
      • Hidden variables: deterministic, but we can't see all the critical factors.
      • Incomplete models: especially relevant in chaotic systems that are sensitive to small perturbations.
    • It is useful for reading papers and more advanced machine learning, but not as critical for playing around with a network.
    • Probability: P(x,y)
    means P(x=x,y=y)
  • .
  • Marginal probability: P(x)=yP(x=x,y=y)
  • .
  • Chain rule: P(x,y)=P(x|y)P(y)
  • .
  • If x and y are independent: P(x,y)=P(x)P(y)
  • .
  • Expectation: ExP[f(x)]=xP(x)f(x)
  • .
  • Bayes rule: P(x|y)=P(x)P(y|x)P(y)=P(x)P(y|x)xP(x)P(y|x)
  • .
  • Self information: I(x)=logP(x)
  • .
  • Shannon entropy: H(x)=ExP[I(x)]=xP(x)logP(x)
  • .
  • KL divergence: DKL(P||Q)=ExP[logP(x)Q(x)] .
    • It is a measure of how similar distributions P
    and Q
    • are (not true measure, not symmetric).
  • Cross entropy: H(P,Q)=H(P)+DKL=ExPlogQ(x)
  • .
  • Maximum likelihood:
    • For p
    is data and q
  • is model:
  • θML=argmaxθQ(X;θ)
  • .
  • Assuming iid and using log: θML=argmaxθxlogQ(x;θ)
  • .
  • Since each data point is equally likely: θML=argmaxθH(P,Q;θ)
  • .
  • The only component of KL that varies is the entropy: θML=argmaxθDKL(P||Q;θ)
    • .
  • Maximum a posteriori:
    • θMAP=argmaxθQ(θ|X)=argmaxθlogQ(X|θ)+logQ(θ)
  • .
  • This is like a regularizing term based on the prior of Q(θ)
      • .
At its core, Bayes' Theorem is a simple probability and statistics formula that has revolutionized how we understand and deal with uncertainty. If life is seen as black and white, Bayes' Theorem helps us think about the gray areas. When new evidence comes our way, it helps us update our beliefs and create a new belief. Ready to dig in and visually explore Bayes' Theorem? Let’s go! Over 60 hand-drawn visuals are included throughout the book to help you work through each problem as you learn by example. The beautifully hand-drawn visual illustrations are specifically designed and formatted for the kindle. This book also includes sections not found in other books on Bayes' Rule. These include: A short tutorial on how to understand problem scenarios and find P(B), P(A), and P(B|A). - For many people, knowing how to approach scenarios and break them apart can be daunting. In this booklet, we provide a quick step-by-step reference on how to confidently understand scenarios. A few examples of how to think like a Bayesian in everyday life. Bayes' Rule might seem somewhat abstract, but it can be applied to many areas of life and help you make better decisions. Learn how Bayes can help you with critical thinking, problem-solving, and dealing with the gray areas of life. A concise history of Bayes' Rule. - Bayes' Theorem has a fascinating 200+ year history, and we have summed it up for you in this booklet. From its discovery in the 1700’s to its being used to break the German’s Enigma Code during World War 2. Fascinating real-life stories on how Bayes' formula is used everyday.From search and rescue to spam filtering and driverless cars, Bayes is used in many areas of modern day life. An expanded Bayes' Theorem definition, including notations, and proof section. - In this section we define core elementary bayesian statistics terms more concretely. A recommended readings sectionFrom The Theory That Would Not Die to Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Pythoni> and many more, there are a number of fantastic resources we have collected for further reading.




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