



RC4函数(加密/解密)    其实,RC4只有加密,将密文再加密一次,就是解密了。

GetKey函数   随机字符串产生器,呵呵,为了方便,大多数加密算法都有一个随机密码产生器,我也就附带一个了。

ByteToHex函数   把字节码转为十六进制码,一个字节两个十六进制。研究发现,十六进制字符串非常适合在HTTP中传输,Base64中的某些字符会造成转义,挺麻烦的。

HexToByte函数   把十六进制字符串,转为字节码。服务器也按照十六进制字符串的形式把数据传回来,这里就可以解码啦。同时,使用十六进制字符串传输,避开了传输过程中多国语言的问题。

Encrypt函数    把字符串经RC4加密后,再把密文转为十六进制字符串返回,可直接用于传输。

Decrypt函数    直接密码十六进制字符串密文,再解密,返回字符串明文。




 #ifndef _ENCRYPT_RC4_
#define _ENCRYPT_RC4_

#include <string.h>

#define BOX_LEN 256

int GetKey(const unsigned char* pass, int pass_len, unsigned char *out);
int RC4(const unsigned char* data, int data_len, const unsigned char* key, int key_len, unsigned char* out, int* out_len); 
static void swap_byte(unsigned char* a, unsigned char* b);

char* Encrypt(const char* szSource, const char* szPassWord); // 加密,返回加密结果
char* Decrypt(const char* szSource, const char* szPassWord); // 解密,返回解密结果

char* ByteToHex(const unsigned char* vByte, const int vLen); // 把字节码pbBuffer转为十六进制字符串,方便传输
unsigned char* HexToByte(const char* szHex); // 把十六进制字符串转为字节码pbBuffer,解码

#endif // #ifndef _ENCRYPT_RC4_


#include "Encrypt.h"

char* Encrypt(const char* szSource, const char* szPassWord) // 加密,返回加密结果
 if(szSource == NULL || szPassWord == NULL) return NULL;

 unsigned char* ret = new unsigned char[strlen(szSource)];

 int ret_len = 0;

 if(RC4((unsigned char*)szSource, 
   (unsigned char*)szPassWord, 
   &ret_len) == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 char* ret2 = ByteToHex(ret, ret_len);

 delete[] ret;
 return ret2;

char* Decrypt(const char* szSource, const char* szPassWord) // 解密,返回解密结果
 if(szSource == NULL || (strlen(szSource)%2 != 0) || szPassWord == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 unsigned char* src = HexToByte(szSource);

 unsigned char* ret = new unsigned char[strlen(szSource) / 2 + 1];

 int ret_len = 0;

 memset(ret, strlen(szSource) / 2 + 1,0);

 if(RC4(src, strlen(szSource) / 2, (unsigned char*)szPassWord, strlen(szPassWord), ret, &ret_len) == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 ret[ret_len] = '/0';

 return (char*)ret;

int RC4(const unsigned char* data, int data_len, const unsigned char* key, int key_len, unsigned char* out, int* out_len)
 if (data == NULL || key == NULL || out == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 unsigned char* mBox = new unsigned char[BOX_LEN];

 if(GetKey(key, key_len, mBox) == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 int i=0;
 int x=0;
 int y=0;
 for(int k = 0; k < data_len; k++)
  x = (x + 1) % BOX_LEN;
  y = (mBox[x] + y) % BOX_LEN;
  swap_byte(&mBox[x], &mBox[y]);
  out[k] = data[k] ^ mBox[(mBox[x] + mBox[y]) % BOX_LEN];

 *out_len = data_len;
 delete[] mBox;
 return -1;

int GetKey(const unsigned char* pass, int pass_len, unsigned char* out)
 if(pass == NULL || out == NULL) 
  return NULL;

 int i;

 for(i = 0; i < BOX_LEN; i++)
  out[i] = i;

 int j = 0;
 for(i = 0; i < BOX_LEN; i++)
  j = (pass[i % pass_len] + out[i] + j) % BOX_LEN;
  swap_byte(&out[i], &out[j]); 

 return -1;

static void swap_byte(unsigned char* a, unsigned char* b)
 unsigned char swapByte; 
 swapByte = *a;

 *a = *b;

 *b = swapByte;

// 把字节码转为十六进制码,一个字节两个十六进制,内部为字符串分配空间
char* ByteToHex(const unsigned char* vByte, const int vLen)
  return NULL;

 char* tmp = new char[vLen * 2 + 1]; // 一个字节两个十六进制码,最后要多一个'/0'

 int tmp2;
 for (int i=0;i<vLen;i++)
  tmp2 = (int)(vByte[i])/16;
  tmp[i*2] = (char)(tmp2+((tmp2>9)?'A'-10:'0'));
  tmp2 = (int)(vByte[i])%16;
  tmp[i*2+1] = (char)(tmp2+((tmp2>9)?'A'-10:'0'));

 tmp[vLen * 2] = '/0';
 return tmp;

// 把十六进制字符串,转为字节码,每两个十六进制字符作为一个字节
unsigned char* HexToByte(const char* szHex)
  return NULL;

 int iLen = strlen(szHex);

 if (iLen<=0 || 0!=iLen%2) 
  return NULL;

 unsigned char* pbBuf = new unsigned char[iLen/2];  // 数据缓冲区

 int tmp1, tmp2;
 for (int i=0;i<iLen/2;i++)
  tmp1 = (int)szHex[i*2] - (((int)szHex[i*2]>='A')?'A'-10:'0');

   return NULL;

  tmp2 = (int)szHex[i*2+1] - (((int)szHex[i*2+1]>='A')?'A'-10:'0');

   return NULL;

  pbBuf[i] = (tmp1*16+tmp2);

 return pbBuf;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "Encrypt.h"

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) 
 int size = 0;

 char source[] = "chenli";
 char pass[] = "123456";
 char *result1 = NULL;
 char *result2 = NULL;
 result1 = Encrypt(source, pass);

 printf("result1=%s/n", result1);

 result2 = Decrypt(result1, pass);

 printf("result2=%s/n", result2);

 delete []result1;
 delete []result2;

 return 0; 

2. ulib


  • Core Items
    1. bfilter.{h,c}: the Bloom filter
    2. bitmap.{h,c}: generic bitmap
    3. crypt_aes.{h,c}: the AES crypt
    4. crypt_md5.{h,c}: the MD5 algorithm
    5. crypt_rc4.{h,c}: the RC4 crypt
    6. crypt_sha1.{h,c}: the SHA1 algorithm
    7. crypt_sha256.{h,c}: the SHA256 algorithm
    8. hash_open.h: C++ containers for the open addressing hashmap and hashset
    9. hash_open_prot.h: prototypes for the open addressing hashmap and hashset
    10. hash_chain.h: C++ container for the chain hashmap
    11. hash_chain_prot.h: prototype for the chain hashmap
    12. hash_func.{h,c}: hash functions
    13. heap_prot.h: generic heap prototype
    14. list.h: doubly linked list, can be used to implement queue and stack
    15. math_bit.h: bit operations
    16. math_bn.{h,c}: big number arithmetics
    17. math_comb.{h,c}: combinatorics enumerator
    18. math_factorial.{h,c}: factorial approximations
    19. math_gcd.{h,c}: Euclidean and the Extended Euclidean GCD algorithms
    20. math_lcm.{h,c}: the least common multiple
    21. math_rand_prot.h: pseudo-random number generators, mix functions, and etc
    22. math_rng_gamma.{h,c}: gamma distribution RNG
    23. math_rng_normal.{h,c}: normal distribution RNG
    24. math_rng_zipf.{h,c}: Zipf distribution RNG
    25. search_line.{h,c}: binary search for the text lines
    26. sort_heap_prot.h: prototype for the heapsort
    27. sort_list.{h,c}: list sort
    28. sort_median_prot.h: prototype for the median algorithm
    29. str_util.{h,c}: parallel/supplementary string utilities
    30. tree.{h,c}: various binary search trees
    31. tree_util.{h,c}: tree utilities
    32. ulib_ver.{h,c}: ulib version
    33. util_algo.h: basic algorithms
    34. util_console.{h,c}: command-line parser
    35. util_hexdump: the hexdump utilities
    36. util_log.h: logging utilities
    37. util_timer.h: high-precision timer
  • Parallel Items
    1. hash_chain_r.h: concurrent chain hashmap
    2. hash_multi_r.h: concurrent multiple hashmap
    3. mr_dataset.{h,cpp}: the MapReduce data abstraction
    4. mr_engine.h: the MapReduce engine
    5. mr_interm.h: the MapReduce intermediate storage abstraction
    6. os_atomic_intel64.h: atomic operations for the x86_64
    7. os_rdtsc.h: the Intel rdtsc instruction
    8. os_regionlock.h: region locks
    9. os_spinlock.h: various spinlocks for the x86_64
    10. os_thread.{h,cpp}: thread wrapper class
    11. os_typelock.h: typed locks for C++





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