
Mersenne twister -- 目前为止最好的随机数算法

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Mersenne twister -- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mersenne twister is a pseudorandom number generator developed in 1997 by Makoto Matsumoto ( 松本 , Makoto Matsumoto ? ) and Takuji Nishimura ( 西村 拓士 , Takuji Nishimura ? )[1] that is based on a matrix linear recurrence over a finite binary field F 2 . It provides for fast generation of very high-quality pseudorandom numbers, having been designed specifically to rectify many of the flaws found in older algorithms.

Its name derives from the fact that period length is chosen to be a Mersenne prime . There are at least two common variants of the algorithm, differing only in the size of the Mersenne primes used. The newer and more commonly used one is the Mersenne Twister MT19937, with 32-bit word length. There is also a variant with 64-bit word length, MT19937-64, which generates a different sequence.


Unlike Blum Blum Shub , the algorithm in its native form is not suitable for cryptography . Observing a sufficient number of iterates (624 in the case of MT19937) allows one to predict all future iterates.

Another issue is that it can take a long time to turn a non-random initial state into output that passes randomness tests , due to its size. A small lagged Fibonacci generator or linear congruential generator gets started much quicker and usually is used to seed the Mersenne Twister. If only a few numbers are required and standards aren't high it is simpler to use the seed generator. But the Mersenne Twister will still work.

For many other applications, however, the Mersenne twister is quickly becoming the pseudorandom number generator of choice[citation needed ] . Since the library is portable, freely available and quickly generates good quality pseudorandom numbers it is rarely a bad choice.

It is designed with Monte Carlo simulations and other statistical simulations in mind. Researchers primarily want good quality numbers but also benefit from its speed and portability.

The commonly used variant of Mersenne Twister, MT19937 has the following desirable properties:

  1. It was designed to have a period of 219937  − 1 (the creators of the algorithm proved this property). In practice, there is little reason to use larger ones, as most applications do not require 219937 unique combinations (219937 is approximately 4.3 × 106001 ).
  2. It has a very high order of dimensional equidistribution (see linear congruential generator ). This implies that there is negligible serial correlation between successive values in the output sequence.
  3. It passes numerous tests for statistical randomness, including the Diehard tests . It passes most, but not all, of the even more stringent TestU01 Crush randomness tests.

The Mersenne Twister algorithm has received some criticism in the computer science field, notably by George Marsaglia . These critics claim that while it is good at generating random numbers, it is not very elegant and is overly complex to implement. Marsaglia has provided several examples of random number generators that are less complex yet which he claims provide significantly larger periods. For example, a simple complementary multiply-with-carry generator can have a period 1033000 times as long, be significantly faster, and maintain better or equal randomness.[2] [3]

Algorithmic detail

The Mersenne Twister algorithm is a twisted generalised feedback shift register [4] (twisted GFSR, or TGFSR) of rational normal form (TGFSR(R)), with state bit reflection and tempering. It is characterized by the following quantities:

  • w : word size (in number of bits)
  • n : degree of recurrence
  • m : middle word, or the number of parallel sequences, 1 ≤ mn
  • r : separation point of one word, or the number of bits of the lower bitmask, 0 ≤ rw - 1
  • a : coefficients of the rational normal form twist matrix
  • b , c : TGFSR(R) tempering bitmasks
  • s , t : TGFSR(R) tempering bit shifts
  • u , l : additional Mersenne Twister tempering bit shifts

with the restriction that 2nw  − r  − 1 is a Mersenne prime. This choice simplifies the primitivity test and k -distribution test that are needed in the parameter search.

For a word x with w bit width, it is expressed as the recurrence relation

with | as the bitwise or and as the bitwise exclusive or (XOR), x u , x l being x with upper and lower bitmasks applied. The twist transformation A is defined in rational normal form

with In  − 1 as the (n  − 1) × (n  − 1) identity matrix (and in contrast to normal matrix multiplication, bitwise XOR replaces addition). The rational normal form has the benefit that it can be efficiently expressed as


In order to achieve the 2nw  − r  − 1 theoretical upper limit of the period in a TGFSR, φB (t ) must be a primitive polynomial , φB (t ) being the characteristic polynomial of

The twist transformation improves the classical GFSR with the following key properties:

  • Period reaches the theoretical upper limit 2nw  − r  − 1 (except if initialized with 0)
  • Equidistribution in n dimensions (e.g. linear congruential generators can at best manage reasonable distribution in 5 dimensions)

As like TGFSR(R), the Mersenne Twister is cascaded with a tempering transform to compensate for the reduced dimensionality of equidistribution (because of the choice of A being in the rational normal form), which is equivalent to the transformation A  = RA  = T −1 RT , T invertible. The tempering is defined in the case of Mersenne Twister as

y  := x    (x  >> u )

y  := :y    ((y  << s ) & b )

y  := :y    ((y  << t ) & c )

z  := y    (y  >> l )

with <<, >> as the bitwise left and right shifts, and & as the bitwise and . The first and last transforms are added in order to improve lower bit equidistribution. From the property of TGFSR, is required to reach the upper bound of equidistribution for the upper bits.

The coefficients for MT19937 are:

  • (w , n , m , r ) = (32, 624, 397, 31)
  • a  = 9908B0DF16
  • u  = 11
  • (s , b ) = (7, 9D2C568016 )
  • (t , c ) = (15, EFC6000016 )
  • l  = 18


The following generates uniformly 32-bit integers in the range [0, 232  − 1] with the MT19937 algorithm:

  // Create a length 624 array to store the state of the generator

  int [0..623] MT

  int index = 0


  // Initialize the generator from a seed

  function initializeGenerator(int seed) {

     MT[0] := seed

     for i from 1 to 623 { // loop over each other element

         MT[i] := last 32 bits of (1812433253 * (MT[i-1] xor (right shift by 30 bits (MT[i-1]))) + i) // 0x6c078965




  // Extract a tempered pseudorandom number based on the index-th value,

  // calling generateNumbers() every 624 numbers

  function extractNumber() {

     if index == 0 {




     int y := MT[index]

     y := y xor (right shift by 11 bits (y))

     y := y xor (left shift by 7 bits (y) and (2636928640)) // 0x9d2c5680

     y := y xor (left shift by 15 bits (y) and (4022730752)) // 0xefc60000

     y := y xor (right shift by 18 bits (y))


     index := (index + 1) mod 624

     return y



  // Generate an array of 624 untempered numbers

  function generateNumbers() {

     for i from 0 to 623 {

         int y := 32nd bit of (MT[i]) + last 31 bits of (MT[(i+1) mod 624])

         MT[i] := MT[(i + 397) mod 624] xor (right shift by 1 bit (y))

         if (y mod 2) == 1 { // y is odd

             MT[i] := MT[i] xor (2567483615) // 0x9908b0df





SFMT, the SIMD -oriented Fast Mersenne Twister, is a variant of Mersenne Twister, introduced in 2006[5] , designed to be fast when it runs on 128-bit SIMD.

  • It is roughly twice as fast as Mersenne Twister.[6]
  • It has a better equidistribution property of v-bit accuracy than MT but worse than WELL ("Well Equidistributed Long-period Linear").
  • It has quicker recovery from zero-excess initial state than MT, but slower than WELL.
  • It supports various periods from 2607 -1 to 2216091 -1.

Intel SSE2 and PowerPC AltiVec are supported by SFMT. It is also used for games with the Cell BE in the Playstation 3 .[7]


  1. ^ M. Matsumoto & T. Nishimura, "Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator", ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 8 , 3 (1998).
  2. ^ Marsaglia on Mersenne Twister 2003
  3. ^ Marsaglia on Mersenne Twister 2005
  4. ^ M. Matsumoto & Y. Kurita, "Twisted GFSR generators", ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 2 , 179 (1992); 4 , 254 (1994).
  5. ^ SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT)
  6. ^ SFMT:Comparison of speed
  7. ^ PLAYSTATION 3 License

External links



a better random generator

//   random.hpp
//   Copyright (C) 2008  Chipset
//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as       
//   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the    
//   License, or (at your option) any later version. 
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
//   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
//   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
//   along with this program. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.   

#ifndef RANDOM_HPP_
#define  RANDOM_HPP_
< ctime >

class  random
public :
explicit  random(unsigned  long  s  =   0 ) : seed(s)
if  ( 0   ==  seed) seed  =  std::time( 0 );
void  reset(unsigned  long  s  =   0 )
=  s;
if  ( 0   ==  seed) seed  =  std::time( 0 );
long  rand( )
// returns a random integer in the range [0, -1UL)
return  seed ;
double  real()
// returns a random real number in the range [0.0, 1.0)
return double (seed)  / -1UL;
private :
long  seed;
void  randomize() { seed  = 1103515245UL   *  seed  +   123456789UL ; }

class  rand_help
static  random r;
public :
  rand_help() {}
void   operator ()(unsigned  long  s) { r.reset(s); }
long   operator ()()  const  {  return  r.rand() ; }
double   operator ()( double ) {  return  r.real(); }
random rand_help:: r;

void  srandom(unsigned  long  ns  =   0 ) { rand_help()(ns); }  // reset seed
extern unsigned  long  irand() {  return  rand_help()(); }          // negative numbers disallowed
extern double  drand() {  return  rand_help()( 1.0 ); }              // for real numbers

#endif    //  RANDOM_HPP_

// 以上随机数产生器产生的随机数比rand()产生的随机数更加随机(可以用数学方法检验),

/* 假设随机数均匀分布为理想分布, 粗略估计随机性 */
< iostream >
< vector >
< iomanip >
" random.hpp "
int  main()
0 ));
// SZ分别取值2^3, 2^4,  , 2^15进行测试
   const  size_t SZ  =   1   <<   15 ;
< unsigned >  v1(SZ), v3(SZ);
< unsigned >  v2(SZ), v4(SZ);
for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SZ;  ++ i)
++ v1[rand()  %  SZ]; // 对应元素计数 ,理论上v1[0] ~ v1[SZ - 1]之间每个都应该是1
     ++ v2[irand()  %  SZ];

for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SZ;  ++ i)
++ v3[v1[i]];  // 统计频度
     ++ v4[v2[i]];
// 假设[0, SSZ)之间不存在间断点, (即使有间断点也无所谓,我们只做粗略模糊统计,因为没有必要那么精确)
// 最理想的显示结果应该是0:    0,   1:   SZ,    2:    0,   3:    0,   4:    0,   other:    0
// 0:表示间断,1:表示均匀,2:, 3:, 4:, other: 都表示不同程度的重复
   const  size_t SSZ  =   5 ;
'   ' );
for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SSZ;  ++ i)
<<  i  <<   " "   <<  std::setw(SSZ)  <<  v3[i]  <<   " ,    " ;
<<   " other:  "   <<  std::setw(SSZ)
<<  v3.size()  -  v3[ 0 -  v3[ 1 -  v3[ 2 -  v3[ 3 -  v3[ 4 <<   ' /n ' ;
for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SSZ;  ++ i)
<<  i  <<   " "   <<  std::setw(SSZ)  <<  v4[i]  <<   " ,    " ;
<<   " other:  "   <<  std::setw(SSZ)
<<  v4.size()  -  v4[ 0 -  v4[ 1 -  v4[ 2 -  v4[ 3 -  v4[ 4 <<   ' /n ' ;
" pause " );

// 做速度测试
#include  < iostream >
< ctime >
< cstdlib >
< windows.h >
" random.hpp "

int  main()
const  size_t SZ  =   1   <<   27 ;
<<   " generating random numbers in progress  /n " ;
<<  SZ  <<   "  random numbers generated./n " ;
<<   " random used:  " ;
1000 );
  std::clock_t time 
=  clock();
for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SZ;  ++ i)
<<  clock()  -  time  <<   " ms,  " ;

<<   " rand() used:  " ;
1000 );
0 ));
  std::clock_t t 
=  clock();
for (size_t i  =   0 ; i  <  SZ;  ++ i)
<<  clock()  -  t  <<   " ms/n " ;

" PAUSE " );
return   0 ;


古老的LCG(linear congruential generator)代表了最好的伪随机数产生器算法。主要原因是容易理解,容易实现,而且速度快。这种算法数学上基于X(n+1) = (a * X(n) + c) % m这样的公式,其中:
模m, m > 0
系数a, 0 < a < m
增量c, 0 <= c < m
原始值(种子) 0 <= X(0) < m
其中参数c, m, a比较敏感,或者说直接影响了伪随机数产生的质量。
Source                           m            a            c          rand()  /  Random(L)的种子位
Numerical Recipes                  
2 ^ 32          1664525       1013904223     
Borland C
/ C ++                       
2 ^ 32          22695477      1           位30.. 16   in  rand(),  30 .. 0   in  lrand()
glibc (used by GCC)                
2 ^ 32           1103515245    12345       位30.. 0
ANSI C: Watcom, Digital Mars, CodeWarrior, IBM VisualAge C
/ C ++
2 ^ 32           1103515245    12345       位30.. 16
Borland Delphi, Virtual Pascal
2 ^ 32           134775813      1           位63.. 32  of (seed  *  L)
Microsoft Visual
/ Quick C / C ++
2 ^ 32           214013        2531011     位30.. 16
Apple CarbonLib
2 ^ 31 -1        16807         0           见Park–Miller随机数发生器

LCG不能用于随机数要求高的场合,例如不能用于Monte Carlo模拟,不能用于加密应用。
一般而言,输出序列的基数b中最低n位,bk = m (k是某个整数),最大周期bn.
如果需要高质量的伪随机数,内存充足(约2kb),Mersenne twister算法是个不错的选择。Mersenne twister产生随机数的质量几乎超过任何LCG。不过一般Mersenne twister的实现使用LCG产生种子。
Mersenne twister是Makoto Matsumoto (松本)和Takuji Nishimura (西村)于1997年开发的伪随机数产生器,基于有限二进制字段上的矩阵线性再生。可以快速产生高质量的伪随机数,修正了古老随机数产生算法的很多缺陷。 Mersenne twister这个名字来自周期长度通常取Mersenne质数这样一个事实。常见的有两个变种Mersenne Twister MT19937和Mersenne Twister MT19937-64。
Mersenne Twister有很多长处,例如:周期2^19937 - 1对于一般的应用来说,足够大了,序列关联比较小,能通过很多随机性测试。
关于Mersenne Twister比较详细的论述请参阅http://www.cppblog.com/Chipset/archive/2009/01/19/72330.html
  1  // ************************************************************************
  2  //   This is a slightly modified version of Equamen mersenne twister.
  3  //
  4  //   Copyright (C) 2009 Chipset
  5  //
  6  //   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7  //   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
  8  //   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
  9  //   License, or (at your option) any later version.
 10  //
 11  //   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 13  //   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 14  //
 15  //   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 16  //   along with this program. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.
 17  // ************************************************************************
 19  //  Original Coyright (c) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura
 20  //
 21  //  Functions for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/2/10.
 22  //  Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
 23  //  This is a faster version by taking Shawn Cokus's optimization,
 24  //  Matthe Bellew's simplification, Isaku Wada's real version.
 25  //  C++ version by Lyell Haynes (Equamen)
 26  //
 27  //  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 28  //  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 29  //  are met:
 30  //
 31  //  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 32  //     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 33  //
 34  //  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 35  //     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 36  //     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 37  //
 38  //  3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
 39  //     products derived from this software without specific prior written
 40  //     permission.
 41  //
 53  //
 55  #ifndef mtrandom_HPP_
 56  #define  mtrandom_HPP_
 58  #include  < stddef.h >
 60  class  mtrandom
 61  {
 62  public :
 63      mtrandom() : left( 1 ) { init(); }
 65       explicit  mtrandom(size_t seed) : left( 1 ) {    init(seed);    }
 67      mtrandom(size_t *  init_key,  int  key_length) : left( 1 )
 68      {
 69           int  i  =   1 , j  =   0 ;
 70           int  k  =  N  >  key_length  ?  N : key_length;
 71          init();
 72           for (; k;  -- k)
 73          {
 74              state[i]   =   (state[i]  ^  ((state[i  -   1 ^  (state[i  -   1 >>   30 ))  *   1664525UL )) +  init_key[j]  +  j;  //  non linear
 75              state[i]  &=    4294967295UL //  for WORDSIZE > 32 machines
 76               ++ i;
 77               ++ j;
 78               if (i  >=  N)
 79              {
 80                  state[ 0 =  state[N  -   1 ];
 81                  i  =   1 ;
 82              }
 83               if (j  >=  key_length)
 84                  j  =   0 ;
 85          }
 87           for (k  =  N  -   1 ; k;  -- k)
 88          {
 89              state[i]  =  (state[i]  ^  ((state[i  -   1 ^  (state[i  -   1 >>   30 ))  *   1566083941UL ))  -  i;  //  non linear
 90              state[i]  &=   4294967295UL //  for WORDSIZE > 32 machines
 91               ++ i;
 92               if (i  >=  N)
 93              {
 94                  state[ 0 =  state[N  -   1 ];
 95                  i  =   1 ;
 96              }
 97          }
 99          state[ 0 ]   =    2147483648UL //  MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array
100      }
102       void  reset(size_t rs)
103      {
104          init(rs);
105          next_state();
106      }
108      size_t rand()
109      {
110          size_t y;
111           if ( 0   ==   -- left)
112              next_state();
113          y   =   * next ++ ;
114           //  Tempering
115          y  ^=  (y  >>   11 );
116          y  ^=  (y  <<   7 &   0x9d2c5680UL ;
117          y  ^=  (y  <<   15 &   0xefc60000UL ;
118          y  ^=  (y  >>   18 );
119           return  y;
120      }
122       double  real()    {     return  ( double )rand()  /   - 1UL ;    }
124           //  generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
125       double  res53()
126      {
127          size_t a  =  rand()  >>   5 , b  =  rand()  >>   6 ;
128           return  (a  *   67108864.0   +  b)  /   9007199254740992.0 ;
129      }
131  private :
132       void  init(size_t seed  =   19650218UL )
133      {
134          state[ 0 =   seed  &   4294967295UL ;
135           for ( int  j  =   1 ; j  <  N;  ++ j)
136          {
137              state[j]   =   ( 1812433253UL   *  (state[j  -   1 ^  (state[j  -   1 ]   >>    30 ))  +  j);
138               //  See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier.
139               //  In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect
140               //  only MSBs of the array state[].
141               //  2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto
142              state[j]  &=    4294967295UL ;   //  for >32 bit machines
143          }
144      }
146       void  next_state()
147      {
148          size_t *  p  =  state;
149           int  i;
151           for (i  =  N  -  M  +   1 -- i;  ++ p)
152               * =  (p[M]  ^  twist(p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ]));
154           for (i  =  M;  -- i;  ++ p)
155               * =  (p[M  -  N]  ^  twist(p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ]));
156           * =  p[M  -  N]  ^  twist(p[ 0 ], state[ 0 ]);
157          left  =  N;
158          next  =  state;
159      }
161      size_t mixbits(size_t u, size_t v)  const
162      {
163           return  (u  &   2147483648UL |  (v  &   2147483647UL );
164      }
166      size_t twist(size_t u, size_t v)  const
167      {
168           return  ((mixbits(u, v)   >>    1 ^  (v  &   1UL   ?   2567483615UL  :  0UL ));
169      }
171       static   const   int  N  =   624 , M  =   397 ;
172      size_t state[N];
173      size_t left;
174      size_t *  next;
175  };
177  class  mtrand_help
178  {
179     static  mtrandom r;
180  public :
181    mtrand_help() {}
182     void   operator ()(size_t s) { r.reset(s); }
183    size_t  operator ()()  const  {  return  r.rand(); }
184     double   operator ()( double ) {  return  r.real(); }
185  };
186  mtrandom mtrand_help:: r;
188  extern   void  mtsrand(size_t s) { mtrand_help()(s); }
189  extern  size_t mtirand() {  return  mtrand_help()(); }
190  extern   double  mtdrand() {  return  mtrand_help()( 1.0 ); }
192  #endif   //  mtrandom_HPP_





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