
A qcow2 virtual disk contains an image header, a twolevel lookup table, a reference table, and data clusters, as shown in Figure 1. The image header resembles the superblock of a file system, which contains the basic information of the image file such as the base address of the lookup table and the reference table. The image file is organized at the granularity of cluster, and the size of the cluster is stored in the image header. The lookup table is used for address translation. A virtual block address (VBA) a in the guest VM is split into three parts, i.e., a=(a1, a2, a3): a1 is used as the L1 table’s index to locate the corresponding L2 table; a2 is used as the L2 table’s index to locate the corresponding data cluster; a3 is the offset in the data cluster. The reference table is used to track each cluster used by snapshots. The refcount in reference table is set to 1 for a newly allocated cluster, and its value grows when more snapshots use the cluster.

The process of writing some new data to a virtual disk includes following steps:
1 Look up the L1 table to get the offset of the L2 table.

2 If the L2 table is not allocated, then set the corresponding reference table entry to allocate a cluster for the L2 table, and initialize the new L2 table.

3 Update the L1 table entry to point to the new L2 table if a new L2 table is allocated.

4 Set the reference table to allocate a cluster for data.

5 Write the data to the new data cluster. 6 Update the L2 table entry to point to the new data cluster.
Note that, each step in the whole appending process should not be reordered; otherwise, it may cause metadata inconsistency.

The organization of qcow2 format requires extra efforts to retain crash consistency such that the dependencies between the metadata and data are respected. For example, a data cluster should be flushed to disk before updating the lookup table; otherwise, the entry in the lookup table may point to some garbage data. The reference table should be updated before updating the lookup table; otherwise, the lookup table may point to some unallocated data cluster.
We use two simple benchmarks in QEMU-2.1.2 to compare the number of sync operations in the guest VM and the host:

1) “overwrite benchmark”, which allocates blocks in advance in the disk image (i.e., the qcow2 image size remains the same before and after the test);

2)“append benchmark”, which allocates new blocks in the disk image during the test (i.e., the image size increases after the test). The test writes 64KB data and calls fdatasync every 50 iterations. We find that the virtual disks introduce more than 3X sync operations for qcow2 and 4X for VMDK images, as shown in Figure 2.As shown in Figure 3, a fdatasync of the user  pplication can cause a transaction commit in the file system. This requires two flushes (in guest VM) to preserve its atomicity, which are then translated into two set of writes in QEMU. The first write puts the data and the journal metadata of the VMto the virtual disk, which in the worst case, causes its size to grow.
To grow the virtual disk in QEMU, a data block must be allocated, and the corresponding reference table block should be set strictly before other operations. This necessitates the first flush. After that, the L2 data block must be updated strictly before the remaining operations. This necessitates the second flush. (In some extreme cases where the L1 data block should be updated as well, it introduces even more flushes). The third flush is used to update the base image’s reference table. When creating a new image based on the base image, the refcount in the reference table of the base image will be increased by one to indicate that another image uses the base image’s data. When updating the new image, qcow2 will copy data from the base image to a new place and do updates. The new image will use the COW data and will not access the old data in the base image, so the refcount in the base image should be decreased by one. The third flush is used to make the reference table of the base image
durable. The fourth flush is introduced solely because of the suboptimal implementation in QEMU. The second write is the same as the first one, which needs four flushes. Consequently, we need around eight flushes for one guest fdatasync at most.



  1. 1.更小的文件大小,即使是不支持holes的文件系统也可以(这样的话,ls跟du看到的就一样了);
  2. 2.Copy-on-write的支持;
  3. 3.快照的支持,可以维护多个快照;
  4. 4.基于zlib的压缩;
  5. 5.AES加密

  $> qemu-img create -f qcow2 test.qcow2 4G
  Formating 'test.qcow2', fmt=qcow2, size=4194304 kB
  $> qemu-img convert test.qcow2 -O raw test.img

qcow2 Header
  typedef struct QCowHeader {
      uint32_t magic;
      uint32_t version;

      uint64_t backing_file_offset;
      uint32_t backing_file_size;

      uint32_t cluster_bits;
      uint64_t size; /* in bytes */
      uint32_t crypt_method;

      uint32_t l1_size;
      uint64_t l1_table_offset;

      uint64_t refcount_table_offset;
      uint32_t refcount_table_clusters;

      uint32_t nb_snapshots;
      uint64_t snapshots_offset;
  } QCowHeader;


  • 头4个字节包含了字符'Q', 'F', 'I',并以0xfb结尾;
  • 之后的4个字节包含了这个文件所用的格式版本,当前存在两种版本的格式,版本1和版本2。在本文,我们讨论的是版本2,即qcow2。版本1将在本文最后做简要介绍;
  • backing_file_offset字段给出相对于qcow2文件起始位置的偏移,指出一个字符串的位置,该字符串为backing file文件的绝对路径。由于该字符串不是以'\0'结束,所以backing_file_size指出字符串的长度。如果当前镜像是一个copy-on-write镜像,则存在backing file文件,否则没有;
  • cluster_bits字段,决定了怎样映射镜像偏移地址到文件偏移地址,其决定了在一个簇中,将拿偏移地址的多少位(低位)来作为索引。L2表占据一个单独的簇,包含若干8字节的项,cluster_bits最少用3bits作为L2表的索引。L2表的详细介绍,见下一节的2级索引;
  • size字段指示镜像以块设备呈现时的大小,单位字节;
  • crypt_method只有两种值,0表示没有加密,1表示采用了AES加密;
  • l1_size字段指示了在L1表中,可用的8字节项的个数,l1_table_offset字段给出了L1 table的文件偏移;
  • 相似的,refcount_table_offset字段给出了refcount table的文件偏移,refcount_table_clusters字段描述了refcount table大小(单位为clusters);
  • nb_snapshots字段给出了当前镜像中有多少个快照,snapshots_offset字段给出了QCowSnapshotHeader headers的文件偏移,每个快照都会有这样一个header。


  • 一个header, 如上描述;
  • 在下一个簇开始,存放L1 table;
  • refcount table,仍然是簇对齐的;
  • 一个或者多个的refcount blocks;
  • Snapshot headers,第一个header要求簇对齐,之后的header要求8字节对齐;
  • L2 tables,每一个table占据一个单独的cluster;
  • Data clusters。


  • 低12位用来定位一个4Kb的簇内偏移;
  • 之后的9位为一个512项的数组的偏移,每一项为一个8字节的文件偏移,即L2 table。 这里的9位是这么算出来的, l2_bits = cluster_bits - 3,L2 table是一个单独的包含若干8字节项的cluster;
  • 剩下的43位为另外一个8字节的文件偏移的数组的偏移,即L1 table。

注意,L1 table的最小值,可以通过给定磁盘镜像的大小来计算,公式如下:
l1_size = round_up(disk_size / (cluster_size * l2_size), cluster_size)


  1. 通过qcow2 header中的l1_table_offset字段获取L1 table的地址;
  2. 使用高(64 - l2_bits - cluser_bits)位的地址来索引L1 table,L1 table是一个数组,数组元素是一个64位的数;
  3. 通过L1 table中的表项来获取L2 table的地址;
  4. 通过L2 table中的表项来获取cluster的地址;
  5. 剩余的cluster_bits位来索引cluster内的位置。

如果找到的L1 table或L2 table的地址偏移为0,则表示磁盘镜像对应的区域尚未分配。

还需要注意的是,L1或L2 table的地址的高2位被保留下来,拿来置"copied"和"compressed"标记。具体细节见下节"引用计数"。

针对每一个cluster的2个字节的引用计数,存放在cluster sized blocks。通过refcount_table_offset字段可以获取到refcount table的位置,refcount_table_clusters字段给出refcount table的大小(单位为cluster),refcount table给出了这些refcount blocks在镜像文件中的偏移地址。
为了获取一个给定的cluster的引用计数,你需要将cluster offset划分成refcount table offset和refcount block offset。一个refcount block是一个单独的cluster,这个cluster里包含了若干个2字节的项,低(cluster_size -1)位作为block offset,剩余的位作为table offset。

写时复制的实现方式比较简单。增量镜像会在qcow2 header中的backing_file_offset字段指示一个字符串在qcow2文件内的偏移,该字符串是模板镜像文件的绝对路径,backing_file_size字段指明字符串的长度。当要从增量镜像中读取一个cluster时,qemu会先检查这个cluster在增量镜像中有没有被分配。如果没有,则会去读模板镜像中的对应位置。


  typedef struct QCowSnapshotHeader {
      /* header is 8 byte aligned */
      uint64_t l1_table_offset;

      uint32_t l1_size;
      uint16_t id_str_size;
      uint16_t name_size;

      uint32_t date_sec;
      uint32_t date_nsec;

      uint64_t vm_clock_nsec;

      uint32_t vm_state_size;
      uint32_t extra_data_size; /* for extension */
      /* extra data follows */
      /* id_str follows */
      /* name follows  */
  } QCowSnapshotHeader;


  • 快照有名字和ID,都是字符串,id_str_size,name_size给出字符串长度,字符串紧接在QCowSnapshotHeader后面;
  • 快照至少有原来的L1 table的副本,其通过l1_table_offset和l1_size来定位;
  • 在快照被创建的时候,qemu会调用gettimeofday(),快照时间被保存在date_sec和date_nsec字段中;
  • vm_clock_nsec给出VM clock当前的状态;
  • vm_state_size表示作为快照的一部分被保存的虚拟机状态的大小。这个状态被保存在原来L1 table的位置,直接在镜像header的后面;
  • extra_data_size表示在QCowSnapshotHeader之后的扩展数据的长度,不包括id和name字符串。这一段扩展数据是留给以后用的。

创建一个快照,就会添加一个QCowSnapshotHeader,然后复制一份L1 table,同时会增加所有L2 table和数据clusters的被L1 table引用的引用计数。打完快照之后,如果任何在这个镜像中的L2 table或者data clusters被修改了——也就是,如果一个cluster的引用计数大于1,且"copied"标记被置上了——qemu则会先复制一份这个cluster,然后再写入数据。就这样,所有的快照都不会被修改。

/*cluster offset表示一个簇在qcow2文件中的偏移,其最高的2位是标记位*/
从L2 table中获取cluster offset的流程如下:

  • 如果cluster offset的第二最高有效位是1,则这是一个被压缩的cluster;
  • cluster offset中之后的cluster_bits - 8 位是这个压缩过的cluster的大小,单位是sectors;
  • cluster offset剩余的位是压缩的cluster在文件中的实际偏移地址。

如果QCowHeader中的crypt_method字段被置为1,则会采用一个16个字符的密码作为128位AES key。


  1. 1.支持快照的概念,qcow只支持增量镜像;
  2. 2.在qcow2中,引入了cluster的引用计数的概念;引用计数也被用来支持快照;
  3. 3.在qcow2中,L2 table将一直占一个单独的cluster; 之前,是通过QCowHeader中的l2_bits来确定的;
  4. 4.压缩的cluster的大小,现在单位为sector,之前是字节。
评论 2




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