【转】分享 Visa 问题准备

1         归国计划(时间顺序),还是出国理由(1.2.3.),一定要有所顺序。这样,VO会认为你头脑清晰,对出国的事情进行过详细的计划和思考,是一个对自己负责的人。

2         1,why do you choose this univ?. P' D1 v: J7 D8 Z# m, Z(do you have a clear expectation about your study plan?)% H6 [- g9 ^$ c8 A
2 Q+ n+ K7 J2 P: O% _ B: In xxx area,it is leading, xxx program fit my interest and goal.8 X5 g5 W, W5 B* B; _0 Q; E+ V% c  i wantto get the know and tech in xxx to realize my...  a. k* E/ Q; D$ Q1 t/ R& x  E, L( d6 j4,how many univ your apply,how many admit you or offer ?
. v* k0 ^) A9 J0 h  l, a* X6 ^$ z8 K (if you choose too many ,maybe you are not clear about your study plan.
" s7 d5 _  G0 g; T$ J& d4 ?  you just want to go aborad,if more offer you got ,the more qulified)$ f) a4 F8 Z* V! c6 g
+ N4 Y1 ~- w9 ^$ W% B+ v& C& @. g* A; {/ `4 }" uP: So you want to have a higher degree in the US and back to China to be an excellent diplomat?
+ T. w% R  c2 a9 T) c从这里我了解到,所谓提供充足有说服力的信息更重要的是这样的细节,按照这位老师对楼主的引导,展开了一个思路,当面对签证官类似“Why do you want to study in US?”这样的问题时,按照这个思路,能够展示自己内心的想法,更有效的说服签证官。
6 B, N* t% E$ v; O# u% N* z  `# F7 S% ?; q+ a( BM: Then if a student wants to go to an ordinary school, it is very difficult for him to obtain visa?
( c) p, V' Y- I8 FD: Not exactly. He should persuade the COs that this school is better in a certain field.% s) L5 _! W$ }' x0 o3 H

这里所提供的信息是回答“Why this university”时很好的提示,我所申请的学校在美国并不是排名靠前的学校,我想跟我情况相似的朋友会有很多,那么以这样的学校要申请到签证,我想可以以“虽然这所学校排名不是很靠前,但是我选的专业在这所学校很不错,我在学校的网站获知……”这样的理由应对签证官,比较能有利于拿到签证。

1) What will you study in the United States? oNRTt(g(J 2) In what aspect of your major will you study?What is your specific field of study?

V O:P|   What is it all about? What is it for? (major) #g!O9] x dUU 3) What will you do in USA?  What will u do in the ***** university? Are you going to study in USA?


  What is your purpose to the USA?

4) What are you studying now?   5) What specialty did you study?
N{f c U1LC,K]­O 6) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?
&_Q0`+V/BQ   Tell me what do you do with your thesis and something    about your paper.
'B'_9do,_ Z 7) Why did you choose this major?  8) Why do you want to study in USA?

 9) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?

Why will you want to get the PhD degree in ** university or **(specialty)?

Why do you want to go to USA for the Ph.D. degree?
hW5XV)V B'W5]J6@0Z (注:对类似句法的问题,要注意对方重音落在何处,是侧重问为何去美国还是侧重问为何读博士, 答错侧重则徒劳无益.) Y@‑]~‑o.y FOS*G 10) Why your specialty is important to China?
v9Ym^n7mB3u { 11) What does your major mean?

 12) What will you study in this major? What courses?
[1]l*Q B~2c‑xbT~9{
c 13) Can you talk something about the course of *** ?
b,L6S&K+zP 14) You got a low score on ****,why?

 15) What's your favorite subject. and why?

What do you like to study most? Why? F_-U:z2TQ&Fy V 二. 选校问题
*Y,`e'v_ E4M 1) Which school will you go to?   ^9}![,GF'W-e 2) How do you know this Univ.?  3) Please explain why you chose **** University in academic+Tx[1]m^2? standard level in details.  `-^|7t S5Qe Please give me FIVE reasons why you select this university! *ZHp#lOb

t Why do you choose this Univ.? Why did you apply this Univ., please give me some‑{9E+R6W)lFtv academic reason?
.F5iB‑v5\j4i   )k r'xZW/i$o 4) How many universities have you applied? How many of them admitted you? 
‑A8|i2[ K2W How many of them give you financial aids? 



D)d k$s,E u0M1{ 5) When was the university founded?...Who found the university?  ...Who is the chairman of the department?


 6) TELL ME the standard to judge a school.

 7) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What  else?

 8) Why will you go to study in this school but not stay in your institute?

3) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?
-xF"lc M%L:sq   Why does the university give you funding?
m#AK&K;YI 4) How long will you get your financial support?
,jTF/U­JbW)A 5) Your assistantship is for one year, can you convince me 9x9U,}d

x L5mCt that you can get it next years?  C2\)Jw­a1U&[~


wf!e k­\t 9I0K O0] f:jT4}s

lQ@ 6) You said you will go to study in the US because there  j­W+B#ay5M0q
are more advanced techniques and facilities, and more able professors. Then why will 

r you come back to China after you graduate? (这是我的原创, hehe) &?#B.n,E m!AX‑_ j

 Jf h M ~‑xW-r]9lj-X ?w/Be#T 10) What is the thing you like best in America. ...Then what is the thing you don't like most in China? ...
‑?N m‑l J‑|C#s   What kind of good things do you know about America?
M\‑Q$h&GB4h$Ez'J   What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?

t   Then what is the thing you like/don't like most in  1{#li)?y-E%@
China? ‑D,c_~;}&L
11) Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive 
L3`4J#f.} his visa or not?
f3d*@8j W h BZ 12) When are you going to enter US?

S.U4A"?j 13) What is your dream? (O^kSZ z#a[1]?
14) How old are you?

f%A 15) How long do you commute to your school? 4C~G%r8Co3B;U
16) Have you ever been to other countries?
7{`.H'B+D"a 17) What's your favorite animal. and why?
u)w/G-O4jq   What is your favorite pet? Why?
7?7_&v;r5H&^*p,_/o$\ 18) Who do you think is the best president of the U.S? %Z/o?8hhE

fR Y
19) Who do you think is the greatest leader of the world?  Q)_3Q y(|K;kL
$Kk's ]­q4tUXO 20) Why you are refused at last time and what kind of visa you apply?







1. 核心问题/ 出国目的问题/ 身份问题


1. What will you study in the United States?  2. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?  5. When/where did you get your BS/MS?

6. What/where are you working now?  10. What do you do with your work for MS/PhD?

11. What is your purpose for the visa? 12. What is your academic background?

13. How do you know this Univ.? 14. Why do you choose this Univ.?

15. Why do you like your major? 16. Why do you want to study in USA?

17. Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?

18. Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

19. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?  20. Why did you choose xxxxxx University?

21. Are you a worker or a student now?  22. What does your major mean?

2. 资金问题


1. How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?

2. Who will be your sponsor? How much is his annul income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? Do you have a bank deposit certification?

3. Have you any bank deposit?

3. 归国计划。签证官会非常重视这点的考察。你一旦去了美国,会不会回来。因为这个是一个比较虚的点,所以在考察的时候,签证官更注重你的家庭约束力,社会约束力,以及你投资去学习的一个必要性,一个投资回报比。当然一切要合乎逻辑。

3. Do you have any relatives in the United States?




1. Why you were denied last time? Do you bring sth new or any changes?

Actually I don’t know, maybe I didn’t explain myself clearly to the VO because I’m a little nervous. This time, I refresh my mind and study plan, and I believe this can give you a satisfactory answer.

2. What will you study in the United States? What will you do in USA? Are you going to study in USA? What do you want to study in USA? What is your purpose for the visa?
I’m going to pursue a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at XXX.
3. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?

My specific direction hasn’t been determined yet, but I’m very interested in power and control systems involved in electrical engineering. This direction is similar to my present major. It has a very broad scope, in brief, mainly related to power electronics, electric machines and controls, motor drives, and vehicular power systems.

4. When/where did you get your BS/MS? What/where are you studying now? What is your academic background?

I just graduated from XXX 10 days ago, my major is automation, and I’ve got my resume, graduation certificate and degree diploma here, do you want to see?

5. What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

They are almost the same. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced.

6. How long will study in USA?

For about 2 years. I’ll come back when I finish my master’s program.

7. What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?

I will take courses, do research, and finish my thesis in the area of EE to get my M.S. Degree in 2 years.

8. How do you know this Univ.?

I started to know it from newspapers, magazines such as China Daily, US news, and I got further information from the Univ.’s homepage. A few weeks ago I also participated in an on-line chat held by the school, we talked about the livings, fees, register and courses with the staff and current students in XXX.

9. Why do you want to study M.S.EE?

Because this major has a promoting future in China and jobs in this area are profitable, it needs more and more international talent experts. So it’s easy for me to find a job when I come back.

China is developing faster and faster now, a bachelor degree can’t satisfy both of my own and the whole society’s development. The leading knowledge and the research ability which I can acquire from the MS study will raise my competitiveness after I come back to China.

10. Why this university?

The EE program in XXX emphasize on useful engineering-related applications and the education system and curriculums are similar to what I’ve learned. So I believe this program will suit me pretty well. Students in this program are from diverse backgrounds and cultures, I can learn a great deal from this multi-culture communication. Located in XXx, the city itself provides an excellent opportunity for students to receive practical trainings in industry. All these experiences will play an important role in my graduate study in the US and for my future career development in China.

11. So, you’ll pursue a Master Degree. Would you want to get a PhD degree in USA?

No, I won’t, because it’ll take another 4 or 5 years, since that this MS program offers many practical trainings, and I want to come back and find a job in China early.

12. Why not pursue less expensive alternatives in China/in HAUST? Why want to go to US for further study?

The promoting research and application in EE in china is now necessary and will soon prove very fruitful, while the development in this area in china is far from satisfactory. So, only through obtaining education in the US who has the best educational system and EE technique in the world will it be possible for me to achieve substantial improvements in my academic aptitudes. Also, my family can afford me a much better education abroad, that is, a Master’s program at a first-rate university in the US. I do believe my future career development in China will benefit from this opportunity.

13. How many universities have you applied?

I’ve applied nine universities: XXXX, and X of them give me an admission.

14. Which school is your first choice?

Well, it’s XXX Univ., but it’s too expensive for me and it’s a PHD program, I don’t get any financial aids there. And I don’t like the specific direction so much.

15. Who will support you for your study?

My parents. And my father is a XXX, his annual income is about XXX. My mother is aXXX, Ltd. Her annual income is XXX. Do you want to see my financial support documents?

My parents' salary is just one resource of my family's income, my father also does many other projects and part-time jobs, the profit of this part is also big. Even though my parent's annual salary can not completely cover my annual expense in US, my family have enough deposit to support me. So I think that my financial support is strong.

16. What’s your study plan?

During the academic year 2007-08, I will complete course works of Master degree in EE specialized in Power and Control Systems. Besides the required courses, I’ll try to find a research advisor whom I’m interested in and discuss with him about my future research after I arrive at XXX.

During the academic year 2008-09, under the leading of my advisor, I will actively participate in group discussions, presentations, research projects, seminars and field trips, and also interact with my classmates and instructors from whom I will have a lot to learn.

17. What will you do after graduation? Give me three reasons that you will come back to China. Why not find a job in US?

I’ll finish my study on EE in IIT after two years and then come back to China. My career goal is to be a manager of an industrial enterprise. You know, after all, America is not my hometown, all my social ties are in China. Maybe it’s easier for me to find a job in US after my graduation, but as a foreigner, I can’t make greater promotion compared with native Americans, maybe I’m still just a small staff or a small employee after 4 or 5 years. However, it’ll be quite different if I come back to China: obtaining the US degree will undoubtly increase my chances in the Chinese labor market. It will give me stronger research abilities, greater English proficiency, broader international perspectives. All these advantages will definitely help me to achieve my career goal. You know, maybe 4 or 5 years later I’m already a manager in China that I want.

18. What will you do if you couldn’t find a job you want?

I want to be a teacher in my current undergraduate school. Although my school is not so famous in China, my major is very strong in the local and surrounded regions. I believe the cherished study experience in the US will give me a big help to my future academic jobs.

  1. 1.      What is your purpose for the VISA? /Are you going to study in USA? What will you do in the United States?

  I will study for my Doctor’s degree in Chemistry at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

2 Why do you want to study in USA? / Why not continue your study in China?

The USA has many first-class universities and has excellent research and development environments. And many world famous professors have made great achievements in every field. I really value the opportunity to study in such an academic atmosphere.

American education has a very good reputation in China. Study in the USA will benefit my future development. With an overseas educational background, my advantage in academic profession, global vision and language, will make me very competitive.

3 Why do you choose this school?

First of all, its program is very suitable for me. Iowa State University is one of “the Big Eight” universities in United States, offering excellent program in business. Its business programs focus on developing strategic management skills and proficiency in business operations. It also provides many selective courses and training opportunities to develop my practical skills and abilities.

More important, the College of Business has developed four-year graduation plans for each major available in the College. These plans provide a suggested course of study. I will have individual interests and educational goals and will work with an academic advisor to plan my degree program and to select appropriate courses for each semester.

I’m also attracted by its way of teaching. Its flexible and small classes give students the opportunity to choose any courses they interested in and closely interact with professors. The professors are all experts in the business field and are actively doing various researches so I can learn useful knowledge and skills from them.

4 How long will you study in USA?

About 4 years. In the first year, I will try to fit myself into MST life and study as soon as possible. In the second year, I will try to get a Master degree. And in the third and fourth year, I will do deep research into analytical chemistry and work hard to get a doctor’s degree. I want to be an expert in chemistry within 4 years. And then I will come back to China and seek to be a faculty in my previous university.

5 What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

After finish my study at Iowa State University, I will go back to China and find a job at a public accounting firm, like Price Waterhouse Coopers, Ernest & Young and so on.

American education has a very good reputation in China and local companies love to hire people who are educated in the US. There are great growth opportunities in China which I can utilize my skills that I learned in the US.

I have a lovely family in China with my parents. I regard family value much more important than everything.


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