


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
Const Btn_First="<font face='webdings'>9</font>"  '定义第一页按钮显示样式
Const Btn_Prev="<font face='webdings'>3</font>"  '定义前一页按钮显示样式
Const Btn_Next="<font face='webdings'>4</font>"  '定义下一页按钮显示样式
Const Btn_Last="<font face='webdings'>:</font>"  '定义最后一页按钮显示样式

Class clsDSJ
 Private p_Error,p_IpAdd,p_Debug,Errs
 Private p_InvaildWords
 Private tmpStr
 Private objConnDivPage,rsDivPage,p_GetSQL,p_nPage
 Private p_rsPageSize,p_intCurPage,p_strURL,p_intTotalPage,p_intTotalRecords
 Private p_dbType,p_dbFolder,p_DataBase,dbPath,p_dbUserID,p_dbPassword,p_sqlDataSource
 Private param_DataBase,param_dbUserID,param_dbPassword,param_dbType
 Public objConn,ConnStr,SQLQueryNum
 Public logDB,WebURL
 Public SaveLog
 Public ErrCodes,ErrCode,ErrMsg
 Public ScriptFolder,ScriptName
 Private Sub Class_Initialize
  Rem  数据库连接初始化
  dbType=12  '取1x——Access,2x——SQL;x1——OLEDB,x2——ODBC
  If request("page")="" Then
  ElseIf NOT IsNumeric(request("page")) Then
  ElseIf CInt(Trim(request("page")))<1 Then
  End If
  ScriptFolder=LCase(tmpStr(UBound(tmpStr)-1)) & "/"
 End Sub
 Private Sub Class_terminate()
  If IsObject(rsDivPage) Then rsDivPage.Close:Set rsDivPage=Nothing
  If IsObject(objConn) Then objConn.Close:Set objConn=Nothing
 End Sub

 Public Property Get Version
  Version="DSJ 1.1.0 Beta"
 End Property
 Public Property Get Error
 End Property
 Public Property Get Debug
 End Property
 Public Property Let Debug(BoolDebug)
  If BoolDebug Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get dbType
 End Property
 Public Property Let dbType(lngdbType)
  If IsNumeric(lngdbType) Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get dbFolder
 End Property
 Public Property Let dbFolder(strFolder)
  If Right(strFolder,1)="/" OR Right(strFolder,1)="/" Then
   If (NOT IsNull(strFolder)) OR (strFolder<>"") Then
    p_dbFolder=strFolder & "/"
   End If
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get Database
 End Property
 Public Property Let Database(strDataBase)
 End Property
 Public Property Get dbUserID
 End Property
 Public Property Let dbUserID(strDataBaseUserID)
 End Property
 Public Property Get dbPassword
 End Property
 Public Property Let dbPassword(strDataBasePassword)
 End Property
 Public Property Get SQLDataSource
 End Property
 Public Property Let SQLDataSource(strSQLDataSource)
  If strsqlDataSource<>"" Then
   If Left(p_dbType,1)=2 Then
   End If
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Let PageSize(int_PageSize)
  If IsNumeric(Int_Pagesize) Then
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get PageSize
  If p_rsPageSize="" or NOT IsNumeric(p_rsPageSize) Then
  End If
 End Property

 Public Property Get GetRs()
  If NOT Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  If NOT IsObject(objConn) Then ConnectionDataBase dbDataBase,dbUserID,dbPassword,dbType
  If NOT IsObject(rsDivPage) Then
   Set rsDivPage=Server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
   rsDivPage.Open GetSQL,objConn,1,1
   If not(rsDivPage.eof and rsDivPage.BOF) Then
    If p_intCurPage>rsDivPage.PageCount Then
    End If
   End If
   If Err Then
    Set rsDivPage=Nothing
    If SaveLog Then
     Response.Write SaveSQLLog(cmd,tmpMsg)
     Response.Write "连接数据库错误,请检查您的查询代码是否正确。"
    End If
   End If
   Set GetRs=rsDivPage
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Let GetSQL(str_sql)
  If str_sql<>"" Then
   If Debug Then ShowErrMsg()
   p_GetSQL="The Property of GetSQL is NULL."
  End If
 End Property
 Public Property Get GetSQl()
 End Property

 '名称: gotTopic
 Public Function GotToPic(str,strlen)
  Rem 限制字符串显示长度在一定的范围内
  Dim i,StringLen,CharSize,EchoCharType
  For i=1 to StringLen
   If EchoCharType>255 Then
   End If
   If CharSize>strlen Then
    gotTopic=Left(str,i) & "..."
    Exit For
    gotTopic=str & ""
   End If
 End Function
 '名称: ChkInvStr
 Public Function ChkInvStr(Str)
  Rem 定义需要过滤得非法字符
  Dim InvaildWord,inWords,i
  If Len(Replace(p_InvaildWords,Chr(0),""))<1 Then
   AddErrorCode(103) 'invaildwords is null
   Exit Function
   If Instr(1,p_Invaildwords,"|")>0 Then
    For i=LBound(InvaildWord) To UBound(InvaildWord)
     If Instr(inWords,InvaildWord(i))>0 Then
      Exit Function
     End If
    AddErrorCode(104) '"|" is requried.
    Exit Function
   End If 
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: GetIP
 Public Function GetIP()
  If IsNull(p_IpAdd) OR p_IpAdd="" Then
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: IPAddress
 Public Function IPAddress(sip)
  Dim IPConnStr,IPConn,IPAddressDB
  Dim str1,str2,str3,str4
  Dim  num
  Dim country,city,address
  Dim IPRs,SQL
  If IsNumeric(Left(sip,2)) Then
   If sip="" Then sip=""
   If isNumeric(str1)=0 or isNumeric(str2)=0 or isNumeric(str3)=0 or isNumeric(str4)=0 Then
    IPAddressDB = "DSJ_Ipaddress.mdb"
    IPConnStr = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " & Server.MapPath(p_dbFolder & IPAddressDB)
    Set IPConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    IPConn.Open IpConnStr
    sql="select top 1 country,city from DSJ_IPAddress where ip1 <="&num&" and ip2 >="&num&""
    Set IPRs=IPConn.execute(sql)
    If Not(IPRs.EOF And IPRs.bof) Then
    End If
    IpRs.Close:Set IPRs=Nothing
    IPConn.CLose:Set IPConn = Nothing
    SqlQueryNum = SqlQueryNum+1
   End If
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: ClientConnected
 Public Sub ClientConnected()
  If Response.IsClientConnected then
  End If
 End Sub
 '名称: ChkPost
 Public Function ChkPost()
  Dim Server_v1,Server_v2
  If Mid(Server_v1,8,Len(Server_v2))=Server_v2 Then ChkPost=True
 End Function
 '名称: AddErrorCode
 Public Sub AddErrorCode(ErrCode)
  If ErrCodes="" Then
   ErrCodes=ErrCodes & "," & ErrCode
  End If
 End Sub
 '名称: ShowErrMsg
 Public Function ShowErrMsg()
  If NOT p_Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  If ErrCodes<>"" Then
   For i=LBound(iErrCodes) To UBound(iErrCodes)
    If IsNumeric(tmpErrCode) Then
     ErrMsg=ErrMsg & ErrDetails(tmpErrCode)
    End If
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: ConnectionDataBase
 Public Function ConnectionDataBase(param_DataBase,param_dbUserID,param_dbPassword,param_dbType)
  If Not p_Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  If IsNumeric(param_dbType) Then
   Set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   objConn.ConnectionTimeOut=10 '设置连接超时为10秒
   'Response.Write dbPath
   Select Case param_dbType
    Case 11:  'Access Data Base(OLEDB)
     ConnStr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source="&dbPath&";User ID="&param_dbUserID&";Password="&param_dbPassword&""
    Case 21:  'SQL Server (OLEDB)
     ConnStr="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog="&param_DataBase&";Data Source="&p_sqlDataSource&";User ID="&param_dbUserID&";Password="&param_dbPassword&""
    Case 12:  'Access Data Base(ODBC)
     ConnStr="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&dbPath&";User ID="&param_dbUserID&";Password="&param_dbPassword
    Case 22:  'SQL Server (ODBC)
     ConnStr="Driver={SQL Server};DataBase="&param_DataBase&";Server="&p_sqlDataSource&";User ID="&param_dbUserID&";Password="&param_dbPassword&""
    Case Else:
     If p_Debug Then Response.Write ShowErrMsg()
     'Exit Function
   End Select
   Set ConnectionDataBase=objConn
   If Err Then
    If SaveLog Then
     cmd="Execute the command of :"&param_dbtype
     Response.Write SaveSQLLog(cmd,tmpMsg)
     Response.Write "数据库连接时出现错误,请检查您的查询代码是否正确。"
    End If
    Set objConn=Nothing
   End If
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: SaveSQLLog
 Public Function SaveSQLLog(sCommand,Msg)
  If Not p_Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  'ConnectionDataBase logDB,p_dbUserID,p_dbPassword,12
  logConnStr = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " & Server.MapPath(p_dbFolder & logDB)
  Set logConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  logConn.Open logConnStr
  If SaveLog Then
   Dim logCmd
   logCmd="INSERT INTO DSJ_SQL_Log (Command,ScriptName,logUser,IP) VALUES "
   logCmd=logCmd & "('" & Replace(Left(sCommand,255),"'","''") &"','" & (ScriptFolder & ScriptName) &"','" & Session("User") & "','"& GetIP & "')"
   'Response.Write "Need to execute command is:<br><font color=red>" & logCmd & "</font><BR>"
  End If
  Set logConn=Nothing
 End Function
 '名称: ExecuteCmd
 Public Function ExecuteCmd(cmd)
  If NOT IsObject(objConn) Then ConnectionDataBase p_DataBase,p_dbUserID,p_dbPassword,p_dbType
  If NOT p_Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  Set ExecuteCmd=objConn.Execute(cmd)
  If Err Then
   Set objConn=Nothing
   If SaveLog Then
    Response.Write SaveSQLLog(cmd,tmpMsg)
    Response.Write "查询数据的时候发现错误,请检查您的查询代码是否正确。"
   End If
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: HTMLEncode
 Public Function HTMLEncode(fString)
  If Not IsNull(fString) Or fString<>"" Then
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(9)," ")  '倾斜字体
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(32)," ") '转换空格
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(34),"&quot;") '转换双引号
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(39),"&#39;") '转换单引号
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(10),"</p><p>") '转换成段落格式
   fString=Replace(fString,Chr(10),"<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;") '转换为下一行
  End If
 End Function
 '名称: LinkFriend
 Public Function LinkFriend(fContent)
  If NOT p_Debug Then On Error Resume Next
  If NOT IsObject(objConn) Then ConnectionDataBase DataBase,dbUserID,dbPassword,dbType
  Set rsFriend=ExecuteCmd("Select Title,URL From dsj_FriendLink")
  If rsFriend.Eof And rsFriend.Bof Then
   Do While NOT rsFriend.Eof
    If LCase(Left(URL,1))<>"h" Then URL=Replace(URl,Left(URL,1),"")
    strLink="<a target='_blank' title='" & strTitle &"' href='" & URL & "'>"
    If Instr(fContent,strTitle)>0 Then fContent=Replace(fContent,strTitle,strLink)
  End If
  Set rsFriend=Nothing
 End Function
 '名称: ShowPage
 ' 原作:zykj2000  网站:
 ' 修改:孤剑  网站:http://blog.csdn.net/alonesword/
 Public Sub ShowPage()
  Dim str_tmp
  If p_intTotalRecords<=0 Then
   p_Error=p_Error & "总记录数为零,请输入数据"
   Call ShowError()
  End If
  If p_intTotalRecords <=PageSize THen
   If p_intTotalRecords mod PageSize =0 Then
    p_intTotalPage = CLng(p_intTotalRecords / PageSize * -1)*-1
    p_intTotalPage = CLng(p_intTotalRecords / PageSize * -1)*-1+1
   End If
  End If
  If p_intCurPage>p_intTotalPage Then
  End If
  Response.Write ShowFirstPrv
  Response.Write ShowNextLast&" "
  Response.Write ShowPageInfo
  response.write str_tmp
 End Sub

 Private Function ShowFirstPrv()
  Dim Str_tmp,int_prvpage
  If int_prvpage<1 Then int_prvpage=1
  Btn_FirstLink="<a title='第1页' href='"&AddnPageURL&"1'>"&Btn_First
  Btn_PrevLink="<a title='第"&int_prvpage&"页' href='"&AddnPageURL&p_intCurPage-1&"'>"&Btn_Prev
  If p_intCurPage=1 Then
   str_tmp=Btn_FirstLink&"</a> "&Btn_PrevLink&"</a> "
   str_tmp=""&Btn_FirstLink&"</a> "& Btn_PrevLink&"</a> "
  End If
 End Function

 Private Function ShowNextLast()
  Dim str_tmp,int_Nextpage
  If p_intCurPage+1>p_intTotalPage Then int_NextPage=p_intTotalPage
  Btn_NextLink="<a title='第"&int_NextPage&"页' href='"&AddnPageURL&p_intCurPage+1&"'>"&Btn_Next
  Btn_LastLink="<a title='第"&p_intTotalPage&"页' href='"&AddnPageURL&p_intTotalPage&"'>"&Btn_Last
  If p_intCurPage>=p_intTotalPage Then
   str_tmp=Btn_NextLink & "</a> " & Btn_LastLink&"</a>"
   str_tmp=""&Btn_NextLink&"</a> "& Btn_LastLink&"</a>"
  End If
 End Function

 Private Function showNumBtn()
  Dim i,str_tmp
  Dim PageLink
  For i=1 to p_intTotalPage Step 1
   PageLink="&nbsp;<a title='第"&i&"页' href='"&AddnPageURL&i&"'>"&i&"</a>&nbsp;"
   If i=p_intCurPage Then PageLink=" <a title='第"&i&"页' href='"&AddnPageURL&i&"'><font color=red>"&i&"</font></a> "
   Response.Write PageLink
 End Function

 Private Function ShowPageInfo()
  Dim str_tmp
  str_tmp="页次:"&p_intCurPage&"/"&p_intTotalPage&"页 共"&p_intTotalRecords&"条记录 "&p_rsPageSize&"条/每页"
 End Function

 Private Function AddnPageURL()
  Dim i,j,search_str,result_url
  If str_params="" Then
   result_url=ScriptName & "?page="
   If InstrRev(str_params,search_str)=0 Then
    result_url=ScriptName & "?" & str_params &"&page="
    If j=-1 Then
     result_url=ScriptName & "?page="
     result_url=ScriptName & "?" & str_params &"&page="
    End If
   End If
  End If
 End Function
 Public Function GetName(Options)
  Dim tmpName
  If Options=0 Then GetName=Server.Mappath(".")&GetName(1)
  If Options=1 Then GetName=LCase(arrTmpName(UBound(arrTmpName)))
  If Options=2 Then GetName=LCase(arrTmpName(UBound(arrTmpName)-1))&"/"
 End Function
End Class





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