以下是2024/5/12 我写SQL基础篇所有的代码

show tables;
show databases ;
select database();
create database if not exists heima3 charset utf8mb4;
use heima2;
drop database if exists heima3;
show tables ;
use heima;
desc emp2;
show create table emp;
create table emp1(
    id int comment '坐标',
    name varchar(20) comment '名字',
    adress varchar(20) comment '地址'

) comment '技术标';
alter table emp1 add nickname varchar(20) comment '昵称';
alter table emp1 modify nickname varchar(21) comment '昵称1';
alter table emp1 drop nickname;
alter table emp1 rename to emp2;
drop table user1;
show databases ;
show tables ;
create database if not exists emp3 ;
drop database if exists emp3 ;
create table emp3(
    id int comment '坐标',
    name varchar(20) comment '名字',
    adress varchar(21) comment '地址'
)comment '测试表';
create database if not exists heima4;
drop database if exists heima1;
insert into emp3(id, name, adress) values (1,'王世龙','河南');
select * from emp3;
alter table emp3 add age tinyint unsigned comment '年龄';
select * from emp3;
insert into emp3(age) values (2);
insert into emp3(age) values (6);
update emp3 set age=8 where id=1;
update emp3 set adress='英国' where id=1;
delete from emp3 where adress='英国';
select * from user;
drop table if exists user1;
select * from emp;
select workno 工好好,name 名字中 from emp;
select distinct gender from emp;
select workaddress '工作地址' from emp;
select distinct workaddress 工作地址  from emp;
select distinct workno from emp where workaddress is not null ;
select * from emp where idcard is not null ;
select * from emp where age between 20 and 50;
select count(*) from emp;
select count(1) from emp;
select avg(emp.age) from emp;
select sum(age) from emp where workaddress='西安';
select emp.gender,count(*) 总计 from emp group by gender;
select workaddress,count(*) from emp where age<45 group by workaddress having count(*)>3;
#. 统计各个工作地址上班的男性及女性员工的数量
select gender,workaddress,count(*) from emp group by gender;
select workaddress, gender, count(*) '数量' from emp group by gender , workaddress;
select age from emp order by age desc ;
select * from emp limit 10,10;
select * from emp;
#1). 查询年龄为20,21,22,23岁的员工信息。
    select * from emp where age in(20,21,22,23);
#查询性别为 男 ,并且年龄在 20-40 岁(含)以内的姓名为三个字的员工。
    select * from emp where gender='男' and age between 20 and 90 and emp.name like '___';
# 统计员工表中, 年龄小于60岁的 , 男性员工和女性员工的人数。
    select emp.gender,count(*) from emp where age<60 group by emp.gender ;
# 查询所有年龄小于等于35岁员工的姓名和年龄,并对查询结果按年龄升序排序,如果年龄相同按入职时间降序排序。
    select emp.name 姓名 , emp.age 年龄 , emp.entrydate from emp where age<35 order by age asc , entrydate desc;
#查询性别为男,且年龄在20-40 岁(含)以内的前5个员工信息,对查询的结果按年龄升序排序,年龄相同按入职时间升序排序。
select * from emp where gender='男' and age between 20 and 40 order by age asc ,entrydate desc limit 0,5;
create table student(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
no varchar(10) comment '学号'
) comment '学生表';
insert into student values (null, '黛绮丝', '2000100101'),(null, '谢逊',
'2000100102'),(null, '殷天正', '2000100103'),(null, '韦一笑', '2000100104');

create table course(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '课程名称'
) comment '课程表';
insert into course values (null, 'Java'), (null, 'PHP'), (null , 'MySQL') ,
(null, 'Hadoop');

create table student_course(
id int auto_increment comment '主键' primary key,
studentid int not null comment '学生ID',
courseid int not null comment '课程ID',
constraint fk_courseid foreign key (courseid) references course (id),
constraint fk_studentid foreign key (studentid) references student (id)
)comment '学生课程中间表';
insert into student_course values (null,1,1),(null,1,2),(null,1,3),(null,2,2),

select * from score;
drop table student;
drop table score;
drop table student_course;

create table student(
    id int auto_increment primary key comment 'ID主键',
    name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
    no varchar(10) comment '学号'
)comment '学生表';

insert into student values (null, '黛绮丝', '2000100101'),(null, '谢逊',
'2000100102'),(null, '殷天正', '2000100103'),(null, '韦一笑', '2000100104');

create table score(
    id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
    name varchar(10) comment '课程名称'
)comment '课程表';

insert into score values (null, 'Java'), (null, 'PHP'), (null , 'MySQL') ,
(null, 'Hadoop');

drop table course;

create table student_score(
id int auto_increment comment '主键' primary key,
studentid int not null comment '学生ID',
courseid int not null comment '课程ID',
constraint fk_courseid foreign key (courseid) references score (id),
constraint fk_studentid foreign key (studentid) references student (id)
)comment '学生和成绩的关联表';

insert into student_score values (null,1,1),(null,1,2),(null,1,3),(null,2,2),

drop table emp;

create table dept(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '部门名称'
)comment '部门表';
INSERT INTO dept (id, name) VALUES (1, '研发部'), (2, '市场部'),(3, '财务部'), (4,
'销售部'), (5, '总经办'), (6, '人事部');

create table emp(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
job varchar(20) comment '职位',
salary int comment '薪资',
entrydate date comment '入职时间',
managerid int comment '直属领导ID',
dept_id int comment '部门ID'
)comment '员工表';

alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id);

INSERT INTO emp (id, name, age, job,salary, entrydate, managerid, dept_id)
(1, '金庸', 66, '总裁',20000, '2000-01-01', null,5),
(2, '张无忌', 20, '项目经理',12500, '2005-12-05', 1,1),
(3, '杨逍', 33, '开发', 8400,'2000-11-03', 2,1),
(4, '韦一笑', 48, '开发',11000, '2002-02-05', 2,1),
(5, '常遇春', 43, '开发',10500, '2004-09-07', 3,1),
(6, '小昭', 19, '程序员鼓励师',6600, '2004-10-12', 2,1),
(7, '灭绝', 60, '财务总监',8500, '2002-09-12', 1,3),
(8, '周芷若', 19, '会计',48000, '2006-06-02', 7,3),
(9, '丁敏君', 23, '出纳',5250, '2009-05-13', 7,3),
(10, '赵敏', 20, '市场部总监',12500, '2004-10-12', 1,2),
(11, '鹿杖客', 56, '职员',3750, '2006-10-03', 10,2),
(12, '鹤笔翁', 19, '职员',3750, '2007-05-09', 10,2),
(13, '方东白', 19, '职员',5500, '2009-02-12', 10,2),
(14, '张三丰', 88, '销售总监',14000, '2004-10-12', 1,4),
(15, '俞莲舟', 38, '销售',4600, '2004-10-12', 14,4),
(16, '宋远桥', 40, '销售',4600, '2004-10-12', 14,4),
(17, '陈友谅', 42, null,2000, '2011-10-12', 1,null);

 select * from emp , dept;
select * from emp,dept where emp.dept_id = dept.id;
 #查询每一个员工的姓名 , 及关联的部门的名称 (隐式内连接实现)
select b.name,a.name from dept a,emp b where b.dept_id = a.id;
# 查询每一个员工的姓名 , 及关联的部门的名称 (显式内连接实现) --- INNER JOIN
select e.name, d.name from emp e inner join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 为每一张表起别名,简化SQL编写
select e.name, d.name from emp e join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;

select a.name,d.name from emp a inner join dept d on a.dept_id = d.id;

#SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表1 LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN 表2 ON 条件 ... ; 1

select * from emp left outer join  dept on emp.dept_id = dept.id;

#SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表1 RIGHT [ OUTER ] JOIN 表2 ON 条件 ... ;
select * from emp right outer join dept on emp.dept_id = dept.id;

select * from dept left outer join emp e on dept.id = e.dept_id;

#SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表A 别名A JOIN 表A 别名B ON 条件 ... ;
alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id);

select a.name,b.name from emp a,emp b where a.managerid=b.id;

select * from emp where salary < 5000
union all
select * from emp where age >50;

select * from emp where salary < 5000
select * from emp where age >50;

select id from dept where name='销售部';
select * from emp where dept_id=(select id from dept where name='销售部');

#常用的操作符:IN 、NOT IN 、 ANY 、SOME 、 ALL

#A. 查询 "销售部" 和 "市场部" 的所有员工信息
select id from dept where name='销售部' or name = '市场部';
select * from emp where dept_id in (select id from dept where name='销售部' or name = '市场部');

# B. 查询比 财务部 所有人工资都高的员工信息
select salary from emp where dept_id in (select id from dept where name='财务部');
select * from emp where salary >any (select salary from emp where dept_id in (select id from dept where name='财务部'));

#A. 查询与 "张无忌" 的薪资及直属领导相同的员工信息 ;

select emp.salary,emp.managerid from emp where name='张无忌';
select * from emp where (salary,managerid)=(select emp.salary,emp.managerid from emp where name='张无忌');

#SELECT 字段列表 FROM 表1 LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN 表2 ON 条件 ... ;
# 查询emp表的所有数据, 和对应的部门信息
select emp.*,dept.* from emp left outer join dept on emp.dept_id = dept.id;
#A. 查询与 "鹿杖客" , "宋远桥" 的职位和薪资相同的员工信息以及部门信息
    select job,emp.salary from emp where name='鹿杖客' or name='宋远桥';
select * from emp where (job,salary) in ( select job,emp.salary from emp where name='鹿杖客' or name='宋远桥');

select e.*,dept.* from (select * from emp where (job,salary) in ( select job,emp.salary from emp where name='鹿杖客' or name='宋远桥')) e
    left outer join dept on e.dept_id = dept.id;

#B. 查询入职日期是 "2006-01-01" 之后的员工信息 , 及其部门信息
select * from emp where entrydate>'2006-01-01';
select e.*,dept.* from (select * from emp where entrydate>'2006-01-01') e left join dept on e.dept_id=dept.id;

select e.*, d.* from (select * from emp where entrydate > '2006-01-01') e left
join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id ;

create table salgrade(
grade int,
losal int,
hisal int
) comment '薪资等级表';
insert into salgrade values (1,0,3000);
insert into salgrade values (2,3001,5000);
insert into salgrade values (3,5001,8000);
insert into salgrade values (4,8001,10000);
insert into salgrade values (5,10001,15000);
insert into salgrade values (6,15001,20000);
insert into salgrade values (7,20001,25000);
insert into salgrade values (8,25001,30000);

drop table emp3;

#1). 查询员工的姓名、年龄、职位、部门信息 (隐式内连接)
    select emp.name,emp.age,emp.job,dept.name from emp,dept where emp.dept_id=dept.id;
#2). 查询年龄小于30岁的员工的姓名、年龄、职位、部门信息(显式内连接)
    select emp.name,emp.age,emp.job,dept.name from emp inner join dept on  emp.dept_id=dept.id;
#3). 查询拥有员工的部门ID、部门名称
    select distinct emp.dept_id,dept.name from emp,dept where emp.dept_id=dept.id;
#4). 查询所有年龄大于40岁的员工, 及其归属的部门名称; 如果员工没有分配部门, 也需要展示出来(外连接)
    select emp.*,dept.name from emp left join dept on emp.dept_id = dept.id where age>40;
#5). 查询所有员工的工资等级
    select e.*,s.grade from emp e, salgrade s where e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal;
#6). 查询 "研发部" 所有员工的信息及 工资等级
    select id from dept where name='研发部';
    select * from emp where dept_id=(select id from dept where name='研发部');
select e.*,s.grade
from (select * from emp where dept_id = (select id from dept where name = '研发部')) e,
     salgrade s
where e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal;
#7). 查询 "研发部" 员工的平均工资
    select avg(emp.salary) from emp where dept_id=(select id from dept where name='研发部');

  select avg(e.salary) from emp e,dept d where e.dept_id=d.id and d.name='研发部';

select * from emp where dept_id =1;
#8). 查询工资比 "灭绝" 高的员工信息。
    select emp.salary from emp where name='灭绝';
select * from emp where salary>( select emp.salary from emp where name='灭绝');
select * from emp order by salary desc ;
#9). 查询比平均薪资高的员工信息
    select avg(emp.salary) from emp;
select * from emp where salary>(select avg(emp.salary) from emp);
#10). 查询低于本部门平均工资的员工信息
select avg(e.salary) from emp e,dept d where e.dept_id=d.id ;
select avg(e.salary) from emp e,dept d where d.id=2;

select *, (select avg(e1.salary) from emp e1 where e1.dept_id = e2.dept_id) '平均'
from emp e2
where e2.salary < (select avg(e1.salary) from emp e1 where e1.dept_id = e2.dept_id);

#10). 查询低于本部门平均工资的员工信息
    select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id=1;

select *, (select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id = e2.dept_id) '平均薪资'
from emp e2
where e2.salary < (select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id = e2.dept_id);

select * from emp e2 where e2.salary < ( select avg(e1.salary) from emp e1 where
e1.dept_id = e2.dept_id );
#11). 查询所有的部门信息, 并统计部门的员工人数
    select id,name,(select count(*) from emp e where e.dept_id=d.id) '人数' from dept d;
    select count(*) from emp where dept_id=2;
#12). 查询所有学生的选课情况, 展示出学生名称, 学号, 课程名称
select * ,id from student ;
# where student.id = student_score.studentid,
# score.id = student_score.courseid
select *
from student,
where student.id = student_score.studentid
  and score.id = student_score.courseid;

#10). 查询低于本部门平均工资的员工信息
select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id=2;

select *, (select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id = e2.dept_id) '平均工资'
from emp e2
where e2.salary < (select avg(e.salary) from emp e where e.dept_id = e2.dept_id);

select * from emp;

create table student1(
    id int auto_increment primary key comment 'ID',
    name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
    no varchar(10) comment '身份证号',
    entryData date comment '进军日期'
)comment '学生表';

insert into student1(id, name, no, entryData)
VALUES (null, '张三', '10123', '2000-02-01'),
       (null, '王五', '10123', '2000-02-01');

update student1 set name='张三是sb' where name='王世龙';

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


