Java EE 7 教程 第一部分 简介 第1章 概述



1 Overview

This chapter introduces you to Java EE enterprise application development. Here you will review development basics, learn about the Java EE architecture and APIs, become acquainted with important terms and concepts, and find out how to approach Java EE application programming, assembly, and deployment.

Developers today increasingly recognize the need for distributed, transactional, and portable applications that leverage the speed, security, and reliability of server-side technology. Enterprise applications provide the business logic for an enterprise. They are centrally managed and often interact with other enterprise software. In the world of information technology, enterprise applications must be designed, built, and produced for less money, with greater speed, and with fewer resources.

With the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), development of Java enterprise applications has never been easier or faster. The aim of the Java EE platform is to provide developers with a powerful set of APIs while shortening development time, reducing application complexity, and improving application performance.

The Java EE platform is developed through the Java Community Process (JCP), which is responsible for all Java technologies. Expert groups, composed of interested parties, have created Java Specification Requests (JSRs) to define the various Java EE technologies. The work of the Java Community under the JCP program helps to ensure Java technology's standard of stability and cross-platform compatibility.

The Java EE platform uses a simplified programming model. XML deployment descriptors are optional. Instead, a developer can simply enter the information as an annotation directly into a Java source file, and the Java EE server will configure the component at deployment and runtime. These annotations are generally used to embed in a program data that would otherwise be furnished in a deployment descriptor. With annotations, you put the specification information in your code next to the program element affected.

In the Java EE platform, dependency injection can be applied to all resources a component needs, effectively hiding the creation and lookup of resources from application code. Dependency injection can be used in EJB containers, web containers, and application clients. Dependency injection allows the Java EE container to automatically insert references to other required components or resources, using annotations.

This tutorial uses examples to describe the features available in the Java EE platform for developing enterprise applications. Whether you are a new or experienced Enterprise developer, you should find the examples and accompanying text a valuable and accessible knowledge base for creating your own solutions.

The following topics are addressed here:

  • Java EE 7 Platform Highlights
  • Java EE Application Model
  • Distributed Multitiered Applications
  • Java EE Containers
  • Web Services Support
  • Java EE Application Assembly and Deployment
  • Development Roles
  • Java EE 7 APIs
  • Java EE 7 APIs in the Java Platform, Standard Edition 7
  • GlassFish Server Tools

1 概述

本章向你介绍Java EE企业应用程序开发,在这里你将回顾开发基础知识,了解Java EE架构和API,熟悉重要术语和概念,并了解如何处理Java EE应用程序的编程,装配和部署.


通过Java 平台企业版(Java EE),Java 企业应用程序的开发变得前所未有的简单和快捷. Java EE平台的旨在为开发者提供一套强大的API的同时缩短开发时间,降低应用复杂性,并且提高应用程序的性能.

Java EE平台由成熟的Java社区处理(JCP), 由那些对Java 感兴趣的人组成专家团队负责所有的Java技术, 从提出Java规范需求到各种各样的Java EE 技术定义,Java社区在JCP计划下工作以保证Java技术标准的稳定性和跨平台兼容性.

Java EE平台采用简化的编程模型. XML部署描述是可选的,相反,程序员可以直接在Java源文件中输入简单的注解信息,Java EE服务将在部署和运行时配置它们.这些注解通常用于嵌入那些和已经配置好的部署描述符不同的程序数据. 通过注解,你能把规范的信息放到你想影响的程序元素代码旁.

在Java EE平台,依赖注入可以应用于组件需要的所有资源, 从而在应用代码中有效的隐式创建和查找资源.依赖注入可以在EJB容器,WEB容器和应用程序客户端中使用. 通过注解,依赖注入可以让Java EE容器自动插入并且引用所需的其他组件和资源.

本教程使用范例来描述在Java EE平台为开发企业应用程序提供的功能.无论你是一个新手还是一个有经验的企业开发人员,都可以通过示例和附带的文字描述以及知识库构建自己的解决方案.


  • Java EE 7 平台亮点
  • Java EE 应用模型
  • 分布式多层应用程序
  • Java EE 容器
  • Web 服务支持
  • 打包和部署Java EE应用
  • 开发角色
  • Java EE 7 APIs
  • Java平台中的Java EE 7 APIs, 标准版7
  • GlassFish 服务器工具
  • 0
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