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原创 LLM 模型量化推理速度评测

1、compile 整个模型后的模型确实更快了,如果只compile attention部分加速不大,因为compile优化的空间并不大。2、投机采样测试过程中发现多卡推理 int4 模型出现报错,int8模型没有问题,这个目前没空看了。公众号"小晨的AI工作室"回复: "vllm_test" 获得原图,测试不易,希望点点关注哈~3、量化确实会带来速度的巨大提升,但是模型效果截图不太方便,效果确实降低了一些。4、AWQ量化后的千问7B模型,效果巨差,暂不确定问题在哪,目测了效果。

2024-03-05 21:08:48 1032

原创 一张图系列 - “leetcode快速复习“


2023-12-15 20:25:03 111

原创 一张图系列 - “position_embedding”

总之,Positional encoding为transformer模型提供了顺序信息,是实现transformer表征能力的重要组成部分。在 transformer 模型中,由于attention机制是并行计算的,输入的词向量不包含顺序信息,需要positional encoding来表示单词位置。Positional encoding 是在 transformer 模型中用于表示单词位置信息的一种技术。通过在词向量中加入位置信息,可以帮助注意力机制学习句子中单词的相关程度。位置邻近的单词更可能有关联。

2023-11-15 20:52:36 219

原创 一张图系列 - “kv cache“

kv cache 的原理是什么?它的代码是如何实现这些细节的?

2023-10-28 16:01:40 609

原创 一张图系列 - “CausalSelfAttention”


2023-10-28 15:18:02 402 1

原创 CLIPasso 论文分享&体验笔记

CLIPasso 获得了2022年的SIGGRAPH最佳论文奖

2023-02-05 17:19:35 933

原创 html + css + js 基础


2022-08-15 11:03:37 151

原创 html + css 基础

html + css 练习

2022-08-15 10:46:36 168

原创 html -> 简易网页框

html -> 简易网页框

2022-08-09 11:14:47 210

原创 html->课程表


2022-08-09 11:00:18 225

原创 html & css 常识1

html & css 常识

2022-08-08 10:59:06 86

原创 Headed-Span-Based Projective Dependency Parsing

学习ACL2022论文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04750code地址:​​​​​​https://github.com/sustcsonglin/span-based-dependency-parsing这个论文确实不错建议阅读:We propose a new method for projective dependency parsing based on headed spans. In a projective dependency tre

2022-05-02 22:18:03 204

原创 sanic & flask & fastapi 对比

代码:from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def hello_world(): return "hello, flask!"if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8080)# -----from sanic import Sanicfrom sanic.response import jsonap

2022-04-18 00:13:14 4139

原创 golang tollbooth 中间件 & 压测工具 vegeta

参考:1、[译] Go 中基于 IP 地址的 HTTP 限流2、Tollbooth - Fasthttp integration layer3、didip/tollbooth Simple middleware to rate-limit HTTP requests4、valyala / fasthttp Fast HTTP package for Go5、uber-go / ratelimit6、ulule / limiter-examples - 法国众筹公司🤦🏻‍♀️7、t

2022-04-16 17:01:20 798

原创 记录两个小工具 - Hydra & Wandb

【1】Getting started | Hydra【2】Weights & Biases - DocumentationGitHub - wandb/client: 🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments. This repo contains the CLI and Python API.

2022-03-20 21:31:54 235

原创 咖喱鸡 & 程序员 & 代码

如图所示:视频如下:​​​​​​咖喱鸡饭 - 这样做简直太香啦_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

2022-03-02 18:34:02 150

原创 Iterative Depth First Traversal of Graph

C++ -> DFS 【1】#include <list>#include <stack>#include <vector>#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Graph { int V; list<int> *adj;public: explicit Graph(int V); void addEdge(int v, int w)

2022-02-27 00:56:12 134

原创 explicit 用法提醒

参考链接:C++ 关键字 explicit 的使用隐式转换,如何消除隐式转换?Clion提示:Single-argument constructors must be marked explicitly to avoid unintentional implicit conversions 解法办法https://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/什么时候会 explicit:C++面向对象的多态特性,就是通过父类的类型实现对子

2022-02-07 00:00:36 486

原创 Find if there is a path between two vertices in an undirected graph

如图:python bfs 预热 (简单粗暴)# 无向图的的两个节点是否相连 ~ :from collections import dequedef addEdge(v, w): global adj adj[v].append(w) adj[w].append(v)def isReachable(s, d, V): if (s == d): return True visited = [False for i in range

2022-02-06 01:12:27 620

原创 Find if there is a path between two vertices in a directed graph

基础遍历预热#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <stack>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; TreeNode(int x): val(x), left(nullptr), right(..

2022-02-04 19:05:10 720

原创 7 Class Templates array and vector; Catching Exceptions

目录:array -> Sorting and searching arrays. vector -> Demonstrating C++ Standard Library class template vector.1. array -> Sorting and searching arrays.// array -> sorting and searching#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>

2021-12-18 10:58:55 866

原创 检查_有向图&无向图中的环

目录:有向图中检查环 python(递归,迭代) c++ 无向图中检查环 python(递归,迭代) c++ 1.1 python 递归: 有向图中环检测:核心思想是检测节点的邻居是否再已有的stack里面from collections import defaultdict# 有向图查环class UGraph: "undirected graph recursion" def __init__(self, vertices): s

2021-12-17 14:10:09 1830

原创 6 Functions and an Introduction to Recursion

目录:1、maximum function with a function prototype.2、Shifted, scaled integers produced by 1 + rand() % 6.3、Demonstrating srand (随机种子)4、Random Number (优点)5、Inline Functions6、References and Reference Parameters7、Using default arguments8、Unary sc

2021-12-14 13:47:15 138

原创 5 Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators

概述:Chapter 4 discussed if, if…else and while. This chapter demonstrated for, do…while and switch.You used the break statement to exit a switch statement and to immediately terminate a loop, and used a continue statement to terminate a loop’s current ..

2021-12-11 19:24:59 465

原创 4 A lgorithm Development and Control Statements: Part 1

1、Only three types of control statements—sequence, selection and iteration—are needed to develop any algorithmmain.cpp#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;int main() { int total{0}; unsigned int gradeCoun..

2021-12-11 16:31:13 459

原创 3 Introduction to Classes, Objects, Member Functions and Strings

目录:1、created your own classes and member functions2、create UML class diagrams that model the member functions, attributes and constructors of classesAccount.h#ifndef UNTITLED1_ACCOUNT_H#define UNTITLED1_ACCOUNT_H#include <string>#incl

2021-12-11 15:55:13 195

原创 cmake - 02 - subprojects

参考链接????:GCC全过程详解+剖析生成的.o文件CMAKE 里PRIVATE、PUBLIC、INTERFACE属性示例详解cmake:target_** 中的 PUBLIC,PRIVATE,INTERFACE1. 指令说明target_include_directories():指定目标包含的头文件路径。官方文档target_link_libraries():指定目标链接的库。官方文档target_compile_options():指定目标的编译选项。官方文档目标 由

2021-10-21 07:31:54 160

原创 cmake - 01K - imported-targets

目录:文件:run_test.sh#!/bin/bashcmake_version=`cmake --version | grep version | cut -d" " -f3`[[ "$cmake_version" =~ ([3-9][.][5-9.][.][0-9]) ]] || exit 0echo "correct version of cmake"mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. &am

2021-10-21 06:25:12 256

原创 cmake - 01H - third_party_library

目录:文件:main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ std::cout << "Hello Third Party Include!" << std::endl; boost::shared_ptr

2021-10-16 16:42:14 161

原创 cmake - 01E - installing

目录:(base) ➜ cmaker_learning tree.├── CMakeLists.txt├── build├── cmake-examples.conf├── include│ └── installing│ └── Hello.h└── src ├── Hello.cpp └── main.cpp4 directories, 5 files文件:与之前相同重点是 CMakeLists.txtcmake_min...

2021-10-16 13:41:25 112

原创 cmake - 01D - shared-library

动态链接目录:文件:Hello.h#ifndef CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_H#define CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_Hclass Hello{public: static void print();};#endif //CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_HHello.cpp#include <iostream>#include "../include/shared/Hello.h"u.

2021-10-16 12:18:47 62

原创 cmake - 01C - static-library

目录结构文件:Hello.h#ifndef CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_H#define CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_Hclass Hello{public: void print();};#endif //CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_HHello.cpp#include <iostream>#include "static/Hello.h"using namespace std;vo

2021-10-16 11:49:22 68

原创 cmake - 01 - hello-headers

目录:cmake 复习一下文件结构:(两个实验)文件内容:Hello.h#ifndef CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_H#define CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_Hclass Hello{public: void print();};#endif //CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_HHello.cpp#ifndef CMAKER_LEARNING_HELLO_H#define CMAKE.

2021-10-16 11:09:48 93

原创 20 - searching and sorting

Binary search xx1. Binary searchBinarySearch.cpp//// Created by on 2021/7/28.//// BinarySearch#include <algorithm>#include <array>#include <ctime>#include <iostream>#include <random>using namespace std

2021-07-29 07:50:19 128

原创 19 - Custom Templatized Data Structure

目录:1. List1. List 定义//// Created by on 2021/7/23.//#ifndef PRACTICE15_LIST_H#define PRACTICE15_LIST_H#include <iostream>#include "ListNode.h"using namespace std;template<typename NODETYPE>class List{public: bool isE

2021-07-23 16:32:59 105

原创 17 Exception Handling

目录:example that throw exception Rethrowing an exception xxx xx xxx xxx xx1.example that throw exception// example that throw exception#include <iostream>#include "DivideByZeroException.h"using namespace std;double quotient(i...

2021-05-16 09:13:24 110

原创 16 Standard Library Algorithms

目录:lambda expressions xxxx xx xxx xxx1.lambda expressions// lambda expressions#include <iostream>#include <array>#include <algorithm>#include <iterator>using namespace std;int main() { const siz...

2021-05-04 16:05:49 119

原创 15 standard library containers and iterators

目录:demonstrating input and output with iterators xx xx xxdemonstrating input and output with iterators

2021-04-30 17:46:30 113 1

原创 14 file processing

目录:Creating a sequential file Reading and printing a sequential file credit inquiry program1)Creating a sequential file// Creating a sequential file#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib..

2021-04-22 02:06:02 122

原创 13 stream Input/Output -1

很久没写了,今天是4月13号,难得有时间安静的坐下来写写,挺开心的~目录: Using Member Functions eof, get and put Comparing cin and cin.get 1) Using Member Functions eof, get and put#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() { int character; cout &l.

2021-04-13 22:53:15 162



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