Oracle GoldenGate悠远历史

The company was originally started by John Cullinane and Larry English in 1968 as Cullinane Corporation. Their idea was to sell pre-packaged software to mainframe users, which was at that time a new concept in an era when enterprises only used internally developed applications or the software that came bundled with the hardware.[1]
Rather than write its own products, Cullinane approached IT (information technology) departments (at that time called Data Processing departments) of major enterprises, particularly banks, to identify internally developed applications that he felt had potential to be productized and licensed to others. However, it proved difficult to sell these applications because most weren't generalized and supportable systems. As a result, the company decided to develop a source code management system, called PLUS, that competed with Pansophic's (PanDA) and UCC's products (UCC-1 tape management system, etc.). The first version of PLUS (which stood for Program Library Update System) required the use of magnetic tape devices, and was not competitive with the other, disk-based products. Although the company eventually responded with a disk-based version, called PLUS-DA (which stood for Direct Access, a common name for disks at the time) they did not become successful in this market.
The first breakthrough product was a report writer named Culprit, developed in-house by Gil Curtis and Anna Marie Thron, who had built the PHI payroll system. The product competed with Mark IV from Informatics, but was perceived as a late entry in the report writer category.
The company struggled with financial stability until it branded a variation of Culprit, EDP Auditor, which was nothing more than a second name for the same product with a collection of predefined reports, but more importantly, special services aimed at the new discipline of EDP (electronic data processing) Auditing including the first EDP Auditors User, special support to give auditors independence of data processing which was very important to them.[2] What was remarkable is that many corporations licensed essentially identical products. This led to serendipitous prosperity for Cullinane. As EDP auditors developed knowledge about business systems and computers, they could invariably produce reports faster than slower-moving, internal IT departments. As a result, MIS (management information systems) departments would feel compelled to buy the Culprit version for their own use — to compete.
As the company prospered in the early 1970s, it was approached by a consultant to BFGoodrich, Naomi O. Seligman, to consider taking over development of a Honeywell database management system called Integrated Data Store (IDS) that had been modified to operate on IBM and IBM compatible (RCA) mainframes. IDS was originally developed by General Electric, and Bill Curtis had supposedly gotten the rights to convert the system to run on IBM equipment.[dubious – discuss] The decision was made in early 1973 — primarily by John Cullinane, Jim Baker and Tom Muerer — to bet the company on the effort. Several executives joined the effort over the next three years, including Andrew Filipowski, Robert Goldman, Jon Nackerud, Ron McKinney, William Casey, Bob Davis, Bill Linn, and Ray Nawara. IDMS was to be a great bet for the company as it became the leader among many capable and popular products of the mainframe era. It competed with Cincom's Total, Software AG's ADABAS, Applied Data Research's DATACOM/DB, Computer Corporation of America's Model 204, MRI (later Intel's) System 2000 and IBM's IMS & DL/1.[3] In 1976, the source code was sold to International Computers Limited (ICL), whose developers ported the software to run on their 2900 series mainframes, and subsequently also on the older 1900 range. ICL continued development of the software independently of Cullinane, selling the originally ported product under the name IDMS and an enhanced version as IDMSX. In this form, it was used by many large UK and international users — examples being the Pay-As-You-Earn system operated by Inland Revenue and a system for Barclays Bank inSouth Africa. Many of these systems are still running in 2010 on Fujitsu equipment.
John Cullinane mentored a series of future entrepreneurs and software industry executives. One of the early executives was Andrew 'Flip' Filipowski, who later founded Platinum Technology, Inc.. Another was Robert Goldman who became the CEO of several public software companies including AICorp. Jon Nackerud was a co-founder of Relational Technology, Inc., formed to commercialize the Ingres database management system. Prior to becoming a public company in 1978, the company's name was changed to Cullinane Database Systems, Inc. The company changed its name again to Cullinet Software in 1983, partly because John Cullinane wanted to distance his name from the personal connection to the business when he turned the company over to Bob Goldman, and also in a nod to the importance of computer networking (as evidenced by the company's simultaneous acquisition of Computer Pictures, whose microcomputer-based desktop system linked to IDMS data). Joe McNay, a board member, was particularly important regarding the company's IPO, the first ever in the software products industry. Greylock purchased some shares from John Cullinane in 1977, less than a year before the company was to go public. It was to be the early foundation on which their Greylock's software technology investment prowess rested. It was Greylock’s first investment in a software company.
Cullinane's public offering was of note as it was the first successful offering of a pure software products company ever and the first software company Hambrecht & Quist ever took public. Cullinet was also the first software company to have a billion dollar valuation, and the first to do a Super Bowl ad. Specifically, Cullinane Database Systems, Inc., went public in 1978. On April 27, 1982 the company became the first computer software firm to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange and later, the first to become a component stock of the S&P 500 Index. However, two quarters after the company went public IBM introduced its 4300 series. Its salesmen told all mutual clients that IDMS didn't run on the 4300 series and that all IBM software of the future would be built with IMS/DL1. This caused a major problem as every IDMS customer went ballistic and every prospect went on hold. The company only had three months to solve this marketing problem and technical problem, and remarkably, they did. Technically, it only required the modification of one instruction to get IDMS running on a 4300. The solution to the company's revenue problem turned out to be its new Integrated Data Dictionary[dubious – discuss]. By moving very fast, the company used it to put IBM on the defensive and made its numbers[clarification needed], no small accomplishment. It then went from winning one out five competitions to winning four out five and this fueled its growth.
Beginning in 1979, in an attempt to promote less dependence on the database sales alone, Cullinane fully integrated financial and manufacturing applications with IDMS and decision support systems, another first. The company acquired financial applications from McCormack & Dodge ("M&D"), a financial software company (acquired by Dun & Bradstreet later in 1983) and completely rewrote them using IDMS. They also acquired an MRP system from Rath & Strong and completely rewrote it using IDMS. Thus, Cullinet had a suite of integrated financial and manufacturing systems (called CIMS Cullinet Integrated Manufacturing System), the first on-line database driven applications, and was a major competitor in what is now called ERP. The company had become a software powerhouse. Eventually, it acquired a small Boston-based company called Computer Pictures whose graphics-focused decision support system TrendSpotter had already been integrated with IDMS and was very successful. This team developed Goldengate, a Lotus Symphony-like PC product.
Goldengate was a part of Cullinet's flawed ICMS (Information Center Management System). The promise of ICMS was the ability to move data between the mainframe and PC desktop. Apple Computer was supposed to do the same for the Apple Lisa, but never delivered. ICMS was unveiled in 1983 as part of a splashy 20+ city closed circuit TV broadcast that focused on IDMS/R and fueled the market for Cullinet for the next two years, but it was obvious that it was getting harder to maintain its unbroken string of quarters with sales and earnings in excess of 50%.
The company should have developed PC based IDMS development tools, instead. Ironically, it had the technology under development which was later to become the foundation of PowerBuilder at Powersoft. In fairness, many failures mark the landscape in that space and era including the Ovation product introduced with great fanfare by Ovation Corporation in a race with Lotus's Symphony suite attempting to create the early office suites dominated by Microsoft Corp.
Goldengate's other flaw was that it was built pre-Windows, which was expensive for Cullinet because of all the permutations and combinations of PC hardware and memory configurations.
In 1983 John Cullinane, after 25 years in the software business, handed over the helm of Cullinet to Bob Goldman while he began to pursue other interests. Things continued to go well, but eventually the company ran into trouble and Cullinane brought in a recent acquaintance, David Chapman, as CEO of the company. At the time, Cullinet had $50 million in cash reserves. David Chapman, a veteran IBM and Data General executive, started an aggressive campaign to acquire technology from other companies. The reason for bringing in Chapman was that the company had gotten hung up on the open architecture and relational issues. In other words, a company with an unparalleled record of outpositioning competition every two years, for sixteen years, including IBM, allowed itself to get outpositioned by IBM and others, with the help of E.F. Codd and C.J. Date.
In 1986-87, Chapman attempted to move the company to the more and more powerful minicomputers such as Digital Equipment Corporation's VAX line of computers. In the process, Cullinet acquired some very questionable VAX companies, but one had an outstanding relational DBMS. By then it was too late — the company's $50 million of cash had been spent.
In 1988, John Cullinane returned to Cullinet, fired Chapman and tried to salvage the company. By repositioning the company's product line with a new product called Enterprise Generator, he solved the open architecture problem and the company was able to return to profitability by the fourth quarter, which made it possible to negotiate a deal with Charles Wang, head of Computer Associates.
In 1989, Wang bought the company for $330 million in stock. It was a good deal for investors, which was reflected in the fact that shares of CA increased in value at least tenfold during the 1990s. It was a good deal for John Cullinane, too.
Much later, CA Technologies (formerly CA, Inc. and Computer Associates International, Inc.) still marketed and supported the CA IDMS relational database system for IBM z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM, Fujitsu Siemens BS2000/OSD, Linux (CA IDMS Server), UNIX (CA IDMS Server) and Windows (CA IDMS Server).

Goldengate最初来源于Cullinet。Cullinet是一家软件公司(Cullinet总部位于马萨诸塞州),其产品包括数据库管理系统IDMS和集成软件包Goldengate。1989年,该公司被Computer Associates收购。该公司最初由John Cullinane和Larry English于1968年创建成立Cullinane Corporation。他们的想法是将预包装的软件出售给大型机用户,而当时大多企业还处于使用内部开发的应用程序或软硬件互相捆绑的时代。
Cullinane不是写自己的产品,而是接触到主要企业,特别是银行的IT(信息技术)部门(当时称为数据处理部门),以确定他认为有可能被生产和授权给他人的内部开发应用程序。 然而,这些应用程序的销售难度很大,因为大多数应用程序不是通用的或者对操作系统的支持太差。 因此,公司决定开发一种名为PLUS的源代码管理系统,该系统的竞争对手是Pansophic(PanDA)和UCC的产品(UCC-1磁带管理系统等)。 PLUS的第一个版本(用于程序库更新系统)需要使用磁带设备,并且与其它基于磁盘的产品相比没有竞争力,最终在市场上并没有或得成功。
第一个突破性产品是由柯尔蒂斯(Gil Curtis)和安娜玛丽·特伦(Anna Marie Thron)内部开发的名为Culprit的report writer,该公司已经建立了PHI工资系统。 该产品与Informatics的Mark IV竞争,但被认为是较晚进入report writer类别。
该公司挣扎着金融稳定,直到它标榜了Culprit,EDP审计师的一个变体,这只是同一个产品的第二个名字,收集了预定义的报告,更重要的是,针对EDP的新纪律的特殊服务( 电子数据处理)审计包括第一个EDP审计员用户,特别支持审计师对数据处理的独立性,这对他们非常重要。2 令人惊奇的是,许多公司都许可基本上是相同的产品。 这导致了Cullinane的偶然的繁荣。 由于EDP审计员开发了有关业务系统和计算机的知识,因此它们可能总是比缓慢移动的内部IT部门更快地生成报告。 因此,MIS(管理信息系统)部门将被迫购买Culprit版本供自己使用 - 竞争。
随着公司在20世纪70年代初兴起,BFGoodrich,Naomi O. Seligman的顾问接触了考虑,接管了一个名为Integrated Data Store(IDS)的霍尼韦尔数据库管理系统的开发工作,该系统被修改为在IBM和 IBM兼容(RCA)大型机。 IDS最初是由通用电气公司开发的,而比尔·柯蒂斯(Bill Curtis)据称拥有将系统转换为在IBM设备上运行的权利可疑 - 讨论决定于1973年初进行,主要由John Cullinane,Jim Baker和Tom Muerer - 打赌公司的努力。 几位高管在未来三年加入了这一工作,其中包括Andrew Filipowski,Robert Goldman,Jon Nackerud,Ron McKinney,William Casey,Bob Davis,Bill Linn和Ray Nawara。 IDMS对于公司来说是一个很好的赌注,因为它成为大型机时代众多能力和受欢迎的产品中的领导者。 它与Cincom的Total,Software AG的ADABAS,应用数据研究的DATACOM / DB,美国204型计算机公司,后来的英特尔®系统2000和IBM的IMS & DL / 1竞争。3 1976年,源代码被出售给国际计算机有限公司(ICL),该公司的开发商将该软件移植到2900系列大型机上运行,随后也在1900年的旧系列上运行。 ICL独立于Cullinane继续开发软件,以IDMS的名义销售原本移植的产品,并将其作为IDMSX的增强版本销售。 在这种形式下,它被许多大型的英国和国际用户使用 - 例如由Inland Revenue运营的"按收入支付"系统,以及南非巴克莱银行系统。 许多这些系统在2010年仍在富士通设备上运行。
翰·库利尼纳指导一系列未来的企业家和软件业高管。 早期的高管之一是Andrew Flip'Filipowski,后来他成立了白金技术公司。另一位是罗伯特·戈德曼(Robert Goldman),他成为多家公司软件公司(包括AICorp)的首席执行官。 Jon Nackerud是Relational Technology,Inc.的联合创始人,将Ingres数据库管理系统商业化。 在1978年成为上市公司之前,该公司的名称已更改为Cullinane数据库系统公司。该公司于1983年将其名称重新更名为Cullinet Software,部分原因是John Cullinane希望将其名称与个人业务的距离与业务距离 他把公司转交给鲍勃·高德曼(Bob Goldman),同时也注意到计算机网络的重要性(该公司同时收购了与美国IDMS数据相关的微机桌面系统的Computer Pictures)。 董事会成员Joe McNay对该公司的IPO尤其重要,该公司是软件产品行业的第一家。 Greylock在1977年从John Cullinane购买了一些股票,不到公司上市前一年。 它是Greylock软件技术投资实力的早期基础。 Greylock是一家软件公司的第一笔投资。
Cullinane的公开发行是值得注意的,因为它是第一个成功提供纯软件产品公司,以及第一家软件公司Hambrecht & Quist曾经上市。 Cullinet也是第一家拥有十亿美元估值的软件公司,也是第一家做超级碗广告的软件公司。 具体来说,Cullinane数据库系统有限公司于1978年上市。1982年4月27日,该公司成为首家在纽约证券交易所上市的计算机软件公司,之后成为第一家成为S&P 500的组件库存 指数。 不过,两公里后公司上市IBM推出了4300系列。 其销售人员告诉所有相互客户,IDMS并没有在4300系列上运行,所有未来的IBM软件都将使用IMS / DL1构建。 这造成了一个重大问题,因为每个IDMS客户都进入弹道,每个潜在客户都被搁置。 该公司只有三个月的时间来解决这个营销问题和技术问题,而且显而易见。 在技术上,它只需要修改一个指令来获得IDMS在4300上运行。解决公司收入问题的解决方案成为其新的综合数据字典可疑 - 讨论。 通过移动速度非常快,公司用它来将IBM置于防御之上,并提出了数字需要澄清,没有任何小的成就。 然后从赢得五场比赛中获胜,赢得四分之一,这促进了其成长。
从1979年开始,为了促进对数据库销售的依赖性减少,Cullinane将金融和制造应用与IDMS和决策支持系统完全整合。 该公司从McCormack & Dodge("M&D")(一家于1983年晚些时候被Dun & Bradstreet收购)的金融软件公司("M&D")获得了财务申请,并使用IDMS完全重写。 他们还从Rath & Strong获得了MRP系统,并使用IDMS完全重写了它。 因此,Cullinet拥有一套集成的金融和制造系统(称为CIMS Cullinet集成制造系统),这是第一个在线数据库驱动的应用程序,并且是现在称为ERP的主要竞争对手。 该公司已成为软件强国。 最终,它收购了一家位于波士顿的小公司,名为Computer Pictures,其图形化决策支持系统TrendSpotter已经与IDMS集成,并且非常成功。 这个团队开发了Goldengate,一个Lotus Symphony的PC产品。
Goldengate是Cullinet有缺陷的ICMS(信息中心管理系统)的一部分。 ICMS的承诺是在大型机和PC桌面之间移动数据的能力。 苹果计算机应该对苹果丽莎做同样的事情,但从未交付过。 ICMS于1983年推出,作为20个城市闭路电视广播的一部分,集中在IDMS / R,并为未来两年的Cullinet市场推出,但很显然,维持其不间断的季度 销售收入超过50%。
该公司应该开发基于PC的IDMS开发工具。 具有讽刺意味的是,它的技术正在开发中,后来成为Powersoft PowerBuilder的基础。 公平地说,许多失败标志着这个空间和时代的景观,包括Ovation公司在与Lotus的Symphony套件的竞赛中引以为傲的Ovation产品,试图创建由微软公司主导的早期办公套件。
1983年,约翰·库利尼恩(John Cullinane)在软件业务经过25年的努力下,将库列内的掌舵人转交给鲍勃·戈德曼(Bob Goldman),同时开始追求其他利益。 事情继续下去,但最终公司陷入困境,Cullinane最近认识了David Chapman,担任该公司的首席执行官。 当时,库里尼有5000万美元的现金储备。 经验丰富的IBM和数据总裁David Chapman开始了一项积极的运动,以从其他公司获取技术。 引进查普曼的原因是公司已经挂上了开放的架构和关系问题。 换句话说,在E.F. Codd和C.J. Date的帮助下,每两年十年包括IBM在内的无可比拟的竞争记录的公司在IBM和其他公司的帮助下允许其自行撤销。
在1986-87年,查普曼试图将该公司转移到越来越强大的小型计算机,如数字设备公司的VAX系列电脑。 在此过程中,Cullinet收购了一些非常值得怀疑的VAX公司,但有一个是有优秀的关系DBMS。 那时候太晚了 - 公司的5000万美元现金已经用完了。
1988年,约翰·库利尼恩回到库里内,向查普曼开枪,并试图挽救公司。 通过将公司的产品线重新定位为名为"企业发电机"的新产品,他解决了开放式架构问题,公司能够在第四季度恢复盈利,这使得有可能与计算机协会负责人王先生谈判达成协议 。
1989年,王先生以3.3亿美元的股票收购了该公司。 这对投资者来说是一个很好的选择,反映在这样一个事实上,CA的股价在90年代至少增加了十倍。 对于约翰·库利尼娜也是一个很好的交易。
不久之后,CA Technologies(以前的CA,Inc.和Computer Associates International,Inc.)仍然出售并支持了IBM z / OS,z / VSE和z / VM,Fujitsu Siemens BS2000 / OSD,Linux的CA IDMS关系数据库系统 (CA IDMS服务器),UNIX(CA IDMS服务器)和Windows(CA IDMS服务器)。

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