sqlplus system/system@orcl --连接
SQL>ed a --创建sql文本
SQL>get a --把a.sql载入缓存
create temporary tablespace sa_temp --临时表空间
tempfile 'E:/dbf/sa_temp.dbf'
size 10m
autoextend on;
create tablespace sa_space --表空间
datafile 'E:/dbf/sa_space.dbf'
size 20m --20M
autoextend on; --自动增长
create user sa identified by sa --创建用户 使用对应的表空间
default tablespace sa_space
temporary tablespace sa_temp;
grant connect,resource,dba to sa; --授予连接 、dba权限给用户
conn sa/sa --角色sa
create table studentInfo(
stuId number primary key not null,
tel nvarchar2(15),
sex char(2) not null,
schoolTime date not null,
email nvarchar2(50) not null,
remark nvarchar2(500) not null
create table Course(
courseId number primary key not null,
courseCode nvarchar2(15), --课程代码
courseName nvarchar2(50)
create table stdent_course(
courseId number not null,
stuId number not null
create sequence seq_studentInfo_stuId --学员序列
increment by 1 -- 每次加1
start with 1 -- 从1开始计数
nomaxvalue -- 不设置最大值
nocycle -- 一直累加,不循环
nocache -- 不建缓冲区
create sequence seq_course_courseId --课程序列
increment by 1 -- 每次加1
start with 1 -- 从1开始计数
nomaxvalue -- 不设置最大值
nocycle -- 一直累加,不循环
nocache -- 不建缓冲区
create or replace trigger tri_studentInfo_stuId --学员主键自增
insert on studentInfo for each row
select seq_studentInfo_stuId.nextval into :New.stuId from dual;
create or replace trigger tri_course_courseId --课程主键自增
insert on course for each row
select seq_course_courseId.nextval into :New.courseId from dual;
alter table stdent_course add constraint fk_stdentcourse_courseId
foreign key(courseId) references course(courseId);
alter table stdent_course add constraint fk_stdentcourse_courseId
foreign key(stuId) references studentId(stuId);
insert into studentinfo(tel,sex,schooltime,email,remark)
insert into studentinfo(tel,sex,schooltime,email,remark)
insert into course(coursecode,coursename)values('001','语文');
insert into course(coursecode,coursename)values('002','数学');
insert into stdent_course (stuid,courseid)values(1,1);
insert into stdent_course (stuid,courseid)values(1,2);
insert into stdent_course (stuid,courseid)values(2,1);
select * from studentinfo;
select * from course;
select * from stdent_course;