1windows →Preferences→general→editors→text editors
2在 appearance color options 里选在background color
色调84 红204
饱和度91 绿232
亮度205 蓝207
1windows →Preferences→general→appearance→colors and fonts
2basic→text font→change
(Window)-->(Preferences)-->java-->(Editor)-->(Syntax Coloring), 点击Restore Defaults, 接下来在同一选项的Element ---> java
附件是改变后的eclipse配置文件.下载后 放到 放到workspace - - > .metadata - - >.plugins里, 记得备份原文件.
- org.eclipse.core.runtime.zip
- 描述: DIY前的颜色配置.
- org.eclipse.core.runtime.zip
- 描述: aptana和myeclipse的颜色配置.
- settings.zip
- 描述: 码颜色不知道怎么改,目前为止还是黑色的,和背景色一样
Annotations(注释): 107, 147, 186
Deprecated members(不建议使用的成员): 0, 0, 0
Fields(字段): 128, 0, 128
KeyWord 'return'(关键字'return'): 255, 0, 0
Keyword excluding 'return'(除了关键字以外的return): 255, 0, 128
Local variable declarations(局部变量声明): 128, 128, 128
Method declarations(方法声明): 255, 128, 64
Method(方法): 74, 165, 255
Operators and brackets(运算符与方括号): 255, 128, 0
Others(其他): 126, 202, 0
Static fields(静态字段): 33, 0, 189
Static Method invocations(静态方法调用): 77, 166 255
Strings(字符串): 132, 26, 238
Type variables(类型变量): 128, 0, 25