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原创 SSAS相关类 “Syntax error”

在安装完新环境之后做Compile发现跟SSAS相关的类报错,比如BIGenerator类。 解决办法是:安装SQL Server Analysis Management Object. 微软在下面这篇文章中也提到: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg731842.aspxYou must install

2017-02-04 11:08:11 689

转载 FAQ: Microsoft Dynamics AX Kernel Hotfixes

非常有用的文章。This blog article attempts to address some of the questions we are commonly asked relating to kernel hotfixes. It is primarily written for AX 2012, R2 and R3 but many of the concepts a

2017-02-04 11:02:43 834

翻译 如何查看AX的版本

原来来自: http://www.bhsolutions.com/news/blog/how-to-check-dynamics-ax-2012-version-numbers-applied-hotfixes/刚接触AX的时候打开AX的帮助看到AX有Build Version和Kernal Version,有的时候还发现两个版本不一样。当时还不太清楚他们之间的差异。有一次打Ker

2016-12-28 22:29:10 5197

转载 ENUM values missing in SRSANALYSISENUMS Table

原文: http://tech.alirazazaidi.com/enum-values-missing-in-srsanalysisenums-table/做数据库中BI开发的时候发现一些ENUM的值没有,查看一些文章发现表“SRSANALYSISENUMS”主要是为了AX自带的SSAS Cube服务的,所以并不是所有的ENUM值都可以在这张表找到。可以将使用这些

2016-12-28 22:18:05 868

转载 如何让AX客户端绕开负载均衡连接到对应的AOS

AX提供了负载均衡的功能, 在一些大型的场景中都会启用这个功能。如果我们有多个AOS的环境比如 AX-AOS1, AX-AOS2, AX-AOS3, AX-AOS4, AX-AOS5配置在了同一个负载均衡实例上面,当我们需要连接到特定的AOS上面执行一些任务,该如何实现呢?其实很简单在AX客户端配置中指定一个参数,具体步骤参考下面的文章:来源:https://stoneri

2016-12-26 22:18:25 1096

转载 How to update AX 2012 Enterprise Portal in a multi-server web farm

在Sharepoint Farm环境中配置EP后维护和普通的配置有点不同,如果更新发布的问题可以参考下面这篇文章。In this post we talk about how to UPDATE your Enterprise Portal (EP) deployed on a multi-server SharePoint 2013 web farm. Pre-requisite:

2016-10-09 20:05:05 794

原创 在一台SharePoint服务器上面部署多个环境的Enterprise Portals

最近需要在一个AX Demo环境配置EP功能,因为EP是基于SharePoint的,安装配置SharePoint Farm和配置NLB本身就是一件很麻烦的事情。所以想到是否可以借用之前的EP服务器,通过一个新的Site站点完成Demo EP的配置,这样一方面可以不用再折腾安装SharePoint,同时也节省了成本。 查了资料微软提供了这样的功能,具体的操作参考文

2016-09-02 14:19:14 590

原创 SSDT修改Dynamics AX SSAS Cube之后如何更新到AOT

在AX中修改SSAS Cube可以通过AOT的perspectives修改measures/attributes或者新增表等,这种操作是在AOT中操作的会直接更新到后台的数据库。但是如果一些更高级的操作可能用SSDT更方便,在SSDT中修改Cube之后默认项目是不会自动更新到AX的,我们如何操作确保项目返回到AX?1. 在SSDT中编译项目2.A

2016-08-30 14:23:17 1099

转载 AX2012 Management Shell如何使用

AX2012 Management Shell是一个非常强大的工具, 该如何使用呢?网上找到Martin Dráb写的一篇文章指导如何使用这个工具。 原文来自: http://dev.goshoom.net/en/2011/10/ax2012-powershell-en/Dynamics AX 2012 allows to perform and automat

2016-08-25 09:58:02 1190

转载 AX遇到问题的解决思路

接触AX也有一段时间了, 经常遇到各种妖怪问题,也整理了各种解决方法。今天在网上找到一个别人总结的思路,感觉非常全,发出来供大家参考。Problem solving in AXMay 13, 2009 at 21:04filed under Dynamics AXTagged Debug, Dynamics AX, securityS

2016-08-08 11:35:26 1056

原创 Dynamcis AX VS Tools如何连接不同的AOS

场景:需要用一个VS Debug或者开发不同的环境,那么怎么让VS指定到这些对应的AOS呢?默认情况下打开VS的时候,VS会调用当前AX客户端配置Active的配置决定要连接哪个AOS,并且在Application Explorer用Default显示默认的连接如图:如果要更改这个配置可以通过下面的步骤:1. 对VS创建快捷方式2.右击快捷方式,选择

2016-06-15 09:42:17 822

转载 Top 10 tips to prepare your Dynamics AX 2012 Go Live

AX上线之前需要注意的一些事项,偏基础架构方面。Top 10 tips to prepare your Dynamics AX 2012 Go Live – Series 1/3Top 10 tips to prepare your Dynamics AX 2012 Go Live – Series 2/3Top 10 tips to prepare your Dynamics AX

2016-05-31 16:53:11 794

转载 Performance Resource Page for Microsoft Dynamics AX

关于AX性能优化方面可以参考下面这篇文章: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/axresources/archive/2014/09/09/performance-resources-for-microsoft-dynamics-axThis page provides a centralized location to hel

2016-05-31 15:53:31 920

原创 AX 无法新建采购申请

今天在AX中测试采购申请的功能Procurement > Purchase requisitions prepared by me>Purchaserequisition,但是发现新建Purchaserequisition的按钮为灰色,无法点击新建。打开AOT看了一下Form找到这个Button看了一下Click的实践发现下面一段代码,原来创建的人必须要是Worker.

2016-05-18 17:18:58 645

转载 XU_SecurityLoadRoles 运行机制以及如何优化性能

今天发现有几个用户打开AX卡主的情况,查看SQL Server发现正在运行的存储过程XU_SecurityLoadRoles,从MSDN上面找到了这篇文章讲了权限刷新的机制并如何避免。原文来自:http://i1.blogs.msdn.com/b/axsupport/archive/2014/05/08/security-cache-thrashing.aspxAX use

2016-05-18 16:46:43 697

转载 AX 数据库日志如何选择正确的表名和字段名?

之前在配置AX数据库日志的时候发现列出的表名跟AOT的表名完全不同,后来发现显示的是Lable,这样很多表名显示的Lable一样,就很难去区分。今天在网上找到下面一篇文章将AX代码稍微做了修改,让Form可以显示正确的AOT表名,方便大家筛选。原文来自于: https://dynamicsax-fico.com/tag/database-log/If you ever used the

2016-05-17 13:41:32 1051

转载 限制安全角色访问特定字段

原文来自: https://dynamicsaxtipoftheday.com/2014/04/15/restrict-field-access-by-security-role/Restrict Field Access By Security RoleThe roles within Dynamics AX are pre-configured to restrict us

2016-05-17 13:06:51 776

转载 Cognos How to set the default email sender to a specific value

在IBM Cognos设定不同的发件人。Problem(Abstract)Is there a way to have all reports sent by all users to display the same "From" email address?In other words, how do you set the default sender to a specif

2016-04-21 17:30:52 857

原创 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 X++ Editor Extensions

之前一直使用VS开发,转到AX开发的时候感觉AX自带的开发工具没那么友好,很多好用的功能都没有。在网上找到一个免费扩展插件Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 X++ Editor Extensions,有几个功能还不错,大家有兴趣可以试试看。安装非常方便。下载地址: http://ax2012editorext.codeplex.com/releases/view

2016-04-19 22:22:57 1159

转载 获取LedgerDimention各个维度的组合值

在2012里面各个维度的组合值是被存储在DimensionAttributeValueCombination类,但是存储的结果类似于 (100010-AX-00001- – –-).我们怎么知道哪个值属于哪个纬度呢?答案是使用dimension storage类。这个类可以用来操作这些组合值。 从网上找到的代码:https://sumitsaxfactor.

2016-04-19 09:27:28 595

原创 .NET Business Connector mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime

今天使用.NET Business Connector更新AX数据的时候出现下面的错误:  Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration in

2016-04-18 21:16:25 888

原创 AX 查询表字段的Lable

static void GetFieldLable(Args _args){ CustTable custTable; DictField dictField; DictTable dictTable; int field; int fieldId; int records; str header, line; ; dictTabl

2016-04-13 21:06:29 581

转载 Vendor code “Vendor number” is not authorized for “item number”

用新创建的料号创建采购订单的时候遇到类似下面的错误: Vendor code “Vendor number” is not authorized for “item number”http://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/daxbeginners/archive/2014/06/11/vendor-code-vendor-number-is-not-auth

2016-03-30 22:56:27 2212

转载 Getting Ledger transactions in Ax 2012

Getting Ledger transactions in Ax 201213 Dec Continuing with my blogs on Chart of accounts, in this blog, I will help you find the ledger transactions between a particular period.In Ax

2016-03-03 10:17:30 847

转载 Dynamic AX 快捷键

Dynamic AX提供了非常多的快捷键,熟练使用这些快捷键可以极大的减少我们的工作量,提高工作效率。下面这篇文章根据不同的使用场景列出了可以使用的快捷键。原文来自: http://vishal-dax.blogspot.in/2012/03/shortcut-keys-in-ax-2012.htmlShortcut keys in AX 2012

2016-02-17 14:37:53 1884

转载 Picking, Registration, Reservation, Marking..What’s the Difference?

几个概念解释的非常清楚。原文来自于: http://es-ax.blogspot.in/2012/02/picking-registration-reservation.html Picking, Registration, Reservation, Marking..What’s the Difference? The different ways of se

2015-11-18 14:28:23 953

转载 AX不同的Form之间传递参数

AX开发中在Form之间传递参数是必不可少的,很多初学者可能对如何传参数有疑惑。下面这篇文章通过例子详细的解释了如何实现。 原文来自: https://mfmujahidmim.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/passing-parameters-between-forms-in-ax/    Raziq AX's BlogA technical blog

2015-11-09 17:28:47 1465

转载 SSRS 2014 User Domain\User does not have required permissions.

原文来自: http://bhushan.extreme-advice.com/user-domainuser-does-not-have-required-permissions/ Error : User Domain\User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have b

2015-10-22 10:43:15 1538

转载 E-Mail notifications in MS Dynamics AX 2012

原文来自: http://blog.mohamedaamer.com/microsoft-dynamics/ms_dynamics_ax/email_notifications_in_dynamics-ax-2012/ 介绍了如何在AX 2012 中配置邮箱并通过预警发送邮件的功能。 In my first posts I have sharedthe collabor

2015-10-16 17:21:00 1692

转载 获得AX Role下面的duties和privileges 列表

Use the below job to get list of duties and privileges under one or more roles原文来自:http://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/mukeshhirwani_dynamicsax/archive/2015/05/11/list-of-duties-and-privileges-under-

2015-08-21 11:23:20 950

转载 Dynamics NAVAX Refresh caller form[AX 2012]

Refresh caller form [AX 2012]There are a few ways to refresh a caller form. You may notice in AX2012 sometimes calling research(true) causes the record to jump to the starting position.The

2015-08-20 10:23:09 821

转载 Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view

遇到同样的错误,查到这个是微软的一个BUG,网上有解决办法。原文来自:http://capstonebi.blogspot.de/2012/09/ssis-2012-deployment-frustrations.html I went to deploy a large SSIS project recently and received this error from the Depl

2015-07-14 13:57:21 1501

转载 Steps to change the default location of SQL Server /SQL Server Agent - Error log files

今天早上同事让我将SQL Server的数据文件和系统文件迁移到存储上面,盘符等都修改,迁移数据文件和Mater/error log之后,将之前的磁盘从dependency中去掉然后做Failover测试发现SQL Agent没起来,突然想到SQL Agent也有路径要修改。当时已经不记得怎么改了,网上搜到下面这篇文章,希望以后带大家也有帮助。 Recently came across

2015-04-28 09:35:45 879

转载 SQL Server cluster failover fails with Error Code: 0x80071398

今天遇到一个问题,手动Failover到另外一台Node失败,错误: SQL Server cluster failover fails with Error Code: 0x80071398The operation has failedThe action 'Move' did not completeThe operation failed because either

2015-02-09 14:52:41 3379

转载 在Windows Server 2012 中实现 Start Menu All Programs 功能

Do you miss the old Start Menu on Windows Server 2012 when remotely administering your servers?  Try these quick steps to add a "Programs" toolbar to your Taskbar that operates in a similar fashion to

2014-11-13 10:27:05 2687

转载 How It Works: What are the RING_BUFFER_RESOURCE_MONITOR telling me?

对于查询时Insternal 或者External 内存压力很有帮助。 The ring buffer records (which can be sent to XEvent) for Resource Monitor and Memory Broker are the key aspects to understanding RM.  The record is produced wh

2014-08-19 11:19:08 1201

转载 Lock pages in memory now available for 64 bit Standard Edition of SQL Server

在2005,2008,2008 R2标准版启用Lock pages需要启动Trae

2014-08-19 11:17:09 1365

原创 小技巧:如何以另外的Windows用户运行SSMS

可能会碰到这样的问题,你需要在一台机器上面使用不同的Windows账户连接到SQL Server做测试。默认情况下,你需要用不同的Windows账户登录然后测试。实际上不需要每个windows登陆,就可以作为不同的用户访问。 1.  用RUNAS命令调用SSMS,写起来相对麻烦。 2.  只需要按住Shift键,使用“Run as different user”。首先找到S

2014-08-08 13:05:53 2214

原创 使用默认system_health分析死锁(Deadlock)

在2008之前我们分析死锁需要用profiler trace或者trace flag 1222,1204.在2008中引入了一个新功能:Extended Events(扩展事件),可以监控Deadlock事件,并且性能更好。  而且2008自带了一个默认扩展事件会话system_health,如果你运行在2008或者之上版本可以执行下面查询:   select * from

2014-08-07 14:17:18 2094

原创 SSIS Lookup 找不到匹配数据

用户有一个需要用txt更新表数据的功能,用lookup实现,步骤: 1.       循环文件夹的txt文件 2.       用Lookup 全部cache目标表数据,比对txt数据和目标表数据  3.       如果有match的数据用txt更新目标表 但是执行每次Match的数据都是0,而txt中确实存在匹配的数据。翻了一下微软的BO

2014-08-06 16:43:50 2705

The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals.chm

I can pretty much guarantee that anyone who uses SQL Server on a regular basis (even those located in Redmond working on SQL Server) can learn something new from reading this book."


Windows Server 2003 用户管理指南




很多客户偶尔会遇到SQL Server 数据库性能下降。原因可能涉及从不良好的数据库设计到不正确的负载配置。作为一个管理员,你应该预先阻止或最小化问题,并当问题发生时,诊断原因并尽可能的做出正确的操作来解决问题。这片白皮书所述的问题通常来源于Microsoft® Corporation 的Customer Support Service(CSS or PSS)部门所遇到的,因为将所有可能的问题都详尽的分析是不合实际的。我们提供了按部就班的指导,通过使用可用的工具例如SQL Server Profiler,System Monitor和在SQL Server 2005中新的Dynamic Management View来为一般的性能问题诊断和排错。


使用CPU计数器监视SQL Server性能的

当使用CPU计数器测量CPU活动时,记住下面是SQL Server中耗用CPU资源最多的进程: • 上下文切换:当SQL Server在多个CPU之间切换线程时就会发生上下文切换,过多的上下文切换会吃掉CPU资源。有些情况下,打开LightweightPooling选项可以减少上下文切换。



Although one goal of ours was to minimize the amount of overlap between volumes so that readers of the complete series would not have to deal with duplicate content, we also realized that not everyone would start with the same volume. Itzik and I have different approaches to describing SQL Server query processing, index use, and tuning, so when those topics are covered in more than one volume, that duplication is actually a bonus.



Written by a T-SQL guru, this thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators focuses on language features and how they are interpreted and processed by the SQL Server execution engine.



Dive deep into the internals of query tuning and optimization in SQL Server 2005 with this comprehensive reference. Understanding the internals of SQL Server helps database developers and administrators to better create, access, and effectively process information from enterprise data. Written by experts on SQL Server, this volume from the Inside Microsoft SQL Server series of books focuses on query tuning and optimization. You'll take an in-depth look at the best ways to make queries more efficient and effective, while maximizing existing resources. Includes extensive code samples and table examples to help database developers and administrators understand the intricacies and help promote mastery of query tuning and optimization.


Microsoft Press - Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Query Tuning and Optimization (Sep 2007).chm

Dive deep into the internals of query tuning and optimization in SQL Server 2005 with this comprehensive reference. Understanding the internals of SQL Server helps database developers and administrators to better create, access, and effectively process information from enterprise data. Written by experts on SQL Server, this volume from the Inside Microsoft SQL Server series of books focuses on query tuning and optimization. You'll take an in-depth look at the best ways to make queries more efficient and effective, while maximizing existing resources. Includes extensive code samples and table examples to help database developers and administrators understand the intricacies and help promote mastery of query tuning and optimization.


Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming

Written by a T-SQL guru, this thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators focuses on language features and how they are interpreted and processed by the SQL Server execution engine.



There you are, standing in front of the book rack at your favorite book store, leafing through these pages, wondering if this is the one you are looking for. Go ahead; look around to see if I’m watching you. I’ll wait.... OK, the coast is clear. So, did we write this book for you? Since you’re reading this, it’s very likely. Our primary audience is IT professionals (both developers and administrators) who have found themselves responsible for the management and maintenance of a SQL Server 2005 database. You may have been responsible for a SQL Server 2000 database and were just getting used to that when your company decided to move to SQL Server 2005. The new features and new tool set can be intimidating. We wrote this book for you. You may be thinking, “I’m a senior DBA and this book’s title is Beginning SQL Server 2005 Administration. I am not a beginner.” I understand. However, we also wrote this book for you. SQL Server 2005 is a dramatic departure from its predecessors and, even if you are an expert on SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 7, you will find a great deal of very useful information in this book. Go ahead, flip through the pages, and check it out for yourself. I believe you will find what you’re looking for.


TSQL Query Tuning

This article is the second in a series that describes a variety of performance tuning techniques that you can apply to your Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL programs. In many cases, you could use the graphic user interface provided in Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager or Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer to achieve the same or similar results to those described here. However, this series focuses on using Transact-SQL as the basis for our solutions. All examples and syntax are verified for Microsoft SQL Server 2000.



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