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转载 How to take screenshot (thumbnail) of a web site with ASP.NET 2.0?
IntroductionMoslty in site directory web sites there is a need to have the thumbnail image of each web site. Of course this feature can be needed in a wide range of projects handling with high
2008-01-15 16:50:00 1280
转载 NHibernate学习
本文约定:1. Nhibernate简写为NHB;2. 本文例子的开发平台为win2000xp+sp2, sql server2000, Nhibernate0.9.1.0;3. 使用SQL Server自带的罗斯文商贸数据库(Northwind),中文版;4. 本文例子是基于测试驱动开发(TDD)的,因此建议使用NUnit2.2和Log4Net (如果你不熟悉NUnit,不要紧啊,趁此机会学习点
2008-01-12 14:39:00 964
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