Given n
balloons, indexed from 0
to n-1
. Each balloon is painted with a number on it represented by array nums
. You are asked to burst all the balloons. If the you burst balloon i
you will get nums[left] * nums[i] * nums[right]
coins. Here left
and right
are adjacent indices of i
. After the burst, the left
and right
then becomes adjacent.
Find the maximum coins you can collect by bursting the balloons wisely.
(1) You may imagine nums[-1] = nums[n] = 1
. They are not real therefore you can not burst them.
(2) 0 ≤ n
≤ 500, 0 ≤ nums[i]
≤ 100
Given [3, 1, 5, 8]
Return 167
nums = [3,1,5,8] --> [3,5,8] --> [3,8] --> [8] --> [] coins = 3*1*5 + 3*5*8 + 1*3*8 + 1*8*1 = 167
Special thanks to @dietpepsi for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
max(left) + left(左边左后被消除) * nums[i] * right(右边最后别消除) + max(right)
最后,对于上面这个公式枚举每一个i, 同样左右两个区间也需要枚举,不断的划分到更小的空间。需要注意的是,位于两端的数由于nums[-1] = nums[n+1] = 1, 而且如果存在0,是可以直接去除的,因为不会带来任何的coins。
4.使用公式:coins[left][right] = max(coins[left][right], coins[left] [j] * nums[j] * coins[j][right])
class Solution(object):
def boom(self,nums,res,left,right):
#print left,right
if right - left <= 1:
return 0
if res[left][right] >0:
return res[left][right]
maxx = 0
for i in range(left+1,right):
#print i
maxx = max(maxx,nums[i]*nums[left]*nums[right] +
res[left][right] = maxx
return res[left][right]
def maxCoins(self, nums):
#res = [1]
res = [0]*(len(nums)+2)
#res += [1]
res1 = []
for i in xrange(len(nums)+2):
res = res1[:]
nums = [1] + nums +[1]
nums = nums[:]
return self.boom(nums,res,0,len(nums)-1)