
2007年, a 14-year old girl went to the MIT campus offices to seek approval for a single-engine plane she’d built (自己造了架单引擎飞机; 普通人可能会觉得自己造了架飞机很了不起, 把这当成光辉事迹来说; 实际上,我国曾经有农民用拖拉机上的柴油机造出过实际飞起来过的飞机; 这个孩子肯定不是独立完成发动机和其它部件的采购的, 14岁也没钱买这些东西折腾;而且美国的人力贵,快递不及中国,尤其2007年, 所以,这姑娘14岁时候的水平近似于我国造了柴油机飞机的那个农民). Now, Sabrina Pasterski is taking the world of physics by storm, even generating buzz that she might just be the world’s next Einstein. (下一个爱因斯坦;


1902年(23岁),爱因斯坦被瑞士伯尔尼专利局雇佣, 试用期两年。1904年(25岁)转为正式




It’s not hype, either–her papers have been cited by the likes of Stephen Hawking and Andrew Strominger. (我觉得霍金那一套纯属骗人; 她好好的一个小姑娘, 造飞机做工程师脚踏实地多好,爱迪生和特斯拉就是榜样; 但是她却自暴自弃跑去跟一个名气还不如霍金的导师,从事即使名声像霍金那么大也不会拿诺贝尔奖的研究方向,实在太可惜了)She was also the first woman to graduate at the top of her undergrad program in 20 years and is now a Harvard Ph. D. candidate at just 22 years old.

我觉得被忽悠是”下一个爱因斯坦”而从事黑洞之类的理论物理学研究, 说明小姑娘虽然优秀, 但是在人生的大方向的把握方面还是比较稚嫩,容易被别人蛊惑.– 我可以大胆预言一下, 她做了一个没什么前途的方向,从此可能毁了. 霍金及其同侪,她的现在的哈佛导师,也许找了个好学生,但是,如果这学生从事工程类的其它方向,也许更好? 她应该好好理理自己的人生目标,霍金这种大师之所以能够成为大师,主要其实还是忽悠人方面的经验更加丰富,不信你看他隔段时间就发布的那些关于外星人和外星球的言论, 算了我就不说了,粉丝虽多,但科学真理的价值跟科学家活着的时候粉丝多不多好像并没有必然的联系. 李易峰安吉拉新浪微薄粉丝数以千万计,但是科学方面的造诣可能还不及撒贝宁和小尼各买提.

But who is she? See if you knew these facts about the exceptional Sabrina Pasterski: 除了下面列出的17点与众不同之处, 其实还有两点很重要, 一是她是女士,二是她长得漂亮.

  1. Sabrina Pasterski is a first generation Cuban-American; she was born in Chicago in 1993, then enrolled in the Edison Regional Gifted Center in 1998. She graduated from Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in 2010.

  2. She studies black holes and spacetime, with a focus on explaining gravity in the context of quantum mechanics.

  3. Pasterski began taking flying lessons in 2003 and by 2006, started building her first kit aircraft. A year later, she soloed her fixed wing single engine Cessna 150 in Canada and in 2008, her aircraft was deemed airworthy.

  4. A paper released in early January, authored by Stephen W. Hawking, Malcolm J. Perry and Andrew Strominger, cites two papers co-authored by Sabrina Pasterski and another she authored on her own.

  5. According to NextShark, Pasterski has already been offered jobs by Jeff Bezos at Amazon and aerospace developer/manufacturer Blue Origin.

  6. An only child, Pasterski told Yahoo she has never had a boyfriend, smoked a cigarette or tried an alcoholic drink. 不吸烟\不喝酒\二十四岁没男友; (还是汉语简练)

  7. Pasterski was waitlisted when she first applied to MIT. In 2011, she won the school’s Freshman award for “Entrepreneurship.” On graduation, she had earned a 5.00 GPA, the highest possible score.

  8. Pasterski doesn’t own a smartphone. Unlike most millennials, she also avoids social media; you won’t find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or even LinkedIn. However, she does keep her website PhysicsGirl current with her many accomplishments and accolades. 不玩智能手机(这个有点跟社会格格不入了)\不玩流行的社交媒体

  9. That doesn’t mean she’s totally offline… Pasterski uploaded a video called “Sabrina 2006: Building an Airplane for My Dad” in 2008. It’s been viewed over 193,000 times and she interacts with viewers in the comments.

  10. Her adviser at Harvard, where she’s now a Ph. D. candidate, is Andrew Strominger.

  11. Pasterski has been granted thousands of dollars to support her work, including a $250,000 fellowship (through 2020) with the Hertz Foundation and a $150,000 fellowship (also through 2020) with The National Science Foundation. 项目经费40万美金

  12. She was born to become a physics genius. Pasterski recently told Yahoo, “Physics itself is exciting enough. It’s not like a 9-to-5 thing. When you’re tired you sleep, and when you’re not, you do physics.”

  13. The first paper Pasterski ever wrote was accepted by the Journal of High-Energy Physics within 24 hours of its submission.

  14. Pasterski seems embarrassed by the attention she’s receiving. On her website, she posted an article published about her recently that refers to her as the “next Einstein.” She comments alongside the article: “Sorry for the title, my mentors appear to have astronomically high hopes for me.”

  15. Pasterski graced the front page of the Chicago Tribune on May 2, 2010, when she was just 16 years old. A photo of young Sabrina in her airplane accompanied a feature on the Chicago Tribune All-State Academic Team.

  16. In 2012, Pasterski was featured in a “30 Under 30” column in Scientific American. She was 19 years old at the time and named Amazon founder Jeff Bezos as the person who drew her to physics (no wonder he has a standing job offer for her now!).

  17. Already an accomplished speaker, Pasterski has given talks at Princeton, Harvard (including the Faculty Conference), MIT, and Forbes Summit Philadelphia.

# 高校智慧校园解决方案摘要 智慧校园解决方案是针对高校信息化建设的核心工程,旨在通过物联网技术实现数字化校园的智能化升级。该方案通过融合计算机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和IC卡识别技术,初步实现了校园一卡通系统,进而通过人脸识别技术实现了更精准的校园安全管理、生活管理、教务管理和资源管理。 方案包括多个管理系统:智慧校园管理平台、一卡通卡务管理系统、一卡通人脸库管理平台、智能人脸识别消费管理系统、疫情防控管理系统、人脸识别无感识别管理系统、会议签到管理系统、人脸识别通道管理系统和图书馆对接管理系统。这些系统共同构成了智慧校园的信息化基础,通过统一数据库和操作平台,实现了数据共享和信息一致性。 智能人脸识别消费管理系统通过人脸识别终端,在无需接触的情况下快速完成消费支付过程,提升了校园服务效率。疫情防控管理系统利用热成像测温技术、视频智能分析等手段,实现了对校园人员体温监测和疫情信息实时上报,提高了校园公共卫生事件的预防和控制能力。 会议签到管理系统和人脸识别通道管理系统均基于人脸识别技术,实现了会议的快速签到和图书馆等场所的高效通行管理。与图书馆对接管理系统实现了一卡通系统与图书馆管理系统的无缝集成,提升了图书借阅的便捷性。 总体而言,该智慧校园解决方案通过集成的信息化管理系统,提升了校园管理的智能化水平,优化了校园生活体验,增强了校园安全,并提高了教学和科研的效率。
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