java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed

An HTTP response message contains both headers and a body. The headers tell the browser things like what type of data the body contains (HTML text, an image), the size of the body, if the body can be cached, and so on. Headers are also used to set cookies and to tell the browser to automatically get another page (a redirect). All response headers must be sent to the browser before the body is sent.

To allow parts of the body to be produced (from static template text as well as content generated dynamically by JSP elements) before headers are set, the body is buffered. Instead of sending the response to the browser as soon as something is written to the response body, the JSP container writes all static markup code and all dynamic content generated by JSP elements to the buffer. At some point, such as when the buffer is full or the end of the page is reached, the container sends all headers that have been set followed by the buffered body content. In servlet speak, this is called committing the response. After the response has been committed, you can't set headers, such as for cookies or a redirection instruction. Another thing you can't do is forward the request to another page.

In most cases, this is not a problem. The default buffer size is 8KB, more than enough for a typical page, and you can increase it with the buffer attribute of the page directive. But if you use the include action in a page, you may be in for a surprise. Due to limitations in the way the servlet features used by <jsp:include> are specified, the buffer is always flushed before the target page is invoked. This means that you can't set headers or use <jsp:forward> after a <jsp:include> action.

An unfortunate side-effect of this automatic flushing is that runtime errors triggered by JSP elements after a <jsp:include> action may not be reported correctly, since many JSP containers use the forward mechanism to display the error page. If you see an error message like "response already committed" in a page with <jsp:include> elements, I suggest that you use the include directive instead (at least until you have isolated the problem).

`java.lang.IllegalStateException: Surface has already been released` 是一个常见错误,它通常发生在试图操作已经释放(closed)的Surface时。在Android开发中,SurfaceView是一个用于显示图形内容的视图,如果在SurfaceView不再需要时没有正确地释放其Surface,就可能导致这种异常。 引用提到的错误可能是因为在SurfaceView的生命周期管理中出现了问题,比如在SurfaceView关闭(如在onDetachedFromWindow()或onPause()方法中)之后还尝试访问它的Surface。这可能是由于忘记调用`setSurfaceCallback(null)`来清除SurfaceView的回调,或者在SurfaceView被销毁后再尝试绘制。 引用提供的日志信息进一步确认了SurfaceView更新窗口(updateWindow)引发了ANR(应用无响应),因为Surface已经释放。解决这个问题的步骤通常是: 1. **正确管理SurfaceView的生命周期**:确保在SurfaceView不再需要时,正确地调用`surfaceDestroyed()`方法并清理Surface。在`onDetachedFromWindow()`或`onPause()`中,移除SurfaceView的SurfaceHolder的回调。 ```java // 在SurfaceView的类中 @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); if (holder != null) { holder.removeCallback(surfaceCallback); holder.surface.release(); } } ``` 2. **处理SurfaceView更新**:如果在主线程中更新SurfaceView,可能会导致ANR。考虑将耗时的操作移到子线程中执行,或者使用`post Runnable`异步处理。 3. **监控并修复ANR**:确保应用没有陷入无限循环或其他阻塞操作,使用Android Studio的Logcat工具实时查看应用日志,以便快速定位问题。
评论 2




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