FVWM-themes 的一些资料



FVWM Themes Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.


1. About FVWM Themes

  1.1  What is theme, component, variant, option in our terminology?
  1.2  Does fvwm-themes overwrite my .fvwm2rc? If no, how does it work?
  1.3  Why theme switching takes some time and it is even increased?!
  1.4  On my system switching themes crashes FVWM! What to do?
  1.5  How much configurable is fvwm-themes?

2. Configuring themes

  2.1  The themes are nice, but how can I define my personal contents?
  2.2  How can I redefine the applications started by clicking on a button?
  2.3  What are the default bindings?
  2.4  What is the "Stroke" option and what are the default stroke bindings?
  2.5  I am screwed. How can I get fvwm config in one file?
  2.6  Why changes done using X Configuration Scripts are not persistent?

3. Integration

  3.1  Can I use fvwm-themes on my multi-headed display system?
  3.2  Can I use fvwm-themes with a session manager?
  3.3  Can I use fvwm-themes with GNOME?
  3.4  I installed more applications, how can I rebuild application menus?

4. More info

  4.1  How can I submit my own theme?
  4.2  Where can I find a documentation on fvwm-themes and its shell scripts?


1.1  What is theme, component, variant, option in our terminology?

A: Component is a part of fvwm configurations, more or less separate unit,
which can be loaded and unloaded accordingly to its dependences.
Theme is nothing more than a set of its components. A theme in fvwm-themes
may be partial or full. Themes usually can be categorized as "look" theme,
"feel" theme, "content" theme or any combination of these.

One of the features of fvwm-themes is the ability to mix together components
from different themes if their dependences enable this without conflicts.
The theme author is responsible to define exact dependences for each theme's
component or defaults will be used if present. Dependences are not fully
checked for now, but this may be changed in the future.

The definition of theme components is given in theme.cfg file of the theme.
If no such file is found, the default/theme.cfg is used for this theme
in an intelligent manner, i.e. a list of actual components is automatically
built as a subset of all possible defined components (existing files/dirs).

All currently used components (probably from different themes) compose
the current theme, which is reflected in the Theme Management menu.

Any component can come with several variants, with options or sub components
all of which allow a good configurability. They can be changed via the the
Theme Management menu under the "current" submenu or using the "Property"
button of the Themes Center.

1.2  Does fvwm-themes overwrite my .fvwm2rc? If no, how does it work?

A: No, it does not overwrite your .fvwm2rc. The only files and directories,
which fvwm-themes manages are ~/.fvwm/themes* ones, more precisely:

  ~/.fvwm/themes/ - the user themes as opposed to the site themes
  ~/.fvwm/themes/current-main/ - the current theme in the main session
  ~/.fvwm/themes/current - symbolic link to the actual current session theme
  ~/.fvwm/themes-rc - the .fvwm2rc equivalent
  ~/.fvwm/themes-rc-2 - additional rc used by themes-rc, symbolic link
  ~/.fvwm/themes-rc-3 - additional rc used for theme switching

The rc files themes-rc and themes-rc-2 are created by fvwm-themes-config.
FVWM Themes should be loaded by fvwm-themes-start shell script, which
initializes all needed files/directories if needed and starts fvwm as:

  fvwm -f themes-rc

To return to your .fvwm2rc configuration, replace a call to fvwm-themes-start
with a call to fvwm executable in .xinitrc or other initialization file.

See other questions if you want to extend menus, bindings, styles etc. used
in fvwm-themes. You should create and edit files in ~/.fvwm/themes/personal/.

1.3  Why theme switching takes some time and it even increases!

A: This is because of two things. Currently the entire configuration is
reloaded on every single component switch (this will be fixed in the next
versions). The second thing is the way fvwm currently stores its styles.
Additional loading will increase memory usage, so the more you switch themes,
the more memory is used and thus the slower is the switching mechanism.

We are trying our best to unload everything, which can be unloaded in all
themes to save user's memory. This will be improved.

Please execute Restart command if you experience some memory/speed problems,
when you switch themes. See also the answer to the next question.

1.4  On my system switching themes crashes FVWM! What to do?

A: In the past there was a known problem on some systems, FVWM may randomly
crash on them when switching themes. You should try a workaround for this
problem, which does work on at least one such system.

If you define $FT_USE_RESTART environment variable, i.e. if you replace
a call to fvwm-themes-start with 'env FT_USE_RESTART=1 fvwm-themes-start',
FVWM will be restarted on every theme change. This may solve memory problems.

If this does not solve your problem, please report it to fvwm-themes
developers - fvwm-themes-devel@lists.sourceforge.org.

1.5  How much configurable is fvwm-themes?

A: We, authors of fvwm-themes try to make it as configurable as fvwm
itself while keeping inter-theme integrity. We understand that in the Free
Unix world there will never be only one solution and a choice is a solution.
fvwm-themes is very extensible, you may create new components freely.

If you want to totally reconfigure fvwm-themes, it is  possible, but to
keep an integrity with other themes, you should conform to some rules,
which are easy for small configuration changes and need some knowledge
of creating new or changing existing components for more complex changes.

2.1  The themes are nice, but how can I define my personal contents?

A: You can either edit existing theme components (not recommended)
or create your own theme 'personal' and put there the components
that you like to overwrite or extend.

First create ~/.fvwm/themes/personal directory if you don't have it already.
If you want you may create other theme directories than personal/ as well.

Here are several useful components that you may put into this directory.

  * startup

    In this file you may define standard FVWM functions, InitFunction (to
    start applications on FVWM startup) and StartFunction (to start modules
    on startup and restart). Use "AddToFunc StartFunction" to do this.
    You may put other parts of FVWM configuration into this file as well, but
    this is not supported, use other files in personal/ directory for this.

  * menus-extra

    This file may contain a definition of the MenuFvwmPersonal menu, that is
    shown under the "Personal" submenu of the "Root Menu". For example, see
    the supplied menus-extra file in the same directory as FAQ that you may
    just copy and edit.

  * functions-appbind

    You may copy this file from themes/default/ directory to your
    ~/.fvwm/themes/personal/ directory and edit it how ever you like.

  * functions-appbind-extra

    But rather than edit the entire functions-appbind file you may just
    put the changed functions in functions-appbind-extra instead.
    For example, you may customize functions like FuncFvwmMaximize,
    FuncFvwmViewManPage in this file.

  * menus-programs:

    This file defines application menus, like Shells, Programs, System.
    You may copy this file from themes/default/ directory to your
    ~/.fvwm/themes/personal/ directory and edit it how ever you like.

  * menus-programs-extra:

    But rather than edit the entire menus-programs file you may redefine
    or extend only several menus in menus-programs-extra instead.

  and so on... We suggest to create only *-extra files, but it is up to you.

After creating a new personal component, you need to choose:

  Themes Management -> Refresh -> Refresh with no cache

from the menu. And then choose this new personal component:

  Themes Management -> Personal -> menus-extra (or menus-programs-extra etc.)

The "Themes Management" menu may be invoked either by clicking the
mouse button 1 on the root window or by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Mouse2.

All components mentioned above: 'startup', 'menus-extra', 'functions-bindapp',
'functions-appbind-extra', 'menus-extra', 'menus-programs' and so on are
standard, so you don't need to define their dependences. In more complex
(and poweful) cases you may need to define component dependencies or/and
component properties in theme.cfg file of that theme.

Please read the doc/creating-themes file or ask on our lists if you need
more help than that is answered here.

2.2  How can I redefine the applications started by clicking on a button?

A: The applications started by clicking on a button are defined in the file
themes/default/functions-appbind. You should copy this file into your
personal theme directory and edit it (see also the previous question). Say,
if your preferred editor is myeditor, then replace emacs with myeditor in:

DestroyFunc FuncFvwmEditor
AddToFunc   FuncFvwmEditor
+ I Exec exec emacs

Then, a click with mouse button 1 on a button with the editor icon will
start myeditor. The functions FuncFvwm2Editor and FuncFvwm3Editor are used
for mouse buttons 2 and 3 respectively. Other functions work similarly.

Note that these functions are also used in the stroke bindings and more.

2.3  What are the default bindings?

A: As you can guess they are in themes/default/bindings and
themes/SOMETHEME/buttons. The default bindings were chosen to be
consistent and functional. Here is a list of some useful global bindings:

  Alt-Tab               - Window List of all normal applications
  Shift-Alt-Tab         - Window List of all skipped applications

  Ctrl-Mouse2 on root   - Transient pager
  Shift-Ctrl-Mouse2     - Transient desker

  Alt-F1                - like Mouse1 on root (Root menu)
  Alt-F2                - like Mouse2 on root (Window List menu)
  Alt-F3                - like Mouse3 on root (Window Ops menu)

  Alt-F4 .. F10         - mostly like in mwm; there is an option to add Shift

  Mouse1 on decorations - Resize, Raise, WindowShadow
  Mouse2 on decorations - Move, RaiseLower
  Mouse3 on decorations - Window Ops short menu

  Alt-Mouse1 in window  - like Mouse1 on root (Root menu)
  Alt-Mouse2 in window  - like Mouse2 on decorations (Move, RaiseLower)
  Alt-Mouse3 in window  - like Mouse3 on root (Window Ops menu)

Key bindings using numbers (on the left keyboard side and on the key pad):

  Ctrl-Alt-1 .. 4       - Go to desk 0 to 3
  Ctrl-Alt-0            - Go to the previous desk and page
  Shift-Ctrl-1 .. 4     - Move the active window to desk 0 to 3
  Shift-Ctrl-0          - Move the active window to the previous desk
  Ctrl-Alt-KP1 .. KP9   - Go to page (like in 3x3 pager, 7 - the first page)
  Ctrl-Alt-KP0          - Go to the previous page
  Shift-Ctrl-KP1 .. KP9 - Move the active window to page (like in 3x3 pager)
  Shift-Ctrl-KP0        - Move the active window to the previous page
  Ctrl-KP_1 .. KP_9     - Switch to window in this direction (8 - up)

Key bindings using arrows:

  Ctrl-Alt-Left ..      - Go to the page on the left (right, up, down)
  Shift-Ctrl-Alt-Left ..- Scroll by the 10% of the page to the left ..
  Shift-Ctrl-Left ..    - reserved
  Shift-Alt-Left ..     - Move the pointer by 1% of a page to the left ..

You can get the description for every title button binding by holding
Ctrl-Alt and pressing that button. This should work in all core themes.

For guys, which have no mouse button 2, it is sometimes simulated by Ctrl
with the mouse button 1.

It is possible to switch bindings of mouse buttons 2 and 3 in most of cases
by choosing the corresponding option in the default bindings component menu,
but this is a bit less consistent (for example, Alt-F2 will be like Mouse 3
on the root, not Mouse 2) and a bit less functional (can't move a window
with Mouse 3 and use PlacedByButton3 fvwm's style or use stroke inside it).

See the previous questions if you want to redefine the bindings component.
As usual, you can create 'bindings-extra' to only add/change some bindings.

2.4  What is the "Stroke" option and what are the default stroke bindings?

A: Stroke allows to bind mouse motion to an action. For example, with the
default bindings if you draw a N with your mouse with button 3 pressed, then
the function FuncFvwmWWW of themes/default/function-appbind will be executed
(which starts netscape by default). You need libstroke installed and fvwm
compiled with stroke support. libstroke can be obtained via anonymous ftp at
http://www.etla.net/~willey/projects/libstroke/. You need also to enable
fvwm-themes stroke option.

The stroke bindings are defined in themes/default/settings/stroke/enabled.
Mouse button 3 is used (this button must be pressed during the stroke),
no modifier are needed when you start your mouse motion on the root
window and you must use the Alt modifier if you start your mouse motion
in a window (you cannot start your motion in a window title bar or frame).
Now the mouses motion:

  - A | from the top to the bottom executes FuncFvwmTerminal
  - A / from the top to the bottom executes FuncFvwm2Terminal
  - A / from the top to the bottom executes FuncFvwm3Terminal
  - A | from the bottom to the top executes FuncFvwmEditor
  - A / from the bottom to the top executes FuncFvwmFileManager
  - A / from the bottom to the top executes FuncFvwmDocView
  - A N from the bottom left       executes FuncFvwmWWW
  - A - from the right to the left executes FuncFvwm2WWW
  - A - from the left to the right executes FuncFvwm3WWW
  - A C from the top               executes FuncFvwmCalculator
  - A C from the bottom            executes FuncFvwmProcess
  - A L from the top left          executes FuncFvwmHelp
  - A L from the bottom right      executes FuncFvwm2Help
  - A _| from the bottom left      executes FuncFvwmImageView
  - A |_| from the top left        executes FuncFvwm2ImageView
  - A _| from the top right        executes FuncFvwmImageEdit
  - A |_| from the top right       executes FuncFvwm2ImageEdit
  - A |~| from the bottom left     executes FuncFvwmMail
  - forth and back from the left   executes FuncFvwmCdPlayer
  - forth and back from the right  executes FuncFvwmSound
  - A clockwise box from the top left executes FvwmFuncQuitVerify

The mouse motion is drawn for your convention and if the the mouse motion is
succeed (i.e., this motion is bound to some action) then the busy cursor is
displayed during a fraction of second. See the Stroke and StrokeFunc entries
of the fvwm man page for more information.
You can add new stroke motions in ~/.fvwm/themes/personal/stroke-extra.

# A  forth and back from the top to execute FuncFvwmGame
Stroke	N85258		0	R	A	FuncFvwmGame
Stroke	N85258		0	W	M	FuncFvwmGame

Redefining the existing motion bindings is better be done by redefining the
FuncFvwm* functions mentioned above.

Q: Can I draw a penguin (using mouse strokes) to compile a kernel?
A: Maybe. If you are a perfect painter. :) If not, stick to simple figures
- line, 2 lines, triangle, square.

2.5  I am screwed. How can I get fvwm config in one file?

A: We will release a documentation describing the format of every component.
It is not very easy to sit and immediately create complete or partial theme,
which is clean and works well with the rest of the framework. You should
comply to some standard format and check that everything, which is allocated,
is destroyed. It is actually easy if you are familar well with the fvwm,
but it can take some time to acquire an experience with the framework.

You can always get the fvwm configuration in one file (a-la .fvwm2rc) of
the currently used configuration (so called "current" theme) by executing:

	% fvwm-themes-config --expand-rc >current-fvwmrc

You can skip the contents at the start responsible to manipulation of themes.

2.6  Why changes done using X Configuration Scripts are not persistent?

A: If you want the changes done using X Configuration Scripts (under the
Configuration submenu) to have effect your next fvwm sessions, just add
the line


in your .xinitrc or .xsession file before running fvwm-themes-start.

3.1  Can I use fvwm-themes on my multi-headed display system?

A: Yes, there are several solutions depending on what you want to get.

1) If you want the same theme to be on all your displays, you can simply
run fvwm-themes-start as usual. In this case, when you change theme
components on one screen the changes are not synchronized on all other
screens until you Restart. You can also freely use fvwm-themes sessions.
This is a simple and easy solution, you just need to remember that what you
see is not always what you will get after Restart or on the next start-up.

2) If you want to have completely separated setups on all screens, you can
run fvwm-themes like this:

	env FVWM_USERDIR=$HOME/.fvwm:0.0 fvwm-themes-start -- -s -d :0.0 &
	env FVWM_USERDIR=$HOME/.fvwm:0.1 fvwm-themes-start -- -s -d :0.1

The feature (or misfeature) of this second solution is that user themes
and sessions, if there are any, can't be shared on different screens.
This can be solved by symlinking some themes and sessions, like:

	ln -s ../../.fvwm/themes/personal $HOME/.fvwm:0.0/themes/personal
	ln -s ../../.fvwm/themes/personal $HOME/.fvwm:0.1/themes/personal

3) If your X server have the Xinerama extension and FVWM is compiled with
Xinerama support (or if you have a "single logical screen" multi-screen
implementation) you should run fvwm-themes-start as usual and select the
appropriated option in the theme management menu (current -> settings ->
Xinerama support -> *). Moreover, you may (must in the single logical screen
case) create an xinerama-extra file in your personal theme to define your
primary screen (the screen where the modules are started) if it is not
screen 0, define FT_XINERAMA_PWIDTH to the width of your primary screen
and define your sls layout.
Example for Xinerama:

	# I prefer that my modules start on screen 1:
	XineramaPimaryScreen 1
	# The width of this screen is 800

Example for single logical screen:

	#                                         __ __
	# I have two 800x600 screens as follows: |  |  |
	#                                         -- --
	XineramaSlsSize 2x1

If you want a pager or/and a window list module in your "secondary" screen
you should define it in your personal modules-extra component.  

3.2  Can I use fvwm-themes under a session manager?

A: Yes! First, you should start FVWM-Themes in a special way. Put,
the following lines at the end of your "start X" file:

	fvwm-themes-start --session a_name --no-start
	exec the_sm_executable

the --session option is optional, but this allows you to use a different
FVWM-Themes configuration when you use a given session manager and
when you use FVWM-Themes under a normal FVWM session.

Then start a window manager inside your session manager by running
fvwm-themes-start or (more correct) by 'fvwm -f themes-rc'.

At the present time there is a special support for GNOME and a generic
session support (current->settings->Session Manager). If you want/need a
special (above the generic) support for a particular session manager, ask
the fvwm-themes developers.

3.3  Can I use fvwm-themes with GNOME?

A: Yes. You should have fvwm compiled with GNOME enabled (this a default)
and it is preferable to run fvwm under gnome-session. Start a gnome-session
as explained in the previous question (with, say, --session gnome) and use
the Control Center to add fvwm-themes in your list of GNOME window manager
(Name: FVWM-Themes, Command: fvwm -f themes-rc, fvwm is a session managed
window manager). Then, you should select GNOME as Session Manager under
(current->settings of the theme management menu). This gives to you the
GNOME "button" menus: Shift-Mouse 1/2/3 and a special quit menu.
The "--session gnome" optional parameter ensures that this GNOME option will
be used only under a fvwm-themes's gnome session. Moreover, this way, you
can have a completely different configuration under a GNOME session (like
starting different modules to take in account the GNOME panel, using GNOME
background and thus disabling the theme backgrounds). In addition there are
GNOME-specific fvwm settings (for menus, the panel) that you can change.

If you want a stays put panel (i.e., a panel which can cover and be covered
by normal windows) enable the "panel stays put" fvwm-themes option and
disable any GNOME configuration options concerning such things (you may
completely restart X for this panel setting to work fine).

You don't need GNOME panel or gnome-session to merely run GNOME applications.
Again, FVWM Themes has special components for this: you can get the system,
user and "redhat" GNOME menu as well as Icon and MiniIcon Styles for GNOME
applications. For GNOME icons to work with fvwm, you need to use the
--enable-gnome-icons option to configure when you install fvwm-themes or you
may just login later as the same user that ran "make install" and run
"fvwm-themes-images --ft-install --gnome".

3.4  I installed more applications, how can I rebuild application menus?

A: The menus "Shells", "Programs", "System", "Screen Saver" and some others
are created at the installation time ("make install") by executing this:

  fvwm-themes-menuapp --site --build-menus --remove-popup

This command is also executed when rpm package is installed.
Just reissue this command as the correct user (usually root) to recreate
all system-wide menus in the default theme. After that, either use "Restart"
or "Refresh the current theme" to see updated menus.

If your application is not listed in the menus, grep the system's file
default/menus-programs to see if it is there. Write to fvwm-themes-devel and
supply some info like the application name (as should be seen in the menus),
its full path and starting arguments, and we may add it in the next versions.

There is also support for Debian/Mandrake application menus and GNOME/KDE
application menus, check out "Theme Management / Current / settings".

Some theme components and settings are hidden if no corresponding utilities
are found on your system. If you install such utilities (for example you
upgrade your KDE or GNOME, or remove them, or install such utilities as
esdplay), try "Refresh the current theme", then some more components or their
options may appear in the "Theme Management" menus.

4.1  How can I submit my own theme?

A: First, you should create a very clear theme. Test all possible
combinations of your components with components from other themes.
Try to make your theme as general as possible, try not to require
to run very special applications or use rare fonts.
But don't panic, you can also send us an unfinished theme; if we find it
interesting, we will finish and clean it up.

Finally, send your files to fvwm-themes-devel@lists.sourceforge.org
or contact one of the main fvwm-themes developers.

4.2  Where can I find documentations on fvwm-themes and its shell scripts?

A: All fvwm-themes perl/shell scripts (fvwm-themes-config, fvwm-themes-start,
fvwm-themes-root, fvwm-themes-menuapp, fvwm-themes-images, fvwm-themes-com)
have manual pages. They are, together with the fvwm manual pages, are
accessible from the Help menu.

See also other files in the doc/ directory, especially doc/creating-themes.

Good luck!
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