Sending SMS in S60 3rd Edition - MTM

Sending SMS in S60 3rd Edition - MTM
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#ifndef __CSMSHANDLER_H__
#define __CSMSHANDLER_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <mtuireg.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
const TInt KBfrLength = 20;
class CSmsAppUi;
class CClientMtmRegistry;
class CSmsClientMtm;
* CSmsHandler application engine class.
* Takes care of sending and receiveing SMS messages using the SMS client MTM.
* Interacts with the application UI class.
class CSmsHandler : public CActive, public MMsvSessionObserver
    public: // Constructors and destructor
        * NewL.
        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.
        * @return Pointer to the created instance of CSmsHandler.
        static CSmsHandler* NewL( );
        * NewLC.
        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.
        * @return Pointer to the created instance of CSmsHandler.
        static CSmsHandler* NewLC();
        * ~CSmsHandler
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CSmsHandler();
    public: // New functions
        * SendL.
        * Starts the process of creating and sending an SMS message.
        * @param aRecipientNumber The number of the recipent.
        * @param aMessageText The message text.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse if not.
       TBool SendL( const TDesC& aRecipientNumber,
                    const TDesC& aMessageText );
        * ViewL.
        * Displays a received SMS message.
        void ViewL();
    public: // Functions from base classes
        * From MMsvSessionObserver, HandleSessionEventL.
        * Handles notifications of events from the Message Server.
        * @param aEvent The event that has taken place
        * @param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value
        * @param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value
        * @param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value
        void HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1,
                                  TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 );
    protected: // Functions from base classes
        * From CActive, DoCancel.
        * Cancels any outstanding requests.
        void DoCancel();
        * From CActive, RunL.
        * Handles an active object’s request completion event.
        void RunL();
    private: // Constructors
        * CSmsHandler.
        * C++ default constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.
        * ConstructL.
        * 2nd phase constructor.
        void ConstructL();
    private: // New functions
        * AccessMtmL.
        * Access the MTM Registry and create an SMS specific Client MTM instance.
        void AccessMtmL();
        * CreateMsgL.
        * Create an SMS message.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse is unsuccessful.
     TBool CreateMsgL();
        * ScheduleL.
        * Schedule an SMS message for sending.
        void ScheduleL();
        * MessageReceivedL.
        * Handles a received SMS message.
        * @param aEntryId The message server id of the received message.
        void MessageReceivedL( TMsvId aEntryId );
        * ValidateL.
        * Validate an SMS message.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse is unsuccessful.
        TBool ValidateL();
    private: // Enumeration
        * TState, enumeration for the state of the handler, used by RunL().
        enum TState
            EWaitingForMoving = 1,
    private: // Data
        * iState, the state of the handler.
        TState iState;
        * iSession, the contact database.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvSession* iSession;
        * iMtmRegistry, client MTM registry.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CClientMtmRegistry* iMtmRegistry;
        * iSmsMtm, SMS specific Client MTM.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CSmsClientMtm* iSmsMtm;
        * iOperation, the current message server operation.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvOperation* iOperation;
        * iRecipientNumber, telephone number of the recipient.
//        TBuf<EMaxTelephoneNumberLength> iRecipientNumber;
    TBuf<15> iRecipientNumber;
        * iMessageText, SMS message text.
//        TBuf<EMaxMessageLength> iMessageText;
    TBuf<160> iMessageText;
        * iSmsAppUi, application UI
        * Not owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CSmsAppUi* iSmsAppUi;
        * iMtmUiRegistry, User Interface MTM Registry.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMtmUiRegistry* iMtmUiRegistry;
        * iSelection, entry selection to hold received messages.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvEntrySelection* iSelection;
        * iNextUnread, index of the next unread message in iSelection.
        TInt iNextUnread;
#endif // __CSMSHANDLER_H__
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <msvids.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <smsclnt.h>
#include <smut.h>
#include <mtclreg.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <smscmds.h>
#include <mtmuibas.h>
#include <mtmdef.h>
#include <stringloader.h>
#include "SmsHandler.h"
#include "smutset.h"
#include "smuthdr.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::CSmsHandler()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard )
    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    iNextUnread = 0;            // index of next unread message in iSelection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ConstructL()
    // Session to message server is opened asynchronously.
    iSession = CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL( *this );
    // Entry selection for all received messages.
    iSelection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::NewL()
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmsHandler* CSmsHandler::NewL( )
    CSmsHandler* self = NewLC( );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::NewLC()
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmsHandler* CSmsHandler::NewLC()
    CSmsHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CSmsHandler();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::~CSmsHandler()
// Destructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
    Cancel();           // cancel any outstanding request
    delete iOperation;
    delete iMtmUiRegistry;
    delete iSelection;
 delete iSmsMtm;
    delete iMtmRegistry;
    delete iSession;    // session must be deleted last
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::DoCancel()
// Cancels a request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::DoCancel()
    if ( iOperation )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::RunL()
// Handles request completion events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::RunL()
    User::LeaveIfError( iStatus != KErrNone );
    // Determine the current operations progress.
    // ProgressL returns an 8 bit descriptor.
    TBufC8<KMsvProgressBufferLength> progress( iOperation->ProgressL() );
    _LIT8( KCompare, "KErrNone" );
    User::LeaveIfError( !progress.Compare( KCompare ) );
    // The pointer to the current CMsvOperation object is no longer needed.
    delete iOperation;
    iOperation = NULL;
    // Determine which request has finished.
    switch ( iState )
        case EWaitingForMoving:
            // Once a message is moved to Outbox it is scheduled for sending.
        case EWaitingForScheduling:
            TMsvEntry entry( iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry() );
            TInt state( entry.SendingState() );
            if ( state == KMsvSendStateWaiting || state == KMsvSendStateScheduled)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::HandleSessionEventL()
// Handles notifications of events from the Message Server.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
                                      TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
 switch ( aEvent )
        // Session to server established
  case EMsvServerReady:
            TMsvId serviceId( KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid ); // SMS service id
            // Determine if the event was succesful.
            // ServiceProgress inserts TBuf8 value in progress.
            TBuf8<KBfrLength> progress;
   iSession->ServiceProgress( serviceId, progress );
   _LIT8( KCompare, "KErrNone" );
   if ( progress.Compare( KCompare ) )
                // Check that MtmRegistry has not already been accessed.
                if ( !iMtmRegistry )
        // A new entry has been created on the message server.
        case EMsvEntriesCreated:
            // Entry id is obtained from the session event arguments.
            TMsvId* entryId = STATIC_CAST( TMsvId*, aArg2 );
            // We are interested in messages that are created in Inbox.
            if ( *entryId != KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )
            // We take the created entries into a selection
            CMsvEntrySelection* newEntries =
                STATIC_CAST( CMsvEntrySelection*, aArg1 );
            // Process each created entry.
            for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < newEntries->Count(); i++ )
                // We are interested in SMS messages.
                if ( ( iSession->GetEntryL( newEntries->At( i ) ) )
                    ->Entry().iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS )
                    // Add the entry to the selection of all received messages.
                    iSelection->AppendL( newEntries->At( i ), 1 );
                    // Set received messages visible.
                    MessageReceivedL( newEntries->At( i ) );
        case EMsvCloseSession:
        case EMsvServerTerminated:
        case EMsvGeneralError:
        case EMsvServerFailedToStart:
//            iSmsAppUi->ServerDown( aEvent );    // close application
        // All other events are ignored.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::AccessMtmL()
// Access the MTM Registry and create a SMS specific Client MTM instance.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::AccessMtmL()
    // Create an MTM Registry object.
    iMtmRegistry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( *iSession );
    // Create an SMS Client MTM object.
    iSmsMtm = STATIC_CAST( CSmsClientMtm*, iMtmRegistry->NewMtmL( KUidMsgTypeSMS ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::SendL()
// Starts the process of creating and sending an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::SendL( const TDesC& aRecipientNumber,
                            const TDesC& aMessageText )
    iRecipientNumber = aRecipientNumber;
    iMessageText = aMessageText;
    if ( CreateMsgL() )
        return ETrue;
    return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::CreateMsgL()
// Create an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::CreateMsgL()
    // Current entry is the Draft folder.
    iSmsMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( KMsvDraftEntryId );
    // Create a new SMS message entry as a child of the current context.
    iSmsMtm->CreateMessageL( KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid );
    CMsvEntry& serverEntry = iSmsMtm->Entry();
    TMsvEntry entry( serverEntry.Entry() );
    CRichText& body = iSmsMtm->Body();   // the body of the message
    // Insert the message text gotten as input from user.
    body.InsertL( 0, iMessageText );
    // Message will be sent immediately.
    entry.SetSendingState( KMsvSendStateWaiting );
//Added for 3rd edition
//    entry.iDate.HomeTime(); // insert current time //This was causing problem:SMS stays into Outbox only.
 entry.iDate.UniversalTime(); // insert current time //Solution for HomeTime()
//Code Ends-
    // Set the SMS message settings for the message.
    CSmsHeader& header = iSmsMtm->SmsHeader();
    CSmsSettings* settings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( settings );
    settings->CopyL( iSmsMtm->ServiceSettings() );    // restore settings
    settings->SetDelivery( ESmsDeliveryImmediately ); // to be delivered immediately
    header.SetSmsSettingsL( *settings );              // new settings
 // Let's check if there is a service center address.
 if ( header.Message().ServiceCenterAddress().Length() == 0 )
  // No, there isn't. We assume there is at least one service center
        // number set and use the default service center number.
  CSmsSettings* serviceSettings = &( iSmsMtm->ServiceSettings() );
        // Check if number of service center addresses in the list is null.
//Changed for 3rd Edition specially
//        if ( !serviceSettings->NumSCAddresses() )
  if ( !serviceSettings->ServiceCenterCount() )
   return EFalse;     // quit creating the message
//Changed for 3rd Edition specially
//          CSmsNumber* smsCenter = &( serviceSettings->SCAddress( serviceSettings->DefaultSC() ) );
    CSmsNumber* smsCenter= CSmsNumber::NewL();
    smsCenter->SetAddressL((serviceSettings->GetServiceCenter( serviceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter())).Address());
    header.Message().SetServiceCenterAddressL( smsCenter->Address() );
 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
    // Recipient number is displayed also as the recipient alias.
    entry.iDetails.Set( iRecipientNumber );
    // Add addressee.
    iSmsMtm->AddAddresseeL( iRecipientNumber, entry.iDetails );
    // Validate message.
    if ( !ValidateL() )
        return EFalse;
    entry.SetVisible( ETrue );          // set message as visible
    entry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );   // set together with the visibility flag
    serverEntry.ChangeL( entry );       // commit changes  
    iSmsMtm->SaveMessageL();            // save message
    TMsvSelectionOrdering selection;
 CMsvEntry* parentEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( iSmsMtm->Session(), KMsvDraftEntryId, selection );
    CleanupStack::PushL( parentEntry );
    // Move message to Outbox.
    iOperation =parentEntry->MoveL( entry.Id(), KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, iStatus );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parentEntry );
    iState = EWaitingForMoving;
    return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ValidateL()
// Validate an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::ValidateL()
    // Empty part list to hold the result.
    TMsvPartList result( KMsvMessagePartNone );
    // Validate message body.
    result = iSmsMtm->ValidateMessage( KMsvMessagePartBody );
    if ( result != KMsvMessagePartNone )
        return EFalse;
    // Validate recipient.
    result = iSmsMtm->ValidateMessage( KMsvMessagePartRecipient );
    if ( result != KMsvMessagePartNone )
        return EFalse;
    return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ScheduleL()
// Schedule an SMS message for sending.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ScheduleL()
    CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
    CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
    selection->AppendL( iSmsMtm->Entry().EntryId() ); // add message to selection
    // Add entry to task scheduler.
    TBuf8<1> dummyParams;   // dummy parameters needed for InvokeAsyncFunctionL
    iOperation = iSmsMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL( ESmsMtmCommandScheduleCopy,
                          *selection, dummyParams, iStatus );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
    iState = EWaitingForScheduling;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::MessageReceivedL()
// Handles a received SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::MessageReceivedL( TMsvId aEntryId )
    CMsvEntry* serverEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( aEntryId );   // current entry
    CleanupStack::PushL( serverEntry );
    TMsvEntry entry = serverEntry->Entry(); // currently handled message entry
    entry.SetNew( ETrue );
    entry.SetUnread( ETrue );
    entry.SetVisible( ETrue );
    serverEntry->ChangeL( entry );  // commit changes
    //iSmsAppUi->MessageReceived();   // let UI know we have received a message
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverEntry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ViewL()
// Dispalys a received SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ViewL()
    // There is an own registry for UI MTM's.
    iMtmUiRegistry = CMtmUiRegistry::NewL( *iSession );
    // We are interested in the next unread message.
    TMsvId entryId( iSelection->At( iNextUnread ) );
    CMsvEntry* serverEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( entryId );
    CleanupStack::PushL( serverEntry );
    // Create new MTM.
    CBaseMtm* clientMtm = iMtmRegistry->NewMtmL( serverEntry->Entry().iMtm );
 CleanupStack::PushL( clientMtm );
 clientMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( serverEntry->EntryId() );
    // Check if there are more unreads messages.
    if ( iNextUnread < iSelection->Count() )
  //      iSmsAppUi->MessageReceived();   // still messages to read
//        iSmsAppUi->NoMoreUnread();      // no more messages to read
    TMsvEntry entry( serverEntry->Entry() );
    entry.SetNew( EFalse );         // message is no longer new
    entry.SetUnread( EFalse );      // message is no longer unread
    serverEntry->ChangeL( entry );  // commit changes
 CBaseMtmUi* ui = iMtmUiRegistry->NewMtmUiL( *clientMtm ); // UI MTM for SMS
  CleanupStack::PushL( ui );
    // Display the SMS using the UI MTM.
    iOperation = ui->ViewL( iStatus );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // ui, clientMtm, serverEntry

Now perform the following steps:
Copy SmsHandler.h and SmsHandler.cpp in your own project.
Give entry SOURCE SmsHandler.cpp in your .mmp file.
Add appropriate libraries in your .mmp file. For example:
//Libraries included for SMS support
LIBRARY msgs.lib smcm.lib gsmu.lib mtur.lib
Open your CyrAppView.cpp file.
Include SmsHandler.h in your Container class.
Define object of CSmshandler class in your CYrAppView.h class. For example:
CSmsHandler* iSmsHandler;
Open your CYrAppView.cpp file.
Initialize iSmsHandler. For example:
void CYrAppView::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
    // Create a window for this application view
    // Set the windows size
    SetRect( aRect );
    // Activate the window, which makes it ready to be drawn
    iSmsHandler = CSmsHandler::NewL();
Now implement SMS sending call like: where MySendMessage() is your own defined function - just for sending SMS
void CYrAppView::MySendMessage()
 TBuf<160> SMSText;
        TBuf<15> PhoneNumber;
 SMSText.Copy(_L("Test Message"));
 PhoneNumber.Copy(_L("99999999999")); //Replace your desired number here
 iSmsHandler->SendL( PhoneNumber, SMSText) ;
Finally call it like in one of the commands in CyrAppUi.cpp. For example:
void CYrAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
    switch( aCommand )
        case EEikCmdExit:
        case EAknSoftkeyExit:
        case EYrCommand1:
            Panic( EYrUi );
NOTE: You need ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices capabilities.
Reference: smssend example from S60 2nd FP2 SDK.
A working application can be downloaded from here:
Related Links:
Sending SMS with RSendAs
SMS Utilities API
SMS Receiver
Reading SMS from Inbox
SMS Operations
How to send an SMS using sockets
Sending-Receiving SMS through an Exe (Server)
Create Local SMS
How to Open SMS or MMS Editor
Retrieved from ""


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