
Accessing Files




It’s sometimes useful to be able to read and write regular disk files from inside a WDM driver. Perhaps you need to download a large amount of microcode to your hardware, or perhaps you need to create your own extensive log of information for some purpose. There’s a set of ZwXxx routines to help you do these things.




File access via the ZwXxx routines require you be running at PAS­SIVE_LEVEL (see the next chapter) in a thread that can safely be suspended. In practice, the latter requirement means that you must not have disabled Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APCs) by calling KeEnterCriticalRegion. You’ll read in the next chapter that some synchronization primitives require you to raise the IRQL above PASSIVE_LEVEL or to disable APCs. Just bear in mind that those synchronization primitives and file access are incompatible.




The first step in accessing a disk file is to open a handle by calling ZwCreateFile. The full description of this function in the DDK is relatively complex because of all the ways in which it can be used. I’m going to show you two simple scenarios, however, that are useful if you just want to read or write a file whose name you already know.




Sample Code




The FILEIO sample driver in the companion content illustrates calls to some of the ZwXxx functions discussed in this section. This particular sample is valuable because it provides workarounds for the platform incompatibilities mentioned at the end of this chapter.




Opening an Existing File for Reading




To open an existing file so that you can read it, follow this example:




NTSTATUS status;






HANDLE hfile;              // the output from this process


PUNICODE_STRING pathname;  // you've been given this




InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, pathname, 




status = ZwCreateFile(&hfile, GENERIC_READ, &oa, &iostatus,






Creating or Rewriting a File




To create a new file, or to open and truncate to zero length an existing file, replace the call to ZwCreateFile in the preceding fragment with this one:




status = ZwCreateFile(&hfile, GENERIC_WRITE, &oa, &iostatus,






In these fragments, we set up an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure whose main purpose is to point to the full pathname of the file we’re about to open. We specify the OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE attribute because the Win32 file system model doesn’t treat case as significant in a pathname. We specify OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE for the same reason we did so in the registry example shown earlier in this chapter. Then we call ZwCreateFile to open the handle.




The first argument to ZwCreateFile(&hfile) is the address of the HANDLE variable where ZwCreateFile will return the handle it creates. The second argument (GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE) specifies the access we need to the handle to perform either reading or writing. The third argument (&oa) is the address of the OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure containing the name of the file. The fourth argument points to an IO_STATUS_BLOCK that will receive a disposition code indicating how ZwCreateFile actually implemented the operation we asked it to perform. When we open a read-only handle to an existing file, we expect the Status field of this structure to end up equal to FILE_OPENED. When we open a write-only handle, we expect it to end up equal to FILE_OVERWRITTEN or FILE_CREATED, depending on whether the file did or didn’t already exist. The fifth argument (NULL) can be a pointer to a 64-bit integer that specifies the initial allocation size for the file. This argument matters only when you create or overwrite a file, and omitting it as I did here means that the file grows from zero length as you write data. The sixth argument (0 or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) specifies file attribute flags for any new file that you happen to create. The seventh argument (FILE_SHARE_READ or 0) specifies how the file can be shared by other threads. If you’re opening for input, you can probably tolerate having other threads read the file simultaneously. If you’re opening for sequential output, you probably don’t want other threads trying to access the file at all.




The eighth argument (FILE_OPEN or FILE_OVERWRITE_IF) indicates how to proceed if the file either already exists or doesn’t. In the read-only case, I specified FILE_OPEN because I expected to open an existing file and wanted a failure if the file didn’t exist. In the write-only case, I specified FILE_OVERWRITE_IF because I wanted to overwrite any existing file by the same name or create a brand-new file as necessary. The ninth argument (FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT) specifies additional flag bits to govern the open operation and the subsequent use of the handle. In this case, I indicated that I’m going to be doing synchronous I/O operations (wherein I expect the read or write function not to return until the I/O is complete). The tenth and eleventh arguments (NULL and 0) are, respectively, an optional pointer to a buffer for extended attributes and the length of that buffer.




You expect ZwCreateFile to return STATUS_SUCCESS and to set the handle variable. You can then carry out whatever read or write operations you please by calling ZwReadFile or ZwWriteFile, and then you close the handle by calling ZwClose:






You can perform synchronous or asynchronous reads and writes, depending on the flags you specified to ZwCreateFile. In the simple scenarios I’ve outlined, you would do synchronous operations that don’t return until they’ve completed. For example:




PVOID buffer;


ULONG bufsize;


status = ZwReadFile(hfile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iostatus, buffer,


  bufsize, NULL, NULL);






status = ZwWriteFile(hfile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iostatus, buffer,


  bufsize, NULL, NULL);


These calls are analogous to a nonoverlapped ReadFile or WriteFile call from user mode. When the function returns, you might be interested in iostatus.Information, which will hold the number of bytes transferred by the operation.




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