- struct BSTreeNode
- {
- struct BSTreeNode()
- {
- m_pLeft = NULL;
- m_pRight = NULL;
- }
- int m_nValue; // value of node
- BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node
- BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node
- };
- ///
- // Find paths whose sum equal to expected sum
- ///
- void FindPath
- (
- BSTreeNode* pTreeNode, // a node of binary tree
- int expectedSum, // the expected sum
- std::vector<int>& path, // a path from root to current node
- int& currentSum // the sum of path
- )
- {
- if(!pTreeNode)
- return;
- currentSum += pTreeNode->m_nValue;
- path.push_back(pTreeNode->m_nValue);
- // if the node is a leaf, and the sum is same as pre-defined,
- // the path is what we want. print the path
- bool isLeaf = (!pTreeNode->m_pLeft && !pTreeNode->m_pRight);
- if(currentSum == expectedSum && isLeaf)
- {
- std::vector<int>::iterator iter = path.begin();
- for(; iter != path.end(); ++ iter)
- printf("%d\t",*iter);
- printf("\n");
- }
- // if the node is not a leaf, goto its children
- if(pTreeNode->m_pLeft)
- FindPath(pTreeNode->m_pLeft, expectedSum, path, currentSum);
- if(pTreeNode->m_pRight)
- FindPath(pTreeNode->m_pRight, expectedSum, path, currentSum);
- // when we finish visiting a node and return to its parent node,
- // we should delete this node from the path and
- // minus the node's value from the current sum
- currentSum -= pTreeNode->m_nValue;//我认为没有必要传currentSum的引用,所以在这里也不需要减
- path.pop_back();
- }
- </int></int>
- class StackElement
- {
- public:
- StackElement(struct BSTreeNode* node, int s){pNode = node;sum = s;};
- void AddValue(int v){sum+=v;}
- int GetValue(){return sum;}
- struct BSTreeNode* pNode; //二叉树节点指针,由于不采用递归,因此必须保持节点指针
- int sum; //从当前遍历节点到*pNode这段路径的和
- };
- void BSTreeSumWay(struct BSTreeNode* root,int sum)
- {
- assert(root);
- vector<stackelement> way;
- while (root || !way.empty())
- {
- while(root)
- {
- StackElement temp(root,0);
- way.push_back(temp);
- //路径上增加了root,因此从way_iter->pNode到*root的路径sum要更新
- vector<stackelement>::iterator way_iter = way.begin();
- for (;way_iter != way.end(); way_iter++)
- {
- way_iter->AddValue(root->m_nValue);
- if (sum == way_iter->GetValue())
- {
- //打印路径
- vector<stackelement>::iterator print_iter = way_iter;
- for (;print_iter != way.end();print_iter++)
- {
- printf("%d\t",print_iter->pNode->m_nValue);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- root = root->m_pLeft;
- }
- //右子树为空或者刚从右子树返回
- while (way.rbegin()->pNode->m_pRight==NULL || root==way.rbegin()->pNode->m_pRight)
- {
- root = way.rbegin()->pNode;
- //路径上减少了最后一个节点,因此路径sum要更新
- int v = -way.rbegin()->pNode->m_nValue;
- way.pop_back();
- vector<stackelement>::iterator way_iter = way.begin();
- for (;way_iter != way.end(); way_iter++)
- {
- way_iter->AddValue(v);
- }
- if (way.empty())
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (way.empty())
- break;
- root = way.rbegin()->pNode->m_pRight;
- }
- }
- </stackelement></stackelement></stackelement></stackelement>