YP2.1 Bits and Data Types (双语)


[1] Introduction to Computing System, from Bits and Gates to C and Beyond. Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.(英)

[2] 计算系统基础_陈道蓄http://course.jingpinke.com/details?uuid=8a833999-2031c13b-0120-31c13bb1-012b

2.1 Bits and Data Types

2.1.1 The Bit as the Unit of Information

We noted in Chapter 1 that the computer was organized as a system with several levels oftransformation. A problem stated in a natural language such as English is actually solved by the electrons moving around inside the electronics of the computer.

Inside the computer, millions of very tiny, very fast devices control the movement of those electrons. These devices react to the presence or absence of voltages in electronic circuits. They could react to the actual voltages, rather than simply to the presence or absence of voltages. However, this would make the control and detection circuits more complex than they need to be. It is much easier simply to detect whether or not a voltage exists between a pair of points in a circuit than it is to measure exactly what that voltage is.

To understand this, consider any wall outlet in your home. You could measure the exact voltage it is carrying, whether 120 volts or 115 volts, or 118.6 volts, for example. However, the detection circuitry to determineonlywhether there is a voltage (any of the above three will do) or whether there is no voltage is much simpler. Your finger casually inserted into the wall socket, for example, will suffice.

We symbolically represent the presence of a voltage as "1" and the absence of a voltage as "0." We refer to each 0 and each 1 as a "bit," which is a shortened form of binary digit. Recall the digits you have been using since you were a child—0, 1, 2, 3 , . . . , 9. There are 10 of them, and they are referred to as decimal digits. In the case of binary digits, there are two of them, 0 and 1.

To be perfectly precise, it is not really the case that the computer differentiates theabsolute absence of a voltage (that is, 0) from theabsolute presence of a voltage (that is, 1). Actually, the electronic circuits in the computer differentiate voltages close to0 from voltagesfar from0. So, for example, if the computer expects a voltage of 2.9 volts or a voltage of 0 volts (2.9 volts signifying 1 and 0 volts signifying 0), then a voltage of 2.6 volts will be taken as a 1 and 0.2 volts will be taken as a 0.

To get useful work done by the computer, it is necessary to be able to identify uniquely a large number of distinct values. The voltage on one wire can represent uniquely one of only two things. One thing can be represented by 0, the other thing can be represented by 1. Thus, to identify uniquely many things, it is necessary to combine multiple bits. For example, if we use eight bits (corresponding to the voltage present on eight wires), we can represent one particular value as 01001110, and another value as 11100111. In fact, if we are limited to eight bits, we can differentiate at most only 256 (that is, 28) different values. In general, withkbits, we can distinguish at most2k distinct items. Each pattern of thesebits is a code; that is, it corresponds to a particular value.

2.1.2 Data Types

There are many ways to represent the same value. For example, the number five can be written as a 5. This is the standard decimal notation that you are used to. The value five can also be represented by someone holding up one hand, with all fingers and thumb extended. The person is saying, "The number I wish to communicate can be determined by counting the number of fingers I am showing." A written version of that scheme would be the value 11111. This notation has a name also—unary. The Romans had yet another notation for five—the character V. We will see momentarily that a fourth notation for five is the binary representation 00000101.

It is not enough simply to represent values; we must be able to operate on those values. We say a particular representation is adata type if there are operations in the computer that can operate on information that is encoded in that representation. Each ISA has its own set of data types and its own set of instructions that can operate on those data types. In this book, we will mainly use two data types: 2'scomplement integers for representing positive and negative integers that we wish to perform arithmetic on, andASCII codes for representing characters on the keyboard that we wish to input to a computer or display on the computer's monitor. Both data types will be explained shortly.

There are other representations of information that could be used, and indeed that are present in most computers. Recall the "scientific notation" from high school chemistry where you were admonished to represent the decimal number 621 as 6.21*102. There are computers that represent numbers in that form, and they provide operations that can operate on numbers so represented. That data type is usually calledfloating point.We will show you its representation in Section 2.6.

2.1 比特和数据类型

2.1.1 信息的最小单位——比特




我们把存在电压用“1”表示,而把不存在电压用“0”表示,我们称这一个个的“0”和“1”为比特(bit),或,是二进制位”(binary digit)的缩写。想想你从小就使用的0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,它们是十进制数,用十个符号表示,而二进制只有两个表示数的符号:0和1。



2.1.2 数据类型

对于表示同一个数值,存在许多种表示方法。例如,数字5可以被写为5。这是你习惯的标准的十进制计数法。它也可以被一个人用伸出的手指数来表示,这种方法写下来就是11111,这种计数法有个名字—— 一元计数法。罗马字中还有另一种表示5的符号——字符V。我们即将会看到5的第四种符号表示是二进制00000101。



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