YP.2.7 Other Representations(双语)


[1] Introduction to Computing System, from Bits and Gates to C and Beyond. Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.(英)

[2] 计算系统基础_陈道蓄http://course.jingpinke.com/details?uuid=8a833999-2031c13b-0120-31c13bb1-012b

2.7 Other Representations

Four other representations of information that we will find useful in our work are the bit vector, the floating point data type, ASCII codes, and hexadecimal notation.

2.7.1 The Bit Vector

It is often useful to describe a complex system made up of several units, each of which is individually and independentlybusyoravailable. This system could be a manufacturing plant where each unit is a particular machine. Or the system could be a taxicab network where each unit is a particular taxicab. In both cases, it is important to identify which units are busy and which are available, so that work can be assigned as needed.

Say we have n such units. We can keep track of thesenunits with an n-bit binary pattern we call abit vector, where a bit is 1 if the unit is free and 0 if the unit is busy.

Example 2 . 11

Suppose we have eight machines that we want to monitor with respect to their availability.

We can keep track of them with an eight-bit BUSYNESS bit vector, where a bit is 1 if the unit is free and 0 if the unit is busy. The bits are labeled, from right to left, from 0 to 7.

The BUSYNESS bit vector 11000010 corresponds to the situation where only units 7, 6, and 1 are free, and therefore available for work assignment.

Suppose work is assigned to unit 7. We update our BUSYNESS bit vector by performing the logical AND, where our two sources are the current bit vector 11000010 and the bit mask 01111111. The purpose of the bit mask is to clear bit 7 of the BUSYNESS bit vector. The result is the bit vector 01000010. 

Recall that we encountered the concept of bit mask in Example 2.7. Recall that a bit mask enables one to interact some bits of a binary pattern while ignoring the rest. In this case, the bit mask clears bit 7 and leaves unchanged (ignores) bits 6 through 0.

Suppose unit 5 finishes its task and becomes idle. We can update the BUSYNESS bit vector by performing the logical OR of it with the bit mask 00100000. The result is 01100010.


2.7.2 Floating Point Data Type

Most of the arithmetic we will do in this book uses integer values. For example, the LC-3 uses the 16-bit, 2's complement data type, which provides, in addition to one bit to identify positive or negative, 15 bits to represent the magnitude of the value. With 16 bits used in this way, we can express values between -32,768 and +32,767, that is, between -215 and +215 - 1. We say theprecision of our value is 15 bits, and the range is 215. As you learned in high school chemistry or physics, sometimes we need to express much larger numbers, but we do not require so many digits of precision. In fact, recall the value 6.023-1023, which you may have been required to memorize back then. The range required to express this value is far greater than the 215 available with 16-bit 2's complement integers. On the other hand, the 15 bits of precision available with 16-bit 2's complement integers is overkill. We need only enough bits to express four significant decimal digits (6023).

So we have a problem. We have more bits than we need for precision. But we don't have enough bits to represent the range.

The floating point data type is the solution to the problem. Instead of using all the bits (except the sign bit) to represent the precision of a value, the floating point data type allocates some of the bits to the range of values (i.e., how big or small) that can be expressed. The rest of the bits (except for the sign bit) are used for precision.

Most ISAs today specify more than one floating point data type. One of them, usually calledfloat, consists of 32 bits, allocated as follows:

1 bit for the sign (positive or negative)

8 bits for the range (the exponent field)

23 bits for precision (the fraction field)


In most computers manufactured today, these bits represent numbers according to the formula in Figure 2.2. This formula is part of the IEEE Standard for Floating Point Arithmetic.

Recall that we said that the floating point data type was very much like the scientific notation you learned in high school, and we gave the example 6.023 • 1023.

This representation has three parts: thesign, which is positive, thesignificant digits 6.023, and theexponent23. We call the significant digitsthe fraction.Note that the fraction is normalized, that is, exactly one nonzero decimal digit appears to the left of the decimal point.

The data type and formula of Figure 2.2 also consist of these three parts. Instead of a fraction (i.e., significant digits) of four decimal digits, we have 23 binary digits. Note that the fraction is normalized, that is, exactly one nonzero binary digit appears to the left of the binary point. Since the nonzero binary digit has to be a 1 (1 is the only nonzero binary digit) there is no need to represent that bit explicitly. Thus, the formula of Figure 2.2 shows 24 bits of precision, the 23 bits from the data type and the leading one bit to the left of the binary point that is unnecessary to represent explicitly.

Instead of an exponent of two decimal digits as in 6.023 • 1023, we have in Figure 2.2 eight binary digits. Instead of a radix of 10, we have a radix of 2. With eight bits to represent the exponent, we can represent 256 exponents. Note that the formula only gives meaning to 254 of them. If the exponent field contains 00000000 (that is, 0) or 11111111 (that is, 255), the formula does not tell you how to interpret the bits. We will look at those two special cases momentarily.

For the remaining 254 values in the exponent field of the floating point data type, the explanation is as follows: The actual exponent being represented is the unsigned number in the data type minus 127. For example, if the actual exponent is +8, the exponent field contains 10000111, which is the unsigned number 135. Note that 135 - 127 = 8. If the actual exponent is -125, the exponent field contains 00000010, which is the unsigned number 2. Note that 2 - 127 = -125. 

The third part is the sign bit: 0 for positive numbers, 1 for negative numbers. The formula contains the factor -1S, which evaluates to +1 if s = 0, and -1 if  s = 1.

Example 2.12

How is the number -6 represented in the floating point data type?

First, we express -6 as a binary number: -110.101.

- (1 • 22 + 1 • 21 +  0 • 20 + 1 • 2-1 + 0 • 2-2  + 1 • 2-3)

Then we normalize the value, yielding -1.10101 •22.

The sign bit is 1, reflecting the fact that -6 is a negative number. The exponent field contains 10000001

the unsigned number 129, reflecting the fact that the real exponent is + 2 (129 - 127 =+2).The fraction is 

the 23 bits of precision, after removing the leading 1. That is, the fraction is 10101000000000000000000.

The result is the number - expressed as a floating point number: 

1 10000001 10101000000000000000000

Example 2.13

What does the floating point data type

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00


The leading bit is a 0. This signifies a positive number. The next eight bits represent the unsigned number 123. If we subtract 127, we get the actual exponent - 4 . The last 23 bits are all 0. Therefore the number being represented is + 1.000000000000000000000000 • 2-4, which is .

We noted that the interpretation of the 32 bits required that the exponent field contain neither 00000000 nor 11111111. The IEEE Standard for Floating Point Arithmetic also specifies how to interpret the 32 bits if the exponent field contains 00000000 or 11111111.

If the exponent field contains 00000000. the exponent is -126, and the significant digits are obtained by starting with a leading 0, followed by a binary point, followed by the 23 bits of the fraction field, as follows:

-1s • 0. fraction • 2-126

For example, the floating point data representation

0 00000000 00001000000000000000000

can be evaluated as follows: The leading 0 means the number is positive. The next eight bits, a zero exponent, means the exponent is -126. The last 23 bits form the number 0.000010000000000000000, which equals 2-5. Thus, the number represented is 2-5 • 2-126which is 2-131

This allows very tiny numbers to be represented.

Example 2.14

The following four examples provide further illustrations of the interpretation of the 32-hit floating point data type according to the rules of the IEEE standard.

0 10000011 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 1.00101 • 24 == 18.5

The exponent field contains the unsigned number 131. Since 131 - 127 is 4. the exponent is +4. Combining a 1 to the left of the binary point with the fraction held to the right of the binary point yields 1.00101. If we move the binary point four positions to the right, we get 10010.1, which is 18.5.

110000 010 00101000000000000000000 is - 1 • 1.00101 • 23 = -9.25

The sign bit is 1. signifying a negative number. The exponent is 130. signifying an exponent of 130 - 127. or +3. Combining a 1 to the left of the binary point with the fraction field to the right of the binary point yields 1.00101. Moving the binary point three positions to the right, we get 1001.01. which is -9.25.

011111 110 11111111111111111111111 is -2128. The sign is +. The exponent is 254 - 127, or +127. Combining a 1 lo the left of the binary point with the fraction field to the right of the binary point yields 1.11111111 . . . 1. which is approximately 2. Therefore, the result is approximately 2128.

1 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is - 2-129

The sign is - . The exponent field contains all 0s. signifying an exponent of -126. Combining a 0 to the left of the binary point with the fraction field to the right of the binary point yields 2 for the fraction. Therefore, the number represented is -2-23 • 2-126 which equals -2-149


A detailed understanding of IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic is well beyond what should be expected in this first course. Indeed, we have not even considered how to interpret the 32 bits if the exponent field contains 11111111. Our purpose in including this section in the textbook is to at least let you know that there is, in addition to 2's complement integers, another very important data type available in almost all ISAs. This data type is called floating point, it allows very large and very tiny numbers to be expressed at the expense of reducing the number of binary digits of precision.

2.7.3 ASCII Codes

Another representation of information is the standard code that almost all computer equipment manufacturers have agreed to use for transferring character codes between the main computer processing unit and the input and output devices. That code is an eight-bit code referred to as ASCII. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It (ASCII) greatly simplifies the interface between a keyboard manufactured by one company, a computer made by another company, and a monitor made by a third company. 

Each key on the keyboard is identified by its unique ASCII code. So, for example, the digit 3 expanded to 8 bits with a leading 0 is 00110011, the digit 2 is 00110010, the lowercaseeis 01100101, and the carriage return is 00001101. The entire set of eight-bit ASCII codes is listed in Figure E.3 of Appendix E. When you type a key on the keyboard, the corresponding eight-bit code is stored and made available to the computer. Where it is stored and how it gets into the computer is discussed in Chapter 8.

Most keys are associated with more than one code. For example, the ASCII code for the letterEis 01000101, and the ASCII code for the letter e is 01100101. Both are associated with the same key, although in one case the Shift key is also depressed while in the other case, it is not. 

In order to display a particular character on the monitor, the computer must transfer the ASCII code for that character to the electronics associated with the monitor. That, too, is discussed in Chapter 8.

2.7.4 Hexadecimal Notation

We have seen that information can be represented as 2's complement integers, as bit vectors, in floating point format, or as an ASCII code. There are other representations also, but we will leave them for another book. However, before we leave this topic, we would like to introduce you to a representation that is used more as a convenience for humans than as a data type to support operations being performed by the computer. This is thehexadecimal notation. As we will see, it evolves nicely from the positional binary notation and is useful for dealing with long strings of binary digits without making errors. 

It will be particularly useful in dealing with the LC-3 where 16-bit binary strings will be encountered often.

An example of such a binary string is


Let's try an experiment. Cover the preceding 16-bit binary string of 0s and 1s with one hand, and try to write it down from memory. How did you do? Hexadecimal notation is about being able to do this without making mistakes. We shall see how.

In general, a 16-bit binary string takes the form

a15 a14 a13 a12 a11 a10 a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1a0

where each of the bits ai is either 0 or 1.

If we think of this binary string as an unsigned integer, its value can be computed as

a15 • 215 +a14 • 214 +a13 • 213 +a12 • 212 +a11 • 211 +a10 • 210+ a9 • 29

+ a8 • 28+ a7 • 27+ a6 • 26+ a5 • 25+ a4 • 24+ a3 • 23+ a2 • 22+ a1 • 21+ a0 • 20

We can factor 212 from the first four terms, 28 from the second four terms, 24from the third set of four terms, and 20 from the last four terms, yielding 

212 [a15 • 23 +a14 • 22 +a13 • 21 +a12 • 20]

+ 28[a11 • 23 +a10 • 22+ a9 • 21+ a8 • 20]

+ 24[a7 • 23+ a6 • 22+ a5 • 21+ a4 • 20]

+ 20[a3 • 23+ a2 • 22+ a1 • 21+ a0 • 20]

Note that the largest value inside a set of square brackets is 15, which would be the case if each of the four bits is 1. If we replace what is inside each square bracket by a symbol representing its value (from 0 to 15), and we replace 212  by its equivalent 163, 28  by 162, 24 by 161, and 20 by 160, we have

h3 • 163 +h2 •162 +h1 • 161 +h0 • 160

where h3, for example, is a symbol representing

a15 • 23 +a14 • 22 +a13 • 21 +a12 • 20

Since the symbols must represent values from 0 to 15, we assign symbols to these values as follows: 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. That is, we represent 0000 with the symbol 0,0001 with the symbol 1 , . . . 1001 with 9,1010 with A, 1011 with B, . . . 1111 with F. The resulting notation is hexadecimal, or base 16.

So, for example, if the hex digits E92F represent a 16-bit 2's complement integer, is the value of that integer positive or negative? How do you know?

Now, then, what is this hexadecimal representation good for, anyway? It seems like just another way to represent a number without adding any benefit.

Let's return to the exercise where you tried to write from memory the string


If we had first broken the string at four-bit boundaries 

0011 1101 0110 1110

and then converted each four-bit string to its equivalent hex digit

3 D 6 E

it would have been no problem to jot down (with the string covered) 3D6E.

In summary, hexadecimal notation is mainly used as a convenience for humans. It can be used to represent binary strings that are integers or floating point numbers or sequences of ASCII codes, or bit vectors. It simply reduces the number of digits by a factor of 4, where each digit is in hex (0,1, 2 , . . . F) instead of binary (0, 1). The usual result is far fewer copying errors due to too many 0s and 1s.

2.7  其它表示法


2.7.1 位向量



例2.11   假设我们有8台机器,我们可以用一个8位的位向量(可命名为BUSINESS)来跟踪这8个单元的状态。如果某个单元空闲,我们就让这个单元的值为1,否则为0。这些单元被从右向左标记为0到7。





2.7.2 浮点数类型










图2.2中的公式和数据类型也包括这三个部分。分数部分不是4位十进制小数(有效数字),而是23位二进制数。注意到该分数也是规格化的,也就是说,只有唯一一位非零的二进制数出现在二进制小数点的左端。因为这个非零数只能是1,所以不需要分配一位将其明确表示出来。因此图2.2中的公式表示了24位的精度,包括数据类型的23 位和二进制小数点左端的没有必要明确表示出来的一位1。



1                              8        23

s    exponent      fraction


图2.2 浮点数数据类型



例2.12  怎样用浮点数表示?





1 10000011 10101000000000000000000


例2.13  浮点数001111011000000000000000000000000表示多少?





例如,浮点数0 0000000 000010000000000000000000可以按照如下方法计算其值:



例2.14 下面四个例子是根据IEEE标准的规则表示的32位浮点数:

0         10000011 0010100000000000000000是1.00101*24=18.5


1         10000010 0010100000000000000000是-1*1.00101*23=-9.25


0         11111110 1111111111111111111111约为2128


1         00000000 0000000000000000000001是-2-149




2.7.3 ASCII码




2.7.4 十六进制表示法







a15 a14 a13a12 a11a10a9a8 a7a6 a5a4a3 a2 a1a0



215*a15 +214*a14+213*a13+212*a12 +211*a11+210*a10+29* a9+28*a8+27* a7+26* a6+25* a5+24*a4+23* a3+22*a2+21* a1+20* a0


212*[23*a15 +22*a14+21*a13+20*a12] +28*[23*a11+22*a10+21* a9+20*a8]+ 24*[23* a7+22* a6+21* a5+20*a4]+ 20*[23* a3+22*a2+21* a1+20* a0]


163* h3+162*h2+161*ha1+160*h 0


23*a15 +22*a14+21*a13+20*a12






0011 1101 0110 1110


3    D    6    E







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


