MySQL-5.7- Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access Joins(块嵌套循环和批处理密钥访问连接)

In MySQL, a Batched Key Access (BKA) Join algorithm is available that uses both index access to the joined table and a join buffer.

在MySQL中,一个batch Key Access (BKA) Join算法是可用的,它使用对被连接表的索引访问和连接缓冲区。

The BKA algorithm supports inner join, outer join, and semijoin operations, including nested outer joins. Benefits of BKA include improved join performance due to more efficient table scanning.


Also, the Block Nested-Loop (BNL) Join algorithm previously used only for inner joins is extended and can be employed for outer join and semijoin operations, including nested outer joins.

此外,Block nested - loop (BNL) Join算法也得到了扩展,可以用于外部连接和半连接操作,包括嵌套外部连接。

The following sections discuss the join buffer management that underlies the extension of the original BNL algorithm, the extended BNL algorithm, and the BKA algorithm.


For information about semijoin strategies, see Section, “Optimizing Subqueries, Derived Tables, and View References with Semijoin Transformations”

Join Buffer Management for Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access Algorithms


MySQL can employ join buffers to execute not only inner joins without index access to the inner table, but also outer joins and semijoins that appear after subquery flattening.


Moreover, a join buffer can be effectively used when there is an index access to the inner table.


The join buffer management code slightly more efficiently utilizes join buffer space when storing the values of the interesting row columns: No additional bytes are allocated in buffers for a row column if its value is NULL, and the minimum number of bytes is allocated for any value of the VARCHAR type.


The code supports two types of buffers, regular and incremental. Suppose that join buffer B1 is employed to join tables t1 and t2 and the result of this operation is joined with table t3 using join buffer B2:


  • A regular join buffer contains columns from each join operand. If B2 is a regular join buffer, each row r put into B2 is composed of the columns of a row r1 from B1 and the interesting columns of a matching row r2 from table t3.

  • 普通连接缓冲区包含来自每个连接操作数的列。如果B2是一个常规连接缓冲区,则放入B2中的每一行r由B1中的行r1的列和表t3中的匹配行r2中的感兴趣的列组成。

  • An incremental join buffer contains only columns from rows of the table produced by the second join operand. That is, it is incremental to a row from the first operand buffer. If B2 is an incremental join buffer, it contains the interesting columns of the row r2 together with a link to the row r1 from B1.

  • 增量连接缓冲区只包含由第二个连接操作数生成的表中的行中的列。也就是说,它是从第一个操作数缓冲区递增到一行的。如果B2是一个增量连接缓冲区,那么它包含行r2中有意义的列,以及从B1到行r1的链接。

Incremental join buffers are always incremental relative to a join buffer from an earlier join operation, so the buffer from the first join operation is always a regular buffer. In the example just given, the buffer B1 used to join tables t1 and t2 must be a regular buffer.


Each row of the incremental buffer used for a join operation contains only the interesting columns of a row from the table to be joined. These columns are augmented with a reference to the interesting columns of the matched row from the table produced by the first join operand.


Several rows in the incremental buffer can refer to the same row r whose columns are stored in the previous join buffers insofar as all these rows match row r.


Incremental buffers enable less frequent copying of columns from buffers used for previous join operations. This provides a savings in buffer space because in the general case a row produced by the first join operand can be matched by several rows produced by the second join operand.


It is unnecessary to make several copies of a row from the first operand. Incremental buffers also provide a savings in processing time due to the reduction in copying time.


The block_nested_loop and batched_key_access flags of the optimizer_switch system variable control how the optimizer uses the Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access join algorithms. By default, block_nested_loop is on and batched_key_access is off.

optimizer_switch系统变量的block_nested_loop和batched_key_access标志控制优化器如何使用Block Nested-Loop和batch Key Access连接算法。默认情况下,block_nested_loop是打开的,batched_key_access是关闭的。

See Section 8.9.2, “Switchable Optimizations”. Optimizer hints may also be applied; see Optimizer Hints for Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access Algorithms.

For information about semijoin strategies, see Section, “Optimizing Subqueries, Derived Tables, and View References with Semijoin Transformations”

Block Nested-Loop Algorithm for Outer Joins and Semijoins


The original implementation of the MySQL BNL algorithm is extended to support outer join and semijoin operations.

对MySQL BNL算法的原始实现进行了扩展,支持外部连接和半连接操作。

When these operations are executed with a join buffer, each row put into the buffer is supplied with a match flag.


If an outer join operation is executed using a join buffer, each row of the table produced by the second operand is checked for a match against each row in the join buffer.


When a match is found, a new extended row is formed (the original row plus columns from the second operand) and sent for further extensions by the remaining join operations.


In addition, the match flag of the matched row in the buffer is enabled. After all rows of the table to be joined have been examined, the join buffer is scanned.


Each row from the buffer that does not have its match flag enabled is extended by NULL complements (NULL values for each column in the second operand) and sent for further extensions by the remaining join operations.


The block_nested_loop flag of the optimizer_switch system variable controls how the optimizer uses the Block Nested-Loop algorithm. By default, block_nested_loop is on.

optimizer_switch系统变量的block_nested_loop标志控制优化器如何使用Block Nested-Loop算法。默认情况下,block_nested_loop是打开的。

See Section 8.9.2, “Switchable Optimizations”. Optimizer hints may also be applied; see Optimizer Hints for Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access Algorithms.

In EXPLAIN output, use of BNL for a table is signified when the Extra value contains Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) and the type value is ALLindex, or range.

在EXPLAIN输出中,当Extra值包含Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)且类型值为ALL、index或range时,表示对表使用BNL。

Some cases involving the combination of one or more subqueries with one or more left joins, particularly those returning many rows, may use BNL even though it is not ideal in such instances.


This is a known issue which is fixed in MySQL 8.0. If upgrading MySQL is not immediately feasible for you, you may wish to disable BNL in the meantime by setting optimizer_switch='block_nested_loop=off' or employing the NO_BNL optimizer hint to let the optimizer choose a better plan, using one or more index hints (see Section 8.9.4, “Index Hints”), or some combination of these, to improve the performance of such queries.

这是一个已知的问题,在MySQL 8.0中已经修复。如果不立即可行的升级MySQL,您可能希望禁用BNL同时通过设置optimizer_switch = ' block_nested_loop =”或者使用NO_BNL优化器提示让优化器选择一个更好的计划,使用一个或多个索引提示(参见8.9.4指数提示),或它们的一些组合,以提高此类查询的性能。

For information about semijoin strategies, see Section, “Optimizing Subqueries, Derived Tables, and View References with Semijoin Transformations”

Batched Key Access Joins


MySQL implements a method of joining tables called the Batched Key Access (BKA) join algorithm.


BKA can be applied when there is an index access to the table produced by the second join operand.


Like the BNL join algorithm, the BKA join algorithm employs a join buffer to accumulate the interesting columns of the rows produced by the first operand of the join operation.


Then the BKA algorithm builds keys to access the table to be joined for all rows in the buffer and submits these keys in a batch to the database engine for index lookups.


The keys are submitted to the engine through the Multi-Range Read (MRR) interface (see Section, “Multi-Range Read Optimization”).

After submission of the keys, the MRR engine functions perform lookups in the index in an optimal way, fetching the rows of the joined table found by these keys, and starts feeding the BKA join algorithm with matching rows.


Each matching row is coupled with a reference to a row in the join buffer.


When BKA is used, the value of join_buffer_size defines how large the batch of keys is in each request to the storage engine. The larger the buffer, the more sequential access is made to the right hand table of a join operation, which can significantly improve performance.


For BKA to be used, the batched_key_access flag of the optimizer_switch system variable must be set to on. BKA uses MRR, so the mrr flag must also be on. Currently, the cost estimation for MRR is too pessimistic. Hence, it is also necessary for mrr_cost_based to be off for BKA to be used. The following setting enables BKA:

要使用BKA, optimizer_switch系统变量的batched_key_access标志必须设置为on。BKA使用MRR,因此MRR标志也必须打开。目前对MRR的成本估计过于悲观。因此,为了使用BKA,关闭mrr_cost_based也是必要的。通过以下设置启用BKA:


There are two scenarios by which MRR functions execute:


The first scenario is used for conventional disk-based storage engines such as InnoDB and MyISAM.


For these engines, usually the keys for all rows from the join buffer are submitted to the MRR interface at once.


Engine-specific MRR functions perform index lookups for the submitted keys, get row IDs (or primary keys) from them, and then fetch rows for all these selected row IDs one by one by request from BKA algorithm.


Every row is returned with an association reference that enables access to the matched row in the join buffer.


The rows are fetched by the MRR functions in an optimal way: They are fetched in the row ID (primary key) order. This improves performance because reads are in disk order rather than random order.


The second scenario is used for remote storage engines such as NDB.


A package of keys for a portion of rows from the join buffer, together with their associations, is sent by a MySQL Server (SQL node) to NDB Cluster data nodes.

MySQL Server (SQL节点)向NDB集群数据节点发送连接缓冲区中部分行的键包,以及它们的关联。

In return, the SQL node receives a package (or several packages) of matching rows coupled with corresponding associations. The BKA join algorithm takes these rows and builds new joined rows.


Then a new set of keys is sent to the data nodes and the rows from the returned packages are used to build new joined rows.


The process continues until the last keys from the join buffer are sent to the data nodes, and the SQL node has received and joined all rows matching these keys.


This improves performance because fewer key-bearing packages sent by the SQL node to the data nodes means fewer round trips between it and the data nodes to perform the join operation.


With the first scenario, a portion of the join buffer is reserved to store row IDs (primary keys) selected by index lookups and passed as a parameter to the MRR functions.


There is no special buffer to store keys built for rows from the join buffer. Instead, a function that builds the key for the next row in the buffer is passed as a parameter to the MRR functions.


In EXPLAIN output, use of BKA for a table is signified when the Extra value contains Using join buffer (Batched Key Access) and the type value is ref or eq_ref.

在EXPLAIN输出中,当Extra值包含Using join buffer (Batched Key Access)且类型值为ref或eq_ref时,表示对表使用BKA。

Optimizer Hints for Block Nested-Loop and Batched Key Access Algorithms


In addition to using the optimizer_switch system variable to control optimizer use of the BNL and BKA algorithms session-wide, MySQL supports optimizer hints to influence the optimizer on a per-statement basis.


See Section 8.9.3, “Optimizer Hints”.

To use a BNL or BKA hint to enable join buffering for any inner table of an outer join, join buffering must be enabled for all inner tables of the outer join.


Nested Loop Join是Oracle中一种基于嵌套循环连接算法,它的原理是对于两个表中的每一行,都对另一个表进行一次扫描,找到符合条件的行进行连接,直到所有行都被连接完成。 下面通过一个案例来说明Nested Loop Join的原理。 假设有两个表A和B,它们的结构如下: 表A: ``` id name 1 Tom 2 Jerry 3 Alice ``` 表B: ``` id age 1 25 2 30 3 35 ``` 现在需要将这两个表按照id进行连接,并且只选择age小于等于30的记录。可以使用如下SQL语句: ``` SELECT, B.age FROM A, B WHERE = AND B.age <= 30; ``` 这个查询语句中使用了Nested Loop Join算法。具体来说,查询语句的执行步骤如下: 1. 从表A中读取第一行数据,即id=1,name=Tom。 2. 对于表A的每一行数据,都从表B的开头开始扫描。 3. 对于表B的第一行数据,即id=1,age=25,它符合连接条件,因此将它和表A中的当前行连接起来,得到结果:Tom 25。 4. 继续扫描表B的下一行数据,即id=2,age=30,它也符合连接条件,因此将它和表A中的当前行连接起来,得到结果:Tom 25、Jerry 30。 5. 继续扫描表B的下一行数据,即id=3,age=35,它不符合连接条件,因此跳过。 6. 如果表B还有未扫描的行,则返回步骤3,否则返回步骤1,继续读取表A的下一行数据。 7. 从表A中读取下一行数据,即id=2,name=Jerry。 8. 对于表A的每一行数据,都从表B的开头开始扫描,重复步骤3到6,得到结果:Tom 25、Jerry 30。 9. 从表A中读取下一行数据,即id=3,name=Alice。 10. 对于表A的每一行数据,都从表B的开头开始扫描,重复步骤3到6,得到结果:Tom 25、Jerry 30。 11. 如果表A还有未扫描的行,则返回步骤2,否则返回结果。 最终的查询结果为: ``` name age Tom 25 Jerry 30 ``` 可以看到,Nested Loop Join算法在这个案例中的效果非常好,它很快地完成了连接操作,并且得到了正确的结果。但是,在实际应用中,如果数据集非常大,那么Nested Loop Join就会变得非常慢,并且会占用大量的系统资源。因此,在实际应用中,我们需要根据数据集的大小和查询的条件来选择合适的连接算法。




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