USB Knoppix 5.1.1 install With Text Only

USB Knoppix 5.1.1 install

This guide will show you have to boot Knoppix from a usb.
You can find the original guide here. USB Knoppix 5.1.1
My guide is step by step with pictures

USB Knoppix 5.1.1 install with text only Click Here

How to troubleshoot the fixing error
Could not find kernel image: linux Click Here

To be able to boot from a usb you motherboard must have the abitily to boot usb. By doing so is going to your Bios and boot options and select the usb to boot first.

Insert your USB and open my computer
Look for the drive and see what letter it gave it (e.x. L)

Download fixkp2.exe and run it
Now let browse it and let put it in the desktop and Click Extract
It will create a folder call USB-KNOPPIX

Download the Knoppix Linux ISO and move it to the USB-Knoppix folder
Click fixkp2.bat from the USB-Knoppix folder and follow the onscreen instructions
Enter the letter that your usb is assign and Press Enter
Notes if your drive letter is not there you will need to edit the fixkp2.bat to do so follow STEP:5 if not than skip STEP:5 and move on to STEP:6
To edit fixkp2.bat right click on fixkp2.bat and Edit
Now we must add the letter that your computer assign to your usb Example my is L
If you look at the script it says

"Please enter your flash Drive letter ( D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K)"

All you have to do is add the very end  is ,L once you do you get

Now we going to edit the below

nif '%drive%' == 'D' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'E' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'F' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'G' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'H' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'I' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'J' goto proceed
if '%drive%' == 'K' goto proceed

All you have to do is below the K just type or copy and paste

if '%drive%' == 'L' goto proceed
The same goes for the lower case
if '%drive%' == 'l' goto proceed

You should have something like this
Once you edit it just go to file and save now your ready to move to the next STEP:5

Would you like to format flash drive l:?
Type y or n and press enter
Press Y and Enter to format the drive

It may ask you ensure that the flash drive is inserted just press Enter
Now it will extract the Knoppix direct to your usb this may take awhile
This batch file will prepare drive letter for boot using syslinux
Press any key to make drive letter: bootable
Press Enter

Now your drive is bootable just click enter
Great job now you should be able to boot knoppix off your usb.
If you encounter problems like Could not find kernel image: linux
Follow the guide below to fix it

How to troubleshoot the fixing error
Could not find kernel image: linux

Follow the guide below to fix it

*Make sure that syslinux.cfg file exists on the usb flash drive.
the syslinux.cfg file should be found at the root of the drive or within the /boot/syslinux or /syslinux directory

*If a file named isolinux.cfg exists and syslinux.cfg does not, rename isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg and also the folder isolinx to syslinux
And tested it.

USB Knoppix 5.1.1 install With Text Only
Written By: pendrivelinux

Download fixkp2.exe and run it, a USB-Knoppix folder is created

Download the Knoppix Linux ISO and move it to the USB-Knoppix folder

Click fixkp2.bat from the USB-Knoppix folder and follow the onscreen instructions

Reboot your PC and set your system BIOS or Boot Menu to boot from the USB device, save your changes and reboot

Upon reboot, you should have a successful launch of Knoppix Linux from your USB memory stick.

Note: If you need any additional help making your flash drive boot, check





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