VMware虚拟磁盘 Virtual Disk Format 1.1 虚拟磁盘格式1.1 说明书

VMware Virtual Disks VMware虚拟磁盘
Virtual Disk Format 1.1 虚拟磁盘格式1.1

Virtual machines created with VMware products typically use virtual disks. The virtual disks,stored as files on the host computer or on a remote storage device, appear to the guest operating systems as standard disk drives.
This technical note begins with a high-level introduction to the layout of the files that make up a VMware virtual disk of the type used by VMware Workstation 4, VMware Workstation 5, VMware Workstation 6, VMware Player, VMware Fusion, VMware GSX Server 3, VMware Server, and VMware ESX Server 3. It then drills down into the details of the data structures inside those virtual disk files.
The document contains the following sections:
? Layout Basics on page 2
? The Descriptor File on page 3
? Simple Extents on page 7
? Hosted Sparse Extents on page 7
? ESX Server Sparse Extents on page 12
? Stream-Optimized Compressed Sparse Extents on page 14
? Glossary on page 18
本技术说明首先介绍构成VMware Workstation 4,VMware Workstation 5,VMware Workstation 6,VMware Player,VMware Fusion,VMware GSX Server 3所使用类型的VMware虚拟磁盘的文件布局,VMware Server和VMware ESX Server 3.然后,将详细介绍这些虚拟磁盘文件中的数据结构。
?ESX Server稀疏范围(第12页)

Virtual machines created by VMware products other than VMware Workstation 4, VMware Workstation 5, VMware Workstation 6, VMware Fusion, VMware GSX Server 3, VMware Server, and VMware ESX Server 3 may use formats different from those described in this document. Key areas that are not discussed in this technical note include the following:
由VMware Workstation 4,VMware Workstation 5,VMware Workstation 6,VMware Fusion,VMware GSX Server 3,VMware Server和VMware ESX Server 3之外的VMware产品创建的虚拟机可能会使用与本文档中描述的格式不同的格式。本技术说明书中未讨论的关键领域包括:

? Virtual disks created in legacy mode in Workstation 5, or virtual disks created in ESX Server 2 or earlier, GSX Server 3 or earlier, Workstation 4 or earlier, or VMware ACE
? Device-backed virtual disks
? Encryption
? Encrypted extents
? Encrypted descriptor files
? Defragmenting a virtual disk
? Shrinking a virtual disk
? Consolidating virtual disks

?在Workstation 5中以旧版模式创建的虚拟磁盘,或在ESX Server 2或更早版本,GSX Server 3或更早版本,Workstation 4或更早版本中创建的虚拟磁盘或VMware ACE

Layout Basics

VMware virtual disks can be described at a high level by looking at two key characteristics.

1) The virtual disk may use backing storage contained in a single file, or it may use storage that consists of a collection of smaller files.
2) All of the disk space needed for a virtual disk’s files may be allocated at the time the virtual disk is created, or the virtual disk may start small and grow only as needed to accomodate new data.

   A particular virtual disk may have any combination of these two characteristics.
         One common characteristic of recent-generation VMware virtual disks is that a text descriptor describes the layout of the data in the virtual disk. This descriptor may be saved as a separate file or may be embedded in a file that is part of a virtual disk. The section titled The Descriptor File on page 3 explains the information contained in the descriptor.

       The way a virtual disk uses storage space on a physical disk varies, depending on the type of virtual disk you select when you create the virtual machine.

       Initially, for example, a virtual disk consists of only the base disk. If you take a snapshot of a virtual machine, its virtual disk includes both the base link and a delta link (referred to in some product documentation as a redo-log file). Changes the guest operating system has written to disk since you took the snapshot are stored in the delta link. It is possible for more than one delta link to be associated with a particular base disk.

      Think of the base disk and the delta links as links in a chain. The virtual disk consists of all the links in the chain.



Each link in the chain is made up of one or more extents.


Extents that make up a link

     An extent is a region of physical storage, often a file, that is used by the virtual disk.

     In the links diagram above, links B and C are necessarily made up of extents that begin small and grow over time, referred to as sparse extents. Link A can be made up of extents of any kind — sparse, preallocated, or even backed directly by a physical device.
     在上面的链接图中,链接B和C必须由开始小且随时间而增长的范围组成,称为稀疏范围。链接A可以由任何类型的范围组成 - 稀疏,预先分配,甚至由物理设备直接支持。





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