学习011-03-01 Business Classes vs Database Tables(业务类与数据库表)

Business Classes vs Database Tables(业务类与数据库表)

The XAF is based on an object-based data handling approach. In this topic, we discuss the reasons why this approach, as opposed to the relational model of data handling, was chosen. The methods that allow utilization of this approach are also defined in this document.

In an application where you have to deal with information, you most likely have database tables, database systems, SQL queries, records and columns. Using relational models is a traditional way to work with databases. Today, the most common approach to database access is probably ADO.NET technology. It has the DataSet type that grants a local copy of multiple interrelated database tables. Via the DataSet object, a user can locally execute various operations, with the content of a database being physically disconnected from the DBMS.

The XAF concentrates its efforts on another flow of today’s development: object-oriented data handling. The need to store object-oriented data appeared when object-oriented programming became pervasive. Currently, most modern, nontrivial applications use an object-oriented paradigm to model application domains. This means that you can abstract from any persistence details, and have a clean, simple, object-oriented API to perform data storage. You do not need to handle persistence details and internal data representation in data stores be they relational, object-based, or something else. Why should you deal with low-level constructs of the data-store model, such as rows and columns, and constantly translate them back and forth? Instead, concentrate on complex applications you are required to deliver.

The ability to use object-based data handling, instead of direct interaction with databases, leads to a layer that provides mapping of objects into database tables (Object-Relational Mapping tool). In the XAF, such a layer is provided by the eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO). The XPO provides reliability and flexibility in storing the information, proven by years as a standalone product. Its simplicity comes from the fact that you do not need to learn the details of how the data is stored.

With the XPO layer, to persist a class (to provide its mapping) all that you need to do is to inherit it from the XPObject class. This class has the XPObject.Oid property that uniquely specifies an object. In the XAF, the BaseObject class is used as a persistent class. It is inherited from the XPCustomObject class to satisfy the Framework’s needs. XPO reads the content of a persistent class, and creates a database table for its read-write public fields and properties. By default, XPO gives the database table the same name as the class, and stores data in fields with the same name as the properties. You can easily override this behavior by using the PersistentAttribute. The Persistent attribute can also be used to make XPO persist a private field, if required. If there is a property, class or field that you do not want to persist for any reason (for instance, a property’s value is calculated in code), use the NonPersistentAttribute. For more information on XPO, refer to the eXpress Persistent Objects Online Documentation.
使用XPO层,要持久化一个类(以提供其映射),您需要做的就是从XPObject类继承它。该类具有唯一指定对象的XPObject. Oid属性。在XAF中,BaseObject类用作持久化类。它从XPCustomObject类继承以满足框架的需求。XPO读取持久化类的内容,并为其读写公共字段和属性创建数据库表。默认情况下,XPO为数据库表提供与类相同的名称,并将数据存储在与属性相同名称的字段中。您可以通过使用Persis entAtoral轻松覆盖此行为。如果需要,Persis ent属性也可用于使XPO持久化为私有字段。如果有一个属性、类或字段由于任何原因而不希望持久化(例如,属性的值是在代码中计算的),请使用NonPersistentAttribute。有关XPO的更多信息,请参阅eXpress持久对象在线文档。

The following example demonstrates how to declare a persistent class:

C# (EF Core)
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
// ...
public class Contact : BaseObject {
    public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }

// Make sure that you use options.UseChangeTrackingProxies() in your DbContext settings.
C# (XPO)
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
// ...
public class Contact : BaseObject {
    // BaseObject contains an auto-generated Guid key, you cannot add a custom key
    public Contact(Session session) : base(session) { }
    string fFirstName;
    public string FirstName {
        get { return fFirstName; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(FirstName), ref fFirstName, value); }

The following help topic lists base classes that you can use in XPO-based applications: Base Persistent Classes.

Applying the DefaultClassOptions (see DefaultClassOptionsAttribute) attribute to a class creates the following capabilities:

  • The Contact item is added to the main form’s navigation control. When clicking this item, a list of the objects of the Contact type will be displayed.
  • The Contact item is added to the submenu of the New toolbar button when objects of another type are displayed. Click this item to invoke a Contact detail form and create a new Contact object.
  • The Contact objects is provided as a data source to generate reports (see Create and Preview a Report).
  • The Contact item is added to the types list in the Dashboards Data Source Wizard. This allows end-users to create dashboards for objects of this class (see Create, View and Modify Dashboards in a WinForms Application and Create, View and Modify Dashboards in an ASP.NET Web Forms Application).

To apply each of these options separately, use the NavigationItem, CreateableItem, VisibleInReports and VisibleInDashboards attributes, respectively (see NavigationItemAttribute, CreatableItemAttribute, VisibleInReportsAttribute and VisibleInDashboardsAttribute).

Using the SetPropertyValue is required by XPO. For details, refer to the Creating a Persistent Object topic.
XPO需要使用SetProperty tyValue。有关详细信息,请参阅创建持久对象主题。

When running the application for the first time, a database is created, and tables for all persistent classes found are created. The following image shows the Contact table corresponding to the Contact class defined above:

CodeRush includes a number of Code Templates that help generate business classes or their parts with a few keystrokes. To learn about the Code Templates for eXpress Persistent Objects, refer to the following help topic: XPO and XAF Templates.

Then, you can modify the implemented persistent classes, and add new ones. The database will be changed respectively, when running the application.

While XAF can create database schema objects, it cannot modify them later. For instance, column type and size cannot be changed automatically when you update your business class code.

A Contact object can be created by an end-user. The following picture demonstrates a populated Contact Detail View (the View is generated automatically, although you can customize it):

After saving changes in the Contact Detail View, the created object is mapped to the database. The following image demonstrates the Contact table with the record inserted:

A new persistent object can be created and saved to the database in code. For details, refer to the Supply Initial Data topic. Generally, all operations on persistent objects are supposed to be performed via an Object Space.

XAF does not use or initialize the DevExpress.Xpo.XpoDefault settings storage. So, the XpoDefault.Session or Session.DefaultSession Sessions should not be used in XAF applications. If you need to access a valid Session that uses the correct connection string, you have the following options:
XAF不使用或初始化DevExpress. Xpo.XpoDefault设置存储。因此,XpoDefault.Session或Session.DefaultSession会话不应在XAF应用程序中使用。如果您需要访问使用正确连接字符串的有效会话,您有以下选项:

  • In the context of a Business Class - use the Session property, available in all the persistent types that inherit from the DevExpress.Xpo.PersistentBase class.
    在Business Class的上下文中-使用Session属性,该属性在继承自DevExpress. Xpo.PersitentBase类的所有持久类型中可用。
  • In the context of a Controller - you can access the XafApplication object via the Controller.Application property. The XafApplication object, in turn, has the XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace method. You can use this method to create a new Object Space and access its Session via the XPObjectSpace.Session property.
    在Controller的上下文中-您可以通过Controller. Application属性访问XafApplication对象。XafApplication对象又具有XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace方法。您可以使用此方法创建新的对象空间并通过XPObjectSpace.Session属性访问其Session。

As you see, you do not need to be concerned with a database, its tables and record queries. You deal only with classes and their properties.

You can set relationships between database tables by defining relationships between objects. Refer to the following link for details: Relationships Between Objects. The “One-to-Many” and “Many-to-Many” relationship types are defined via the AssociationAttribute. The “Many” relationship part is represented by the XPCollection type property.
您可以通过定义对象之间的关系来设置数据库表之间的关系。有关详细信息,请参阅以下链接:对象之间的关系。“ One-to-Many”和“ Many-to-Many”关系类型是通过AssociationAttribute定义的。“Many”关系部分由XPCollection类型属性表示。

The XAF not only spares you the difficulties of direct contact with database tables, it also allows you to use the ready-to-use business classes. The XAF has the Business Class Library - a collection of classes that describe entities frequently used in business applications - personal information, addresses, etc. This means that you do not have to build your data structure from scratch - we have already implemented the most frequently used templates for you. You may only need to extend them with custom attributes, and create appropriate relations. For details on the Business Class Library, refer to the Built-in Business Classes for Most Popular Scenarios topic.

If you have a large database and want to use it in an XAF application, refer to the How to: Generate XPO Business Classes for Existing Data Tables topic.





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