Property Trees & DispalyItem

本文详细介绍了Blink渲染引擎中的Property Tree(包括Transform Tree, Clip Tree, Effect Tree, Scroll Tree)的构建过程,以及DisplayItem的生成与作用。在PrePaint阶段,Property Trees由Layout Layer Tree构建,并在Paint时生成DisplayItemList。DisplayItemList是绘制指令的集合,与Property Trees结合用于渲染。文章还探讨了Property Tree的根节点设置,以及DisplayItem如何转化为PaintChunks和PaintArtifact,最终被转换成Chrome的渲染路径所接受的格式。" 124569692,9471664,SQL查询:员工调薪记录分析,"['sql', '数据库', 'database']


Property Tree:


什么是property tree:

Paint properties define characteristics of how a paint chunk should be drawn,
such as the transform it should be drawn with. To enable efficient updates,
a chunk's paint properties are described hierarchically. For instance, each
chunk is associated with a transform node, whose matrix should be multiplied by
its ancestor transform nodes in order to compute the final transformation matrix
to the screen. 

Transform Tree

Each paint chunk is associated with a [transform node](TransformPaintPropertyNode.h),
which defines the coordinate space in which the content should be painted.

Each transform node has:

1* a 4x4 [`TransformationMatrix`](../../transforms/TransformationMatrix.h)
2* a 3-dimensional transform origin, which defines the origin relative to which
  the transformation matrix should be applied (e.g. a rotation applied with some
  transform origin will rotate the plane about that point)
3* a pointer to the parent node, which defines the coordinate space relative to
  which the above should be interpreted
4* a boolean indicating whether the transform should be projected into the plane
  of its parent (i.e., whether the total transform inherited from its parent
  should be flattened before this node's transform is applied and propagated to
5* an integer rendering context ID; content whose transform nodes share a
  rendering context ID should sort together

The parent node pointers link the transform nodes in a hierarchy (the *transform
tree*), which defines how the transform for any painted content can be


 Clip Tree

### Clips

Each paint chunk is associated with a [clip node](ClipPaintPropertyNode.h),
which defines the raster region that will be applied on the canvas when
the chunk is rastered.

Each clip node has:

* A float rect with (optionally) rounded corner radius.
* An associated transform node, which the clip rect is based on.

The raster region defined by a node is the rounded rect transformed to the
root space, intersects with the raster region defined by its parent clip node
(if not root).

Effect Tree

### Effects

Each paint chunk is associated with an [effect node](EffectPaintPropertyNode.h),
which defines the effect (opacity, transfer mode, filter, mask, etc.) that
should be applied to the content before or as it is composited into the content

Each effect node has:

* a floating-point opacity (from 0 to 1, inclusive)
* a pointer to the parent node, which will be applied to the result of this
  effect before or as it is composited into its parent in the effect tree

The paret node pointers link the effect nodes in a hierarchy (the *effect
tree*), which defines the dependencies between rasterization of different

One can imagine each effect node as corresponding roughly to a bitmap that is
drawn before being composited into another bitmap, though for implementation
reasons this may not be how it is actually implemented.

Scroll Tree 

### Scrolling

Each paint chunk is associated with a [scroll node](ScrollPaintPropertyNode.h)
which defines information about how a subtree scrolls so threads other than the
main thread can perform scrolling. Scroll information includes:

* Which directions, if any, are scrollable by the user.
* A reference to a [transform node](TransformPaintPropertyNode.h) which contains
a 2d scroll offset.
* The extent that can be scrolled. For example, an overflow clip of size 7x9
with scrolling contents of size 7x13 can scroll 4px vertically and none

To ensure geometry operations are simple and only deal with transforms, the
scroll offset is stored as a 2d transform in the transform tree.

blink为什么需要输出property tree:抽象出property tree可以</





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