Zipping Files with Android (Programmatically)

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One majorly annoying issue that I stumbled upon, was the fact that I couldn't send multiple attachments using Intents to the Google Mail app. The quickest way around that was of course to compress all of the files into one (ZIP).

After searching around online, I didn't really find much on zipping files on your Android device - most of the articles were for standard java applications, which assumed that all your files were in the current directory that you wanted to zip.

So, I used what I could and whipped up my own wrapper class that allows you to easily zip files in Android!

Here is the class:

import android.util.Log; 
public class Compress { 
  private static final int BUFFER = 2048; 
  private String[] _files; 
  private String _zipFile; 
  public Compress(String[] files, String zipFile) { 
    _files = files; 
    _zipFile = zipFile; 
  public void zip() { 
    try  { 
      BufferedInputStream origin = null; 
      FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(_zipFile); 
      ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(dest)); 
      byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; 
      for(int i=0; i < _files.length; i++) { 
        Log.v("Compress""Adding: " + _files[i]); 
        FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(_files[i]); 
        origin = new BufferedInputStream(fi, BUFFER); 
        ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(_files[i].substring(_files[i].lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); 
        int count; 
        while ((count =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { 
          out.write(data, 0, count); 
    } catch(Exception e) { 

If that all makes sense to you already, then you probably won't be interested in my explanations below, otherwise, keep reading. :)

private static final int BUFFER = 2048; 
private String[] _files; 
private String _zipFile; 

These are the properties that I've declared for the class.

The first is the BUFFER (for reading the data and writing it to the zip stream), second is the _files array, which will hold all the files (path as well) that will be zipped up, and the third is the name of the zip file (path as well).

public Compress(String[] files, String zipFile) { 
  _files = files; 
  _zipFile = zipFile; 

This is the constructor, which is the first thing that gets called when instantiating the class - you'll pass it an array of the files you wish to zip, and a string of what the name of the final zip file will be. It then saves this data in the properties, to be used when you call the zip method.

BufferedInputStream origin = null; 
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(_zipFile); 
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(dest)); 
byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; 

Next we move into the zip method - the first things we do is setup our BufferedInputStream, which we'll be using to read the data from the file input stream (each file in the files array).

The FileOutputStream creates the zip file, and sets up the stream, which we then pass to the ZipOutputStream for writing to.

If you want more in depth details about each of these objects (classes), then do a quick search for FileOutputStream or ZipOutputStream in Google.

for(int i=0; i < _files.length; i++) { 
  Log.v("Compress""Adding: " + _files[i]); 
  FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(_files[i]); 
  origin = new BufferedInputStream(fi, BUFFER); 
  ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(_files[i].substring(_files[i].lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); 
  int count; 
  while ((count =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { 
    out.write(data, 0, count); 

And here we have the main loop, which will go through each file in the _files array and compress each one into the zip file.

Here we first setup a FileInputStream for reading the files - the BufferedInputStream will manage the amount of data that it'll be reading at a time (based on the BUFFER).

The ZipEntry is used for adding the actual file/directory structure - for example, if you add '/mnt/sdcard/data/', it would actually create that directory structure in the zip file, so if you want to just add the file into the root of the zip, you'll need to parse it out. Personally, I just used substring, and lastIndexOf to grab the file at the end.

Once the entry is set, you can add it to the zip output stream using out.putNextEntry.

Now we have another loop, which will be used for reading the data, 2048 bytes at a time, and write it to the zip output stream (to the new entry location).

Finally, we clean up - close the streams.

I hope that made sense, and if I can change anything to make it more understandable, please let me know.

Check out my other article, if you want to find out how to unzip files - Unzipping Files with Android (Programmatically)

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毕设新项目基于python3.7+django+sqlite开发的学生就业管理系统源码+使用说明(含vue前端源码).zip 【备注】 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用!有问题请及时沟通交流。 2、适用人群:计算机相关专业(如计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网、自动化、电子信息等)在校学生、专业老师或者企业员工下载使用。 3、用途:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 4、如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,亦可在此项目代码基础上进行修改添加,实现其他不同功能。 欢迎下载!欢迎交流学习!不清楚的可以私信问我! 学生就业管理系统(前端) ## 项目开发环境 - IDE: vscode - node版本: v12.14.1 - npm版本: 6.13.4 - vue版本: @vue/cli 4.1.2 - 操作系统: UOS 20 ## 1.进入项目目录安装依赖 ``` npm install ``` ## 2.命令行执行进入UI界面进行项目管理 ``` vue ui ``` ## 3.编译发布包(请注意编译后存储路径) #### PS:需要将编译后的包复制到后端项目的根目录下并命名为'static' 学生就业管理系统(后端) ## 1.项目开发环境 - IDE: vscode - Django版本: 3.0.3 - Python版本: python3.7.3 - 数据库 : sqlite3(测试专用) - 操作系统 : UOS 20 ## 2.csdn下载本项目并生成/安装依赖 ``` pip freeze > requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## 3.项目MySQL数据库链接错误 [点击查看解决方法](




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