thrift 提供的接口

void enableTable(Bytes tableName)
void disableTable(Bytes tableName)
bool isTableEnabled(Bytes tableName)
void compact(Bytes tableNameOrRegionName)
void majorCompact(Bytes tableNameOrRegionName)
getColumnDescriptors(Text tableName)
getTableRegions(Text tableName)
void createTable(Text tableName, columnFamilies)
void deleteTable(Text tableName)
get(Text tableName, Text row, Text column)
getVer(Text tableName, Text row, Text column, i32 numVersions)
getVerTs(Text tableName, Text row, Text column, i64 timestamp, i32 numVersions)
getRow(Text tableName, Text row)
getRowWithColumns(Text tableName, Text row,   columns)
getRowTs(Text tableName, Text row, i64 timestamp)
getRowWithColumnsTs(Text tableName, Text row,   columns, i64 timestamp)
getRows(Text tableName,   rows)
getRowsWithColumns(Text tableName,   rows,   columns)
getRowsTs(Text tableName,   rows, i64 timestamp)
getRowsWithColumnsTs(Text tableName,   rows,   columns, i64 timestamp)
void mutateRow(Text tableName, Text row,   mutations)
void mutateRowTs(Text tableName, Text row,   mutations, i64 timestamp)
void mutateRows(Text tableName,   rowBatches)
void mutateRowsTs(Text tableName,   rowBatches, i64 timestamp)
i64 atomicIncrement(Text tableName, Text row, Text column, i64 value)
void deleteAll(Text tableName, Text row, Text column)
void deleteAllTs(Text tableName, Text row, Text column, i64 timestamp)
void deleteAllRow(Text tableName, Text row)
void deleteAllRowTs(Text tableName, Text row, i64 timestamp)
ScannerID scannerOpenWithScan(Text tableName, TScan scan)
ScannerID scannerOpen(Text tableName, Text startRow,   columns)
ScannerID scannerOpenWithStop(Text tableName, Text startRow, Text stopRow,   columns)
ScannerID scannerOpenWithPrefix(Text tableName, Text startAndPrefix,   columns)
ScannerID scannerOpenTs(Text tableName, Text startRow,   columns, i64 timestamp)
ScannerID scannerOpenWithStopTs(Text tableName, Text startRow, Text stopRow,   columns, i64 timestamp)
scannerGet(ScannerID id)
scannerGetList(ScannerID id, i32 nbRows)
void scannerClose(ScannerID id)

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Hbase.thrift
// This is a Thrift interface definition file for the Hbase service.
// Target language libraries for C++, Java, Ruby, PHP, (and more) are
// generated by running this file through the Thrift compiler with the
// appropriate flags. The Thrift compiler binary and runtime
// libraries for various languages are available
// from the Apache Incubator (
// See the package.html file for information on the version of Thrift
// used to generate the *.java files checked into the Hbase project.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

namespace java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.generated
namespace cpp  apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift
namespace rb Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Thrift
namespace py hbase
namespace perl Hbase

// Types

// NOTE: all variables with the Text type are assumed to be correctly
// formatted UTF-8 strings.  This is a programming language and locale
// dependent property that the client application is repsonsible for
// maintaining.  If strings with an invalid encoding are sent, an
// IOError will be thrown.

typedef binary Text
typedef binary Bytes
typedef i32    ScannerID

 * TCell - Used to transport a cell value (byte[]) and the timestamp it was 
 * stored with together as a result for get and getRow methods. This promotes
 * the timestamp of a cell to a first-class value, making it easy to take 
 * note of temporal data. Cell is used all the way from HStore up to HTable.
struct TCell{
  1:Bytes value,
  2:i64 timestamp

 * An HColumnDescriptor contains information about a column family
 * such as the number of versions, compression settings, etc. It is
 * used as input when creating a table or adding a column.
struct ColumnDescriptor {
  1:Text name,
  2:i32 maxVersions = 3,
  3:string compression = "NONE",
  4:bool inMemory = 0,
  5:string bloomFilterType = "NONE",
  6:i32 bloomFilterVectorSize = 0,
  7:i32 bloomFilterNbHashes = 0,
  8:bool blockCacheEnabled = 0,
  9:i32 timeToLive = -1

 * A TRegionInfo contains information about an HTable region.
struct TRegionInfo {
  1:Text startKey,
  2:Text endKey,
  3:i64 id,
  4:Text name,
  5:byte version,
  6:Text serverName,
  7:i32 port

 * A Mutation object is used to either update or delete a column-value.
struct Mutation {
  1:bool isDelete = 0,
  2:Text column,
  3:Text value,
  4:bool writeToWAL = 1

 * A BatchMutation object is used to apply a number of Mutations to a single row.
struct BatchMutation {
  1:Text row,
  2:list<Mutation> mutations

 * For increments that are not incrementColumnValue
 * equivalents.
struct TIncrement {
  1:Text table,
  2:Text row,
  3:Text column,
  4:i64  ammount

 * Holds column name and the cell.
struct TColumn {
  1:Text columnName,
  2:TCell cell

 * Holds row name and then a map of columns to cells. 
struct TRowResult {
  1:Text row,
  2:optional map<Text, TCell> columns,
  3:optional list<TColumn> sortedColumns 

 * A Scan object is used to specify scanner parameters when opening a scanner.
struct TScan {
  1:optional Text startRow,
  2:optional Text stopRow,
  3:optional i64 timestamp,
  4:optional list<Text> columns,
  5:optional i32 caching,
  6:optional Text filterString,
  7:optional bool sortColumns

// Exceptions
 * An IOError exception signals that an error occurred communicating
 * to the Hbase master or an Hbase region server.  Also used to return
 * more general Hbase error conditions.
exception IOError {
  1:string message

 * An IllegalArgument exception indicates an illegal or invalid
 * argument was passed into a procedure.
exception IllegalArgument {
  1:string message

 * An AlreadyExists exceptions signals that a table with the specified
 * name already exists
exception AlreadyExists {
  1:string message

// Service 

service Hbase {
   * Brings a table on-line (enables it)
  void enableTable(
    /** name of the table */
    1:Bytes tableName
  ) throws (1:IOError io)
   * Disables a table (takes it off-line) If it is being served, the master
   * will tell the servers to stop serving it.
  void disableTable(
    /** name of the table */
    1:Bytes tableName
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * @return true if table is on-line
  bool isTableEnabled(
    /** name of the table to check */
    1:Bytes tableName
  ) throws (1:IOError io)
  void compact(1:Bytes tableNameOrRegionName)
    throws (1:IOError io)
  void majorCompact(1:Bytes tableNameOrRegionName)
    throws (1:IOError io)
   * List all the userspace tables.
   * @return returns a list of names
  list<Text> getTableNames()
    throws (1:IOError io)

   * List all the column families assoicated with a table.
   * @return list of column family descriptors
  map<Text,ColumnDescriptor> getColumnDescriptors (
    /** table name */
    1:Text tableName
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * List the regions associated with a table.
   * @return list of region descriptors
  list<TRegionInfo> getTableRegions(
    /** table name */
    1:Text tableName)
    throws (1:IOError io)

   * Create a table with the specified column families.  The name
   * field for each ColumnDescriptor must be set and must end in a
   * colon (:). All other fields are optional and will get default
   * values if not explicitly specified.
   * @throws IllegalArgument if an input parameter is invalid
   * @throws AlreadyExists if the table name already exists
  void createTable(
    /** name of table to create */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** list of column family descriptors */
    2:list<ColumnDescriptor> columnFamilies
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia, 3:AlreadyExists exist)

   * Deletes a table
   * @throws IOError if table doesn't exist on server or there was some other
   * problem
  void deleteTable(
    /** name of table to delete */
    1:Text tableName
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a single TCell for the specified table, row, and column at the
   * latest timestamp. Returns an empty list if no such value exists.
   * @return value for specified row/column
  list<TCell> get(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** column name */
    3:Text column,

    /** Get attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the specified number of versions for the specified table,
   * row, and column.
   * @return list of cells for specified row/column
  list<TCell> getVer(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** column name */
    3:Text column,

    /** number of versions to retrieve */
    4:i32 numVersions,

    /** Get attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the specified number of versions for the specified table,
   * row, and column.  Only versions less than or equal to the specified
   * timestamp will be returned.
   * @return list of cells for specified row/column
  list<TCell> getVerTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** column name */
    3:Text column,

    /** timestamp */
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** number of versions to retrieve */
    5:i32 numVersions,

    /** Get attributes */
    6:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get all the data for the specified table and row at the latest
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if the row does not exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the row and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRow(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** Get attributes */
    3:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the specified columns for the specified table and row at the latest
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if the row does not exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the row and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowWithColumns(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** List of columns to return, null for all columns */
    3:list<Text> columns,

    /** Get attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get all the data for the specified table and row at the specified
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if the row does not exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the row and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowTs(
    /** name of the table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** timestamp */
    3:i64 timestamp,

    /** Get attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)
   * Get the specified columns for the specified table and row at the specified
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if the row does not exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the row and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowWithColumnsTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** List of columns to return, null for all columns */
    3:list<Text> columns,
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** Get attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get all the data for the specified table and rows at the latest
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if no rows exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the rows and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRows(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row keys */
    2:list<Text> rows

    /** Get attributes */
    3:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the specified columns for the specified table and rows at the latest
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if no rows exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the rows and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowsWithColumns(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row keys */
    2:list<Text> rows,

    /** List of columns to return, null for all columns */
    3:list<Text> columns,

    /** Get attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get all the data for the specified table and rows at the specified
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if no rows exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the rows and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowsTs(
    /** name of the table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row keys */
    2:list<Text> rows

    /** timestamp */
    3:i64 timestamp,

    /** Get attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the specified columns for the specified table and rows at the specified
   * timestamp. Returns an empty list if no rows exist.
   * @return TRowResult containing the rows and map of columns to TCells
  list<TRowResult> getRowsWithColumnsTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row keys */
    2:list<Text> rows

    /** List of columns to return, null for all columns */
    3:list<Text> columns,
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** Get attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Apply a series of mutations (updates/deletes) to a row in a
   * single transaction.  If an exception is thrown, then the
   * transaction is aborted.  Default current timestamp is used, and
   * all entries will have an identical timestamp.
  void mutateRow(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** list of mutation commands */
    3:list<Mutation> mutations,

    /** Mutation attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Apply a series of mutations (updates/deletes) to a row in a
   * single transaction.  If an exception is thrown, then the
   * transaction is aborted.  The specified timestamp is used, and
   * all entries will have an identical timestamp.
  void mutateRowTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** list of mutation commands */
    3:list<Mutation> mutations,

    /** timestamp */
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** Mutation attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Apply a series of batches (each a series of mutations on a single row)
   * in a single transaction.  If an exception is thrown, then the
   * transaction is aborted.  Default current timestamp is used, and
   * all entries will have an identical timestamp.
  void mutateRows(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** list of row batches */
    2:list<BatchMutation> rowBatches,

    /** Mutation attributes */
    3:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Apply a series of batches (each a series of mutations on a single row)
   * in a single transaction.  If an exception is thrown, then the
   * transaction is aborted.  The specified timestamp is used, and
   * all entries will have an identical timestamp.
  void mutateRowsTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** list of row batches */
    2:list<BatchMutation> rowBatches,

    /** timestamp */
    3:i64 timestamp,

    /** Mutation attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Atomically increment the column value specified.  Returns the next value post increment.
  i64 atomicIncrement(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row to increment */
    2:Text row,

    /** name of column */
    3:Text column,

    /** amount to increment by */
    4:i64 value
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)
   * Delete all cells that match the passed row and column.
  void deleteAll(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** Row to update */
    2:Text row,

    /** name of column whose value is to be deleted */
    3:Text column,

    /** Delete attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Delete all cells that match the passed row and column and whose
   * timestamp is equal-to or older than the passed timestamp.
  void deleteAllTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** Row to update */
    2:Text row,

    /** name of column whose value is to be deleted */
    3:Text column,

    /** timestamp */
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** Delete attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Completely delete the row's cells.
  void deleteAllRow(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** key of the row to be completely deleted. */
    2:Text row,

    /** Delete attributes */
    3:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Increment a cell by the ammount.
   * Increments can be applied async if hbase.regionserver.thrift.coalesceIncrement is set to true.
   * False is the default.  Turn to true if you need the extra performance and can accept some
   * data loss if a thrift server dies with increments still in the queue.
  void increment(
    /** The single increment to apply */
    1:TIncrement increment
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

  void incrementRows(
    /** The list of increments */
    1:list<TIncrement> increments
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Completely delete the row's cells marked with a timestamp
   * equal-to or older than the passed timestamp.
  void deleteAllRowTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** key of the row to be completely deleted. */
    2:Text row,

    /** timestamp */
    3:i64 timestamp,

    /** Delete attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a scanner on the current table, using the Scan instance
   * for the scan parameters.
  ScannerID scannerOpenWithScan(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** Scan instance */
    2:TScan scan,

    /** Scan attributes */
    3:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a scanner on the current table starting at the specified row and
   * ending at the last row in the table.  Return the specified columns.
   * @return scanner id to be used with other scanner procedures
  ScannerID scannerOpen(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

     * Starting row in table to scan.
     * Send "" (empty string) to start at the first row.
    2:Text startRow,

     * columns to scan. If column name is a column family, all
     * columns of the specified column family are returned. It's also possible
     * to pass a regex in the column qualifier.
    3:list<Text> columns,

    /** Scan attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a scanner on the current table starting and stopping at the
   * specified rows.  ending at the last row in the table.  Return the
   * specified columns.
   * @return scanner id to be used with other scanner procedures
  ScannerID scannerOpenWithStop(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

     * Starting row in table to scan.
     * Send "" (empty string) to start at the first row.
    2:Text startRow,

     * row to stop scanning on. This row is *not* included in the
     * scanner's results
    3:Text stopRow,

     * columns to scan. If column name is a column family, all
     * columns of the specified column family are returned. It's also possible
     * to pass a regex in the column qualifier.
    4:list<Text> columns,

    /** Scan attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Open a scanner for a given prefix.  That is all rows will have the specified
   * prefix. No other rows will be returned.
   * @return scanner id to use with other scanner calls
  ScannerID scannerOpenWithPrefix(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** the prefix (and thus start row) of the keys you want */
    2:Text startAndPrefix,

    /** the columns you want returned */
    3:list<Text> columns,

    /** Scan attributes */
    4:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a scanner on the current table starting at the specified row and
   * ending at the last row in the table.  Return the specified columns.
   * Only values with the specified timestamp are returned.
   * @return scanner id to be used with other scanner procedures
  ScannerID scannerOpenTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

     * Starting row in table to scan.
     * Send "" (empty string) to start at the first row.
    2:Text startRow,

     * columns to scan. If column name is a column family, all
     * columns of the specified column family are returned. It's also possible
     * to pass a regex in the column qualifier.
    3:list<Text> columns,

    /** timestamp */
    4:i64 timestamp,

    /** Scan attributes */
    5:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get a scanner on the current table starting and stopping at the
   * specified rows.  ending at the last row in the table.  Return the
   * specified columns.  Only values with the specified timestamp are
   * returned.
   * @return scanner id to be used with other scanner procedures
  ScannerID scannerOpenWithStopTs(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

     * Starting row in table to scan.
     * Send "" (empty string) to start at the first row.
    2:Text startRow,

     * row to stop scanning on. This row is *not* included in the
     * scanner's results
    3:Text stopRow,

     * columns to scan. If column name is a column family, all
     * columns of the specified column family are returned. It's also possible
     * to pass a regex in the column qualifier.
    4:list<Text> columns,

    /** timestamp */
    5:i64 timestamp,

    /** Scan attributes */
    6:map<Text, Text> attributes
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Returns the scanner's current row value and advances to the next
   * row in the table.  When there are no more rows in the table, or a key
   * greater-than-or-equal-to the scanner's specified stopRow is reached,
   * an empty list is returned.
   * @return a TRowResult containing the current row and a map of the columns to TCells.
   * @throws IllegalArgument if ScannerID is invalid
   * @throws NotFound when the scanner reaches the end
  list<TRowResult> scannerGet(
    /** id of a scanner returned by scannerOpen */
    1:ScannerID id
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Returns, starting at the scanner's current row value nbRows worth of
   * rows and advances to the next row in the table.  When there are no more 
   * rows in the table, or a key greater-than-or-equal-to the scanner's 
   * specified stopRow is reached,  an empty list is returned.
   * @return a TRowResult containing the current row and a map of the columns to TCells.
   * @throws IllegalArgument if ScannerID is invalid
   * @throws NotFound when the scanner reaches the end
  list<TRowResult> scannerGetList(
    /** id of a scanner returned by scannerOpen */
    1:ScannerID id,

    /** number of results to return */
    2:i32 nbRows
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Closes the server-state associated with an open scanner.
   * @throws IllegalArgument if ScannerID is invalid
  void scannerClose(
    /** id of a scanner returned by scannerOpen */
    1:ScannerID id
  ) throws (1:IOError io, 2:IllegalArgument ia)

   * Get the row just before the specified one.
   * @return value for specified row/column
  list<TCell> getRowOrBefore(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** row key */
    2:Text row,

    /** column name */
    3:Text family
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * Get the regininfo for the specified row. It scans
   * the metatable to find region's start and end keys.
   * @return value for specified row/column
  TRegionInfo getRegionInfo(
    /** row key */
    1:Text row,

  ) throws (1:IOError io)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


