Android Native常见类

template <class TYPE>
class Vector : private VectorImpl
            typedef TYPE    value_type;
     * Constructors and destructors
                            Vector(const Vector<TYPE>& rhs);
    explicit                Vector(const SortedVector<TYPE>& rhs);
    virtual                 ~Vector();

    /*! copy operator */
            const Vector<TYPE>&     operator = (const Vector<TYPE>& rhs) const;
            Vector<TYPE>&           operator = (const Vector<TYPE>& rhs);    

            const Vector<TYPE>&     operator = (const SortedVector<TYPE>& rhs) const;
            Vector<TYPE>&           operator = (const SortedVector<TYPE>& rhs);

     * empty the vector

    inline  void            clear()             { VectorImpl::clear(); }

     * vector stats

    //! returns number of items in the vector
    inline  size_t          size() const                { return VectorImpl::size(); }
    //! returns wether or not the vector is empty
    inline  bool            isEmpty() const             { return VectorImpl::isEmpty(); }
    //! returns how many items can be stored without reallocating the backing store
    inline  size_t          capacity() const            { return VectorImpl::capacity(); }
    //! setst the capacity. capacity can never be reduced less than size()
    inline  ssize_t         setCapacity(size_t size)    { return VectorImpl::setCapacity(size); }

     * C-style array access
    //! read-only C-style access 
    inline  const TYPE*     array() const;
    //! read-write C-style access
            TYPE*           editArray();
     * accessors

    //! read-only access to an item at a given index
    inline  const TYPE&     operator [] (size_t index) const;
    //! alternate name for operator []
    inline  const TYPE&     itemAt(size_t index) const;
    //! stack-usage of the vector. returns the top of the stack (last element)
            const TYPE&     top() const;
    //! same as operator [], but allows to access the vector backward (from the end) with a negative index
            const TYPE&     mirrorItemAt(ssize_t index) const;

     * modifing the array

    //! copy-on write support, grants write access to an item
            TYPE&           editItemAt(size_t index);
    //! grants right acces to the top of the stack (last element)
            TYPE&           editTop();

             * append/insert another vector
    //! insert another vector at a given index
            ssize_t         insertVectorAt(const Vector<TYPE>& vector, size_t index);

    //! append another vector at the end of this one
            ssize_t         appendVector(const Vector<TYPE>& vector);

    //! insert an array at a given index
            ssize_t         insertArrayAt(const TYPE* array, size_t index, size_t length);

    //! append an array at the end of this vector
            ssize_t         appendArray(const TYPE* array, size_t length);

             * add/insert/replace items
    //! insert one or several items initialized with their default constructor
    inline  ssize_t         insertAt(size_t index, size_t numItems = 1);
    //! insert one or several items initialized from a prototype item
            ssize_t         insertAt(const TYPE& prototype_item, size_t index, size_t numItems = 1);
    //! pop the top of the stack (removes the last element). No-op if the stack's empty
    inline  void            pop();
    //! pushes an item initialized with its default constructor
    inline  void            push();
    //! pushes an item on the top of the stack
            void            push(const TYPE& item);
    //! same as push() but returns the index the item was added at (or an error)
    inline  ssize_t         add();
    //! same as push() but returns the index the item was added at (or an error)
            ssize_t         add(const TYPE& item);            
    //! replace an item with a new one initialized with its default constructor
    inline  ssize_t         replaceAt(size_t index);
    //! replace an item with a new one
            ssize_t         replaceAt(const TYPE& item, size_t index);

     * remove items

    //! remove several items
    inline  ssize_t         removeItemsAt(size_t index, size_t count = 1);
    //! remove one item
    inline  ssize_t         removeAt(size_t index)  { return removeItemsAt(index); }

     * sort (stable) the array
     typedef int (*compar_t)(const TYPE* lhs, const TYPE* rhs);
     typedef int (*compar_r_t)(const TYPE* lhs, const TYPE* rhs, void* state);
     inline status_t        sort(compar_t cmp);
     inline status_t        sort(compar_r_t cmp, void* state);

     // for debugging only
     inline size_t getItemSize() const { return itemSize(); }

      * these inlines add some level of compatibility with STL. eventually
      * we should probably turn things around.
     typedef TYPE* iterator;
     typedef TYPE const* const_iterator;

     inline iterator begin() { return editArray(); }
     inline iterator end()   { return editArray() + size(); }
     inline const_iterator begin() const { return array(); }
     inline const_iterator end() const   { return array() + size(); }
     inline void reserve(size_t n) { setCapacity(n); }
     inline bool empty() const{ return isEmpty(); }
     inline void push_back(const TYPE& item)  { insertAt(item, size()); }
     inline void push_front(const TYPE& item) { insertAt(item, 0); }
     inline iterator erase(iterator pos) {
         return begin() + removeItemsAt(pos-array());

    virtual void    do_construct(void* storage, size_t num) const;
    virtual void    do_destroy(void* storage, size_t num) const;
    virtual void    do_copy(void* dest, const void* from, size_t num) const;
    virtual void    do_splat(void* dest, const void* item, size_t num) const;
    virtual void    do_move_forward(void* dest, const void* from, size_t num) const;
    virtual void    do_move_backward(void* dest, const void* from, size_t num) const;





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