wifidog 配置文件



链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFfD4M9 密码:qgoo

说明!wifidog.conf配置文件会有这几个接口配置:ExternalInterface、GatewayInterface、GatewayAddress 其中ExternalInterface是你的外网接口!EP:如果你是你是pppoe接入的就填入pppoe-wan ,若是DHCP的话就选择你的网卡定义 eth.x;GatewayInterface是你的内网接口,通常情况下都是填br-lan;GatewayAddress是你的LAN IP这个在上文中已经提到了,这里不做任何的阐述了!





# $Id$
# WiFiDog Configuration file

# Parameter: GatewayID
# Default: default
# Optional
# Set this to the node ID on the auth server
# This is used to give a customized login page to the clients and for
# monitoring/statistics purpose. If you run multiple gateways on the same
# machine each gateway needs to have a different gateway id.
# If none is supplied, the mac address of the GatewayInterface interface will be used,
# without the : separators

# GatewayID default

# Parameter: ExternalInterface
# Default: NONE
# Optional
# Set this to the external interface (the one going out to the Inernet or your larger LAN).  
# Typically vlan1 for OpenWrt, and eth0 or ppp0 otherwise,
# Normally autodetected

ExternalInterface eth1

# Parameter: GatewayInterface
# Default: NONE
# Mandatory
# Set this to the internal interface (typically your wifi interface).    
# Typically br-lan for Openwrt (by default the wifi interface is bridged with wired lan in openwrt)
# and eth1, wlan0, ath0, etc. otherwise
# You can get this interface with the ifconfig command and finding your wifi interface

GatewayInterface br-lan

# Parameter: GatewayAddress
# Default: Find it from GatewayInterface
# Optional
# Set this to the internal IP address of the gateway.  Not normally required.


# Parameter: HtmlMessageFile
# Default: wifidog-msg.html
# Optional
# This allows you to specify a custome HTML file which will be used for
# system errors by the gateway. Any $title, $message and $node variables
# used inside the file will be replaced.
# HtmlMessageFile /opt/wifidog/etc/wifidog-.html

# Parameter: AuthServer
# Default: NONE
# Mandatory, repeatable
# This allows you to configure your auth server(s).  Each one will be tried in order, untill one responds.
# Set this to the hostname or IP of your auth server(s), the path where
# WiFiDog-auth resides in and the port it listens on.
#AuthServer {
#	Hostname                 (Mandatory; Default: NONE)
#	SSLAvailable             (Optional; Default: no; Possible values: yes, no)
#	SSLPort                  (Optional; Default: 443)
#	HTTPPort                 (Optional; Default: 80)
#	Path                     (Optional; Default: /wifidog/ Note:  The path must be both prefixed and suffixed by /.  Use a single / for server root.)
#   LoginScriptPathFragment  (Optional; Default: login/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to for login.)
#   PortalScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: portal/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to after a successfull login.)
#   MsgScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: gw_message.php? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)
#   PingScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: ping/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)
#   AuthScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: auth/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)
AuthServer {
	SSLAvailable no
	HTTPPort 80
	Path /cgi-bin/luci/
	LoginScriptPathFragment login/?
	PortalScriptPathFragment portal/?
	MsgScriptPathFragment msg/?
	PingScriptPathFragment ping/?
	AuthScriptPathFragment auth/?

#AuthServer {
#    Hostname auth.ilesansfil.org
#    SSLAvailable yes
#    Path /

#AuthServer {
#    Hostname auth2.ilesansfil.org
#    SSLAvailable yes
#    Path /

# Parameter: Daemon
# Default: 1
# Optional
# Set this to true if you want to run as a daemon
# Daemon 1

# Parameter: GatewayPort
# Default: 2060
# Optional
# Listen on this port
# GatewayPort 2060

# Parameter: ProxyPort
# Default: 0 (disable)
# Optional
# Redirect http traffic of knowns & probations users
# to a local transparent proxy listening on ProxyPort port
# ProxyPort 0

# Parameter: HTTPDName
# Default: WiFiDog
# Optional
# Define what name the HTTPD server will respond
# HTTPDName WiFiDog

# Parameter: HTTPDMaxConn
# Default: 10
# Optional
# How many sockets to listen to
# HTTPDMaxConn 10

# Parameter: HTTPDRealm
# Default: WiFiDog
# Optional
# The name of the HTTP authentication realm. This only used when a user
# tries to access a protected WiFiDog internal page. See HTTPUserName.
# HTTPDRealm WiFiDog

# Parameter: HTTPDUserName / HTTPDPassword
# Default: unset
# Optional
# The gateway exposes some information such as the status page through its web
# interface. This information can be protected with a username and password,
# which can be set through the HTTPDUserName and HTTPDPassword parameters.
# HTTPDUserName admin
# HTTPDPassword secret

# Parameter: CheckInterval
# Default: 60
# Optional
# How many seconds should we wait between timeout checks.  This is also
# how often the gateway will ping the auth server and how often it will
# update the traffic counters on the auth server.  Setting this too low
# wastes bandwidth, setting this too high will cause the gateway to take 
# a long time to switch to it's backup auth server(s).

# CheckInterval 60

# Parameter: ClientTimeout
# Default: 5
# Optional
# Set this to the desired of number of CheckInterval of inactivity before a client is logged out
# The timeout will be INTERVAL * TIMEOUT
ClientTimeout 5

# Parameter: TrustedMACList
# Default: none
# Optional
# Comma separated list of MAC addresses who are allowed to pass
# through without authentication
#TrustedMACList 00:00:DE:AD:BE:AF,00:00:C0:1D:F0:0D

# Parameter: FirewallRuleSet
# Default: none
# Mandatory
# Groups a number of FirewallRule statements together.

# Parameter: FirewallRule
# Default: none
# Define one firewall rule in a rule set.

# Rule Set: global
# Used for rules to be applied to all other rulesets except locked.
FirewallRuleSet global {

    # FirewallRule syntax:
    # FirewallRule (block|drop|allow|log|ulog) [(tcp|udp|icmp) [port X]] [to IP/CIDR]

    ## To block SMTP out, as it's a tech support nightmare, and a legal liability
    #FirewallRule block tcp port 25
    ## Use the following if you don't want clients to be able to access machines on 
    ## the private LAN that gives internet access to wifidog.  Note that this is not
    ## client isolation;  The laptops will still be able to talk to one another, as
    ## well as to any machine bridged to the wifi of the router.
    # FirewallRule block to
    # FirewallRule block to
    # FirewallRule block to
    ## This is an example ruleset for the Teliphone service.
    #FirewallRule allow udp to
    #FirewallRule allow udp to
    #FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to

    ## Use the following to log or ulog the traffic you want to allow or block.
    # For OPENWRT: use of these feature requires modules ipt_LOG or ipt_ULOG present in dependencies
    # iptables-mod-extra and iptables-mod-ulog (to adapt it to the linux distribution). 
    # Note: the log or ulog rule must be passed before, the rule you want to match.
    # for openwrt: use of these feature requires modules ipt_LOG or ipt_ULOG present in dependencies
    # iptables-mod-extra and iptables-mod-ulog
    # For example, you want to log (ulog works the same way) the traffic allowed on port 80 to the ip
    #FirewallRule log tcp port 80 to
    #FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to
    # And you want to know, who matche your block rule:
    #FirewallRule log to
    #FirewallRule block to

# Rule Set: validating-users
# Used for new users validating their account
FirewallRuleSet validating-users {
    FirewallRule allow to

# Rule Set: known-users
# Used for normal validated users.
FirewallRuleSet known-users {
    FirewallRule allow to

# Rule Set: unknown-users
# Used for unvalidated users, this is the ruleset that gets redirected.
# XXX The redirect code adds the Default DROP clause.
FirewallRuleSet unknown-users {
    FirewallRule allow udp port 53
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53
    FirewallRule allow udp port 67
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 67

# Rule Set: locked-users
# Not currently used
FirewallRuleSet locked-users {
    FirewallRule block to

/etc/init.d/wifidog enable

/etc/init.d/wifidog start




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1、因手头有一个7620N芯片的大功率无线路由器(万兴达WR5508商用路由),由于要使用无线广告营销功能,但在网上搜寻了很久,都没找到合适的固件。 2、可能有人会说支持7620方案的广告营销固件多的是,但这款路由器是大功率的,500mW,刷了海蜘蛛、RippleOS以及其他有wifidog功能的固件,无线超过3-5米就没有信号了。只有刷了openwrt和PandoraBox固件,无线信号超级强大,达到26db。 3、因此,只能使用openwrt和PandoraBox固件,查询了多种方法,都是需要对固件进行编译的,由于小弟不懂编程,只有通过网友们的安装配置经验进行参考,在刷好的固件基础上安装wifidogLuci界面的配置,如果哪位高手能将Luci-wifidog源码打包成ipk安装包,小弟万分感谢!此方法仅供想玩wifidog的朋友参考,编程高手勿拍砖就行了! 方法: 1、安装wifidog(前提是路由器必须接入互联网) [root@PandoraBox:/root]#opkg update [root@PandoraBox:/root]#opkg install wifidog [root@PandoraBox:/root]#/etc/init.d/wifidog enable [root@PandoraBox:/root]#/etc/init.d/wifidog start 备注:安装wifidog可能需要依赖包 libc iptables-mod-extra iptables-mod-ipopt iptables-mod-nat-extra libpthread 2、安装配置luci-wifidogluci-wifidog源码是在网上找的,别人已经设置好了的,如果不喜欢,自行到官网下) (1)使用winscp把源码controller文件夹下的内容复制到/usr/lib/lua/luci里目录的controller下,model放到model下 (2)源码root文件夹下的内容复制到root/etc下各自相应的目录下 (3)源码ipkg文件夹下的内容复制到/usr/lib/opkg目录下 (4)源码makefile文件复制到/etc下并给xxx权限 (5)最后重启路由器。


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