Looking Back From a High Level--Ray Dalio《principles》


      最近开始实践“数量堆出质量”方法论,加入了背单词的大军,准备用1年的时间背完一遍18000个单词,目前大概背了1/4,为了检验自己的阶段性成果,买了一本最近非常火热的Ray Dalio写的《Principles》,中文名是《原则》。这本书确实非常通俗易懂,对于我来说,生词量较少,一篇大概几个生词。这本书反复强调的是:这是自己在处理工作和学习中遇到的问题的一些原则,它具有普世性,但是需要结合自己的实际情况,总结出自己的原则,并坚持和进化。这不就是将马克思普遍真理与中国实际相结合的翻版吗?下面是第1章Ray Dalio个人经历总结的最后一篇,对自己一生经历进行再提炼。

       As I look back on my experiences, it’s interesting to reflect on how myperspectives have changed.
      When I started out, each and every twist and turn I encountered, whether inthe markets or in my life in general, looked really big and dramatic up close,like unique life-or-death experiences that were coming at me fast.
       With time and experience, I came to see each encounter as “another one ofthose” that I could approach more calmly and analytically, like a biologistmight approach an encounter with a threatening creature in the jungle: firstidentifying its species and then, drawing on his prior knowledge about itsexpected behaviors, reacting appropriately. When I was faced with types ofsituations I had encountered before, I drew on the principles I had learned for dealing with them. But when I ran into ones I hadn’t seen before, I would be
painfully surprised. Studying all those painful first-time encounters, I learnedthat even if they hadn’t happened to me, most of them had happened to other people in other times and places, which gave me a healthy respect for history, a hunger to have a universal understanding of how reality works, and the desire to build timeless and universal principles for dealing with it.
        Watching the same things happen again and again, I began to see reality as a gorgeous perpetual motion machine, in which causes become effects that become causes of new effects, and so on. I realized that reality was, if not perfect, at least what we are given to deal with, so that any problems or frustrations I had with it were more productively directed to dealing with them effectively than complaining about them. I came to understand that my encounters were tests of my character and creativity. Over time, I came to
appreciate what a tiny and short-lived part of that remarkable system I am, and how it’s both good for me and good for the system for me to know how to interact with it well.
      In gaining this perspective, I began to experience painful moments in a radically different way. Instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, I saw pain as nature’s reminder that there is something important for me to learn.
      Encountering pains and figuring out the lessons they were trying to give me became sort of a game to me. The more I played it, the better I got at it, the less painful those situations became, and the more rewarding the process of reflecting, developing principles, and then getting rewards for using those principles became. I learned to love my struggles, which I suppose is a healthy perspective to have, like learning to love exercising (which I haven’t managed to do yet).
     In my early years, I looked up to extraordinarily successful people, thinking that they were successful because they were extraordinary. After I got to know such people personally, I realized that all of them—like me, like everyone—make mistakes, struggle with their weaknesses, and don’t feel that they are particularly special or great. They are no happier than the rest of us, and they struggle just as much or more than average folks. Even after they surpass their wildest dreams, they still experience more struggle than glory. This has certainly been true for me. While I surpassed my wildest dreams decades ago, I am still struggling today. In time, I realized that the satisfaction of success doesn’t come from achieving your goals, but from struggling well. To understand what I mean, imagine your greatest goal, whatever it is—making a ton of money, winning an Academy Award, running a great organization,being great at a sport. Now imagine instantaneously achieving it. You’d be happy at first, but not for long. You would soon find yourself needing something else to struggle for. Just look at people who attain their dreams early—the child star, the lottery winner, the professional athlete who peaks early.They typically don’t end up happy unless they get excited about something else bigger and better to struggle for. Since life brings both ups and downs,struggling well doesn’t just make your ups better; it makes your downs less bad.I’m still struggling and I will until I die, because even if I try to avoid the struggles, they will find me.
       Thanks to all that struggling and learning, I have done everything I wanted to do, gone everywhere I wanted to go, met whomever I wanted to meet,gotten everything I wanted to own, had a career that has been enthralling, and,most rewardingly, had many wonderful relationships. I have experienced the full range, from having nothing to having an enormous amount, and from being a nobody to being a somebody, so I know the differences. While I experienced them going from the bottom up rather than from the top down(which was preferable and probably influenced my perspective), my assessmentis that the incremental benefits of having a lot and being on top are not nearly as great as most people think. Having the basics—a good bed to sleep in, good relationships, good food, and good sex—is most important, and those things don’t get much better when you have a lot of money or much worse when you have less. And the people one meets at the top aren’t necessarily more special than those one meets at the bottom or in between.
      The marginal benefits of having more fall off pretty quickly. In fact, having a lot more is worse than having a moderate amount more because it comes with heavy burdens. Being on top gives you a wider range of options, but it also requires more of you. Being well-known is probably worse than being anonymous, all things considered. And while the beneficial impact one can have on others is great, when you put it in perspective, it is still infinitesimally small. For all those reasons, I cannot say that having an intense life filled with
accomplishments is better than having a relaxed life filled with savoring,though I can say that being strong is better than being weak, and that struggling gives one strength. My nature being what it is, I would not have changed my life, but I can’t tell you what is best for you. That is for you to choose. What I have seen is that the happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it.
      Now that my desire to succeed has given way to a desire to help others succeed, that’s become my current struggle. It’s now clear to me that my purpose, your purpose, and the purpose of everything else is to evolve and to contribute to evolution in some small way. I didn’t think about that at the start;I just went after the things I wanted. But along the way I evolved, and now I am sharing these principles with you to help you evolve too. I realized that passing on knowledge is like passing on DNA—it is more important than the
individual, because it lives way beyond the individual’s life. This is my attempt to help you succeed by passing along to you what I learned about how to struggle well—or, at the very least, to help you get the most out of each unit ofeffort you put in.












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