uva 188 Perfect Hash(进制转换 + 遍历)

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 Perfect Hash 

Perfect Software, Inc. has obtained a government contract to examine text flowing through a high-speed network for the occurrence of certain words. Your boss, Wally Perfect, has designed a parallel processing system which checks each word against a group of small perfect hash tables.

A perfect hash function maps its input directly to a fully occupied table. Your job is to construct the perfect hash functions from the lists of words in each table. The hash function is of the form tex2html_wrap_inline63 , where C is a positive integer you are to discover, w is an integer representation of an input word, and n is the length of the table. C must be as small as possible. Note that tex2html_wrap_inline73 is the floor function and that tex2html_wrap_inline75 for some real number R is the largest integer that is tex2html_wrap_inline79 .

Here are Wally's notes on the subject:

Let tex2html_wrap_inline81 consist of positive integers tex2html_wrap_inline83 . The problem is to find the smallest positive integer Csuch that

tex2html_wrap_inline87 for all tex2html_wrap_inline89 .

C must be a multiple of at least one element of W.

If some

tex2html_wrap_inline95 for all tex2html_wrap_inline97 ,

then the next largest C that could resolve the conflict is at least


Since all such conflicts must be resolved, it is advantageous to choose the largest candidate from among the conflicts as the next Cto test.

You are to convert each word to a number by processing each letter from left to right. Consider `a' to be 1, `b' to be 2, tex2html_wrap_inline103 , `z' to be 26. Use 5 bits for each letter (shift left by 5 or multiply by 32). Thus `a' = 1, `bz' = tex2html_wrap_inline105 .


Input to your program will be a series of word lists, one per line, terminated by the end-of-file. Each line consists of between two and thirteen words of at most five lower case letters each, separated from each other by at least one blank. There will always be at least one one-letter word.

For each list, you are to print the input line. On the next line, print the C for the hash function determined by the list. Print a blank line after each C.

C will always fit in a 32-bit integer.

Sample input

this is a test of some words to try out
a bee see dee
the of and to a in that is i it with for as

Sample output

this is a test of some words to try out

a bee see dee

the of and to a in that is i it with for as

题目大意:给出一个字符串, 包含n个单词,每个单词对应为一个32进制的数, 要求找出一个数使得任意  1 <= i, j  <= n, 都满足 (c / w[i] )% n != (c / w[j]) % n(i != j), 如果不满足, c = min((c  / w[i]  + 1) * w[i], (c / w[j] + 1) *w[j]).

解题思路:先将单词转换为十进制的数, 然后按照公式逐一遍历。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

const int N = 10005;
int n, flag, order, w[N];

int min(int a, int b) {
    return a < b ? a : b;

int judge(int cur) {
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
	for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {
	    if (w[i] == 0 || w[j] == 0)	continue;
	    if ((cur / w[i]) % (n + 1) == (cur / w[j]) % (n + 1))
		return min((cur / w[i] + 1) * w[i], (cur / w[j] + 1) * w[j]); 
    flag = 1;
    return cur;
void handle(char str[]) {
    n = 0;
    memset(w, 0, sizeof(w));
    int len = strlen(str);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
	if (str[i] == ' ')
	    w[n] = w[n] * 32 + (str[i] - 'a' + 1);

int main() {
    char str[N];
    while (gets(str)) {

	flag = 0;
	order = 999999999;

	for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++) {
	    if (order > w[i])
		order = w[i];

	while (!flag) {
	    order = judge(order);
	printf("%d\n\n", order);
    return 0;





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钱包余额 0


