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原创 HDU Hilarity (dfs序+线段树)

Problem DescriptionAfter June 1st, elementary students of Ted Land are still celebrating "The Sacred Day of Elementary Students”. They go to the streets and do some elementary students stuff. So w

2014-10-31 16:23:22 1250

原创 HDU Always Cook Mushroom (极角排序+树状数组)

Problem DescriptionMatt has a company, Always Cook Mushroom (ACM), which produces high-quality mushrooms. ACM has a large field to grow their mushrooms. The field can be considered as a 1000 *

2014-10-30 23:24:32 1018

原创 HDU 5037 FROG (贪心)

Problem DescriptionOnce upon a time, there is a little frog called Matt. One day, he came to a river.The river could be considered as an axis.Matt is standing on the left bank now (at position

2014-10-30 19:21:53 1744

原创 Codeforces Round #242 (Div. 2) A. Squats

Pasha has many hamsters and he makes them work out. Today, n hamsters (n is even) came to work out. The hamsters lined up and each hamster either sat down or stood up.For another exercise, Pasha n

2014-10-24 09:16:04 987

原创 Codeforces Round #242 (Div. 2) B. Megacity

The administration of the Tomsk Region firmly believes that it's time to become a megacity (that is, get population of one million). Instead of improving the demographic situation, they decided to ach

2014-10-24 09:14:01 1067

原创 Codeforces Round #256 (Div. 2) D. Multiplication Table

Bizon the Champion isn't just charming, he also is very smart.While some of us were learning the multiplication table, Bizon the Champion had fun in his own manner. Bizon the Champion painted an n

2014-10-23 08:03:43 1058

原创 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) E. Riding in a Lift(DP)

Imagine that you are in a building that has exactly n floors. You can move between the floors in a lift. Let's number the floors from bottom to top with integers from 1 to n. Now you're on the flo

2014-10-21 23:57:25 1044

原创 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) D. Long Jumps

Valery is a PE teacher at a school in Berland. Soon the students are going to take a test in long jumps, and Valery has lost his favorite ruler!However, there is no reason for disappointment, as V

2014-10-21 23:50:19 857

原创 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) C. Exams

Student Valera is an undergraduate student at the University. His end of term exams are approaching and he is to pass exactly n exams. Valera is a smart guy, so he will be able to pass any exam he t

2014-10-21 23:33:59 880

原创 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) A. Expression

Petya studies in a school and he adores Maths. His class has been studying arithmetic expressions. On the last class the teacher wrote three positive integers a, b, c on the blackboard. The task was

2014-10-20 23:08:09 775

原创 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) B. Towers

As you know, all the kids in Berland love playing with cubes. Little Petya has n towers consisting of cubes of the same size. Tower with number i consists of ai cubes stacked one on top of the oth

2014-10-20 23:05:58 1033

原创 HDU - 4802 GPA

DescriptionIn college, a student may take several courses. for each course i, he earns a certain credit (c i), and a mark ranging from A to F, which is comparable to a score (s i), according to th

2014-10-20 23:01:00 1411

原创 HDU - 4810 Wall Painting(组合数学)

DescriptionMs.Fang loves painting very much. She paints GFW(Great Funny Wall) every day. Every day before painting, she produces a wonderful color of pigments by mixing water and some bags of pigm

2014-10-20 22:54:16 1473

原创 HDU - 4803 Poor Warehouse Keeper(贪心)

DescriptionJenny is a warehouse keeper. He writes down the entry records everyday. The record is shown on a screen, as follow: There are only two buttons on the screen. Pressing the button i

2014-10-20 14:58:00 1386

原创 SGU - 311 Ice-cream Tycoon(线段树)

DescriptionYou've recently started an ice-cream business in a local school. During a day you have many suppliers delivering the ice-cream for you, and many students buying it from you. You are

2014-10-20 00:05:52 1307

原创 POJ - 2481 Cows(树状数组)

DescriptionFarmer John's cows have discovered that the clover growing along the ridge of the hill (which we can think of as a one-dimensional number line) in his field is particularly good. 

2014-10-18 22:38:10 915

原创 HDU - 4267 A Simple Problem with Integers(树状数组的逆操作)

DescriptionLet A1, A2, ... , AN be N elements. You need to deal with two kinds of operations. One type of operation is to add a given number to a few numbers in a given interval. The other is to q

2014-10-18 16:38:50 859

原创 HDU - 3341 Lost's revenge(AC自动机+DP)

DescriptionLost and AekdyCoin are friends. They always play "number game"(A boring game based on number theory) together. We all know that AekdyCoin is the man called "nuclear weapon of FZU,descen

2014-10-17 14:01:45 1487

原创 HDU - 4758 Walk Through Squares (AC自动机+DP)

Description  On the beaming day of 60th anniversary of NJUST, as a military college which was Second Artillery Academy of Harbin Military Engineering Institute before, queue phalanx is a spe

2014-10-16 16:28:27 892

原创 HDU - 4511 小明系列故事――女友的考验(AC自动机+DP)

Description  终于放寒假了,小明要和女朋友一起去看电影。这天,女朋友想给小明一个考验,在小明正准备出发的时候,女朋友告诉他,她在电影院等他,小明过来的路线必须满足给定的规则:   1、假设小明在的位置是1号点,女朋友在的位置是n号点,则他们之间有n-2个点可以走,小明每次走的时候只能走到比当前所在点编号大的位置;   2、小明来的时候不能按一定的顺序经过某些地方。比如,

2014-10-13 20:59:24 2110

原创 HDU - 5036 Operation the Sequence

Problem DescriptionYou have an array consisting of n integers: a1=1,a2=2,a3=3,…,an=n. Then give you m operators, you should process all the operators in order. Each operator is one of four types

2014-10-12 21:24:32 998

原创 ZOJ - 3822 Domination (DP)

Edward is the headmaster of Marjar University. He is enthusiastic about chess and often plays chess with his friends. What's more, he bought a large decorative chessboard with N rows and M columns.

2014-10-12 21:17:08 2095 2

原创 ZOJ - 3829 Known Notation

Do you know reverse Polish notation (RPN)? It is a known notation in the area of mathematics and computer science. It is also known as postfix notation since every operator in an expression follows

2014-10-12 21:10:34 1507

原创 Codeforces Round #271 (Div. 2)

It is lunch time for Mole. His friend, Marmot, prepared him a nice game for lunch.Marmot brought Mole n ordered piles of worms such that i-th pile contains ai worms. He labeled all these worms

2014-10-11 21:21:42 921

原创 ZOJ - 2575 Full of Painting

DescriptionTingting wants to draw and stucco N squares with N different colors full of the base line of a wall.Give you the number of squares, the length of the wall, the minimum size and the

2014-10-10 21:22:41 1157

原创 Codeforces Round #271 (Div. 2) A. Keyboard

Our good friend Mole is trying to code a big message. He is typing on an unusual keyboard with characters arranged in following way:qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./Unfortunately Mole is blind,

2014-10-10 00:03:09 1751

原创 ZOJ - 3725 Painting Storages

DescriptionThere is a straight highway with N storages alongside it labeled by 1,2,3,...,N. Bob asks you to paint all storages with two colors: red and blue. Each storage will be painted with exac

2014-10-09 14:42:45 912

原创 HDU - 2825 Wireless Password(AC自动机+DP)

DescriptionLiyuan lives in a old apartment. One day, he suddenly found that there was a wireless network in the building. Liyuan did not know the password of the network, but he got some important

2014-10-06 00:15:23 1339

原创 ZOJ - 3228 Searching the String (AC自动机)

DescriptionLittle jay really hates to deal with string. But moondy likes it very much, and she's so mischievous that she often gives jay some dull problems related to string. And one day, moondy g

2014-10-05 13:51:43 1236

原创 HDU - 5036 Explosion

Problem DescriptionEveryone knows Matt enjoys playing games very much. Now, he is playing such a game. There are N rooms, each with one door. There are some keys(could be none) in each room corres

2014-10-04 17:12:11 1787 1

原创 HDU - 5017 Ellipsoid(模拟退火法)

Problem DescriptionGiven a 3-dimension ellipsoid(椭球面)your task is to find the minimal distance between the original point (0,0,0) and points on the ellipsoid. The distance between two points

2014-10-04 14:37:38 1395

原创 HDU - 5009 Paint Pearls(dp+双向链表优化)

Problem DescriptionLee has a string of n pearls. In the beginning, all the pearls have no color. He plans to color the pearls to make it more fascinating. He drew his ideal pattern of the string o

2014-10-03 21:54:02 1745

原创 HDU - 5008 Boring String Problem (后缀数组+二分+RMQ)

Problem DescriptionIn this problem, you are given a string s and q queries.For each query, you should answer that when all distinct substrings of string s were sorted lexicographically, which

2014-10-03 14:36:19 1463

原创 Codeforces Round #269 (Div. 2) B. MUH and Important Things

It's time polar bears Menshykov and Uslada from the zoo of St. Petersburg and elephant Horace from the zoo of Kiev got down to business. In total, there are n tasks for the day and each animal shoul

2014-10-03 00:05:03 1337







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