

In this day and age, time is a valuable thing.

We should learn how to cherish time and use it efficiently.

That way, we won’t have any regrets that we goofed around achieving nothing at all.

As the saying goes,” Time and tide wait for no man.


You family must always come first.

Before you think of others, you should always take care of you family’s needs.

How can you help others if you cannot even help you own family? Indeed“ Charity begins at home.


A man with conscience will always do what he thinks is right no matter how detrimental the consequences may be to him.

He is a man who does not need others to keep an eye on him.

We should all, therefore, strive to do things according to our conscience.

Always remember that conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.


A good person should not be afraid of anything because as the saying goes, “Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death.”

Therefore, we should not be afraid to do the right thing in spite of any consequences.


As the saying goes,” Beauty unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.”

What good is it to have a flower that looks beautiful but is not fragrant?

Likewise, what good is it to be beautiful or handsome if one is not virtuous?

It is a blessing to be good-looking, but it is more so to be virtuous.


Without doubt, reading is good for the mind.

It makes us more knowledgeable and our lives more meaningful.

Descartes once said,” Reading all the good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.

Indeed, when we read, we are actually listening to what wise men have to say although they are no longer alive.


The pursuit of knowledge is a life-long experience.

Even so, we still must keep on learning every day.

Without knowledge, the whole world remain stagnant, there would be no progress, and eventually that would be the end of mankind.

Therefore, we should all strive to learn as much as we can and broaden our horizons.

As the saying goes,” Art is long, life is short.”


In class, students should not be ashamed of asking the teacher questions.

In fact, questioning is the best way to learn new things. Often the best students are the ones who aren’t afraid of asking questions.

As the saying goes,” He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.”


Some people can do many things, but are not experts at any one of them.

The saying,” A jack of all trades is master of none.” is for them.

In fact, it is for better to concentrate on one thing and learn to master it than to know only a little about everything.


Many people complain that their jobs are uninteresting and stressful.

They often dream of winning the lottery and not having to work.

However, work gives people a goal in life.

Without work, life would be meaningless.

As the saying goes,” Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.”


The roots of a tree are bitter but its fruit is sweet.

Likewise, work is hard but success is sweet.

That’s why people say” Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.”


There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Everything has a price.

If you want to be successful, you must pay the price, which is hard work.

Success does not come to those who are idle and waste time.

It can, therefore, be said that hard word is the key to success.

To put is differently, if one desires to succeed in everything, he must pay the price-work.


You should treat others the way you like to be treated.

When doing anything, therefore, we should consider how our actions will affect others.

In other words, we should put ourselves in others’ shoes and be considerate.

As the saying goes,” What you do not done to yourself, do not do to others.


People who praise everybody and no better than flatterers in insincere.

They win no one’s trust and will end up having no friends at all.

We should, therefore, give credit where it is due.

As the saying goes,” He who praise everybody praise nobody.


If you grant some people a small favor, sometimes it only encourages them to take much more than they are offered.

Such people should be avoided.

Instead of showing gratitude, they will try to get more from you.

And the more they get, the more they want.

There’s no satisfying them. As the saying goes,” Give him an inch and he’ll take a yard.”


Trust is the essence of a good relationship.

If we are always suspicious of others, nobody will want to deal with us.

People need to trust each other to survive in society.

Many things need to be done on the basis of trust. As the saying goes,” Trust men and they will be trust to you.”


We should always be honest in dealing with people.

You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.


Many people achieve many great deeds in their lifetimes, but seldom do people achieve the status of greatness.

As a sage explained,” I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humanity.”

To be great man like Lincoln and Einstein, one must be kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic towards other people because that is the essence of humanity.


Violence is the worst way to correct the wrongs of the past because it reduces the victim to the level of the offender.

Therefore, we should resort to the power of forgiveness to show our superiority.

As the saying puts it “Pardon is the most glorious revenge.”


There is a saying which goes,” What you really value is what you miss, not what you have.”

Indeed, people always take many things for granted in their daily life.

They don’t treasure things like love, friendship, and health until they have lost them.

But by then, it’s often too late to do anything about it.

We should, therefore, cherish whatever we have.


One should never do harm to others.

As the saying goes,” A bad penny always comes back.”

Every act has it consequence.

We never know if someday the harmful thing we have done will come back to harm us.

We should, therefore, have a heart of gold in dealing with people.


Emerson once wrote,” Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.”

By that he meant that we need to look on the bright side of life and feel happy every day.

This way, we will find life meaningful and enjoyable.


In any argument, seldom is one side totally in the wrong and the other completely in the right.

There are two sides to every question.

The saying suggests we should listen to both sides before making any judgments.


Do every act of your life as if it were your last.

Whatever we do, we should do our very best, for life is so short that we may not get another opportunity to do it again.

If we live by this principle, success will be ours in the end.


As the sayings goes,” All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Constant work or study makes one feel not only stressed but also fatigued and eventually dull.

If we don’t want to be dull, we should not work all the time.

We should take time off for relaxation.


Many people have the impression that old age represents uselessness, senility, and the approach of death. Therefore, it is sad to grow old. However, if one views old age as a sign of maturity and wisdom, then it could be nice to be old.

As the saying goes,” It’s sad to grow old, but nice to ripen.”


There is no such thing as complete happiness in life.

However happy one is, there will always be some sadness or disappointment.

As the saying goes,” There is no rose without a thorn.”


There is a saying which goes,” You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.”

As one gets older, he is less willing to accept new ideas, because he was already formed his opinion and is unwilling to change it.

In short, this saying tells us that old people are obstinate and have a hard time changing their ways.


Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet to come.

What counts most is today.

It is the time you should live for, and seize every single minute you have, for one today is worth two tomorrows.


Under conditions of injustices, one cannot use force or violence to resist the oppressor.

Violence will only be met with more violence.

Gandhi warned us,” An eye for an eye, and we all be blind.”

We should resort a reasoning to settle problems.

If people start taking revenge on each other, everybody loses in the end.


Noting will be achieved when things are done in haste.

Haste makes waste.

It is important, therefore, to do things step by step.

Remember the saying,” Rome was not built in a day.”


Life is not a bed of roses.

There will be bad times as well as good times.

Don’t expect your road through life to be always easy.

We should accept bad times with optimism.

As the saying goes,” Take the rough with the smooth.”

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