[NCE2]Lesson5. No wrong numbers

It's not my pigeon.
# 这不是我的过错 = None of my business.

information # UC
leave sb a message # 给某人留便条
## I'll leave you a message.
take a message for sb # 替某人捎口信
## Can I take a message for you?

cover # 覆盖
cover + 距离 # 越过
# cover the distance

ce .n t.adj
# distance .n 距离 keep distance
# distance .adj 远距离的

request for # 对..有请求,有需求
## I have request for the cake.
request sb to do sth. # 要求某人做... == ask sb to do sth == require sb to do sth.
You are required/asked(to do)...

serve # .v 服务、接待
service # .n 服务、业务
## I am glad to be[ at your service .] 我很乐意为你效劳。
#### Thank you. You are welcome/Not at all/That's all right/It's my pleasure/Thank's ok.
#Thank you for your listening.(出于礼貌应该鼓掌)
No Thanks.

another == an + other.
another # 其他很多种的一个。(+单数名词)
other # .adj + n
## other boys == others
### Some boys are playing football, Others are rowing/going boating.
the other # 另外一个(两个中的)
## one ... the other
### one is watering the flowers, and the other is reading.

from ... to ... # 从一个地点到另一个地点
# Pinhurst is 5 miles (away) from Silbury.
# Bus stop is only one mile (away) from school/here.
# How far (away) is the bus stop?
# How far is your home (from here)?

## an/a 冠词
## his/my/your 形容词性物主代词
## my mother's 名词所有格

carry # 带着、携带
# I take my sister to the cinema.
# I carried my son.
# I carried the bag.

cover the distance

up to now # 到现在为止 (现在完成时)
a great many = a great number of (+ 可数复数)

sth urgent # 紧急的事情

in this way # 这样、以这种方式
# in a friendly way
in a way # 从某种意义上来说
# in a way, you are kind.
in the way # 挡路 
out of the way # 让路
# Get out of the way.
by the way # 顺便说一声,顺便问一下(开头--转移话题、随意)
on the way (to) # 在去...的途中(陈述句)
# on the way home、 one the way to school/the office
in the family way # 怀孕了、快有小孩了
get one's own way # 随心所欲
# I do sth in the way you showed me.
# I fly the kite in the way you showed me.

for a short time # 不久(延续的)
soon # 不久以后(这段时间之后) == shortly

in a hurry # 匆忙的(动作)

so 表示前面是原因,后面是结果 == That's why + 从句
## I was caught in the traffic jam, That's why I was late.

be 后面是表语,后面的是表语从句
That's 后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导,再加一个句子。
## That's when we can start class.
## That's where we will have a meeting.
## That's how I get to school.

else # 其他的
# 1.疑问代词
## who else
## What else can I do for you?
# 2.不定代词
## anyone else? 还有...人吗?
### else 会放在被修饰词的后面,会修饰两类词

burn # 燃烧
yet # 现在完成时

in + 具体的过去年代(时间) # 一般过去时

When 要么将来时,要么一般过去式
## When will you do sth?





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


